posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 10:30 AM
The people who can afford the vaccines and do them, are the smart people of the population. The school door knobs, the public restrooms in airports,
bird baths, and the gym (or the ring worm factory as I call it), are much more dangerous. I see this idea as bad imagination. We as people could have
let the ebola virus rip through Africa, but we didn't. Humanity still has some really good caring people in it who do good deeds. Go pick up road side
trash today instead of writing upsetting things. I went and got my flu vaccine yesterday, because I have had pneumonia and I don't want to die from a
respiratory disease that is preventable. My son threw up twelve times in ten hours last spring and that cost me a bundle at the ER. The flu shot for
him would have saved me $3,000. out of pocket after insurance covered the rest. Flu shots are cheap compared to being ill at the hospital or dead.
Focus on Road side garbage pick up.