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Strange Dream/Ocurrence 01H20 22 October 2015, any advice?

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posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:45 AM
Hi all,

Mods, please feel free to move this to the more relevant forum; I posted here thinking it's the most relevant.

In the wee hours of yesterday morning I had a somewhat strange occurence happen to me that I'd like to share, and perhaps if someone could help with some insight or similar experiences, that'd be grand.

Let me preface by saying that, although I am open to the supernatural, I haven't before experienced anything that couldn't be easily explained away (a door opening and closing on its own, which I rationalised to a light breeze, disappearing and reappearing items like keys etc.), though a few friends of mine have commented on "something" in my house (the husband of the owner, whom I'm renting from, was shot dead on the premesis), but I haven't had anything that I couldn't rationalise out. So this is coming from neither a complete skeptic viewpoint, nor from a firm believer in the spooky stuff.

RIGHT, now on to the meat of this post.

Wednesday evening was fairly normal for me. The Girlfriend had come over for a visit, but left early because she's been sick this week. I had the rest of the evening to myself, so I whiled away some hours playing computer games as I usually do, until around 23h00, and after that I went off to sleep.

NOW, this is the part that's odd. I can't be sure if i was awake and conscious, or if it was a dream, but the following was extremely vivid, and if it was a dream, truly did feel like I was fully conscious.

I suddenly found myself awake, lying on my back in bed, staring staight up at the ceiling. I usually sleep on my side or on my front, but never on my back. I try moving, but I can't move at all.

THEN, I hear a voice say to me, "don't worry. Everything will be okay... Everything will be okay". from where this voice came from I don't know. I also couldn't make out whether it was a male or female voice.

After that, my entire body (from my toes right up through to the top of my head) became enveloped in a cold, intense tingling, very much like the pins and needles sensation when you lay on your arm in an awkward position.

A few seconds later, there comes a series of five, loud, rapid knocks on the window above my bed, sounding to be directly behind my head. after about half a minute, my cat comes creeping off the windowsill onto the bed, and out of the room.

After a few minutes I the pins and needles subside, and I can move around again. At this point I look at my phone and see the time is 01h18.

AND THAT is the end of my spooky experience. I was really spooked out by the whole thing, and I'm trying to rationalise it all, but a few things don't really add up.

Firstly, to give a bit of a brief of my room, it's a fairly large (6-foot wide by 4-foot high) window to my room, with my bed right up under it. My feet face the far wall, and there's a door to the left in the far corner leading to my lounge, door opposite that one going to my study.

My kitty is solely indoorsy, and doesn't go outside unless she goes out with us. The window above my bed was closed, so she would have just been sitting/sleeping there.

The knocking on the window, I first tried to explaing as kitty cat pawing/boxing the window. Sounds like a reasonable explanation, but she's a very petite one, and the rapping on the window was excessively loud - it sounded like someone rapping their knuckles on the glass. It MIGHT have been my cat, but then she's have to have been practicing to KO Mike Tyson if that were the case. But if it wasn't her, then why didn't she get spooked and bold the moment the knocking happened? Why chill for a few more seconds?

The second was the intense pins and needles, and the coldness that I felt. My entire body had no sensation/felt normal, until this intense sweeping cold and tingling started. It started in the pit of my gut, just above my navel, and within a half-second it had spread throughout my entire body. It also disappeared fairly fast, within about a minute of it first starting. Pins and needles (for me at least) usually lasts three or four minutes before it completely goes away.

The voice I could perhaps explain away as something in my dream, if it WAS a dream. There's the crux of the matter - I can't tell if it was something that REALLY happened, or if it was simply a very vivid dream. I do know however, that when I looked up the time on my phone, I was 100% assuredly awake. but if everything before was in a dream state, at what time tid I wake up? At the knocking perhaps?

I do admit that I really was rattled by the whole thing... I struggled to fall asleep last night, and really felt a tad intimidated going out for my last-for-the-evening cigarette.

Is there anybody who thinks they could help to try and rationalise? Please help me to figure out what it was that I experienced. I'm open to all suggestions. Any advice? If you need more info I'll be happy to provide it.

Have any of you experienced something similar, and if so would you care to describe it?

Thanks a million everyone!
edit on 23-10-2015 by Havoc40k because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Havoc40k

I had very strange lucid dream the night before last, with similar feelings to what you described, but that's about the only similarity. My dream:

For some reason, I was trying to get to the top of a mountain. So I climbed onto the top of my Jeep, and from there climbed to the top of a tree, and from there I started climbing the mountain. About halfway up, I realized that it was a sheer cliff face, and that I couldn't do it. That's when I started feeling the icy cold and pins and needles all through my body, and my arms and legs got shaky and wobbly. While wondering what to do, afraid I couldn't hold on and afraid of falling, I realized I was dreaming and tried to wake up. But I couldn't and I somehow knew that I had to get back to my Jeep before I could wake up. I tried again to find some way to climb back down, but I couldn't. So I just decided to fall, and hope that the cargo racks on top of my Jeep wouldn't break my back. So I let myself fall backwards, and was surprised to find that I landed in the tree top like it was a big soft fluffy pillow, and from there I climbed down the tree to my Jeep. As soon as my feet hit the roof of my Jeep, I woke up, just as I knew I would. Even upon waking, I felt a HUGE sense of relief -- like I had dodged a close one. It still feels more like a memory than a dream.

The only unusual thing that happened that day was that my nephew was in town on business for the day and surprised us with a visit. It was all good though. We took him to dinner, showed him the new Cubs spring training stadium, had a couple beers, laughed alot... all that good stuff. So I don't think that would have anything to do with my dream. Though I've wondered if it has to do with another nephew, who was just deployed again over the weekend. Not sure how though.

I've tried to analyze it from a subconscious perspective, rather than a supernatural perspective though. Why was I trying to get to the top of the mountain? (What am I trying to "get to the top of" in RL?) How did I get halfway up but not able to get the rest of way up? (What's holding me back from accomplishing whatever it is I'm trying to accomplish?) Why did I suddenly feel paralyzed? What's up with the fall? (Is it a leap of faith I need to take in RL? Or do I need to let go of something?)

I still have lots of questions for myself... but no answers yet! I don't know how much (if at all) this will help you, but since I also had the feeling of cold, etc., I thought I'd share. You might see a connection or a symbolism that I'm missing.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 12:12 PM
One question (multi) that arises for me is the mentioned you weren't able to distinguish between male or female...

...but were you able to get a sense of what the 'worry not' reassurance was referring to...

Was it merely a generalized "everything will be okay" before you got the weird pins & needles feeling as to perhaps prepare you for that (real world/other)?


Is there something going on in your personal life, that perhaps subconsciously you were trying to reassure yourself that it will be okay (dream)?

Pretty much, what was the vibe you got when you heard the voice?

Thanks for the post

edit on 10/23/2015 by UberL33t because: to better the clarity of the question

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: UberL33t

Hey UberL33t,

To be honest I couldn't get any sense of what the "don't worry" was referring to. As for the general "vibe" that I got, it was very intense, something that I've never experienced before, quite very unnerving, and it genuinely left me a bit rattled. I didn't feel very comforted by either the voice or what it said. The overall feeling I had was, if I could analogise as best I can right now, the closest I could describe the feeling I had was as if Hannibal Lector was telling you to relax, and that he was going to perform a root canal on you, with no anesthetic. It was quite a sense of foreboding, regardless of the "don't worry, everything will be okay" message it conveyed.

I apologise for the following wall of information regarding my personal state of affairs:

To elaborate on my life a bit, I DO have a few things going on in my life at the moment (and I sincerely DO apologise in advance for the torrent below, but if you don't want to get into the whole gist of it, there ARE some things weighing on me):

- My Girlfriend (or should I more accurately say, my Fiancee, as of 3 months ago) are planning our wedding for next year, but that's only in December of '16, so I really doubt that that's something to be causing stress/worries in my life...

- I come from a family-run business (architects and small-scale building contractors for home alterations and the like), but in the past few months, due to the economic situation in my country (South Africa), the industry we're in has essentially flatlined. Myself and my parents (both of official retirement age) have been toying with other ideas to stay afloat, and one seems to have potential, but getting the ball rolling seems to be taking heaps of effort, and plans are constantly being revised, leaving us in a bit of a flat spin with no real progress in a positive direction towards digging ourselves out of this financial rut that we're in.

-As mentioned in the previous point, my folks are OLD. No denying that. I'm trying my damnedest to work with them to get them set up so that they can settle down without any hassle, and have a comfortable "retirement", though that is technically impossible here (you work until you drop dead, essentially).

- My fiancee and I are planning to visit family in the UK over the new year, and, once again, with the economic situation in SA, finances are really becoming a worry. when our flights were booked, the currency exchange was 17 to the Pound, which was something we could have, and did, budget for; now, thanks to the antics of our "el presidente magnifico", it's over 21 to the pound now... suddenly your currency shrinks my twenty-one times, and things look quite bleak...

- My Fiancee is a teacher, and she's loathing her job. As one of the racial minority in South Africa, she takes flak from left, right and centre, purely because she is white. She is passionate about teaching and educating, but it's very difficult when your pupils are stuffed 45 into a single-garage sized area, and they don't have a care for what you're trying to teach them (something to elaborate on in another thread, methinks). She's at the end of her tether and getting ready to resign from her job because she can't take the abuse she gets in her job.

Once again, I apologise for spewing forth a mountain of issues in my life.

But as you might see, there are several "worry-not" possibilities in there _javascript:icon('

I hope that could provide some insight! Seems like there's quite a lot that my subconscious would like me to believe is going to be okay haha!

edit on 23-10-2015 by Havoc40k because: Adding more explanation/insight to my response

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Boadicea


I'm unaware of the goings-on in your personal life, but that does sound quite interesting... Perhaps there might be something weighing on your subconscious that needs a leap of faith, so to speak.

The sense of cold, was it an intense cold, almost chilling to the bone? As if every single part of you had frozen solid?

To be honest, I didn't at any time have a "sense of purpose", if that makes sense. I didn't have anything in my mind saying "If I can do X then I'll be alright" (as you mentioned, jumping off the mountain and hoping to land on your Jeep).

I hope that you can find some meaning behind what you experienced!

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:35 PM
Interesting, could you get a sense of direction the voice was coming from? If it was from behind you that could explain the window banger.

What confuses me is your cat, cats tend to be skittish and depending on your beliefs channels to the super natrual. The fact that your cat didn't jump run and flee from the banging is confusing to me.

Is it possible that the sound of the banging could of literally been in your head? I don't know how to really explain it but sometimes I will hear what sounds like an explosion in my head that startles me but no one else seems to notice.

That could explain Why the cat was uneffected

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Havoc40k

Seems like there's quite a lot that my subconscious would like me to believe is going to be okay haha!

Indeed...your subconscious...or some thing/ seemingly trying to re-assure you. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment. Any reassurance that everything is going to be okay should be somewhat comforting right? matter the source.

It was a vivid enough of an event in any case. If it were me...I'd go with it. Believe everything is going to be okay. It usually ends up that way more often than not despite how much people worry about things (me included), so the odds are in your favor nevertheless.

Congratulations on your engagement, I wish you, her, your folks and your livelihood the best in your future endeavors!

Thank you for the reply.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: crimsongod21


As for the direction of the voice I can't give you an answer. It was as if the voice was inside my head, but coming from every part of the room simultaneously. I couldn't pinpoint a specific place that the voice was coming from (as in, behind me, or the foot of the bed).

The cat also confuses the hell out of me. She's very affectionate, but easily startled at the slightest of odd noises (she's a stray that I picked up when she was around 4 weeks). The loud rapping on the window would have startled her even if she was far away from the window.

The banging I do admit MIGHT have been in my head; I do on the odd occasion experience a single loud THUD as I'm drifting off to sleep, though this is always only one. It sounds like a single gunshot, at which point I'm startled awake. What boggles me is that there were FIVE rapports, all not gunshot-level, but not too quiet to be dismissed as the cat pawing the window.

Could you maybe elaborate on cats channeling the supernatural? What do you mean by that?

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 07:13 PM
I woke up from a nap today with no recollection of a dream other than one word that kept repeating in my head. I had to look it up to see if it was even a word. Biogeomorphilogical. Strange.

Biogeomorphology and ecogeomorphology are the study of interactions between organisms and the development of landforms, and are thus fields of study within geomorphology and ichnology. Organisms affect geomorphic processes in a variety of ways. For example, trees can reduce landslide potential where their roots penetrate to underlying rock, plants and their litter inhibit soil erosion, biochemicals produced by plants accelerate the chemical weathering of bedrock and regolith, and marine animals cause the bioerosion of coral. The study of the interactions between marine biota and coastal landform processes is called coastal biogeomorphology.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 08:04 PM
I could rationalize it by saying the "supernatural" is really natural and more common than most realize.

Perhaps it was the entity (likely a portion of the former human resident) trying on your meat-suit? Or maybe less ominously, trying to overlay you for communication?

All I can offer with any assurances of accuracy is that things that present themselves as spirits exist and really odd, poorly understood events happen in our common reality with the likely source being those same disincarnate things we term "spirits."

Of course it could be some neurological malfunction, which besides being more alarming than ghosts and a more commonly offered cause, isn't very likely with a complete absence of other symptoms... but then my psychiatry information is moderate in scope and decades old.

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: Havoc40k

Cats through history have been linked to the occult and spiritual plane, if you look at the ancient Egyptians they reviewed cats, they have always been linked to witchcraft as familiar and so on and so forth. I can't speak for your cat though I can speak for the many I have had in my lifetime they always seem to be able to see things I can't and react to things that I cannot see or hear.

You explain the noise I heat from time to time while trying to fall asleep much better than I do. I agree I normally only hear one but on the odd occasion I have heard two before. I have always linked it to be something along the lines of the muscle spasms one sometimes gets when falling alseep.

On a side note thank you for rescuing your kitty, my current cat is also a rescue I got him at 6 weeks from a local shelter he was recovering from a broken leg and burns over 59% of his body. He doesn't like other people much and is very skittish as well. That's why I take note when he starts to freak out even when I can't s3e or hear anything.

Also thank you for being comfortable enough to talk about this, despite this being an anonymous board it can sometimes still be donting (not proper spelling but oh well) to talk about these types of things.
edit on 23-10-2015 by crimsongod21 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: Havoc40k

this sounds to me like a lot of the experiences of sleep paralysis I've had. it's all supposed to be in your head, your body is asleep but your mind is awake and during this state your senses are heightened. supposedly it's only a medical issue and everything you see or hear is imagined.

but as someone who's had this since I was a small child and still into my adult years (I still have it), I don't necessarily believe it's completely medical.

I've always had it with loud noises, walls shaking and being scraped and scratched from the inside. figures above me, near me and even on top of me. holding me down to the point where I actually had red marks on me once I was able to move again.

sometimes I would have long periods of time without it happening and other times sometimes multiple times in one night to the point I would keep myself up until morning.

the only thing that has helped me avoid it is sleeping with animal in bed next to me. I find more luck with cats, but they can be fickle about sleeping at night and jump off the bed to go dick off somewhere. so now I sleep with my medium sized dog on the foot of my bed, with my feet touching her (the contact seems to help) and falling asleep with my cat sleeping on me or curled up right next to me and my large dog on the floor right up against the bed. I probably look nuts.

this may not be what you have, but it just reminds me of all your experiences. it's awful, awful stuff. anyway I hope it doesn't happen to you again!
edit on 23-10-2015 by alkalisunshine because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2015 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: Havoc40k

I had a similar experience when I suffered a violent assault and was in a hallucinatory state from a head injury and was semi comatose.
My room seemed to be infinitely high with a dark blue color tinged with light, I was in this state for many many hours.
A voice told me, "I will be with you always" as in forever. I think it may have been the spirit of a relative, reassuring me.

edit on 23-10-2015 by cryptic0void because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: Havoc40k
a reply to: Boadicea


I'm unaware of the goings-on in your personal life, but that does sound quite interesting... Perhaps there might be something weighing on your subconscious that needs a leap of faith, so to speak.

The sense of cold, was it an intense cold, almost chilling to the bone? As if every single part of you had frozen solid?

Yes. My muscles even felt cold and frozen if I tried to move. (And I absolutely HATE the cold. It actually hurts my bones in real life.)

To be honest, I didn't at any time have a "sense of purpose", if that makes sense. I didn't have anything in my mind saying "If I can do X then I'll be alright" (as you mentioned, jumping off the mountain and hoping to land on your Jeep).

I hope that you can find some meaning behind what you experienced!

It wasn't so much that I felt I would be "alright" so much as that I knew I would "wake up." But you using that word did make me think of something it might pertain to... something that I don't like to think about but maybe I must.

Thank you -- and good luck with your experience also

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: UberL33t

Thanks for the well wishes UberL33t!

But thinking on the matter some more, perhaps you're right. I think it might be my subconscious telling me to relax, and that things are going to work out. I am also one of those worriers who over-analyzes everything

But I'll keep everyone updated if there are more bumps in the night, and how things turn out!

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: crimsongod21
a reply to: Havoc40k

Cats through history have been linked to the occult and spiritual plane, if you look at the ancient Egyptians they reviewed cats, they have always been linked to witchcraft as familiar and so on and so forth. I can't speak for your cat though I can speak for the many I have had in my lifetime they always seem to be able to see things I can't and react to things that I cannot see or hear.

You explain the noise I heat from time to time while trying to fall asleep much better than I do. I agree I normally only hear one but on the odd occasion I have heard two before. I have always linked it to be something along the lines of the muscle spasms one sometimes gets when falling alseep.

On a side note thank you for rescuing your kitty, my current cat is also a rescue I got him at 6 weeks from a local shelter he was recovering from a broken leg and burns over 59% of his body. He doesn't like other people much and is very skittish as well. That's why I take note when he starts to freak out even when I can't s3e or hear anything.

Also thank you for being comfortable enough to talk about this, despite this being an anonymous board it can sometimes still be donting (not proper spelling but oh well) to talk about these types of things.

Ah, now I see what you mean by the the link between felines and the supernatural. I have glanced over some of it, but to be honest I've never read in-depth into it. I think I'll have to read up properly on it. Thanks for that!

An aside as well, my little Kitty I found on a construction site, stuck on a ledge in a water-filled hole after a weekend of heavy rain. I suspect she was stuck there the whole weekend... but she's warmed up really well to myself and my Fiancee, but ducks under the couch the moment she hears anything or anyone that she's unfamiliar with.

But indeed, it really isn't the easiest thing to discuss. One sees so very often how discussions can degenerate into highly polarized "Ghosts exist!" versus "Ghosts are a load of bull!" arguments.

I just want to thank everyone so far for their civility in the discussion!

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: alkalisunshine

That sounds quite rough alkalisunshine. I agree, what I experienced was quite unnerving. It's honestly not something that I'd like to experience soon again.

I do have my cat that often sleeps on the bed, but she usually only curls up on top of me towards sunrise (from around 3am),but never during the night.

I likewise hope that you don't experience it again!

Thanks for the input!

posted on Oct, 24 2015 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Havoc40k

Yeah I am honestly suprise it hasn't devolved into a monkey throwing poo fest that these tend to end up as.

Regardless of your beliefs reading up on the mythology and occultism pertaining to cats is actually interesting. It is amazing how many cultures and people thought of them in this way while rampant belief by many people doesn't make it necessarily true it does make one wonder.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Reminds me of that one thread "how wolves change rivers".

posted on Dec, 14 2015 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

I remember reading about that after the (re)introduction of wolves to Yellowstone years ago and found it fascinating. After looking the word up that day I may have even thought the same thing about the wolves.

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