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Seeing The Light within others (giving). There is more and more Light shining on Earth

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posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:41 PM
Do you allow yourself to feel the joy of how Loving others are? The world has so many wonderful people in it. Sometimes, I am moved to tears just thinking of the beauty of Love. People are kind and helpful. There are many charities to give to others. Even music on the radio has songs about love and kindness. Even TV Shows. Even in action movies, there are glimpses of Loving thought, word, and action.

I used to judge TV and most popular music as "unelightened". I used to see people as "naturally negative oriented" instead of seeing the Kindness that many people have. I used to read conspiracy theories and believed the world was controlled by evil, now I see that not everything is corrupted. Even politicians have families. Evenpoliticians can give to others.

Just as a human being can be kind and unkind, of course, any authority (being made of humans) may be corrupted; but just as a person may be unkind, there is also a lot of Kindness, too.

There is so much Light in the world. Things are getting better and better. At one point, there were no international human right laws, at least now there is an ideal international law based on The Golden Rule (Compassion).

Things may not be "perfect", but it is a lot better than the days where the majority went to a stadium to legally watch people kill each other for fun. There is also less whips to enslave people in the hot sun all day.

Humanity is waking up to the Light.

It's time to see The Light in people.

Generosity, Sharing Joy, Fairness (Equality) is increasing in the world every day.

Soon The Highest World and the lower world ("Heaven" and "Earth") will be One.

As Above, so Below.
On Earth, as In Heaven.

Love never fails.
(Love always wins as Light shines through the dark)

edit on 17-10-2015 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: arpgme

My thoughts on this topic, is that duality exists in nature. That where evil exists, there is always good to balance it out, and is evident in everything there is.

When we tend to focus on the negative side of things too much, we forget the brighter side of life.

Sometimes when your down a simple act of kindness by others serves the purpose of reminding us that their is a balancing factor in this existance.

The world isn't such a bad place, when seen through the eyes of an optimist.

edit on 17-10-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: spelling

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 06:56 PM
If I have any semblance of belief in anything anymore, despite my cynicism and skepticism, it is in humanistic unconditional love. And indeed, seeing random acts of kindness by others is always inspiring and moving and something I long to see more of. I do my best to drop some whenever I can, too.

Whether any of that means anything ultimately is something I am skeptical of but... in the end, I don't really care. If it means nothing, at least I tried to unburden someone's journey. And it lightened my own too.


posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: InnerPeace2012

There is a world without Light, "the outer darkness".

On the other hand, there is a world of complete Light.

Nature is a balance of both, but not 50/50 but 1/3 fallen angel darkness 33% and 2/3 Light 66%.

There is ...
Pain, calm, and joy (3/3)

Calm/Relaxed is also a part of the positive (joy) even though some may call it neutral. Why? because it lacks pain.

There is more Light than dark. Humanity is children of Light, that's why humanity, in general, naturally sees kindness as a virtue and stays aware from pain.
edit on 17-10-2015 by arpgme because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 07:41 PM

originally posted by: arpgme
a reply to: InnerPeace2012

There is more Light than dark. Humanity is children of Light, that's why humanity, in general, naturally sees kindness as a virtue and stays aware from pain.

To me everything is a matter of perspective

That last paragraph, I couldn't agree more.


posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 08:59 PM
I agree. Most people, are good people and want to see others do well also.

The problem is people have been misled to the point of using their love of one thing(country/religion/political party) to justify the killing of what they have been misled to believe is evil.

This misleaders have good people fighting each other for their own personal gain.

Problem for the misleaders are people are catching on to their game. Things have changed compared to 10 years ago. People are starting to agree with us "crazy nut job conspiracy theorists". It's weird. Its slowly happening, but it is.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 12:25 AM
Yes. The world's making a movement. Many people have given themselves, and are continuing to give of themselves. The more people continue to give, the better the world will be.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 01:41 AM
Unfortunately someone got murdered by the time I finished reading this thread. Every minute someone gets murdered.

On a positive note, I do believe focusing on the light is healthy.

Apologies for the oxymoron!

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: Blissful
Yes. The world's making a movement. Many people have given themselves, and are continuing to give of themselves. The more people continue to give, the better the world will be.

Actually yes, what he said.

posted on Oct, 18 2015 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: OpenEars123
Unfortunately someone got murdered by the time I finished reading this thread. Every minute someone gets murdered.

On a positive note, I do believe focusing on the light is healthy.

Apologies for the oxymoron!

That's not an oxymoron, for two reasons.

1) Acknowledging the realities and horrors of this world is not mutually exclusive with holding compassion for and seeking towards the well being of others.

2) An oxymoron requires a simple turn of phrase containing two seemingly contradictory concepts (which can depend upon personal opinion usually as to whether they're actually contradictory.) E.g. military intelligence, guest host, etc. They can also be intentional for poetic reasons (deafening silence, ravenous satiation, etc.) Simply stating two potentially contradictory or conflicting things as two separate complete sentences is not an example of an oxymoron.


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