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Why do aliens not come down to visit us?

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posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: makemap

Well given the narrative as a whole and going back in time according to some writings.......they have already been "down here" among us. And it was all very up close and personal like. They f'ed sh*t up and early contact still reverberates.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: NewzNose
a reply to: makemap

They have a "prime directive" .

LOL otherwise know as clear restrictions. They came down and played once but sh*t in the sandbox.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:15 PM
"Why do aliens not come down to visit us?" ? Cause their having too much fun playing intergalactic grab ass?

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:29 PM
Maybe we found out THEY taste like chicken. No, okay then Smores it is.

In either case they know humans are not like Mikey, and we'll eat just about anything.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 08:04 PM
they are out there,like us they haven,t found us yet but its just a matter of time.

i once believed maybe they were already here but some of the facts pushed forward are just ridiculous.

still live in hope its the one thing i witness before the lights switch off for good

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: rigel4
a reply to: makemap

There are no aliens visiting us...
they cant travel the distances

Either that or there might be something that we humans just don't know yet. Gotta keep that possibility in mind.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 08:52 PM
The gulf between humankind and the average intelligent extraterrestrial species is likely to be the same as between humans and ants.

The reason is because our Earth, our solar system is young compared to most of our Galaxy.

How much younger?

Try billions of years younger.

Our galaxy is around 13 billion years old.

The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Less than half the age of the galaxy.

Planets like Earth at least in terms of size/mass exist around other stars which are 6 billion to 12 billion years old.

There was a lot of time, billions of years before our Sun and solar system even began forming where stars like our Sun and planets like our Earth were about the age of ours now.

So if you just do the math the likihood of us running into anyone even just a few hundred thousand years older than us are small.

Nevertheless we most likely will find alien life on planets around other stars. Here's the plan and time line (currently in progress):

See also: Where in Our Galaxy Are All the Aliens

So to answer your question: We're just not that interesting. You don't go over to talk to the ants on the anthill in your yard do you?
edit on 14-9-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 09:27 PM
they visit humans on a small scale or show mass sightings but they don't just straight up land on the ground and comunicate with everyone at once.

The government is not sided with them. Any myths and legends you've heard about aliens working with the government just isn't true as far as i can tell. Governments around the globe chase saucers and ufos away around the globe. If the aliens made themselves known even to the most ignorant of humans world wide. We would be in an invasion scenario. The governments would try to fight back, Forcing *First contact* if you wanna call it that into WW earth. I say WW earth cuz we havn't had a war against ET we can't win yet.

You won't see a little green man walking up to the president on life TV.

And besides, if a whole species mobilized themselves in such a way to make the dumber people know of their presence they would only do so with an agenda period. What ever that agenda is will involve dismantling the army that will oppose them for that agenda to achieve fruition.

People don't build bunkers 100x deeper than is nessisary to survive nuclear fallout. They build mega bunkers to survive world wide cataklysmic events and war with aliens or advanced artificial intelligence.

Maybe some E.T are working with the gov. Who knows, But there is obvious opposition to anything *Not human* operating in our air space. You'd have to be blind to it. And the ISS is constantly shutting off its camea to keep some of these things a secret. Can't keep a constant livestream when alien crafts come into view.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 09:42 PM
i have seen aliens for myself. I know for a fact the government is terrorfied of the species i saw as they are basically living ghosts. That's the best description of them. Imagine poltergiestish phenomenon but for a living non-biological entity that operates physical crafts to travel but contains all the power of a ghost. Teleportation, manifestation in different layers of density, effect electronics, able to paralyze with emotional telepathy or to turn someone into a drooling idiot by triggering dopamine reations in the brain.

With technology that can destroy planets, Harvest neutrons from the sun, and has worm-hole technology built into every fighter craft. Just like how the army has jets, They have saucers. And their fighter crafts are in every way superior to our own makeshift *anti gravity crafts* and that they have mobilized planet sized motherships around our location. The public would love to know this. Would be thrilled to know that we are surrounded by armies of a specter alien race that has enough ships to abduct every person on this planet alive. I'm sure the public would be really comfortable in knowing the government can't do anything to make them leave. And that they have been here for a very very long time. Testing us and the wildlife, livestock and plants. You seen cattle mutilations? that's them. Testing the nutritional compounds of our meat. The micro-organisms and mutations. When people go missing, It is most likley a pathogen of unknown origin is detected, or the pacient has un-cataloged mutations. They document everything, and they certainly don't need the governments permission when their crafts have cloaking devices.

They show themselves to humans for ever reasons. We could debate and philosophize for it. But they have invested to much time in humans just to want to land and mess it all up.

I leave this post at that.

edit on pm90000003015Mon, 14 Sep 2015 21:49:58 -0500 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 09:47 PM
They have been here and done that. Now they have time out for bad behavior

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 09:59 PM
If they visited 300 years ago, how would you know?

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: Logarock

On the contrary, they came, some remained, some left, and some come and go all the while obeying their prime directives, not ours.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: JadeStar

My opinion is that Michio Kaku has officially sold out.

I would urge everyone to disregard everything he says.

He says that global government is progress. One-world government means "Type 1 civilization". And all who oppose it are "terrorists". Michio Kaku = Illuminati propaganda agent

He's a "science" shill for the NWO, always ready to spin the story whatever way the CIA, or the Pentagon, or the NSA, or the NWO spin meisters at MIT or Harvard, or Columbia, or John Hopkins, or Tavistock want him to spin it. You know this guy has to be the voice of the PTBs with all the press he gets. He’s set up as such an unchallengeable authority. Michio Kaku – New World Order Facilitator

The video below confirms this as well:

There are just far too many signs that this is in fact true.

On July 19 Kaku really lost his "cool" when he tried to intellectually bully RT Interviewer Oksana Boyco. Kaku becomes quite rude and belligerent with the host at this point. He asks, “Are you a 'conspiracy theorist'?”. And he demands that she answer his question, “Who was behind 9/11?” He repeats it five times in rapid succession! You can hear him interrupt her every time she tries to answer. He is clearly trying to use the full weight of his celebrity “Science Guy” status to intimidate the young and articulate Russian journalist, Oksana Boyco.

A question to Dr. Michio Kaku

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 10:58 PM
Because their civilizations and our civilizations aren't even in the same time period... Think about how vast space is and how long it takes light to travel from distant stars to Earth... We're always seeing light from the past... So even if there were intelligent life out there, we'd be seeing it from the past, or it could develop long after humans are extinct...

There could be intelligent life existing at the same time as us, but so many light years away it would be a miracle of ever contacting each other... I mean there are still tribes of humans on our vast planet that are "undiscovered", many undiscovered species of animals, and we think we'll run across another intelligent life form from somewhere else? I'm not so sure about that... and if we do they were already nearby or on Earth the entire time.
edit on 14-9-2015 by majesticgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 11:07 PM
You don't see a unified planet rather than squabbling tribes as progress? That's depressing.

Our species has been headed in the direction of seeing ourselves eventually as Earthlings or Terrans for a long time.

Would you prefer returning to warring families?

originally posted by: Murgatroid
a reply to: JadeStar

My opinion is that Michio Kaku has officially sold out.

I would urge everyone to disregard everything he says.

He says that global government is progress. One-world government means "Type 1 civilization". And all who oppose it are "terrorists". Michio Kaku = Illuminati propaganda agent

He's a "science" shill for the NWO, always ready to spin the story whatever way the CIA, or the Pentagon, or the NSA, or the NWO spin meisters at MIT or Harvard, or Columbia, or John Hopkins, or Tavistock want him to spin it. You know this guy has to be the voice of the PTBs with all the press he gets. He’s set up as such an unchallengeable authority. Michio Kaku – New World Order Facilitator

The video below confirms this as well:

There are just far too many signs that this is in fact true.

On July 19 Kaku really lost his "cool" when he tried to intellectually bully RT Interviewer Oksana Boyco. Kaku becomes quite rude and belligerent with the host at this point. He asks, “Are you a 'conspiracy theorist'?”. And he demands that she answer his question, “Who was behind 9/11?” He repeats it five times in rapid succession! You can hear him interrupt her every time she tries to answer. He is clearly trying to use the full weight of his celebrity “Science Guy” status to intimidate the young and articulate Russian journalist, Oksana Boyco.

A question to Dr. Michio Kaku

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 11:56 PM
They are here and always have been hence the ancient depictions! But we are the zoo and the result of their tweeking of our genes!

When we visiting the zoo we go to observe the animals and they are doing the same!

What would the animals in the zoo do if we threw them our technology?

Case rested!!!

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: makemap

Sure we see a lot UFO's flying all over the world right now and then.

#2 We are at constant war with each other and doesn't want to be part of our war for many reasons.


posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 12:45 AM

originally posted by: bgregory
a reply to: makemap

Including the destruction of my home planet, Gallifrey, and the theft of my vessel, the TARDIS.

Welcome to ATS , Doctor .
I thought the tardis had auto-return to owner app....?
Please consult BBC execs from 1963 re your claims .... impost

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 07:41 AM
If they have been watching anything we've transmitted in the past few years on TV and watch the rest of the bag of crazy. Them not coming down to see us is proof they're smart.

It's like the one crazy guy that lives in your neighborhood, you do what you have to not walk in front of his house and if you have to you sneak by. But you still get a few kids that like to go see if the stories are true and sneak in to his yard to peak in the windows.

posted on Sep, 15 2015 @ 09:03 AM
they probably visit all the time

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