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Ike on ISIS - Is he spot on or?

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posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 02:43 AM
Is DI off is rocker or is he once again close to the truth?

See the video on liveleak

There is much to be said for his comments, which of them are close to the truth is debatable, but interesting don't you think?

Is he cuckoo or misunderstood?

I think that some of the things he says are evident.

edit on 13-9-2015 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 02:53 AM
More drivel from the master of drivel. So, no he's not "spot on".

DI seems to have supporters who hang off his every word, but I am not convinced he knows what he's talking about in this complex subject, which is a continuation of a long struggle between and within Islamic denominations for control and which predates Zionism.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 02:58 AM

edit on 13-9-2015 by hopenotfeariswhatweneed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:02 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
More drivel from the master of drivel. So, no he's not "spot on".

DI seems to have supporters who hang off his every word, but I am not convinced he knows what he's talking about in this complex subject, which is a continuation of a long struggle between and within Islamic denominations for control and which predates Zionism. we have finished attacking the source how about something about the message he is sending if that is not too much trouble ...

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I really don't trust videos posted on liveleaks.

I've watched many of the videos over the mmonths and none of them have impressed me. It is startling that so many go wild when new vidz arrive.

edit on 13-9-2015 by Tindalos2013 because: I was distracted by the new Doctor Who trailer.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: Tindalos2013

Liveleaks is just a place where people post Youtube. There is nothing to distrust about Liveleaks. Now, you may distrust David Ike, but that's a whole other thing having nothing to do with Liveleaks...
edit on 13-9-2015 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Anyone who talks about a one world government and one world society, clearly isn't paying attention to the world. Most countries are interested in self preservation and their own interests. We can't even get Union within Europe, with the amount of disparate countries in a relatively small region. Even Union within the UK is difficult to maintain. A one world government with one army is highly unlikely. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing. It would make dealing with threats like Isis a lot easier. I think people like Icke and Alex Jones are struggling to convince people with their conspiracies these days.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:14 AM

originally posted by: we have finished attacking the source how about something about the message he is sending if that is not too much trouble ...

Not attacking the source. Just responding to the question whether Ike was "spot on".

So, what "message" do you get from Ike's opinion? Maybe you should add something to the discussion as to why you think he has anything that adds value to this complex subject. In your own words...
edit on 13/9/2015 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: we have finished attacking the source how about something about the message he is sending if that is not too much trouble ...

Not attacking the source. Just responding to the question whether Ike was "spot on".

So, what "message" do you get from Ike's opinion? Maybe you should add something to the discussion as to why you think he has anything that adds value to this complex subject. In your own words...

Well i guess we could start from....

What do you think about his assessment of events....? let me start by saying i agree with a lot of it,i do find the Albert pike letters to be interesting and as we are seeing unfold he was not that far from the "truth"... which as a term i will use loosely...

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:28 AM

Is DI off is rocker or is he once again close to the truth?

He is inventing his own truth once more , the letter he references upon which his belief is based is a hoax , which I guess is why he says it's a controversial letter , it's nonsense.

Exactly what William Guy Carr was trying to pull, I’ll never know. If you’ve bared it until the end, perhaps you’re disappointed to have found nothing about a prediction of three world wars, Communism, Nazism and Zionist Illuminati – or anything of the sort. A search through the entire book, utilizing relevant word combinations, turns up nothing either. Instead, what it truly represents is the scurrilous fantasies, and militant anti-Catholicism of its author: the impostor Leo Taxil aka Dr. Bataille, who profited handsomely while having a million laughs at the expense of both Christians and Masons; who confessed that his entire corpus of anti-Masonic works – spanning twelve years and representing thousands of pages (including the translated excerpt above) – were a complete and utter fraud; a colossal yet ridiculously farcical hoax.

It is enough having shown that the so-called Pike/Mazzini letter came from the Taxil hoax and to have provided a full translation of it. However, if the reader is so inclined, there are plenty of resources to become familiar with all facets of the Leo Taxil case in the above embedded links.

More nonsense from Ike.

edit on 13-9-2015 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:47 AM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite
Anyone who talks about a one world government and one world society, clearly isn't paying attention to the world. Most countries are interested in self preservation and their own interests.

If that were true we would a see a lot more comment independent of Washington from these countries instead of the 'we are one' type comments we hear all the time.

Moreover, if the claim was true we would not see all same things happening in all the western nations, ie loss of rights and privacy in the name of security, mass migration from the thrid and 2nd world into the first, implementiaton of agenda 21 moves occuring in many countries, ever increasing movement of welfare from individuals into corporte welfare, ever increasing control of goverments by corporations, ever increasing muticulturalism that simply destroys national pride and national identity.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:55 AM
Very good OP as usual David Ike is spot on with his opinion of what is happening in the middle east. It could be all about starting a united European army to stop the chaos that will come out of the hordes of Free Syrian Army thugs flooding into Europe. We may also be witness to a false flag to install some new European leadership like a king of England. . . . I hope not. . . . Who knows for sure.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: paraphi

Zionism didn't suddenly leap into our attention, it was plotted by bankers in order to get control of wealthy Western governments. Its a question of when it was first identified, not when it was actually created. It actually started in Victoria's reign when the control of gold, via Cecil Rhodes at the behest of the queen was given to the instigators of Zionism.
edit on 13-9-2015 by Shiloh7 because: sorry an extra the

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 04:07 AM
In my opinion, the following:

If "we", someone, is starting WW3 to end up with a global single power then they have a bloody long wait.

WW3 on a global scale would go nuclear, those with the money and power, would have no money and no power, there would be no economy, no currency, limited unpolluted land for which they could lay claim to rule for the foreseeable future.

I dont think our human mindset would contemplate sacrificing ourselves for a few generations to live in tunnels just for a single world order...sorry, there is more fun to be had before then.

If you want to look at people with money, they dont want a nuclear war, and I dont believe in the Illuminati, the richest of people would be broke from a Nuclear War.

So unless those American BBTs hover above every launch tube...ahhhhh, and now i see it.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: woodwardjnr

Under different circumstances I would agree with you 100%. However I see two things that indicate Ike is correct on in his video.

Europe has big trading arrangements which it needs to maintain jobs with Russia. It has not fully backed the USA over Ukraine and its cold war against Russia. There Ike is spot on and Europe is being facing a possible destabilisation through being flooded with too many refugees and the chaos they will inevitably create, especially for Germany.

I think he is giving his views purely on the men at the very top of the elite who do want to rule the world and control our lives. To get to being that elite you have to have no conscience and Ike describes psychopathic behaviour exactly. These people are only and I mean only interested in dominance over the world and protecting their own lives and families.

But there are an awful lot of their minions who are cashing in on this and effectively creating a smoke screen over the bigger ambitious picture. One example is the king of Saudi who is busy trying to manipulate the USA over oil, if he thinks he will be one of the elite left when whatever happens now is concluded - he's plain deluded, but he's in there drawing our attention, along with a lot of other visible profiteers operating in banking, arms dealing, medicines you name it, they will brazenly make money out of the misery that those top few elite are causing the world. The media will of course focus on the smaller men so the bigger ones who control every word it spews can get on with their ever nearing ambitions.

Ike's not far off in his assessment IMHO. I just hope that everyone from whatever religion or opinion decides to use their humane value system and reject the impending call to arms.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: Forensick

I would have thought your scenario right, however with the advent of much smaller nuclear weapons dropped on a few strategic cities in various countries, that could well put the theory of an all out nuclear war to bed.

Countries would capitulate, especially e.g. suppose London, were blown up with nearly all our politicians were parked in the Houses of Parliament? Were you to add to that say Birmingham, Edinburgh and Glasgow etc would we then continue or capitulate? We live in very dangerous times with the weapons available today available for an all-out war scenario.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 04:36 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: woodwardjnr

Under different circumstances I would agree with you 100%. However I see two things that indicate Ike is correct on in his video.

Europe has big trading arrangements which it needs to maintain jobs with Russia. It has not fully backed the USA over Ukraine and its cold war against Russia. There Ike is spot on and Europe is being facing a possible destabilisation through being flooded with too many refugees and the chaos they will inevitably create, especially for Germany.

I think he is giving his views purely on the men at the very top of the elite who do want to rule the world and control our lives. To get to being that elite you have to have no conscience and Ike describes psychopathic behaviour exactly. These people are only and I mean only interested in dominance over the world and protecting their own lives and families.

But there are an awful lot of their minions who are cashing in on this and effectively creating a smoke screen over the bigger ambitious picture. One example is the king of Saudi who is busy trying to manipulate the USA over oil, if he thinks he will be one of the elite left when whatever happens now is concluded - he's plain deluded, but he's in there drawing our attention, along with a lot of other visible profiteers operating in banking, arms dealing, medicines you name it, they will brazenly make money out of the misery that those top few elite are causing the world. The media will of course focus on the smaller men so the bigger ones who control every word it spews can get on with their ever nearing ambitions.

Ike's not far off in his assessment IMHO. I just hope that everyone from whatever religion or opinion decides to use their humane value system and reject the impending call to arms.

Sorry, but hearing Ike's not far off in his assessment is only OK because you ended with IMHO.

WW3 - banking, arms dealing, medicines you name it - it doesnt exist, neither does mankind.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 05:39 AM
People should just watch the video and bear a couple things in mind.

The ISIS "Crisis" is seemingly affecting the whole Middle East, but not Israel.

Icke says the goal is a one world order, one government and one army. That already exists, hiding in plain sight, called different names on different occasions… UN, NATO, Coalition Forces.

They'll never achieve "Order" in the New World Order, its an ongoing battle of attrition requiring further "surges' to quell uprisings in whack a mole fashion.

"Brave New World", where people are medicated into acceptance and "1984", where endless war on terror is used to also justify endless whack a mole wars, ruling through subjugation, fear and oppression, are already here.

The world economy is fixed, the armies poised, the rebellions quashed.

Ding, ding, next round.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: Forensick

You didn't bring anything new to the discussion to dispute my points though did you?

World wars aren't declared overnight, if you look at WW1 that was clearly planned and its PC not to discuss the real reasons being Hitler. With WW2 for the British, our country was not prepared for the war, because of naivety and ignoring the signs. Are you saying there are no possible threats that could start WW3 to the delight of the bankers, arms dealers etc etc?

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: RP2SticksOfDynamite

I'm quite fond of Mr. Ike actually, thank you for posting...

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