*Update on next page! This is a discussion after all*
Any links I provide are for educational use and are imperative to support my overall conclusion.
Now that's settled, I want to bring up a subject that may rub a few the wrong way but nonetheless is of utmost importance.
Late last evening I stumbled across a picture that struck me as odd. This eventually led me down the trail of truth and I'd like some input on my
The picture in question can be found here and is only one of many I found.
Chicago skyline from St Joseph MI
In this picture is a clearly visible Chicago skyline from the shores of lake Michigan in St. Joseph.
The reason I claim this picture is odd is based simply on the fact that the distance between St. Joseph and Chicago's prominent feature, Willis/Sears
tower, is 97 KM or 60 Mi. Verified by google maps ruler feature.
In order for me to claim that this picture is not possible, I have to use information that a majority of people agree with.
Let's go ahead and choose the billion dollar money pit you all know as NASA.
So Nasa says that the earth is 40,000 KM or 25,000 Mi in circumference.
I mean, after all, these guys are ROCKET SCIENTISTS. So their info should be solid right? We should be able to observe your theories and "Facts" in
reality, right? Isn't that science? repeatable experimentation to back a theory pertaining to our physical world?
I hope you're all following because this is where it gets crazy...
With that info, we can build an equation to calculate curvature of the earth.
Earth Curve Calculator
So when we plug in our photographer with our compiled data, we should expect that what NASA says is observable and true.
Let's say the observer is 6 feet tall.
Standing at the shore 97 KM away
earth curve calculation dictates that a horizontal line of sight from a fixed point at 6 feet base height will have a horizon line at just SNIP shy of
3 miles.
In other words, everything past 3 Mi from the vantage point is subject to being below the "curve."
Wait a second... How can we see Willis tower 60 MILES away, let alone most of the surrounding structures standing at a fraction of the height?!
It's not possible... according to the numbers.
We are talking about high rises though, so we'll delve deeper to give them a chance.
So according to NASA, Just how tall would a structure have to be for a 6 foot observer to witness 60 miles away?
The Answer: For a 6 foot observer to see a structure 97 KM or 60 Mi away while standing on earth, the structure would have to be NO SHORTER than 666 M
or 2187 Ft.
How tall is Willis Tower........?
442 M or 1450 Ft....
So, according to NASA, the TALLEST building in Chicago should be more than 200 meters under the horizon and effectively impossible to view from our
photo's vantage point.
Ask yourself, are all these amateur tourist photos spanning Lake Michigan utter fakes, or is something not quite right with NASA's data.
Remember, NASA also says that gravity pulls evenly at any point on earth towards the core. No matter what body of water, it should be subject to these
same alleged rules.
MY conclusion: NASA=Not Always Scientifically Accurate.
Observation beats dogma and numbers on a screen in my book all day any day.
What do YOU think??
edit on 5-9-2015 by GanjaGuy because: (no reason given)