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Born Alive Survivors Protection Act

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posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:38 AM
This was a bill to protect babies that survive abortions. I bring it here because I believe many of you can shed some light on this for those of us that are confused as to why one would vote to kill a survivor with life potential. I recently made a thread where members could stateat what point they believed a person had a right to live and the majority of answers were that people believed that we become human when welcome out of the womb.

I expect that anyone that answered along those lines will be against killing post womb. Perhaps i am missing something here.

When did you become human

babie killers



posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: deadeyedick
This was a bill to protect babies that survive abortions. I bring it here because I believe many of you can shed some light on this for those of us that are confused as to why one would vote to kill a survivor with life potential. I recently made a thread where members could stateat what point they believed a person had a right to live and the majority of answers were that people believed that we become human when welcome out of the womb.

I expect that anyone that answered along those lines will be against killing post womb. Perhaps i am missing something here.

When did you become human

babie killers



Easy one for me....of course the baby should be allowed to live ! 177 Dems thought differently, including my illustrious rep. Ron Kind from sw Wisconsin , who couldn't decide so refrained from voting at all. The bill should include....mother loses custody and baby is put up for adoption to a family who wants a baby.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:14 AM
My two cents....

My initial reaction is of course it should be illegal to kill a baby, regardless of whether or not there was a previous abortion attempt. However, I do have to stipulate that I have not read the full legislation so I have no idea what other "goodies" were slipped in there.

That being said, what I find interesting about this topic in general is how differently the laws view an unborn child. There are various Fetal Homicide Laws on the books that essentially say if you kill a pregnant woman, you are in actuality killing two people. So in that sense, the unborn child is a person. At the same time, abortion is perfectly legal (with some restrictions, of course). Leaving my opinion out of it, I just find that contrast fascinating.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:23 AM
The fact that they need to vote a bill to protect abortion survivors is a grand indictment of the s# stained nature of the world right now.


posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:23 AM
I am fairly certain that the law made exceptions for any that were injured in the murder attempt but they wanted to give any viable life a chance to not be killed if they managed to make it past the point where most draw the line between human and non human

Just for the record I believe that a heartbeat is a form of communication along with movement. At the least it is a sign of life and a sign is a form of communication.

My view is that since we now have morning after pills then abortion past a month or so should definitely be considered murder in all cases.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
The fact that they need to vote a bill to protect abortion survivors is a grand indictment of the s# stained nature of the world right now.


I recently made a comment that we are all being dragged down to a very dark place and this is an example of how it is happening.

Many view me as being a hypocrite and I am fine with that and I also value hypocrites very much because I have come to know we are all sinners

No doubt the blind leading the blind while rejecting direction

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Hi Charlie, What are the laws on abortion in Great Britain? I don't believe I've ever heard them.


posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: deadeyedick

Just chiming in for a moment on this one. Personally I find abortion horrid for any reasons other than incest or massive gestational defect that is most likely fatal to either the mother or embryo. That being said if the infant survives an abortion than absolutely without question it should be protected, removed from the house of horrors it was born in and taken to the NICU for care until it can be adopted.

Thanks for the post. S&F
edit on 24-9-2015 by sycomix because: Making a few minor corrections.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

The fact that they need to vote a bill to protect abortion survivors is a grand indictment of the s# stained nature of the world right now.

Only fetuses that are slated for abortion AFTER LEGAL VIABILITY could possibly survive, even under the most drastic intervention. The reason that late term abortion occur is because the fetus is suffering from catastrophic fetal anomalies.

Doctors are required by law to wait until they can no longer detect a fetal heart beat before vaginal delivery is induced. Sometimes, the woman is in such physical distress, perhaps septic shock, eclampsia, kidney failure, ect, that the doctors rush the procedure to save the life of the mother.

Tragically, therefore, an aborted fetus stricken with encephalitis or spina bifida may linger for a few hours after birth, but has no chance of experiencing any quality of life that its parents may hope for it.

This situation has reached Congress before, but through another path, asking to allow doctors to euthanize these vulnerable beings. But that option has been rejected time and time again.

edit on 24-9-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: windword

The reason that late term abortion occur is because the fetus is suffering from catastrophic fetal anomalies.

You mean one of the reasons and not the reason

I would be a silent dick if the case was as you present it but it is not

healthy babies are being murdered post womb and this bill would have protected them while allowing for the exception you tried to present as the only case

surely you realize that healthy babies are popping outta momies tummie only to have their spine snipped

Horrific actions are taking place and givin cover by a few cases you use as "the norm"

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: deadeyedick

You mean one of the reasons and not the reason

It's against the law to perform a late term abortion, one in which the fetus was developed enough to survive outside of the womb They reason they're done at all is because of catastrophic fetal anomalies and/or to save the life of the mother.

These are always heart wrenching decisions for a family to make, and are not to be mocked by disaffected and ignorant busy bodies.

healthy babies are being murdered post womb and this bill would have protected them while allowing for the exception you tried to present as the only case

Please provide an example of abortion on demand for women whose fetuses are past the point of viability, otherwise, me thinks you don't know what you're talking about.

edit on 24-9-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:14 AM
OMG! I can not believe this is a debatable issue
A living baby outside the womb can be killed?????

This actually happens?? And now there is DEBATE whether this should be allowed or not?

WTF is wrong with this world? Just when I think we have reached the ultimate depravity capable of the human race it is taken to a whole new unimaginable, horrific low.

Age of enlightenment and progressing to a higher level my ass.

The societal downward spiral into moral oblivion is reaching terminal velocity.

I weep for our children's future.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: windword

Please provide an example of abortion on demand for women whose fetuses are past the point of viability, otherwise, me thinks you don't know what you're talking about.

you may want to reword that

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: deadeyedick

Just provide the example.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: stosh64

OMG! I can not believe this is a debatable issue A living baby outside the womb can be killed?????

No. It can't be.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: deadeyedick

Just provide the example.

I do not understand what you want examples of

you may want to reword that

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: deadeyedick

Show me an example, or show me the law, US or state, that allows for a doctor to perform "abortion on demand" on a healthy fetus past viability.
(Other than rape or incest)
edit on 24-9-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: deadeyedick

You said this:

healthy babies are being murdered post womb

Can you provide some information on this actually occurring?

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:31 AM
You must be living in a world where girls only have access to trained doctors for these types of procedures.

There are still places where young ladies find themselves forcibly impregnated against their will and who will panic and do everything from coat hangers (or sticks in some instances) and self-mutilation attempts to stop what she feels is an abomination growing within her because of rape or lack of being taught the facts of life.

There are a million reasons why this law might be applicable.

Here's a hypothetical.

A young girl raised in an environment where the fundamental facts of how babies are made were never taught her and nature was just left to run it's natural course. Naturally, a child in a feral state will freak out once she realizes what is happening to her body as it begins to change and swell, sometimes she may feel she is "possessed by a demon" depending on her upbringing. Sometimes the termination of an unplanned pregancy are a mandate by her family to terminate privately, while other times she is made to carry the term out of familial expectations.

Not everyone is on the proverbial books out there.

I know it's commonplace to think all babies are conceived out of a beautiful union of loving man and woman, but sadly, this is not often the case in extremely isolated rural areas with certain demographics present. I have heard stories locally of young girls who were even locked in rooms and basements of family homes, sometimes strapped down if she resisted carrying to term until the child was birthed by a midwife friend of the family. The child was never mentioned or known to formal birthing agencies, because it was against the religion of her family unit.

A child who survived a self-abortion attempt might be horribly disfigured, or suffering from various types of brain damage if the mother tried using various types of herbs or drugs to induce said abortion.

I know this is terribly tragic to think about these types of scenarios, however, it is sadly - a very true reality for some young women in extremely unfortunate circumstances and cult environments.

Is abortion still uniquely just a middle-class issue?

edit on 9/24/15 by GENERAL EYES because: clarifications

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: deadeyedick

Please provide an example of abortion on demand for women whose fetuses are past the point of viability, otherwise, me thinks you don't know what you're talking about.

"Any doctor who cuts into the necks severing the spinal cords of living, breathing babies, who would survive with proper medical attention, is a murderer and a monster."

- Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams

The Philadelphia abortion doctor who was convicted of first-degree murder for killing babies that were born alive in his clinic has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for running a pill mill out of the same clinic, according to a U.S. attorney's office statement.

Gosnell was convicted on three counts of first-degree murder for killing babies at his West Philadelphia abortion clinic by cutting their spinal cords with scissors.

He was sentenced to life without parole in exchange for waiving his right to appeal the convictions. Prosecutors had sought the death penalty.

The medical clinic owned by Gosnell had been growing increasingly reckless, according to a 2011 grand jury report. Gosnell and nine other employees at the Women's Medical Center were charged with crimes for the illegal practices at the clinic.

Eight people involved at the Gosnell's clinic have pleaded guilty to various charges, including four to murder.

edit on 24-9-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

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