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Dancing light over Melbourne, Aus. Oct 1

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posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 01:11 AM
Hey everyone, welcome to my first thread ever !
Before i describe the sighting i want to get out of the way that there are no photos, no video.
I know that's a problem for a lot of people but there was no point in even trying to get any so sorry about that.

My partner and i were going out for dinner in the cool part of town, because we're cool. We dropped her car off in the alley next to her house and kind of idled around in the way you do when you're in good company and no hurry. I was watching the sky, because that's something i always do, just by default. I have a terrible habit of pointing out every light in the sky i notice and telling whoever i'm with that it's a UFO, and then having to explain what it really is when they believe me.
So we were mooching around in Brunswick at about 8:45 in the evening when i saw a blinking light to the north, about the size, brightness, and colour of a star. Before i'd even processed what i was looking at, my bad joke instincts had kicked in and i'd attracted my poor long suffering girlfriend's attention in it's direction. Up to this point [maybe ~5 seconds since i'd noticed it] it was completely stationary and blinking in a way that seemed random, but then it started to move and i forgot all about my jokes and started planning this thread.
I have no real way to describe properly how it moved - it almost flitted across the sky like some sort of celestial butterfly, only as it did so it also jumped from place to place. None of the jumps were particularly large, and it somehow gave the impression that while it's path was meandering and random-seeming, it just couldn't be bothered with actually travelling in a straight line at any point, preferring to just jump to the next turn.

I'm aware that that sounds pretty strange. I've been heavily invested in UFOs and watching the sky for decades, and i've not really heard of anything quite like this, much less seen. I had my phone in my hand at the time and i was ACHING to film it, but i know from past experience that my phone wouldn't pick up a light as dim as a star anyway. As it was we lost sight of it after about ten seconds of dancing around, when it got too close to the glow of a streetlight, and presumably from there disappeared behind the buildings.

I know it's highly unlikely anyone else saw this exact event [though if you did please please speak up]
but i am quite interested in whether anyone has seen anything similar at all

thank you for your indulgence, now let's get on with the "no pics it didn't happen"


posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 01:24 AM
I forget which member it was, but someone told a story about a craft that 'skipped' in and out of the atmosphere. I don't know if it's a real craft or if you could even see it from the surface, but that's what your sighting reminded me of. That would be pretty damn cool.

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

The 'dancing' bit made me think of watching weather balloons with the instrumentation gondola swinging about. Brunswick is just south of Essendon airport?
Was there westerly breeze too?....

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 02:38 AM

but i am quite interested in whether anyone has seen anything similar at all

I've seen quadcopters at night. Sounds similar.

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 02:38 AM
Hey there I'm from Melbourne's south east. And have noticed a strange star I have never seen before. It looks like a star blinks like one but the colours it changes I haven't seen before until a few weeks ago. It randomly goes from red, orange, blue, green, white and different shades of those colours.
It's not always in the night sky either. As I've been looking out for it every time I have a smoke at night.

I haven't seen it move but it sounds similar to what you described. Excuse the grammar I'm on my mobile

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: justneo

Sirius sparkles quite nicely.

It's not always in the night sky either. As I've been looking out for it every time I have a smoke at night.
Do you have a smoke at the same time every night?

edit on 10/2/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 02:53 AM
when i say it jumped from place to place, i mean instantaneously. I'd use the word teleport, except i want there to be a slim chance that i won't be dismissed out of hand. If quadcopters are capable of that sort of thing, i would quite love to get my hands on one. I'm sure there are more useful things we could be doing with the tech.

Weather balloon seems unlikely too. I should have mentioned in my first post that it was quite low in the sky, and its darting around took it over a very large section of sky in a very short time. I didn't take wind speed or direction into account [oops] but even conservatively we're talking kilometers of horizontal movement every second.

I have seen stars that shimmer in unusual colours and there have been many threads on the subject over the years as more people have paid attention to the phenomenon - i thought it was strange at first, years ago, but it's definitely a natural thing. Anyway, it certainly wasn't Sirius coruscating since, as i mentioned, it moved around. a lot. It also stayed that same cold white star colour we all know and love.

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Phage

Yeah those are the colours! Ofcourse from how far away the colours a more solid like aircraft lights blinking.

Yeah pretty much I have a smoke every halfa or so some nights I can see it for hours and others I cant see it at all. It's awesome to see such a star or planet changing colours like that though. Just weird how Ive only noticed it lately and not for a while.

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

@ 1:09 into here for "jumping"…
The next question becomes why was the "thingy" displaying such novelistic behavior? For your benefit? To test earth radar?

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: intrptr

i suppose that's a reasonable way to describe it... except it was a series of those sort of jumps, in different directions, as it meandered rapidly across the sky.
At this point i have literally no speculation as to purpose or anything.
It doesn't make any sense to my rational brain that advanced beings would come all this way to dance in the sky for a brief period that nothing comes of, as far as i'm aware, humans [esp. Australians] don't have teleporting tech, and it certainly didn't look like any weather phenomenon i know of...
All i'm left with is the fact that it definitely happened.
which may not be much now, but one day, who knows what all this could add up to?

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Now you get to spend the rest of your life wondering about it with no way of knowing for certain.

posted on Oct, 3 2015 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: intrptr

maybe it's just me but that kind of sounds like life in general

posted on Oct, 8 2015 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

Ok normally I don't comment but feel obliged this morning as I may be able to confirm what the OP saw the other night.

Having been around the traps for some time and interested in the subject for a long time what I saw this morning raised the typical debunks that automatically come to mind.

Approaching a suburb - Epping I noticed a similar light in the sky, my first thought was its close to an Airport, the colors I saw - white and red but it was moving too quickly from point to point to be an areoplane, it could have possibly been a drone but the lights flickering where extremely rapid and almost looking like mixing together.

It then disappeared and reappeared a few times reappearing in different places every time then sitting stationary over the new wholesale markets for a few minutes then just disappeared.

I did record it while I was driving but as I've watched it back it looks like I didn't catch it. My windows are tinted and by the time I realized to put my window down it was on my right side and I was filming but had to keep my eyes on the road.

By the time I could get off the freeway and park the thing had disappeared.

Closest thing I can come up with is a drone but the behavior was strange to me.
Not sure if anyone else witnessed this as it was 3.40am

Strange one indeed.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: Phage

I was actually flying mine.. but in the Sout East of Melbourne.

I do agree, the "dancing" motion reminds me of quad copter jumping up and down in altitude.

Living in Melbourne for along time, I have to say that sadly, it's a UFO dead spot.

posted on Oct, 10 2015 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

So I was outside having a smoke with my girlfriend when she mentioned seeing a red light then about a minute later she noticed a light in the sky that was pretty low it could be mistaken for street lights. So I got up and moved to where I could see the light. As I moved into a better position I couldn't see the light attached to anything so my next guess was a star as it looked like one but super bright although there were no other stars visible.
I went and looked in another place to see if I could see any stars but couldnt. As I returned to view this light another one was there... After about 10 seconds The first light started moving upward and to the left only to vanish behind the tree. The second light which was lower then the first started doing exactly as you described dancing or twitching side to side up and down then vanished only to reappear a little to the left and up. It did this a couple more times and vanished behind the tree like the first one.

After contemplating and talking to my gf about what it could be I remembered this thread and wanted to read what you expierienced.

From the time to what it looked like and how it moved is pretty much the exact description you gave. We saw it around 8:45 it moved in the way you described except I saw two lights but the second one appearing about 1 minute after the first.

To be honest I have no idea what it could of been but for our two experiences to be that similar is no coincidence.
edit on 10-10-2015 by justneo because: grammar

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