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Woman impregnated by mistake with black man’s sperm loses court case

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posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:08 AM
a reply to: windword

Yeah, bi-racial kids need special beddings and food requirements.


posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: windword

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: windword


A child is so much more than just half of your genetic material. It's another life to be loved and cherished.

I guess color means more to some than others though.

Too bad.

What if they mixed up the sperm, and it wasn't even yours? Still not violated?

Why do you always have to make this personal?

I don't believe you can grasp the gravity of the situation unless it is made personal. You have labeled this woman a racist who doesn't know that a child is more than genetic material.

edit on 7-9-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: windword

As far as her being racist?

If the hood fits. . . . .

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: beezzer

Sure it would! Same principle. It's not the guy that she picked from that catalog. Woman look for more than skin color when choosing a father for their child.

It's just that the skin color made the mistake obvious, and, she's overwhelmed at the prospect of raising a bi-racial kid! Seems fair to me. A lot of people care about color, not just your mom.

Don't think looking for a father was on her list, but I get your point.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:15 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: windword

Yeah, bi-racial kids need special beddings and food requirements.


Should the child be robbed of her genetic culture, and raised as if she is not bi-racial? Do you think that this white woman new mother is prepared for the challenges that her and daughter will face? She says that she is not.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: windword

As far as her being racist?

If the hood fits. . . . .

Is she a racist because she didn't pick a black father, or a Japanese father, or a Native American father? Maybe she's a racist because she didn't just choose the "grab bag" option!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:19 AM
a reply to: windword

It is my opinion that if this woman cannot raise a child simply because of the melanin content of her skin then she is a weak, pathetic racist.

I'll gladly take the child and raise her in a loving environment where she would be treated as a human being.

Not some scary "non-white" freak.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: beezzer

WTH are you talking about!!!!

She's not trying to return the child! She's not saying that she can't handle being a parent!

She's saying that she was violated by their negligence, and due to their negligence she's burdened with a responsibility that she has no tools to deal with, and wants them to pay for the help that she needs to make sure her daughter grows up understanding her genetic culture.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: windword

Her genetic culture? the mom needs help raising her in accordance with her genetic culture?


Pray tell, what differences in child-rearing are there for different genetic cultures?

I didn't even know DNA *HAD* a culture.

Please, enlighten me. What are the onerous, difficult challenges in raising a child with a "genetic culture"?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: beezzer

Oh goodness.

Fine, I'll come out and say I'm a narcissist.

When I do get a donor(probably a guy friend of mine with impeccable jaw structure like my own) I want him to be white.


I am a narcissist.


I don't want some random black donor because I am a white woman and I love my own face. That requires me to find a white man that has a jaw that will cut through glass yet never shatter my beautiful ego. Much like my beautiful face does to people I come into contact with, I need a donor that will provide the strongest, healthiest, and most intelligent children.

I am kidding of course. But not really.

Women are able to see in men the features that make for strong baby daddies. Maybe this woman is wrong in her opinion but the reality is that she paid for one baby daddy and was raped into having another. It is fraud and it is going against a woman's right to control her own body.

It is B.S.

Most women don't like all male faces/bodies/makeup. If they(we) are paying thousands of bucks it's because we don't think Joe Shmoe on the corner has a great genetic makeup. Women are hardwired to find the best men. The man whose jaw cuts through glass and whose hair whips through the wind while he's figuring out math problems in his head while flashing his pearly teeth at all who come within a five foot radius is the man every woman is looking for.

Not random Joe Blow. Skin color or not this woman got #ed. She got screwed and forced into a pregnancy she did NOT agree to.

So a man breaks into a house and pretends to be a woman's husband during middle of night. F's her and gets her pregnant. Perfectly acceptable right?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 01:43 AM
a reply to: beezzer

I am his Dad,” I said proudly. I nodded toward my wife who was standing close to us. “We adopted him a few weeks ago.” I smiled at the lady and got the same indifferent look she displayed before.

“What do you know about black infant hair care?” she asked. “This baby’s hair looks tangled. “ She gently pulled aside the blanket I had over him. “What are we using on his skin? This child’s skin looks dry.”

I started to feel a bit defensive.. Where was she going with this? I moved back slightly. “We have some hair oils that were suggested to us and we are using cocoa butter and lotion on his skin,” I said. The answer sounded weak and insufficient. My wife engaged as soon as the other woman made physical contact with our child. It’s a mom thing. “Do you have something you could suggest?” my wife asked. She was smiling, but there was a bit of tension in it.

The lady ignored the question and looked directly at me. “What do you plan to do to make sure this child grows to be a strong, culturally connected young black man?” she asked. Honestly, this question had come up as we contemplated adopting an African American child. I had given it considerable thought, but I had trouble putting those thoughts together in the deli section.

Any hint of a smile went away. She looked at me and asked. “Where did you get the idea that you were qualified to raise a black child?” There it was. The statement oozed with racial and social implications that never, ever entered our minds when we decided that race didn’t matter when it came to adopting.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 02:00 AM

originally posted by: OrphanApology

So a man breaks into a house and pretends to be a woman's husband during middle of night. F's her and gets her pregnant. Perfectly acceptable right?

Bad comparison.

The woman paid for a donor. She just didn't get a white one.

But she still got a baby out of the process.

Guess it must suck for her because she isn't lily white.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: windword

We'll never get rid of division, racial issues in our society as long as people think that child rearing differs based on color.

Good god, you've just gotta keep the separation there, don't you.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 02:11 AM
Just gotta ask , has it been proven that the sperm came from the sperm bank .

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: Boeing777
Talk about a possible touchy issue, between this thread and that one about the trans illegal migrant which has people all up in arms about. Gee ATS has gone more loopy doopy then usual, I would not touch some of these threads with a ten foot monkey pole.

But then again, what other point does the internet and this site have if not that. So! I don't know, mistakes happen I suppose and people are picky it seems about there possible offspring, but its not like she can repackage and stick a postal stamp on the kid with a return to sender address. Different strokes for different folks I suppose, I have known people and yes white people who adopted and raised kids from all nations and races who would not bat an eye if this happened, and then some seem to be real picky.

It never occurred to me but its likely why women go to these sort of things. Who would have though a woman doing the whole random conception by some sperm of a guy whos stats or on a file and maybe has a picture would be so iffy about this eh? I mean if you want something done you usually have to do it yourself but these women cant even be bothered with that it seems. Pretty bizzaro weirdo world we live in. And then they complain about it.

I dont know, but I see why people would go there, and why she would be miffed about it. I ques they should have more stringent procedures in place and yes even laws, not because of this female and her wants, but because this has to possibility of ending up bad for a lot of kids when there born to people who look at them like a lost unwanted package, its bound to lead to issues for the kid and all involved for the rest of there lives...

Which really could be avoided. Most especially if they make these sort of mistakes at these donor clinics, white, black, asian, whatever, I am sure they all have there idiosyncrasies and preferences I dont really care to know. But it is breach of contract under legalities after all and just bad practice for all involved, none more so then the kids, who will have to life with it all.

So ya! Take your pick and love your kid and all that, but the road with less headaches for everybody is the road were these clinics take this sort of thing more serious and no mistakes or misunderstandings happen. That way they then at least only have themselfs to blame for whatever issue they have.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: OrphanApology

That requires me to find a white man that has a jaw that will cut through glass yet never shatter my beautiful ego. Much like my beautiful face does to people I come into contact with, I need a donor that will provide the strongest, healthiest, and most intelligent children.

Oh wow thats a lot of specifications. The only picture this brings to mind in that description especially the whole "has a jaw that will cut through glass yet never shatter my beautiful ego" Well Jay Leno has quite a handsome jaw and it looks like it not only could cut through glass, but it will also shatter it to bits. Plus he also has the power of being rich so thats got to be plus if he ever donated sperm right?

But somehow I dont think that what you meant, and whatever you meant likely exists in some wacky fantasy in your head.

Most women don't like all male faces/bodies/makeup. If they(we) are paying thousands of bucks it's because we don't think Joe Shmoe on the corner has a great genetic makeup. Women are hardwired to find the best men. The man whose jaw cuts through glass and whose hair whips through the wind while he's figuring out math problems in his head while flashing his pearly teeth at all who come within a five foot radius is the man every woman is looking for.

Oh ya I see your problem. Its the same problem women have when they get annoyed that there clothes on there barbie and ken doll's dont fit right and throw a tantrum. I know women like play pretend, but this is a whole new level of things of those things which only likely exist in there head.

But on a side note never knew these women pay thousands of dollars for this stuff. Now that is some hilarious stuff. I just thought they go in there and they get shown some pictures which may or may not actually be the actual donor and then they bid on the sperm or something. You know kind of like an auction house.

Sounds so cliche and like something women would do, kind of how when they go and buy a pet, or those little dogs they have. I wonder how all this works. Do these clinics like have a price ranges for different more good looking dudes or better genetics or if they are more affluent or if they have no family history if diseases or something?

Here I thought they go in there and just pick some random dude from pictures, which in effect is what there doing anyways, the random part. But really thousands of dollars for this stuff is way to much, what do the less jaw cutting perfect dudes go for a discount, or those with a history of ailments in there family tree, or if there shorter or who know what?

They would be like.

"Oh I like this one he looks like Tom Cruize!"... Then the clinic Representative would be like oh that one has been used many times the donor is guite a hot customer but I am afraid you cant afford him in your price specifications. "But tell you what, we are having a sale next week on Indian, Asian, and even some Eastern European genetic specimens, why dont you come back then for a great discount"

The only words that come to mind on this this thread are...Poka! Loka tu, underwear. Bananonina. Which is minionese for something that is not a compliment.

Ah just messing! You people can do whatever you want. Just get on with it already ya know.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: Merlynn
a reply to: Boeing777

You are so wrong.

As some one who was raped by a black person, I don't even think I would want the kid. You can call me a bad person or whatever, but if I paid for something, looked forward to it, and then saw what came out...I feel like my health would have been at risk. It would have felt like being violated all over again.

The insementating of the wrong persons sperm would have been forced. It was the wrong sperm. She just didn't know it. Orphan makes a lot more sense.


Its hard to feel sympathy for someone who holds the actions of one person against an entire group of people.

I won't go as far as saying you deserved the pounding that you got, but I don't feel sorry for you.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:10 AM
I feel sorry for the child, the woman is clearly a racist pig. Wouldn't be shocked to hear about abuse allegations later on down the line. A low iq having woman like this can't be a competent or loving parent. Can you imagine when this child becomes old enough to understand that her mom hates her because of her skin color?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 04:51 AM

originally posted by: windword

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: windword

As far as her being racist?

If the hood fits. . . . .

Is she a racist because she didn't pick a black father, or a Japanese father, or a Native American father? Maybe she's a racist because she didn't just choose the "grab bag" option!

im with you on this.
first this lady did not say she does not want the baby
but lets say she did
does not make a person racist of they do not want a mixed race kid.
that is not the definition

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: windword

We'll never get rid of division, racial issues in our society as long as people think that child rearing differs based on color.

Good god, you've just gotta keep the separation there, don't you.

Color, in this is case, the indicator that the sperm was not the sperm she had chosen. There's a really silly movie, called The Switch. But even this unbelievable and light hearted comedy, the violation is palpable.

Not a single moment rings true in the artificial insemination comedy “The Switch.” That’s unfortunate, since the film is actually about a situation that many women must confront.

Jennifer Aniston’s character, Kassie, is a single, 40-year-old New York TV producer who wants to have a baby but is tired of waiting around for a man to make that happen. Kassie turns to a sperm donor, hand selecting a grinning, back-slapping stud, only to have her longtime best friend, uptight stock trader Wally (Jason Bateman), get drunk and “accidentally” substitute his own specimen for her chosen sample. .html

Greenwich CT doctor uses his own sperm to inseminate women

This is a case of a white doctors, whose patients were outraged, not because their children were white, but because their children were not from the sperm they had chosen.

edit on 7-9-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

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