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ISIS funded by US Federal Reserve as $13 billion goes unaccounted for in Iraq

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+14 more 
posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:41 PM

North American governments do not want your money getting into the hands of terrorists, they say. But according to Wall Street Journal Nov. 3, they are giving it away to them anyway. And not just a trickle of a few dollars here and there. Originally the Federal Reserve estimated the ISIS funding “oops” as an expensive mistake that cost Americans $3 billion.

They were wrong. Not that this number isn’t shocking enough, but they forgot to add an extra digit to that billion dollar mistake. Now it is estimated that the amount of money that has gone right from the US Federal Reserve into the pockets of ISIS is around $13.2 billion dollars.

Oops. An expensive mistake. But if you forget to declare your wedding gifts at the border on your way to

ISIS funded by US Federal Reserve as $13 billion goes unaccounted for in Iraq

If this isn't the news of the day i don't know what is, it's blow back time and it's going to make people even more p*ssed off than they already are. And I like many others here realise that this has been going on for well, ever. But it's nice to see in bright print and full colour video ain't it?

Will this head a new world war? Will the people revolt against gov'ts world wide? or Will people merely carry on with their lives denying anything is happening and everything is bliss.. This is the big question.

Opinions are Welcome.

edit on 11/5/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

+29 more 
posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:54 PM
If we spent half the money on infrastructure and on free education that we do arming our enemies, we wouldn't have enemies. That's how you know government is the enemy.
edit on 5-11-2015 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:56 PM
Yeah sure ISIS is our fault not the people who want to rape torture and kill their own people.

Selling bridges by chance?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:01 PM
This is Russia's backlash to the hospital bombing propaganda. Or, both stories are true and each are in denial.

Prepare for mass confusion.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: eisegesis

I think we all know who has the most recent crappy track record, and it isn't Russia.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: awareness10
a reply to: eisegesis

I think we all know who has the most recent crappy track record, and it isn't Russia.

Yeah, we know who that is..

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:08 PM
There is undeniable proof that the US bombed without Doctors Without Borders Hospital, and are now blaming Russia for bombing what 4 Hospitals without any proof? Sounds like the Elites are trying to have a p*ssing contest it's ridiculous.]
edit on 11/5/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: awareness10

Haha, and the billions missing with Rumsfeld's announcement before 9/11? Rotten to the core, the whole U.S. system of power and they're trying to spread their filth around the globe, and to a certain extent succeeding.

If it's not already obvious, the people making money off this phoney war on terror want to prolong it for as long as possible, they'll use it to take away more rights, infringe on more privacy and basically gain as much power & control as they can.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Zcustosmorum

They certainly will try yeah, they won't succeed though.

People keep running around screaming omg omg they're going to destroy us, they're going to do this and that. But what i and many others want to hear is 'how many of them vs us are there'? People can't be this stupid to sit down and dream about being over taken by regimes and how terrible it will be it's like a nasty fantasy for people. Why in the hell would people think about this like it's going to happen why not do something, rather than visualize pure evil chaos and havoc 24/7?

It makes no sense. It's like watching sitting ducks about to be mowed down by a motorboat and just quacking vehemently while doing absolutely nothing.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: wildb

Yes, we do.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:17 PM
Happy 2000th.

U.S. Cut Cash to Iraq on Iran, ISIS Fears

I find it amazing how well our economic model works in a corrupt republic. Its like reattaching an umbilical cord to your mother, except your mother hates you and makes you work to pay her bills.

Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Iraqi authorities have taken a number of measures to crack down on illicit money flows to Islamic State, but that it is an uphill struggle to keep hard currency within the country because of corruption and the cash-based economy.

The problem dates to last December when Fed and Treasury officials called a secret meeting in an Istanbul hotel conference room with Iraqi officials. The Americans were alarmed by the rising volume of dollars being shipped into Iraq and the lack of clarity into where the cash was ending up, the people said.

Since the U.S. overthrew Saddam Hussein and helped establish the Central Bank of Iraq in 2004, the U.S. dollar has largely become the country’s chief currency because so much of the economy runs on cash. When Iraq needs more paper currency, the money is drawn from the country’s account at the Fed, funded largely by oil reserves, and flown to Baghdad.

The amounts have been soaring. In 2014, annual U.S. dollar cash flow from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to Iraq was $13.66 billion, more than triple the $3.85 billion in 2012, according to data compiled by Iraq’s parliament and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

edit on 5-11-2015 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: awareness10

Ah a story by a non journalists like Christine Beswick and the examiner hmmm got any real credible sources that we can look at?

+6 more 
posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:19 PM
I found this online and had to post.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: thesaneone

hmm depends on who you think is credible. CNN? MSN? Tell us who you think is Credible?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: awareness10

I don't know awareness i truly don't, i know i love my country and our values. In some ways it has always been evident that we have been sold out, but i believe and i will always do whats right, that's all i can commit to on my end.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

I agree. Unfortunately the war mongers with all the money don't agree with the many.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I'm not trying to attack the USA on the Contrary. I'm just amazed that the Millitary hasn't taken over the Gov't and tossed them out on their chins by now. What i want to know is When 'Someone' Anyone is going to stand up and say ENOUGH is ENOUGH and take down the money lenders and make America Great again. That is all i am trying to convey, nothing more and this Video should make people stand up and do something rather than see it as an attack on them individually.

And honestly, this is what the rest of the World is waiting for on the edge of the proverbial cliff. People from other Countries Love America but they're dying to see something good happen rather than the typical dross and gloom.
edit on 11/5/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: Zcustosmorum
a reply to: awareness10

Haha, and the billions missing with Rumsfeld's announcement before 9/11? Rotten to the core, the whole U.S. system of power and they're trying to spread their filth around the globe, and to a certain extent succeeding.

That was Trillions. Thousands of times worse.

but yea.

So anyway we are seeing propaganda from every angle.
Only obvious thing is US supports ISIS. What a mess.

Well, wouldn't it be really funny if they wanted people to have revolutions against governments including the US?
Part of that game is to use fake money first to overthrow others, and then the money here is worthless, and all the cards fall.
It's just the US can't fall first or they can't make the other's fall. That's all.


posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:45 PM
We already knew about the pallets loaded with billions in cash that "went missing" in Iraq not long after the occupation. Add to that what ISIS has appropriated from the Iraqi military (or just handed to them by us) in terms of armored vehicles, artillery, rifles, machine guns, Humvees, trucks, construction vehicles, ammunition etc and we've just added billions more.

This is beyond stupidity, even beyond betrayal of country - it's hard to find the rhyme and reason here unless robbery to finance mayhem and rampant violence is some kind of worthy goal for those who make these decisions.
How any of us can continue to support this by paying taxes is telling in terms of how much we individually have disassociated ourselves from the results of supporting the system. Far worse than the money is what we have lost of ourselves by siding with those making this happen. All of us are accomplices to murder now. No wonder we have become numb and are afraid to look outside ourselves.

Sympathy for the devil anyone?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

I'm glad you mentioned taxes. If people refused to pay tax it would most definately make a huge dent in the system. People are aware of what they're doing to them now, and i absolutely believe it is what will help to change the current situation to what we are witnessing now. They no longer even try to hide their antics anymore however, it's finally gone too far for the average joe and it won't hold water very soon. Everything 'i believe' is about to burst wide open.

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