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The end of the Shemittah Will there be a Nuclear Attack on New York or Washington Today

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posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: jinni73

I know I need to add more but I don't have time and this needed to be put on here in an attempt to stop what looks like is about to happen.

Looks like your ATS post stopped a terrorist nuclear attack champ!.....go you!!

Now if we can just make it to the 25th September................

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 07:38 PM

originally posted by: EA006
a reply to: jinni73

So....nothing happened then?

Good, everyone's safe until the 23rd at least.....

I think it's Rosh Hashanah itself to watch for, and then the Feast of Atonement.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: jinni73

I havent sensed any cerebral foreshocks of an event of significant impact.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 08:50 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: jinni73

So your post on ATS is going prevent a nuclear attack?

Really anything short of that would makebyou culpable, I mean we're talking about the lives of potentially millions of people.

It just makes it harder for them to get away with, combined with the other posts about this Shemitta anomaly that has been a proven point they all have an influence in the overall scheme of things. Its not something I understand All I look for are patterns and I have stopped things before and I have said things that were more than likely completely wrong Yet If you were in my shoes you have an obligation as I am the only one with a true reference point as well as a handful of others of which I have proven certain things to.
The people who are doing these acts are not going to come out and confirm what there plans are just as the military are not going to confirm these things are being done intentionally you need to research all the different whistleblowers like Kay Griggs to get to the reality of what is happening.

And how can I be culpable when I have already stopped them killing thousands of people and can prove It. People in the street do not listen to this kind of stuff they are too caught up with the brainwashing that Is going on and would rather use the labels given to them by there governments so that they can Ignore the reality of this world.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 08:55 PM
I have been noticing during the past week that all the Shemittah doom sooth sayers have been backing off of the last day of the Shemittah, (Sept. 13), for all the doom to hit the planet. They are now saying that it doesn't have to be on the last day of the Shemittah. They are saying that it could go right into October before anything happens.

I guess when the end of October comes and goes with nothing happening, they will come up with some other excuse to put the time out even further. Bunch of scammers is what they all are!
edit on 12-9-2015 by Starbuck799 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: odinsway
.....well....America would probably be better off without both....but why couldn't your dream have included San Fran and LA!?

Its not a dream It's a combination of patterns, coincidences, conversations and things I have read, I have been led to believe that here could possibly be nuclear weapons already underneath these cities I do not know If this Is true or not But overall when you do not consent to these things being done It plays a part in them,
I would rather people that do not know what is going on to think I am mad than to not say things, the last time I did not say anything except to people around me and down the pub they did Fukushima and they tried awfully hard to pull me away from that event and quite simply I am not going to risk that happening again just because of other peoples assumptions.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:13 PM

originally posted by: Starbuck799
I have been noticing during the past week that all the Shemittah doom sooth sayers have been backing off of the last day of the Shemittah, (Sept. 13), for all the doom to hit the planet. They are now saying that it doesn't have to be on the last day of the Shemittah. They are saying that it could go right into October before anything happens.

I guess when the end of October comes and goes with nothing happening, they will came up with some other excuse to put the time out even further. Bunch of scammers is what they all are!

But would a scammer not be making money out of it? Am I trying to get my picture in the paper or something or get anything from this I'm not trying to promote fear I am showing what the signs are If people think that there governments are there to protect them then these predictions show another line of thinking because of all the offshoots that are included with what I say,
I don't ask people to believe me but I nearly always get people coming back a year or so later saying they can see what I am saying therefore waking them up.
There is a massive operation to promote fear in our everyday lives as well as misdirection to cover up the truth and when my predictions can be backed up with so called coincidences that directly involve these matters and are so precise as against all the other random stuff that people are talking about then It makes a difference It gives people a chance to not fall for the fear and to go about changing things on this planet and be subjected to being sprayed with chemicals everyday or drinking contaminated water passed of as potable.

And I would only be interested really in the 12th and possibly the 13th as the hints being shown as relating to the 23rd or the 22nd to 28th september over the last 20 years are too big to ignore as well,
Yet things change all the time the future is able to be changed by anyone and they use the concept in the media of promoting struggles as a worldwide challenge to draw you away from this point of one individual being able to alter any nefarious plan.
edit on 12-9-2015 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: jinni73

originally posted by: odinsway
.....well....America would probably be better off without both....but why couldn't your dream have included San Fran and LA!?

Its not a dream It's a combination of patterns, coincidences, conversations and things I have read, I have been led to believe that here could possibly be nuclear weapons already underneath these cities I do not know If this Is true or not But overall when you do not consent to these things being done It plays a part in them,
I would rather people that do not know what is going on to think I am mad than to not say things, the last time I did not say anything except to people around me and down the pub they did Fukushima and they tried awfully hard to pull me away from that event and quite simply I am not going to risk that happening again just because of other peoples assumptions.

There are no bombs under any cities. There will be no bombs going off tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year anywhere in North America.

Do I think you're mad?, Nope. What I think is that you come on ATS and act like you are privy to some disastrous information that no one else is, (or only very special people are.) You did not know that Fukushima was going to happen, and you know nothing about what will happen anytime in the future. You are not special, you know nothing more than any other person about the future. So stop acting like you are or you do, it's embarrassing.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

His schedule said he was In Maryland.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: StickyBuddha
its all speculation, in 4 months time we will be still here, still the same and in another 7 yrs all these conspiracy theory's will begin again.

Yeah and I bet they thought that going to work on the morning of 9/11
Are you aware of all the asbestos that was in the twin towers that would of gone into every new Yorkers lungs that day just because the history books say 3000 died does not mean they did not take 20-40 years off of every single persons life that day. they were well aware of how toxic asbestos was when they started using It

The air itself was also thick - some rescue workers compared it to "soup." Some experts have estimated that the attacks released a "toxic soup" of over 2,500 different potentially hazardous materials,

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: jinni73

So in all due fairness to the op I will say this was pretty original as far as other stories pertaining to the end of the shemitah. Most of the ones I saw were financial based. As in the stock market will take a dive because financial issues hit during the end of the shemitah. Since the market was closed today it would take a dive Monday.

Regardless, I'm glad I was able to watch Notre dame win on Saturday before going broke on Monday. Hey seriously took some backbone to throw this out , I definately give you credit for going against the grain of the few articles I read.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: jinni73

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: jinni73

So your post on ATS is going prevent a nuclear attack?

Really anything short of that would makebyou culpable, I mean we're talking about the lives of potentially millions of people.

It just makes it harder for them to get away with, combined with the other posts about this Shemitta anomaly that has been a proven point they all have an influence in the overall scheme of things. Its not something I understand All I look for are patterns and I have stopped things before and I have said things that were more than likely completely wrong Yet If you were in my shoes you have an obligation as I am the only one with a true reference point as well as a handful of others of which I have proven certain things to.
The people who are doing these acts are not going to come out and confirm what there plans are just as the military are not going to confirm these things are being done intentionally you need to research all the different whistleblowers like Kay Griggs to get to the reality of what is happening.

And how can I be culpable when I have already stopped them killing thousands of people and can prove It. People in the street do not listen to this kind of stuff they are too caught up with the brainwashing that Is going on and would rather use the labels given to them by there governments so that they can Ignore the reality of this world.

can you elaborate on the proof you have that you have stopped them from killing thousands of people? I would seriously be interested in it.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 11:30 PM
13 September 2015

We still be here in the safety of the North Georgia Mountains…

What's up?

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

nukes were neutralized.

by aliens, of course.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Starbuck799

Your predictions are in a sense as bold as anyone else's.

The day before 9/11, it would have been very easy to say there will be no planes flying into building anywhere tomorrow.

Now, that doesn't mean anything will happen. The odds are in your favor obviously, but absolutes have a way of getting people into trouble.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

Of course, but they only managed to neutralize the bombs for 1-2 weeks, so they will blow up on the 22-23rd or 27-28th.

unless the more advanced alien race gets here in time and completely vaporizes the bombs before they explode.

in other words absolutely nothing will happen, I will be enjoying a cup of kapuchino and laugh some more when the threads saying it was miscalculated and will actually happen around October/November/December start popping up.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 06:30 PM
Is it safe to come out of the bomb shelter yet or should I groundhog it and just stay locked in for 6 weeks just in case?

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Vamana

If nothing happens here around September 23 give or take, then nothing is going to happen here at that time.

If something related to the blood moons occurs, I expect it to be something significant for Israel, not something important here. As such, it would only have real import to me if whatever happens there is important on the world stage or significant prophetically. If say, a war breaks out that forces Israel to fight and catastrophically Damascus is destroyed, that is very important. If a Jewish temple begins construction, that is likewise important.

And of course, there is always the caveat that God can pick and choose whatever time he wants. The verse in which those who say He is coming has several possible interpretations. And none of those is anything about September 23. That is all mostly unrelated prediction work.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 08:35 PM
Did they BOMB yet?
I didn't hear anything ,so I guess not...what a ripoff...

posted on Sep, 14 2015 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: jinni73

And how can I be culpable when I have already stopped them killing thousands of people and can prove It.

Fantastic! have proof!

Any chance we can see it?

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