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Can Subliminal scripts be spliced into tv,smartphone audio,youtube,streaming etc

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posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 10:05 PM
On the fly subliminal scripts spliced into the video feed of broadcast tv,youtube,streaming video sites etc

Do you think it is possible for someone to insert subliminal scripts into streaming video or broadcast tv? I mean this would have alot of range. Hundreds of millions of people could be programmed with these scripts to respond to a future event in a particular way. Is it possible to use a smartphone to relay subliminal subconscious commands to person or group of persons? It would be an easy way to rig elections or turn a political campaign.

Could this be used to active a receptive mass shooter(SSRI drugs can increase suggestibility,compromises judgement and alters the brain's ability to discern reality from imagination/dreaming) at a specified time?
edit on 13-9-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: grammar

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: John_Rodger_Cornman
On the fly subliminal scripts spliced into the video feed of broadcast tv,youtube,streaming video sites etc

Do you think it is possible for someone to insert subliminal scripts into streaming video or broadcast tv?
Yes. "On the fly" is relative though, as most broadcasted live events have a delay. Though I get the feeling that what those subliminals could say and what you're inferring might well be worlds apart.

I mean this would have alot of range. Hundreds of millions of people could be programmed with these scripts to respond to a future event in a particular way.
Possibly. Though the history of this subject tends to fall more into for profit marketing than political opinion. There are much more direct ways to brainwash the masses politically.

Is it possible to use a smartphone to relay subliminal subconscious commands to person or group of persons? It would be an easy way to rig elections or turn a political campaign.

Phones and portable devices have a very limited range.

Could this be used to active a receptive mass shooters(SSRI increases suggestibility,compromises judgement and alters the brain's ability to discern reality from imagination/dreaming) at a specified time?

Assuming that people were triggering Manchurian assassins, it would be much, much more effective to simply trigger the individual and the individual alone than to risk implanting a broadcast signal with a large scale trigger. Transmissions can be recorded and analyzed. If anyone were using these tactics they would likely be found out rather quickly.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

It dont need to be subliminal.
For example theres an ad showing on the tv right now. Its an ad by an internet supplier. During the ad they say
"Dont become an off grid spoon wittler" while showing a crazy women living in the woods wittling spoons.

See what they've done? They've programmed the viewers to associate OFF GRID with crazy people wittling spoons!

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: VoidHawk

Good point.

Of couse TLunaticsTB would have multiple avenues and options to condition the public and to start/stifle future trends.

Imagine if TPTB have a script to sensitize select suggestible people to racism,sexism,ect they get angry and go riot or commit some act of violence like shoot up a church or kill an innocent police officer for no reason. They then replay the script when needed.
edit on 13-9-2015 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: spelling

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 10:43 PM
ABSOLUTELY! Its never been easier to get it either. Before you would have been taught by some of the best. Now its as simple as downloading a program right to your desktop/laptop, some come at a price, but others are free. I always found it quite amusing that the people who are selling them are SURELY adding subliminals to their pages, and videos as well, but you cant convince anyone of that.

How Can This Application Do That? “Subliminal Messages” application can blink short messages that go directly to your subconscious mind. Those messages are called subliminal messages. These messages blink rapidly so you don’t have time to read the messages, but your mind still can see messages.

Peace, NRE.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 11:35 PM
No, I do not think anything you suggested is possible. No one is injecting malicious code, hackers and nerds with nothing better to do (let alone the techies that actually run these enormous networks) would pick something like this up pretty damn fast. TPTB are humans, they aren't magical sorcerers. If you modify original files, when they get to where they are going and CRC/MD5 check sums do not match, the computer goes "lol this is wrong, idiot", you run into problems, usually resulting in your media files not playing or playing very broken.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: soekvg

That makes me believe it's not only possible, but probable.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 02:46 AM
Lets imagine to alter a youtube video you'd need to be able to take the video from youtube, alter it and then push it out to the target. now due to compression the data stream will need to be decompressed and the relevant frame altered and done subtle enough that it doesn't look obvious so a video of the night sky suddenly has a bright white frame inserted etc and then the streams got to be repacked up and sent on its way its going to really require google who own youtube to be in on it due to the technical effort required

But with the net still a place where buffering is common it would be too risky to have it buffer just as the frame that says "eat at joes - call 555-1234" as the game would be up

Theres a columbo episode based on it so the entire idea of using it for naughty things is hardly new

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 03:28 AM
It's certainly a much more complicated answer than yes or no.

However, the short answer is yes and no.

There are many, many factors to consider but I think - like suggestive hypnosis - it comes down to the suggestibility of the "target audience". Is the intended audience open to committing acts of violence? No amount of subliminal messaging would ever convince a person that would not morally commit violence to suddenly turn to violence...

A wonderful example of what you suggest is Derren Brown:
During live performances he would typically leave subliminal messages for the audience in order to get a certain response from them at a later stage...

He took it even further with the series "The Experiments" - most notably the "Assassin" episode where Brown programmed an unaware participant to murder Stephen Fry without knowing it. The full episode is available on YouTube. "The Heist" was similar where the participants were basically made more susceptible to committing a robbery. The participants were never "programmed" to commit the crime, but were made more open to the idea of robbing someone. In that case the success rate was 65%... "The Great Art Robbery" was also similar.

"On the fly"? I don't know if it's possible to program someone "on the fly" with mere subliminal messaging in media formats... Looking at other/similar examples I would say no - it would take a lot of work. However, creating the actual subliminal messages on the fly would be quite easy for a person with the right skills...

edit on 14/9/2015 by Gemwolf because: Missing word

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

I would agree with your first two paragraphs as being possible, but would say the last one is extremely unlikely.

PS: Your avatar always brings a smile to my face.

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Theoretically, anyone with access to the outgoing video feed could add in new material, if they knew what they were doing and could do it unobserved. Even broadcast signals can be 'jammed' in the same way. Encryption makes it more difficult but I dare say if someone was ingenious enough and had plenty of money, they could find a way.

I'm not an expert but it's safe to assume such things are possible, because they would be useful in warfare, and anything that has military applications tends to attract funds and solutions.

However, there's one little problem: subliminal messages and cues don't work except under very carefully controlled circumstances, such as the showbiz example mentioned earlier, where the audience is already primed to cooperate.

Besides, these pseudoscientific (or would-be-scientific) approaches to manipulation are rather clumsy and unimaginative. Preachers, politicians, actors, advertisers and artists have much more sophisticated and effective ways of getting you to do what they want than simply flashing images at you too fast for you to notice. Persuasion is a very ancient art.

From your many posts on this topic, I fear you have an unhealthy obsession with it. If you feel you are the target of attempts at manipulation, it may be worth going to the authorities, and if they do not take you seriously, seeking medical advice. Unless, of course, you really have secrets somebody is out to wrest from you...

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 02:23 PM
What do you mean by subliminal script?

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: John_Rodger_Cornman

Yes, but most subliminal messages these days aren't specific programming but rather product placement. Showing a bunch of food while talking about eating. Most video isn't played at a high enough frame rate to make placing frames with messages viable and someone would eventually find it anyways.

Audio can be encoded a little different with an underlying track you don't actually hear. Many recording artists have done this for years.

There's also a lot of laws written that prevent a huge chunk of the ways this can be done from happening.

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