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Rant about un-Affordable Care Act - I am being forced to give up my insurance

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posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 09:53 PM
I went on Federal employee disability in 2003, and Social Security Disability kicked in the following year (when Federal employees apply for disability, they are required to apply for both). I have insurance through the Federal Employees Health Benefits plan (aka FEHB) and Medicare Part A only.

When Medicare informed me I was eligible for their coverage in 2004, I declined Part B as I already had FEHB coverage through the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. There was no way I could afford both Part B and FEHB. and now, over 11 years later, I am finding this will cost me dearly, and due to no fault of my own.

FEHB premiums for 2016 have skyrocketed so much that I am going to have to give it up. Only problem is, once one gives up FEHB coverage, the government will not allow them to go back to it in the future if need be, regardless of the reason. Even for the lack of money!

If I sign up for Part B Medicare, I will be required to pay a 10% penalty for every year I went without it. This is even though I declined it because I couldn't (and still can't) afford both FEHB and Medicare Part B.

I went to the NY health marketplace website and tried to get help, but no.....that didn't work out either. After a great deal of searching - as this information is practically buried on that poorly-designed website - I make about $100 over the limit to qualify for a subsidy.

So, here I sit after hours of crying, not knowing what to do. As of January 1, 2016, I will be uninsured.

I took this long to look into my coverage for 2016 as I did not expect OPM to raise FEHB so much. My jaw dropped to the floor when I found that if I keep my current insurance, I will be required for fork over about $48 extra each month, which is alot for someone on a fixed income.

I will have to give up the following:

Medicines -
Water pill
Blood pressure - which I haven't started yet but my doctor wants me to take it. Can't afford to add to my expanding pile of drugs
Asthma medicine

Primary Care physician
Gastroenterologist (IBS and diverticulosis)
Cardiologist (don't have heart trouble but they're managing my risks for it)
Surgeon - I was going to have a consult in early December for weight loss and hernia surgery in 2016, but I will have to cancel that appt too

Re. my hernia - I have a hx of hernias due to several abdominal surgeries over the years, the first of which was for a borderline ovarian cancer. I developed my first hernia five years after that surgery and my gallbladder surgery, which was a year after the hysterectomy. That first hernia nearly killed me as it got strangulated. I had to have emergency surgery during which they removed a small portion of my small intestine. In 2011 I had another hernia (incarcerated, not as bad as strangulated but bad enough). I'm on my third hernia, which is so large it can't get strangulated. But so big that I look pregnant with twins - full term - on my left side. I'm sick of the looks I get from people because of that.

I don't see how long I can go without any of my medications - especially diabetic. It won't take long until I get sick and who knows how I will pay for that. But I can't possibly afford this sky-high insurance. The funds just aren't there.

The government is basically penalizing me for being poor. The only people who benefit from the Un-Affordable Care Act are big pharma and health insurance industries.

If anyone out there has suggestions, I would appreciate it. I never felt so scared and have nobody to turn to for help. The government reps I spoke to just didn't care. If they have hearts, they are as hard as a rock.

edit on 23-11-2015 by dianajune because: typo

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: dianajune

Sadly, I can only offer you a Flag and a star for sharing your unfortunate story. Just know, you're not alone in this difficulty.
I can't help you, but I truly hope you may receive the advice you need that will help you.
Hang in there.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 10:13 PM
I didnt want to star and flag at first due to the seriousness of this issue . There must be a lot of us in the same situation.I have most of what you listed plus something very life-threatning .I was due for surgery for this issue after the first of the year . The specialist says lets go ahead , and his office and the hospital will try and work with me. I am scared....
Please people , lets get rid of this travesty before it is too late..(and it may already be) .The ACA was written by politicians with no concern for the people whatsoever.

edit on 23-11-2015 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: dianajune

This is awful and is sadly a story being repeated over and over since the implementation of this failed 'care' bill. Pelosi said we had to pass it to see what was in it and apparently we can now see WHY she wouldn't address it before the vote.

Look on the bright least you can feel good about all those uninsured folks that now have coverage at your expense. All the ACA did was 'redistribute' healthcare from those that had it to those that didn't without addressing the needs of everyone involved.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

The ACA was written by politicians with no concern for the people whatsoever.

It was actually written by the health care lobby. The politicians never even read it because they were so eager to get it passed. All of those people involved deserve a special place in hell.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
a reply to: dianajune

Sadly, I can only offer you a Flag and a star for sharing your unfortunate story. Just know, you're not alone in this difficulty.
I can't help you, but I truly hope you may receive the advice you need that will help you.
Hang in there.

Thank you!

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog
I didnt want to star and flag at first due to the seriousness of this issue . There must be a lot of us in the same situation.I have most of what you listed plus something very life-threatning .I was due for surgery for this issue after the first of the year . The specialist says lets go ahead , and his office and the hospital will try and work with me. I am scared....
Please people , lets get rid of this travesty before it is too late..(and it may already be) .The ACA was written by politicians with no concern for the people whatsoever.

I will keep you in my prayers. It's not easy going through serious health problems at the same time one has bad (or little or none) health insurance.

I left a message on the voicemail of my primary care physician's office this afternoon, explaining my situation and asking for help. I don't know if they were able to understand what I said as I was crying during the message. It will take a miracle for me to get through this, and I know that I am not alone.

On a related note (kind of), this country is going to heck in a handbasket and people are angry with the gov't for many reasons. I don't know what any of you think about Alex Jones, but I watch him on a regular basis and one saying I hear on his program repeatedly goes like this:

The answer to 1984 is 1776.

This country, should it continue on its destructive path (of which ignoring the plight of people like us is a part), will see another 1776. We need to fight back, but I have to admit that at this point in time I've got no strength at all.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 11:13 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Gothmog

The ACA was written by politicians with no concern for the people whatsoever.

It was actually written by the health care lobby. The politicians never even read it because they were so eager to get it passed. All of those people involved deserve a special place in hell.

Re. what you said in both posts......

You nailed it perfectly. I hope the Lord will hold them all accountable. Especially Obama.

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
a reply to: Gothmog

The ACA was written by politicians with no concern for the people whatsoever.

It was actually written by the health care lobby. The politicians never even read it because they were so eager to get it passed. All of those people involved deserve a special place in hell.

Like the old song goes , " believe whatcha wanna believe" . True that is was written the health care lobby. But do you recall that it went through almost a complete rewrite by Congressional groups? Remember they posted the original documents ? Online. Then pulled it and rewrote it ? Thus , Pelosi's famous speech. "We have to pass it before we can find out whats in it ?

edit on 23-11-2015 by Gothmog because: expand on the subject

posted on Nov, 23 2015 @ 11:37 PM
I'm really sorry to hear this. I hope you find a solution. I get that $48 a month can be hard to figure out on a fixed income, but I'm betting you can find a way.

I finally signed up for health insurance (today coincidentally) and I was amazed how bad the website for WA is. I don't qualify for anything so the whole thing should have been incredibly straight forward, but the site kept hanging up and after comparing a ton of plans and finally picking one, the site asked me to sign up, then promptly crapped itself so I got to do it again. Better than last time though. I gave up.

I really don't understand how some people manage. I'm paying $250 a month now, and it's just me. My medication is super cheap (even without insurance $40 a month) and I go to the Dr. 4x a year. People in a bad way just get screwed. It's a national shame. I see cities taxing people and building extravagant buildings, "art", wasting a ton of money locally, and I just shake my head since so many people struggle so hard to get healthcare, or buy food, or end up homeless.

Here's a fun example. You don't have health insurance, and have a medical emergency that requires an ambulance pickup and an emergency room visit. You don't have health insurance because you can't afford it. Now you're in debt for probably $3,000+ (5 minutes in an ambulance here is $1,200 + alone) for something incredibly basic and simple. So health insurance is even harder to obtain because you now have a substantial amount of debt to pay off.

We need to get our freaking priorities straight in this country. People need to eat, have housing and have healthcare. I'd rather pay a little more and have some freeloaders, than have people who legitimately need help going without. It's a little hard for me to consider this a 1st world country when so many people are going without the basics. Cut out the incredible amounts of bull# spending, and maybe we can actually have the government doing what it's supposed to do. Making sure we're taking care of everyone so they have the bare necessities met. I don't care about me saving tax dollars, I care about my money going to the right causes.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 12:07 AM
Sorry to hear that. The medical system we have in this country is for-profit, & corporation based, ACA or not. You are throwing all your eggs at the government, when they are merely a tool of the Health Insurance/drug Industry. I will say that before the ACA, I was unable to get insurance due to a non-issue pre-existing condition, and now I can. I truly hope you will find a way. In any other western nation this would be a non-issue, directly because of government, for the people.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 05:12 AM
a reply to: okrian

There were no non issue pre existing conditions prior to ACA. The only good thing to come from the inhumane act. No pre existing conditions considered for premium costs. Yeah, right.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 07:24 AM
The ACA was a scam from the word go and will forever be known as Obama Care. It basically took away Drs and insurance from the majority and gave it to a very small minority, making it more costly along the way.
"If you like your Dr, you can keep your Dr" is just one of the many lies about this program.
My own insurance has not only increased the premiums, but also raised the deductible. When I go to see my Dr, it's $235 to $260 per visit. I do get blood tests every visit, but it was under $100 including those blood tests.
Don't get your hopes up folks. The ACA is going no where. Political candidates can promise all they want to fix or repeal it, but they're only that....empty promises. Far too much money is being made from this and they'll keep sucking us dry as long as we let them.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 09:07 AM
For REAL assistance with the Marketplace, you need to CALL them. A worker CAN help you figure all this red tape out, and get you FULLY insured between Medicare, Medi-Gap (HMO rider), Part A,B &D then with Medicaid as your fallback. And there are programs for reimbursement for any monthly copay. I went through the same issues, and am glad to say that by CALLING and speaking with a knowledgeable representative I am fully insured, with reimbursement for my monthly premium and prescription copays of no more than $3.60. Never give up, The Affordable Care Act IS Affordable.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 10:38 AM
I still don't have health insurance and will continue to go without. They wanted $250 for just me with no pre-existing conditions each month for honestly worthless coverage. I'll take the penalty and keep hoping the whole thing will just come crumbling down. If enough people just stopped paying we could end it.

We still have the power to vote with our $$$'s no matter how much they try to scare us with end of the year penalties.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 12:03 PM
I'm a fellow FEHB'er and my rates have raised very little pre or post ACA. Which plan do you have? Last year mine (BCBS family option) went up about $6 a pay period. And it's outstanding insurance. I looked at the 2016 rates, and they don't seem to have "skyrocketed".

I do recognize that you are a former Fed, so I'm guessing a medical disability retirement? I don't know how much the total rates changed without the gov kicking in a good portion of the payment.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 01:16 PM
I am also in the same boat. sort of.
I work, but seasonal and plugged in 18k into the website . it said 'no available plans'.

BUT it offered me insurance at a whopping $400 a month, maximum out of picket $13000.

WTH? seriously ?

I put in an application for medicaid but I think I make too much.
So I fall into the middle category of sorry about your luck.
I have no choice but to fly by the seat of my pants uninsured. apply for county/state benefits/help if I need it.
and I can always file bankruptcy if the shtf to keep my farm I guess.

what really pisses me off is the penalty. damned if I do. damned if I don't.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 02:35 PM
This is such a sad state of affairs and my heart truly goes out to you. As a British American, I can sympathize with you as I have recently moved back to the UK (again!) , mainly due to the difficult living conditions including healthcare costs which we were subjected to back in the U.S. Our family plan rose from $465 per month to $1137.

You know, it really pains me to see all the smear stories regarding universal healthcare, and the pundits including Alex Jones slam them as the worst thing ever. Im not saying it's perfect but all systems have problems... I tell everyone back in FLorida to think about it.....if you guys were told that 'the free at the point of use' healthcare system like the UK's were actually very good, you'd all be furious and refuse to keep paying. My wife recently suffered a miscarriage and the level of care she was given here was exceptional. Similar care in the U.S was costly and didn't have the caring touch as we've found here. If there is a way you could get to the UK or if you have family here or in Canada i would recommend trying to sort some kind of treatment out to get the help you need.

I wish you all the best and hope you can find some alternative care...
edit on 24-11-2015 by DARKJEDIG because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: dianajune

A lot of people are in the same situation, gee thanks Obama Care, I went through the ringer to get insurance for my kids and it cost me so bloody much I don't have any for myself anymore... but hey they can't take what I don't have so fine away I say. Keep your chin up I am sure something will work out for you.

posted on Nov, 24 2015 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: dianajune

I am right there with you. Self employed and can't afford the $500 a month for what used to be $175. But check this out.

Maybe some help with your meds. Stopping isn't an option for what you described. Perhaps one day, we can get an administration that considers real life, and not "fantasy land".

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