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Some Info About Prozac

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posted on Dec, 31 2004 @ 09:37 PM
with regards to:

LONDON - A British medical journal said Friday it had given U.S. regulators confidential drug company documents suggesting a link between the popular anti-depressant Prozac and a heightened risk of suicide attempts and violence.

The British Medical Journal reported in its Jan. 1 issue that documents it received from an anonymous source indicated that Prozac's manufacturer, Eli Lilly & Co., was aware in the 1980s that the drug could have potentially troubling side-effects.

The journal said the documents, reportedly missing for a decade, had formed part of a 1994 lawsuit against Eli Lilly on behalf of victims of a workplace shooting in Louisville, Kentucky. Joseph Wesbecker, the gunman who killed eight people and himself in 1989, had been prescribed Prozac a month before the shootings.

complete article

I have this friend, who uses Prozac already two years. I've noticed that sometimes, when he forgets to take his pill on time (he is a little careless from nature), he acts strange - gets paranoid very easy and everything makes him nervous. I thought that this because that was the reason he started to take this medicine, but after reading this article I'm not so sure.
Personally I was never keen on this kind of prescription drugs - thought that they don't really remove the reason or the source of your behavior, they are only suppressing it.
And another thing -this article makes me wonder again how powerful those "medical drugs" companies really are. They do anything to put their product on the market - nothing (and NOBODY) else matters

Please share your opinion. (Especially people who had experience with Prozac.)
thanks, jazz

[edit on 31-12-2004 by jazzgul]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 11:43 AM
I hope for your buddy, that he�s under custody of a doctor..I guess, had a doctor prescribed this drug to him? or does he just buyed them in so called drug stores? (sorry don�t�know, how you handle this in the USA, or who do you come from?)

If I haven�t experiences with these drugs.

I think he have to counsil with his doctor

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by dacruz
I hope for your buddy, that he�s under custody of a doctor..I guess, had a doctor prescribed this drug to him? or does he just buyed them in so called drug stores? (sorry don�t�know, how you handle this in the USA, or who do you come from?)

If I haven�t experiences with these drugs.

I think he have to counsil with his doctor

Yes he is -and his doctor suggested him to take that drug -he had a lot of depressions before, like nothing really was important for him...
He lives in Holland, last time he visited me here in Poland I couldn't recognize him - he was totally different, than I've heard that he is on Prozac. Everything was fine, except when he forgot to take his pill on time -than he became paranoid -this I have never seen before ...
When he went back home I started to worry about him and now, after this article -I really don't know what to think - especially, because we don't see each other frequently anymore...
I've sent him a link and I'm waiting for his response...

[edit on 1-1-2005 by jazzgul]

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 02:56 PM
I know several women who take this drug, and they act strange most of the time. One I knew before she began to take it, and she was a very kind and loving person. Now she is withdrawn and will not do anything with any of her friends, and she and her husband are getting a divorce. Yesterday, I saw a report about prozac and the suicide tendencies and violence, and suddenly it dawned on me how very many people actually do take prozac. When you think of all those people being influenced in a bad way, and then their influence reaching out to their friends and's scary.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 03:43 PM
The company that manufactures the drug prozac is the self same company that manufactured '___' in the fifties for the CIA. The US government tried to purchase a HUGE quantity of '___' from the company in Sweeden that orginally discovered the chemical, they refused to sell it, so Uncle Sam had a company make it for them in mass quanities. Once the '___' market died out, they started making other fun and chemically related compounds like prozac. I wouldn't take that crap if I were you, amines and amide derivatives are a poorly understood area of neurochemistry, and the companies that make and sell them have a less than desirable history IMO. Treating depression is one thing, changing the basic chemistry of your thought processes is another issue entirely.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 03:51 PM
I've been on Prozac years ago. I know I felt like an emotionless zombie while on it.

I've been med-free for a couple of years now and I feel better. It also helps when one has a purpose in life.

My younger sister has been on this medication, off that one--they keep adjusting it and I don't know how many she's actually been on. I have no problem with saying they don't know what they're doing and are just using her as a guinea pig.
I told her if she loses 200 pounds by going on a low-carb diet, that would help a LOT.

posted on Jan, 1 2005 @ 03:55 PM
I've been on it for years (under doctor's supervision) and have had no problems. If anything, it has helped me not be a wall flower but I'm not a wild child either!

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 08:19 AM
Having tried quite a few anti-depressants, I would say that Prozac is far from being the worst, but I now believe they should ALL be avoided, unless a person is in serious and imminent danger from some sort of severe psychosis.

Trouble is, these drugs (especially Prozac) are very subtle, you can become convinced that it's helping when in fact it's turning you (slowly, subtly) into a zombie.

Just Say No!

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 01:13 PM
i took anti-depresaants for a while, and didn't feel a difference. i tried to kill myself by OD on them and i took the entire bottle at once. Then went to sleep. I woke up at 2am and had some severe hallucinations for about 24 hours. People say anti-depressants dont cause hallucinations, but i seriously thought i was moving things with my mind.
weird stuff.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 01:13 PM
i took anti-depresaants for a while, and didn't feel a difference. i tried to kill myself by OD on them and i took the entire bottle at once. Then went to sleep. I woke up at 2am and had some severe hallucinations for about 24 hours. People say anti-depressants dont cause hallucinations, but i seriously thought i was moving things with my mind.
weird stuff.

posted on Jan, 3 2005 @ 01:13 PM
i took anti-depresaants for a while, and didn't feel a difference. i tried to kill myself by OD on them and i took the entire bottle at once. Then went to sleep. I woke up at 2am and had some severe hallucinations for about 24 hours. People say anti-depressants dont cause hallucinations, but i seriously thought i was moving things with my mind.
weird stuff.

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