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Now I understand why "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

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posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 01:21 AM
The more falshoods that are added to ones psyche, the more pressure the people feel to assinilate any new falsehoods into their world narrative. This creates space for massive falsehoods, for if one that has accepted so many falsehoods were to disbelieve the latest lies, their entire psychological foundation would begin to unravel. Questioning the authority narrative means questionin their own life, their own psychological construct and their own sense of reality.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: incoserv

I have been awake for over 2 decades and i am not that old really.
The further you go down the rabbit hole the more you realize that the Earth is a mental asylum and the craziest of the crazys run it and yet still there is a grand masterplan in place that makes insane sense of it all.
World war 3 looms large or is at least a very real possibility and the masses are still asleep,i would after all these years of following this stuff say am tending to believe there is some kind of planetary mind control in use by an insidious organization or entity to stop a global awakening.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: rival

Not necessarily.

There are a lot, and I mean a lot of people here on ATS, that refuse to see the truth and reality for what it is. Just because you've registered on ATS does not mean you really want to know the truth, in fact, most people registered because they feel something is not right, but yet they often defend official government stories and intentionally or not push their propaganda.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Harvard called, their resident crackpot wants his brain back.

The media has their own version of S&M-Subversion and Manipulation. The wicked wizard of FOX- Rupert Murdoch- has made his views quite clear on a number of subjects and they trickle down into the news. What he believes is news and whatever else that happens is circumstance. Who cares who dies and how, but if his media corporation's press were accused of being unethical? Blasphemy!

Murdoch and his cronies have dodged bullets for years now, apparently his son was going to be overlooked because he had a shred of conscience. And then we have RT-the Russian FOX. Those two may as well be dropping propaganda pamphlets from the sky, that's how subtle they are.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:08 AM
I think the unreasonable fears of the majority of the citizenry will have an effect on policy in the U.S. through public opinion polls (skewed of course, never minding the fact that many are pretty ignorant and should not be considered in the making of policy).

In their false state of feeling secure (insurance, dial 911, the cops will protect us, air bags), the ignorant majority who have little time or inclination to do any real research because they are busy working off their promisory notes for junk they don't need and can't afford anyway, who believe out of a mistaken sense of security that they have no need for defensive weapons of any sort other than a tennis racket or golf club or baseball bat, as they can go to WalMart and get anything they need to survive and don't see the need for any other way out of sheer ignorance and laziness, will basically demand the seizure of items they ignorantly feel to be unnecessary in their dreamlike little flat screen world....

My flats screen and my fridge full of beer are the only window I need in my house, all good till the power goes out....

The people who should not ever have been allowed into this country who cause the trouble like in SB will be sought after by government after they serve their purpose of getting people to allow the confiscation of their weapons, using the legislation passed after 9-11-2001 in response to the attacks on the world trade center.

Bla Bla, who cares, it is too late.

Go back to sleep.
edit on 7-12-2015 by MyHappyDogShiner because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-12-2015 by MyHappyDogShiner because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Even after the whole Tobacco debacle less than 50 years ago, people still fall into the trap.
And company's are using the same tactics as they did!
It's a constant cycle of lies from people with most money and interests to protect.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 12:25 PM

When an institution that is big and perceived as a trustworthy bulwark and anchor of a society's status quo intentionally promotes a blatant falsehood as truth, it creates a psychological or cognitive dissonance in those covered by that institution that most people can't handle. The idea of calling out an institution that is supposed to be at the center of holding our society together - like government, academia, the medical industry - is terribly frightening to many people; to acknowledge the possibility that there is anything awry in the official narrative fed to us by those whom we are supposed to trust is to admit that maybe our world is not as stable and controlled as we want to believe it is and this is terrifies most people. The majority of the populace will, therefore, strain to believe the falsehood in lieu of accepting the obvious truth.


Thank you so much for providing the succinct explanation I've been craving for all of this baffling behavior.

I really mean it - thank you. Wish I could give more than one star.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: incoserv

Well thought out Inco. If I may, I have two points that I think about also.

You suggest several culprits for this dis-info. Government, academia, big pharma, and I agree. However for my thinking, it goes even further than that. Much of these discrepancies in truth go waaaaaaay back and may or may not have been perpetrated as a lie in the first place. They might have been just untrue assumptions on the nature of reality. A very small example was Aristotle's incorrect teachings about the nature of gravity. It is now accepted by many that his teachings were taken for granted for well over a thousand years and that when more modern scientists managed to break through the incorrectness of what he said and had been taken for gospel for so long they now think that the whole body of science was set back a thousand years. Me, I don't know. But this sounds like what I think you are saying.

But the thing about Aristotle is that he was not deliberately miss directing people. He thought he was right, as did his disciples and theirs and theirs on down the line. Same goes for religion. I do not think that religions thousands of years old deliberately miss guided people. It was just that what they put together to explain things for themselves sounded good and people, as you say, just began to build their own lives around those 'truths' and pass it on to the children and they to theirs and they to theirs. No conscious malevolence needed. Well, surely some on the part of the priest class, but for the most part I think not. Just everybody falling in line with your first premise.

And those false premises, worked. They worked on a survival level, otherwise they would not have lasted so long. And since they worked, helped the tribe, the country survive, you can bet your bottom dollar that anyone who questioned that truth was put down. It only makes sense.

By simple human perception, the world is flat , the sun and moon fly around the world and the stars are just pin pricks in the dome of heaven, spilling out it's light on us at night. Simple human perception. Doubt it and the whole tribe will consign you to living on the edge of the village and doing nothing more than slopping hogs.

is terribly frightening to many people; to acknowledge the possibility that there is anything awry in the official narrative fed to us by those whom we are supposed to trust is to admit that maybe our world is not as stable and controlled as we want to believe it is and this is terrifies most people.

Absolutely, And more, not only that the narrative that holds the world is not as stable but that we, ourselves are not as stable. We are not separate from our environment. We are part and parcel WITH it. Our environment, through our time in the womb, to our early months, to our time with our parents, our families, neighborhoods etc, all had a part in shaping who, each of us was becoming. To begin to try to disassemble any of these, is also to begin to disassemble ourselves and with out those re-affirming contexts around us, we begin to disappear along with them. No wonder the last century or two is filled with mad and suicidal existentialists.

Where you say the bigger the 'lie', I insert, the bigger the 'misconception'...though this is not to discount the 'Big Lie'
On top of those Big Misconceptions our modern world has added the Big Lies. Often those Big Lies are used to hold the world of Big Misconceptions together and in many cases I see the Big Lies as being not malevolent but out-growths of Big Misconception and considered by the lairs themselves as benevolent. Add to all of this the liars who intentionally lie to promote their own personal agenda and we end up having a very complex, verging on totally crazy world.

Please, if you have gotten around to even reading this, take all my thoughts with a grain of salt as much of what I have to say could easily be misconception on my part as it is based on my observations and thoughts during my life. I just wanted to toss in a perspective that I thought might align with your own and add a couple of things for your evaluation as I found your assessment in the OP to be very well considered.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: incoserv Good description. You are correct. I woke up several years ago, but I have to tell you, its a painful process. I fell into depression and had to take a break from ATS and research for awhile.

Its like your whole world is a bad wife who is having an affair while you are at work, and you have no idea. You see her as an angel. The near perfect woman. Then one day you come home and find a used condom under your side of the bed, and its not from you. You stare in disbelief for a couple minutes, then its time to revisit and analyze everything she ever did or told you before, very skeptically. That sleazy wife is our governments, corporations and TPTB that we once trusted and loved.

(post by UniversalRights removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 10:07 PM
Here's my thing right.

There's plenty of people whom blatantly ignore environmental collapse, global warming, or disastrous climate change. That's cool and all, but when scientists start estimating that all fish being currently fished for food will be extinct by 2048, that's when we have a problem.

And no one cares. And everyone just goes right along and has a salmon with spinach potatoes.

Or when NASA says, "Humans have increased atmospheric CO2 concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began."

Massive overfishing The global fishing fleet is 2-3 times larger than what the oceans can sustainably support. In other words, people are taking far more fish out of the ocean than can be replaced by those remaining. As a result: 53% of the world’s fisheries are fully exploited, and 32% are overexploited, depleted, or recovering from depletion1 Most of the top ten marine fisheries, accounting for about 30% of all capture fisheries production, are fully exploited or overexploited1 Several important commercial fish populations have declined to the point where their survival is threatened Unless the current situation improves, stocks of all species currently fished for food are predicted to collapse by 2048.

Problems fishing. WWF

(and watch, nobody gives a flying fart. They'll still eat their Salmon come Friday night at Applebees)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: ConMi27

Just can't resist an opportunity to float the whole global warming thing out there...again, huh?

"Global warming" being caused by humans is...the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on mankind!

BTW...NASA wasn't even created until 1958, and last time I checked the Industrial Revolution started in about, oh, 1760 or so. And, isn't it ironic too that you would cite NASA, the US agency who have probably singlehandedly contributed to more to the destruction of the Earth's ozone layer than any other single US agency. kettle.

edit on 12/8/2015 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 08:05 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: ConMi27

Just can't resist an opportunity to float the whole global warming thing out there...again, huh?

"Global warming" being caused by humans is...the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on mankind!

BTW...NASA wasn't even created until 1958, and last time I checked the Industrial Revolution started in about, oh, 1760 or so. And, isn't it ironic too that you would cite NASA, the US agency who have probably singlehandedly contributed to more to the destruction of the Earth's ozone layer than any other single US agency. kettle.

To me it doesn't matter who created the problem at this point, only that it need be reversed and solved. I could careless if Aliens invaded the atmosphere fifty times a day and their the ones on purpose causing all of these issues. That's fine. But it doesn't distract away from the solving of the problem.

Also, I am sure that NASA has enough technology to back date any type of destruction we have created in the past three - four hundred years or so. And as it for being a hoax is your own personal belief, as with mine, to want my grandchildren to be able to go to an aquatic museum to see exotic fish they otherwise would never be able to see at this continued rate of ocean environment destruction.

I'd also like to add to this, while we are here in this conversation, cutting down on your electrical uses or riding a bike to work - EVEN IF it doesn't do a DAMN bit of good for our planet - walking or riding a bike to work, or consuming less of Earth's natural abundance, is a good thing. And it sure as hell isn't going to hurt anything.

edit on 8-12-2015 by ConMi27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: ConMi27

Awesome deflection!

Oh, and I certainly hope it isn't lost on you that the depletion of the ocean's fisheries through over-fishing has absolutely zero to do with alleged global warming and everything to do with..."over-fishing".

The point here (well, one of them anyway) is; it's one thing to get all worked up over problems in the world which seem overwhelming, and then to be fed lies (like the OP notes), but it's wholly another to get all worked up over imagined problems like alleged global warming causing over-fishing.

edit...and even further to the point; this is a classic example of the types of lies the OP refers to. One whopper of a lie has to trump the last whopper of a lie. It's not good enough that we can't focus on the real issues, no we have to create artificial ones to distract this focus...else the real problem might actually get solved. So now, instead of addressing the real issue (over-fishing in this example), we focus on some other non-issue like walking to work instead of taking that evil, smog belching, carbon fuel burning, Subaru. It's just freaking endless.

edit on 12/8/2015 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I am aware there is a difference and that global warming and over fishing are two separate things but at the moment they are both being equally ignored and given little to no attention. So they were both equally important in the post. Albeit, two separate entities.

Stop eating salmon, start riding bikes! Vroom vroom, clap clap.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: ConMi27

So a question for you:

When your grandchildren whom you refer to grow up and don't see those fishes in the aquarium like you (and I both) hope is not the case, what will they blame it on? Will they blame it on the real cause, over-fishing? Or will they blame it on what they've been conditioned to believe, the lies they've been fed all their life, that big, bad, evil 'global warming' caused it? Heck, it causes every other malady on the planet, why not the extinction of the fishes too.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Hmmm. I'm not sure what they will believe, that'll be their own choice I suppose.

But me, myself, will be reminded what caused it. I will remember the feeble thoughts that crossed my mind in younger years, as I walk past the seafood section in a store, and see little to none. I will remember. They may not care, or miss something they never had to begin with as is such the case for the elderly when trying to explain things to their young, but others my age will.

You never truly miss something until it's gone, eh?

Also, if I were to take a guess, I would think they'd blame it on us. Their parents for not doing or saying anything about it when we even have little to no control over what the fishing industry causes.

It's all a matter of perspective really.

Between WW3 on the verge of reality, and this ridiculous amount of growing racism, combined with NWO and "global warming" (whether true or not true), who is to be certain what will and will not be by time we have grandchildren.

Little fish in the sea may be the least of our worries.

edit on 8-12-2015 by ConMi27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: ConMi27

You see, people talk about wanting to solve problems, but when the root cause of the problem is standing right in front of them staring them in the eye they allow themselves to be manipulated into believing the problem is really elsewhere. This is the theme of the OP (in my opinion). Global warming is a classic example of this. Global warming is a creation of politicians (the source of lies too numerous to count) for the sole purposes of revenue generation through taxes. That's it. Yet the environmentalists have jumped on board with this, they've drank the cool-aide, because a number of the alleged causes of this global problem resonate with them (pollution, depletion of resources, over-utilization, etc.). So in their mind 'global warming' is a catch all for these issues. Solve it, and you boil the ocean and solve world hunger in one felled swoop. When in reality, some filthy politician is sitting behind the proverbial curtain, snickering as he counts his ill gotten money.

At the end of the day, rather than focus on things like over-fishing, pollution, etc. individually they intentionally redirect the focus to a much larger imaginary boogey-man people have no hope of solving. Leaders know this, and they use it to their advantage because they have no interest in actually solving a problem, their only interest is in personal gain. You see, something like pollution can have a face, and a name...there is a specific thing to go after. But we can't have a name and a face to a problem, no, that's much too easy. Instead we have to create a faceless villain, or at least this is the politicians view of the matter, because when there's a face and a name...there might actually be a solution. And do you know what happens when there's a solution? The money stops flowing to the real villain(s) behind the curtain; that's what happens.

So the lies continue, getting bigger and bigger each time. Western world, you're being duped for the personal gain of greedy people who have no intention of giving you a cut!

edit on 12/8/2015 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

Louise already mentioned 1984, for which I LOVE HER!

This citation hits the nail:

In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

G. Orwell

S&F, OP!

Also worth mentioning - his final warning ('George Orwell - A Life in Pictures')

posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:32 PM
A reply to: YouSir

I strongly agree! It seems like anyone with a differing opinion from the majority or simply the government is labelled. I am a strong believer of Extra terrestrial life aswell as spirits, and people often question my beliefs and see my views as absurd. Who's to say that a differing view has to be "crazy" or "deluded"?

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