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The power of raw plant based super foods. Vastly under appreciated.

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posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 07:20 AM

Hidden away in the birch forests of the northern hemisphere, the parasitic mushroom called chaga makes its home on the trunks of birch trees. Its growth is rare, estimated to appear only on one in every 15,000 birch trees.
It can also be difficult to miss for those unfamiliar with its odd appearance, which looks generally like a charred growth of bark. In spite of this unappealing appearance, this mushroom houses a score of beneficial qualities. For centuries, this mushroom has been used to create an herbal tea that has served as a powerful folk medicine, and today’s research has helped to validate many of its early uses.
Some of the benefits found in chaga tea include strengthened immunity, improved digestion, reduced stress and even anti-cancer properties.

(This gets just a little spiritual, not bad, just a forewarning, and if thread should move, by all means)

Chaga Tea, supposedly the number one superfood of the entire planet.

I'm sold, the stuff is amazing.

I have a really great person for a grandfather, months ago he was developing prostate cancer and had high numbers indicating that it could be a serious case.
The one and only thing he changed about his life was he started drinking chaga tea daily, just mixed it in with his coffee most of the time. Harvested wild right there in the midst of his stomping grounds might I add. Extracted and brewed by the man himself.

I'm pretty sure it was only a month but Ill say two months to be safe. His numbers, whatever those are, indicating a high of risk prostate cancer had dropped to zero. No signs of ailment, he kept on a trucking and still drinks the stuff today.
In fact He was just here to visit a few weeks ago, I had heard of chaga before but his story renewed my interest, he left me with some amd I've been hooked ever since.
The thing is, its not just recommended for people who might be dying, it's for everybody, and does just about everything....

However my favorite health benefit, the one that interests me most is the fact that the chaga mushroom directly nourishes the pineal gland. I'm curious what people think of this. I've noticed things as I continue to avoid foods that calcify the pineal while seeking out foods that nourish it.
About two years ago, though unaware of Chaga. I was very strict with my vegan diet,I was obsessed with "superfoods", ancient foods, anything non-GMO and dense with vitamins and nutrients. I avoided junk, fluoride, microwaves and GMOs very diligently.

I was also very spiritually minded. I was once a Christian until I decided I don't agree with organized religion one bit, but still have faith in Christ, mixed in with some Buddhism and Rastafarianism, I'm an odd one

As time progressed I began to notice overwhelming synchronicity, it started with numbers repeating (37 1:11 or 11:11) then I started to play songs in my head before pandora put it them on. Then I started hearing the numbers from either customers or the tv's and radio.......all can be argued as coincidence or confirmation bias, sure.

The numbers never stopped, I felt very alive, full of energy. I was putting out positivity everywhere I went, I couldn't help it, I felt great. Positivity starting flowing back my way, to the point where it got weird.
I feel like I may have just slightly tapped into the law of attraction. I would set an intention for the day, and it would play out.

(examples: "today im going to sell a lot of stuff" sure enough, slammed with customers and I sell them all.)
(or: today I'm going to be kind to everyone no matter what! [I work with some abrasive characters] rare, yet on that day every single person was ridiculously cool.)

I know those aren't impressive, and I have more, but whether the reader believes is not my concern, nor am I here to sway anyone's opinions in any direction. Simply sharing experience, thoughts, and theories. Hoping someone gets it.
I was fully into this, but didn't realize I was Practicing new age stuff and leaving my core behind. I had all kinds of crystals, prayer flags, sage for smudging, just an unbalanced ignorant mix of the occult, Buddhism, Christianity, and a human soul dabbling where it shouldnt be.

Either I gave up, or something crawled out of one of those occultic objects and tried to bring me down. Before my downfall, at the pinnacle of this awareness I saw broad daylight UFO. I relate that sighting with my spiritual energy at the time. Healthy pineal, surrounded by strange crystals, and negative memories.

Wrote about it here,

Not a craft at all, some sort of entity, or something I projected myself through some quantum/neural mechanism.

Now. Here we are about two years later. I've been on a journey. I sunk pretty low, I lost my feeling of spiritual connection and strength, I stopped seeing the numbers, any hint of synchronicity ceased. My positive vibes melted away I was left either nuetral or can read all about it here,

I've recently dug myself out of that hole and made some new improvements along the way!
Mainly saying adios to alcohol forever. I also picked up my old vegan diet, only this time I have added Chaga and reishi (also nourishes the pineal

mushroom into the mix.
I've recovered, and decided to come back ten times better. Here comes the neat part. It's all started back up again. The numbers, the Synchronicity, the positive reciprocation! Coolest of all, there seems to be an outside force guiding this process.

Food is medicine. What we are accustomed to as a normal diet is incorrect. Everyone I've ever brought this up to claims our minds are so powerful that food isn't so important. I disagree completely, I think food is key, and the mainstream popular easy to access food only damages us.
It's not just about how you look, the nutrition in food breaks down and reaches every part of our body. Meaning our diet effects or mood and state of mind as well. We are woven by the foods we eat.

I've personally eliminated daily heartburn, stopped heart palpitations, stabilized my blood pressure, nearly defeated my anxiety disorder, taken a significant amount of control over my panic disorder, most recently alleviated the pain of the arthritis in my ankle joint, and more I am sure. All with a mainly vegan diet and regular exercise and those things alone.

edit on 1-9-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 08:15 AM
I make Chaga tea. I love it. I also make Gynostemma tea. Gynos not a mushroom like chaga, but a climbing herb. from the cucumber and melon family. It's been referred to as the immortality herb by certain people in China and Vietnam,
where it grows abundently.

Surprisingly, there are some Chaga extract supplements that are very affordable. I bought some at a local health-food store. I'd like to know how effective they are compared to fresh-brewed tea.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
I make Chaga tea. I love it. I also make Gynostemma tea. Gynos not a mushroom like chaga, but a climbing herb. from the cucumber and melon family. It's been referred to as the immortality herb by certain people in China and Vietnam,
where it grows abundently.

Surprisingly, there are some Chaga extract supplements that are very affordable. I bought some at a local health-food store. I'd like to know how effective they are compared to fresh-brewed tea.

Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to read the op

There's a wild chaga on the side of a birch literally in my moms front yard, they said I could chop it down amd harvest it if I split to with them. I'll be there this weekend, can't forget!

I'm suddenly nervous because it got pretty cold, nearly 32 here today, i wonder if I'm too late?

Oh well either way there is a great little store that sells a bunch of already ground up chaga, along with all kinds of awesome superfood health nut dream items.

Did ya know birch water or sap I suppose technically, during given the right season and conditions, can be tapped from the tree, comes put like water, is delicous, and more than rivals coconut water in overall nutrition.

I didn't realize till recently how powerful and healing the birch tree is.

Do you notice any benefits from the chaga tea? Do you avoid flouride?
edit on 1-9-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 11:12 AM

Did ya know birch water or sap I suppose technically, during given the right season and conditions, can be tapped from the tree, comes put like water, is delicous, and more than rivals coconut water in overall nutrition.

Yea. My local health food store sells the Byaroz brand. It's a tad expensive. There's research being done on pine pollens, some of which supposedly have incredibly high antioxident and polyphenol content. You know the pine tree buds that you can crush between your fingers, and they're just bursting with pollen?
There are documented cases of people curing diverse ailments with good grade maple syrup, which is loaded with nutrients. Good stuff in those trees!

Do you notice any benefits from the chaga tea? Do you avoid flouride?

Yes, the Chaga definitely helps. More energy for sure. I do avoid flouride. I'm not a fanatic, but I don't drink tap water at all.

Over the years, I've tried tons of supplements, many of which I think were hyped and exaggerated. Of course, people respond differently to foods and supplements. One thing that has been literally like a miracle for me is MSM.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK
You might also look into Reishi tea.

posted on Sep, 1 2015 @ 08:25 PM
My goodness would I love some reishi tea!

One of my favorite healthy snacks is called Cacao crunch, by the brand "living intentions".......

its all raw and sprouted, one of the main ingredients is the reishi mushroom. I'm especially interested in this mushroom for its supposed nourishment of the pineal gland, higher consciousness, and spiritual growth.

I don't fully subscribe to this notion, but sure entertain the heck out of it.

It's hard not to believe when you feel the results, then again, our minds are so powerful that they can manifest whatever we believe. So which came first?............

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: Mousygretchen
a reply to: GoShredAK
You might also look into Reishi tea.

thanks again for the lead

ETA: just realized this repy is a bit lengthy, please dont feel obligated to read! U wont hurt my feelings. It is just that I can't write on ATS too often, and when I find the inspiration I seize it and get the thoughts written down because I don't know when I'll feel up to it next.........cont.

As my interest in "immortal mushrooms" was born, I eventually learned reishi is in that category.

We only have one Little store that sells legitimate health food, I would be thrilled to find this tea there. I can't want to go back, just so much goodness.

If no reishi, I'll still have the chaga, and will search on.

Many of my favorite foods have ancient names that translate to things like "elixir of immortality", immortal mushroom", "diamond of the forest" "gold of the incas"....... And so on. I'm thinking ancient people had to have some positive results with these foods, and knew something. I don't think they were just coming up with cool names lol.

Heck, 90% of what I eat is considered a "superfood" I'm not even sure when that term came into existence, but I like it, and believe they are called such for a reason.

It looks like I spend a lot of money eating this way, but these small portions pack a heck of a punch. Not only do they keep me feeling full, I feel great. Very Alive, and mentally strong.

Zero weird side effects that can sometimes be expected from "dead food" (a term a friend of mine used to define mainstream foods) the things were all used to seeing on the shelves those that are most plentiful, attractive, and easily accessible. I like it and have officially adopted the term.

I've been on the other side, there was a time, not very long ago when I didn't give diet or nutrition a fleeting thought. That worked when I was a kid, my body could handle, and it was a different place in time.

Going from an older teen to an adult I already had high blood pressure, anxiety, heart palpitations, regular daily heartburn and just a general discomfort, dull view on things, basically not at all myself.

My athletisism was fading rapidly. So depressed too. Life became exponentially worse before I finally began fixing things, and changing for the better.

I was ranging from 195lbs into the 200s. For comparison right now I'm 155lbs, which is only slightly higher than my apparent ideal bmi......I pack a little more muscle for that to work though so 155 is the smallest I'll get, or have ever been.

Having just made a succesful idiot mission through a substance abuse issue, I found the positive by wanting change, which meant re establishing my old diet and being very strict with it, while working out ten times as hard. As soon as I get all the conditioning I've lost back, Ill be able to say I'm in the best shape of my entire life.

I signed up for my passion, which will be my new addiction, and by its very nature there will be no more room for anything remotely unhealthy. It's gonna save me really. It's a very nutrient critical sport, so my knowledge and love for superfoods will only grow.

If the stars align, this will be at least a ten year chapter in my life, after that I'll be a happy healthy old man who can hopefully still snowboard and surf.

edit on 2-9-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2015 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK
Lol! be an old man who can still snowboard and surf~ sounds like a pretty attainable goal!! I can literally go to the market hearby and buy shiitake and fresh Maitake mushrooms, maitake mushrooms are known as the Dancing Mushroom in Japanese, they will boost immunity and scavenge free radicals, green tea is also very good, and im enamoured at the concept of Birch water, it sounds so pure and delicious. I was foraging for Chaga a few weeks ago, and I found some birch bark, but im in Virginia, and I think that's too far south to find Chaga, so I didn't brew it, just assumed it was a poisonous lookalike.

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 02:33 AM

Lol! be an old man who can still snowboard and surf~ sounds like a pretty attainable goal!!

Yes it is! There's a few of them out there, I respect their style, most of them seem extra humble, genuinely kind, and happy. If the stars align, if I feed the good wolf only from here on out, I will become one of those old shredder dudes, good vibes always

Heck both the greatest surfers, and skaters right now are in their 40s I believe? There's some mind blowing unreal young talent out there for sure.

However some of the pioneers still seem to be progressing and dominating. Danny Way, Kelly Slater, Laird Hamilton, Bob Burnquist (not sure if he is even human?) to name a few.

These men seem to be literal super humans, the fans of their crafts have been blessed to witness what they've done, and are still doing.

Never heard of the dancing mushroom, that's cool, I'd be thrilled to give it a try, hopefully someday I find some.

Birch water is incredible! It's like a glass of pure water, actually pure, same refreshing consistency with a slight hint of birchiness. Goes down easy and makes ya feel great. A co-worker brought some in a while back and hooked me up because he knows I'm a health nazi, if he didn't I would probably still be oblivious.......

After researching the stuff, the suprisingly numerous and powerful health benefits, I'm overwhelmed by the fact I've been surrounded by this stuff most of my life! Didn't even realize until just a few months ago. Lol, then I learn chaga grows on the same dang tree! So I'm quite anxious to get out there when the time is right and make the best of this opportunity.

Gosh, I don't know what states chaga mushroom can be found. However I have been told the #1 source for high quality chaga is the beautiful place I'm currently surrounded by.

So cool the Earth provides such things.

edit on 3-9-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2015 @ 12:16 PM
yes! And the skater Rodney Mullen is insane

posted on Sep, 4 2015 @ 10:40 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

If you are taking it off of a tree remember to leave some for the tree, and it will grow back. the video shows you how to make the chaga tea to get the maximum benefit out of it he adds some wine into it and heats it for about 3 days. If you are boiling it you will be killing a lot of the goodness in it.
edit on 4-9-2015 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

Surprisingly, there are some Chaga extract supplements that are very affordable. I bought some at a local health-food store. I'd like to know how effective they are compared to fresh-brewed tea.

Finally actually getting sober and fully charging back into this healthy lifestyle I love. So I feel I can answer that question.

I've had the store bought chaga, which is awesome, however I very recently had some properly harvested and brewed chaga, which for two nights in a row now have had wicked awesome vivid dreams. Plus I feel awesome.

I have a theory that chaga tea along with all my old tools I will speed through my benzo withdrawal.

A few days from total discontinuation. Ill be testing the theory and will post the results.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:40 AM
Chaga is awesome. Today I became aware of the symbiotic relationship we have with birch trees

Chaga to them is a cancer. Yet it heals us in many ways.

I wonder if harvested properly we actually heal the tree a bit too?
edit on 1-12-2015 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: GoShredAK

If you are taking it off of a tree remember to leave some for the tree, and it will grow back. the video shows you how to make the chaga tea to get the maximum benefit out of it he adds some wine into it and heats it for about 3 days. If you are boiling it you will be killing a lot of the goodness in it.

Thanks again for this! With my renewed interest and energy, I need stuff like this. I need healing. I honestly forgot I made this thread.

Chaga harvesting time is now too. So stoked for a nature walk/ chaga mission tomorrow, and ill be certain to take care of the tree and do it the right way.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: Mousygretchen
a reply to: GoShredAK
You might also look into Reishi tea.

Apparently reishi can be found around here too! I'm overwhelmed with the healthy natural resources surrounding me.

posted on Jan, 19 2016 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

so Wikipedia says that the fungus only grows on a dead or dying tree. It would be worth trying to monitor the growth of the fungus to see how much it produces if you have one near you.

If you are into health do you know about DMG or Pangamic acid I call this the vitamin that prevents death.

posted on Jan, 21 2016 @ 02:06 AM
a reply to: jinni73

Are you referring to reishi when you say it only grows on dead trees? Genuinely curious since this is my hobby/future business and it's a passion that keeps on growing.

I know nothing of reishi yet, but I'm really gettin the eye for chaga, and a refined technique all he way around. It's really fun and good for the body mind and soul.

This DMG I have not heard about! Thank you so much for gifting me something new. I love learning new things, especially nutrients.

I'm off to research the stuff.

Any other new ideas i would love to hear about

edit on 21-1-2016 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

the Chaga only grows on dying birch trees so the bit you bought up about cancer ties in.

seaweed is another one to research it has all the minerals in it that make up our body Ryan Drum is one to look for on the internet with an amazing website

rosemary is awesome I chew some leaves through the day and dry some out and smoke it, smoking it cleans the lungs out and removes heavy metals chewing the leaves removes a lot of stuff like estrogen which our food is saturated in

Vitamin E is essential for the heart and so much more but getting a true one is not easy wheat germ oil is a great source research shute brothers

try and stay away from synthetic vitamins as I have not come across any favourable research that proves it works IE they could not reproduce sea water that fish could live in they couldn't reproduce royal jelly that would make bees becomes queens, another study giving 3 groups of 8500 smokers nothing and synthetic Vit A and Vit E proved the 2 supplemented groups died before the smokers that were given nothing.

and one really interesting book is Anastasia the ringing cedars by vladamir megre a part of the book details how to grow your food very interesting book written with a bit of magic in it you will see once you've read a bit of it in how it makes you feel

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