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Who Shot JFK? JV Investigates Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
Jesse I like a lot of your work dude but you could stay relevant with what's happening in today's conspiracy world?.

If the Kennedy assassination is irrelevant to you then it's a generational thing. For most Westerners alive, and a whole lot of others, it remains seriously relevant and may, indeed, be elemental to the current broken system that you wish to 'focus' upon.
Think big picture, lad.

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

It's very true what you say mentioning a broken system...
Imagine if JFK had his way and secret societies were exposed and outlawed... Imagine the CIA being no more...Imagine the federal reserve gone and not being a slave to debt with money actually worth something...
Do that and you have no need to imagine...why he was murdered...and who was behind it...and how and why it is possible for the truth to have remained hidden...
Aside from all that this is ATS and this is perhaps the largest conspiracy of all time...

posted on Apr, 16 2016 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

If the Kennedy assassination is irrelevant to you then it's a generational thing. For most Westerners alive, and a whole lot of others, it remains seriously relevant and may, indeed, be elemental to the current broken system that you wish to 'focus' upon. Think big picture, lad.

don't often agree with your posts, but i this post has more truth than most realize.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

If the Kennedy assassination is irrelevant to you then it's a generational thing. For most Westerners alive, and a whole lot of others, it remains seriously relevant and may, indeed, be elemental to the current broken system that you wish to 'focus' upon. Think big picture, lad.
don't often agree with your posts, but i this post has more truth than most realize.

Just goes to show you that even a broken watch is right twice a day.

Meanwhile, 3 down on my reading list (behind an Ian Ranken, and Irish American Trade: 1660-1783) is 'JFK: The Cuba Files', written by the former head of Cuban intelligence out of material that he assembled for the House Select Committee in '78. Picked it up in Cuba a couple of months back. I anticipate an interesting read.

posted on Sep, 18 2016 @ 05:02 AM
The Kennedy assassination has always fascinated me. I've studied a lot of different explanations over the years, but the one I find most convincing these days is the Hickey theory developed by Howard Donahue.

Obviously the Republicans wanted Kennedy dead—that's common knowledge—but by November their plan still wasn't ready. Hickey died without ever learning that he'd effectively done the job for them.

posted on Sep, 25 2016 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: JesseVentura

The Secret Service shot and killed JFK by accident. When you follow the evidence it is clear.
Oswald's guilty of shooting JFK but his rounds didnt kill him.

posted on Oct, 1 2016 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: Rabbit1318
originally posted by: JesseVentura

The Secret Service shot and killed JFK by accident. When you follow the evidence it is clear.
Oswald's guilty of shooting JFK but his rounds didnt kill him.

I'm sorry to have to disagree, but that's just not so. You are saying that one simple theory that fits in a short made for TV movie completely invalidates what nearly 50 years of research have shown (me).

In another thread I have written many, many hours of attributed research. The SSA Hickey theory is one of the least feasible of the bunch. Do you honestly believe that two men (Kenny O'Donnel & Dave Powers, part of the group of Kennedy's close advisors called the "Irish Mafia") were riding in the Secret Service follow-up car directly behind the presidential limousine. How can you expect any serious "student" of the assassination to believe that neither man would be aware of an AR-15 rifle discharging directly over their head???

In fact, Powers didn't testify before the Warren Commission because (unlike O'Donnell) he wouldn't agree to deny seeing smoke with a shot the Grassy Knoll.

Please read my posts Here.

edit on 1.5.2017 by Kandinsky because: closed italics

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 06:15 PM
William Greer, member of the secret service and driver of the car JFK was in.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 06:35 PM
The question can never be answered because the wrong question is asked.

Since that "day" the question is did Lee Harvey shoot JFK and if not, who did? If you are not asking the right question you will never find the right answer.

The question is. Who shot the man pretending to be JFK and why did JFK go underground after that day never to return?

If you ask this question, the road to an answer will go in an entirely different direction. The reason folks can't agree on who shot JFK that day is it probably wasn't him, as such, the premise undermines the effort to find a answer. Sort of like asking how many oranges does it take to fly a plane? Folks can spend decades looking an answer, but the question is faulty.

posted on Jan, 3 2017 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
A past member that is no longer here had some amazing threads about the JFK assignation if you are really interested.
Rising Against

posted on Jan, 5 2017 @ 12:26 AM
Operation 40 would be the reason why he died. He was too much of a liability, in the Governments eyes. To transparent.

posted on Jan, 18 2017 @ 08:55 AM
SPAM removed by admin
edit on Jan 18th 2017 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Starwriter
Ok, first of all, hi to everybody! I'm new here and this is my first communication. As you get to know me a little you'll see that I'm a "what if" kind of person. You may think that some things I'll what if are ridiculous, but it's all possible to me! So anyways, I've thought about the jfk shooting before; never researched into it, but one thing keeps screaming, "why had no one asked"?! I say, what about the lady?? The lady with the camera that is seen repeatedly in the pictures and in the footage... The lady that no one can seem to find and for some unknown reason won't come forward with her so called pictures of the beloved presidents murder?! Why is she the only still standing when shots went off and everyone else has taken cover? She stands and snaps pictures?! Is it so impossible to believe that this lady was the shooter! Or one of them? Maybe she had some kind of 007 type of weapon... She wasn't snapping pictures, she was shooting; or, taking pictures of the shooter as a piece of evidence for whoever they were working for?! Or SOMETHING! Right? Couldn't that be a possibility?! Why hadn't that question been asked? Just a thought.... Lol please let me know your thoughts on "the lady with the camera"??

She is one of manywho show us the true story.

It shouldnt be that hard for some high school computing science class to build a perfect 3-d replica of the scene and to map every minutia of movement of these MANY people who will always remain true to their actions in those fatefull moments.

Peoples reactions reveal EVERYTHING.

There was a shooter in the low right hand quadrant of JFKs Limo hiding in the sewer at curb height....he fired one of the 2 simultaneous shots which ended the coup de tat action.Both of these shots were fall-back last chance positions.....the entire setup was a sideshow.

Anti-sniper teams were fighting to save JFK that day and they also fired shots IMHO.

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
The question can never be answered because the wrong question is asked.

Since that "day" the question is did Lee Harvey shoot JFK and if not, who did? If you are not asking the right question you will never find the right answer.

The question is. Who shot the man pretending to be JFK and why did JFK go underground after that day never to return?

If you ask this question, the road to an answer will go in an entirely different direction. The reason folks can't agree on who shot JFK that day is it probably wasn't him, as such, the premise undermines the effort to find a answer. Sort of like asking how many oranges does it take to fly a plane? Folks can spend decades looking an answer, but the question is faulty.

The question which needs to be answered is WHO stepped in and cut off the bearer of Yellow Roses and DELIVERED a RED ROSE message to Jackie at the airport....and on behalf and behest of WHO or WHOM was that man delivering the message?

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: 5StarOracle
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck

It's very true what you say mentioning a broken system...
Imagine if JFK had his way and secret societies were exposed and outlawed... Imagine the CIA being no more...Imagine the federal reserve gone and not being a slave to debt with money actually worth something...
Do that and you have no need to imagine...why he was murdered...and who was behind it...and how and why it is possible for the truth to have remained hidden...
Aside from all that this is ATS and this is perhaps the largest conspiracy of all time...

How true this final sentence may very well could be viewed as the Big Book of Answers because somehwere deep inside an ATS thread lies the keystone waypoint to the final solution to every conspiracy.

posted on Jul, 31 2017 @ 04:31 AM


posted on Aug, 25 2017 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: JesseVentura

Isn't it saddening that they have still not concluded the case. I would love to hear about the culprit

posted on Oct, 29 2017 @ 03:48 AM
The head shot against Kennedy clearly came from the front of the car he was in. That's clearly visible due to the direction of the skull and brain matter flying towards the back of the car.

If Oswald was not positioned right in front of Kennedy, he couldn't have made that shot. Probably Oswald was not attempting to shoot the president at all but was stupid enough to tell the police he was a marxist. That made it very easy for the Police to detain him. He denied the accusations until his death.

Jack Ruby was himself sent by EU intelligence to kill Oswald. According to Ruby's confession he wanted to "spare Jackie Kennedy from seeing the man who killed her husband in court". This is a very comfortable excuse by MI6 to say:
"He wanted to spare the american people from hearing Jackie's questions to Oswald, about the conspiracy that was going on"

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 12:34 PM
Kennedy was assassinated by the combined EU and NATO forces who wanted to stop his delivering of high wage middle class driven economy. One of the most important aspects of Kennedy's program was to have a whole renewal of the School and High education or University system and quality to allow anyone to study to his capabilities rather than to his family's wealth. This has sent the whole European oligarchy berserk and they orchestrated the 1968 sort of student revolutionary provocation which ended up with the discrediting and to the forgetting of Kennedy's original idea of school access to everyone.

This along with European demands to attack Vietnam and Cuba which Kennedy refused are the main reasons he was assassinated by NATO/British/EU conspiracy aimed at neo-feudal colonialist restoration of 16th century Europe.

posted on Nov, 2 2017 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: Flanker86
Kennedy was assassinated by the combined EU and NATO forces who wanted to stop his delivering of high wage middle class driven economy. One of the most important aspects of Kennedy's program was to have a whole renewal of the School and High education or University system and quality to allow anyone to study to his capabilities rather than to his family's wealth. This has sent the whole European oligarchy berserk and they orchestrated the 1968 sort of student revolutionary provocation which ended up with the discrediting and to the forgetting of Kennedy's original idea of school access to everyone.

This along with European demands to attack Vietnam and Cuba which Kennedy refused are the main reasons he was assassinated by NATO/British/EU conspiracy aimed at neo-feudal colonialist restoration of 16th century Europe.

Naw. I don't think so.

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