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Ghost? Demon? Alien?? Help please

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posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:02 AM
Hello fellow atsers!
So a while back I posted a thread what is In my closet. Which I will slightly recap. My question has changed once again, I have had a boyfriend move in and we have been living together 8 months.

Technically we live with my sister. She has been the first one to own the town house as it was a new construction.

Some background on my boyfriend,he was a complete non believer in anything paranormal or extraterrestrial and thought I was crazy when I told him some of my stories. His father was a pastor when he was little and taught demonology as well. Due to some things his father has done to him, my boyfriend despises religion but believes in a creator. Otherwise again, he didn't believe in anything paranormal or demonic until now.

A little background on myself (please feel free to read my other posts) strange things have always happened to me since I was little. Due to my dreams and strange happenings I always thought of ets. Anyways ever since I was little I get scared at night for no reason. It doesn't happen all the time. When I was little I would only feel safe if my brothers were home and as I got older I would only feel safe with certain males. Ex boyfriends, etc. To explain I could be watching Disney movies (as an example of something that isn't frightening) or reading, and some nights all the sudden it's as if I could feel somebody else's vibe enter the room though there would be no one. It is very discomforting, and at times it freaks me out so much I need to turn on some sort of light. (Only when I'm alone) sometimes I feel as if I am being watched. It happens frequently when I am downstairs and I always feel there is something on the stairs landing looking down at me. My sister says she experiences it too when she's on the couch.

In late 2013 I woke up out of a dead sleep facing my closet (walkin) and saw the outline of something not very tall standing in it. I shut my eyes, reopened them and it was gone. Two nights later the same thing happened, I tried to scream but couldnt. Then I heard a scream from somewhere else. The next morning my sister asked if I heard her scream. She said she woke up from a Strange dream and swore she saw two beings in her door. Due to other strange occurrences in my life I chalked this up to aliens lol. (Again read my other posts)

Fast forward to march of this year. I took a family vacation to the Virgin Islands and left my boyfriend alone in the house. I talked to him through out the trip and he slept on the couch. I thought he just didn't want to be in our room cause he missed me or something.

After I came back we had his long time friend over, we were all exchanging stories and I told of my stories I just mentioned above and he froze. A look of horror went across his face and he started pacing back and forth. His friend had never seen him like it. My boyfriend told me the first day I was gone he was in our room hooking up our bar speaker under the tv. He said he got so spooked he had to leave the room, he just had a feeling of fear come over him. And said he felt it from the closet. As I said he slept on the couch he kept feeling like he was being watched. He said Malibu (our chihuahua) kept putting up her ears and looking at the landing. He said something was messing with him and whatever it was knew it. (As my boyfriend was telling the story I got the same feeling I always got when I got scared for no reason the same freaky vibe, and I feel it now as I'm writing this) he said out of his peripheral vision he saw a little creepy girl. And at times he got so bad he had to leave the house for hours. He refers to whatever it is as a dead girl even to this day. He swore up and down he was a non believer but now he is and swears it is a demon.

Sometimes there are vibes and we have had some wicked arguments. I have done stuff that I don't remember such as throwing heated scentsy wax and the next morning I demanded to know why there was wax all over the wall.

The fighting has been immensely better. However, my boyfriend will still randomly get up and close the closet door.

The other night we were going downstairs. My sister was asleep, and the light in the spare bedroom randomly turned on, we booked it downstairs and watched the window as he smoked outside. The light turned off. As we were returning to our room, he casually looked in the spare bedroom passing, looked really terrified and hurried us down the hall.

So my question is, what is it. I have had other guys here in the past and there has never been anything like this going on (aside from me feeling like I was being watched and being scared at times) noNE of my exes have experienced what my boyfriend has. This house is a new construction again, we are the first owners. What is this thing is it the same thing causing what I've felt since I was little? Ghost? Demon? Where would I get either from?! And what do i do? Again I used to think it was aliens but now I don't know.

If you don't believe me then there is no need to comment I'm looking for a solution.
Thank you in advance
edit on 22-8-2015 by Asherz189 because: ..

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: Asherz189

This is seen more and more around the world and here at ATS. It is very hard to sit behind a desk and be able to determine what it exactly is that is terrifying you. Rest assured whatever it is ..... it is not from heaven. God's sons and daughters in heaven.....and lets not forget the "Holy Spirit" when they enter they bring peace and love with them.

You need someone who is specialized in this area, a paranormal team, a demonologist or priest come in and look around. I think this can be easily solved with a simply house blessing. Most priests are happy to come out and do this. Make sure each room gets blessed and especially this closet. This should stop the attacks however if they return than the issue is with you or someone else who lives in the home. Now many will tell you that anyone can do a home blessing..... which is true but often the spirits will return after a few months, sometimes making it worse because when they return they bring "back up with them" extra spirits..... now you could have a home full of them..... and when that happens it can become dangerous for you.

I don't want to make this worse than it is ..... but a demon does come to mind, I don't think it is a ghost (big difference between the two). Evil spirits also known as "unclean spirits" make themselves known by making noises, banging on windows, walls and doors, playing with your electricity and it escalates from day to day.

What about sickness in the home? Anyone have a sickness they have a problem with? I have seen people have a cold all year long, stomach pains, all of a sudden frequent Migraine headaches, regular nightmares, being awaken between 0300 and 0400 hours often......

I hope you continue with thread throughout the weekend. I would like to hear more.

FYI: When moving into a new home.... the first thing you should always do is get the home blessed. It removes old negativity from former tenants.... etc.... Don't forget this.

God bless you and your family.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:34 AM
About 6 years ago we had similar things going on here , only worse. It was also happening at the neighbors next door. Everyone present could feel it and the dogs were the first to go on alert. It got really bad. The next door neighbors wife was in the backyard in the morning, and her husband walked by her, through the gate, into the back door and disappeared. She was surprised that he said nothing as he went by and went to follow him. She found him still asleep in his pajamas. The thing that walked by was dressed, and an imposter.
I have wood floors. I was in bed, with my pittbull on top opf the covers beside me. I heard footsteps and the floor creaking. I just couldnt believe it. It walked across the end of the bed then started heading up the side of the bed toward me. The pitbull went full alert , barking like mad, I through off the covers, leapt out of bed, and hit the light switch. No one was there. The dog and I just looked at each other in disbelief. Ok It gets worse.... A friend of my son was staying the night. He made up his sleeping bag downstairs, said his prayers, and heard a voice from the next room. He thought it was my son goofing around, but when my son never came around the corner, he walked into the next room to see what was up. There was a guy standing right behind where im sitting right now. He looked like us, except his skin was glowing. He stared and our guest, then slowly vanished into thin air. One night I just had enough. I got on my knees and asked God to send his Angels to watch over me so I could sleep in peace. I immediatly felt the presence of 2 good beings. I couldnt see them, but I felt them and felt peace. As I was drifting off to sleep, I saw a greenish auora light thing shoot into my room through the bathroom wall. I could swear I saw a flash and beings in my room chased it out and sealed up the way it was coming into our world. They have been gone ever since.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: Asherz189

Film it and sell the movie rights.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: Asherz189

I really don't like reading giant blocks of texts, I need paragraphs in order to break your sentences apart. But, I really stopped reading once you said your boyfriend doesn't believe in paranormal things yet believes in demons and gods. I would have to say he has no intelligent or thought provoking opinion on any subject matter if he can call gods and demons not paranormal.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: Asherz189

It doesn't strike me as typical ET stuff. Maybe he's more sensitive to these things than he realizes. You said it didn't happen with any of the other guys, so maybe they noticed him notice, or something along those lines. Whatever it is. I think demon would be the likeliest scenario, though I could see shadow person, too. Some folks say they're the same thing. It could be something attached to you. I haven't read your other posts. What I can tell you, is if whatever it is can manipulate energy and emotion, you need to be very careful. It probably feeds off the energy generated in the tense moments being caused.

This sort of thing can be hard on relationships, so the sooner you find answers is definitely the better.

I think the part about his father could factor in, too, depending on how devoted he was to his career and what exactly happened (in terms of your BF). Is he still alive? Has he mentioned it to his dad? That might be a resource worth checking out if he's still around.

Do you do any preventative stuff like smudging in the meantime?

I wish you the best. Hopefully someone with a better idea of things will check this out. S/F

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: iDope

Yeah, he's clearly not intelligent because of your issue with semantics...that's always how I judge intelligence - does this guy call the same thing something other than what I call it?


posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:48 AM
a reply to: Asherz189

So I will start off as always and say while I find all this stuff interesting and fascinating ( anything out of the ordinary). I have never experienced any of it. No voices, angels, aliens, anything. Barely remember a dream.

As far as what it is I do not know. I would assume not alien , on all the various reading and descriptions I've read doesn't match. Not much help. As far as how to deal with this being/ entity. Here are somethings I have read

Chakra work specifically heart
Positive energy work, guess this is meditation based, where you imagine light loving energy entering and eventually consuming your body on breaths in, and like a black smoke leaving every time you breath out. Represent negativity , stress, etc.
See if you can find someone who can work with protection spells
Various things that can be burned around your house for cleansing purposes.
Last I have seen some stories where rebuking evil or simply screaming out help me to whatever higher power you believe in , if any

This is where I also normally recommend double checking things like diet, nutrition, exercise. And possible a physical, but if you have multiple people having same experience kind of rules it out. New house maybe have someone check for slow gas leak or something, been going on since childhood, May not help.

Many people are more well versed than I and probably have better advice and experience. But just things I have picked up through reading combined with general health. Hope you can get an answer/solution.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:55 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Thank you deathslayer. I'm not quite sure how I Manged to get a demon like I said I've been getting scared and felt like I was being watched since I was a child. I don't know if I got scared cause I felt a disembodied vibe or I felt something pure evil. But this thing must dislike my boyfriend alot cause I've never seen a girl out of the corner of my eyes.

I have a Himalayan cat and a black cat and my sister has a tabby. The tabby always likes to chill In my closet almost scared my boyfriend to death one day as it leaped out. My Himalayan is very skiddish and has been known to mark despite being female and fixed,and at times when I feel scared and feel the vibe, my black cat will run up to me and rub up against me and have me pet him and the feeling seems to go away. And my dog will randomly look up and start whimpering. So I feel my animals sense something.

I get sick quite frequently actually as of right now I've been I'll with something for 6 days that is actually quite disgusting but usually it's frequent colds, or just general feeling of being unwell. Migraines from time to time.

One time when my boyfriend and I were fighting I slept on the couch. And woke up startled out of a dead sleep and bolted right up. My boyfriend is currently away and we're not entirely sure when he'll be back. Anyways I have been jolted awake every night for a week. I always wake up startled with my heart racing and I look around for him. It's around 3am.

I've always had insane nightmares or extremely dark vivid dreams with an unsettling vibe.

And I live in Utah in the United states there is a very prominent religion here that I do not agree with yet I don't know how to get in contact with priests of other denominations. Really I don't believe in organized religion. My boyfriend is from the east coast and sometimes I wish he was on better terms with his father who allegedly studied demons. There is a nice paranormal store where I got sage from who right off the bat suggested a house blessing aND could point me in the direction and also a shaman. My boy friend put his foot down. His philosophy is he doesn't want to give whatever it is strength. And to not think about it.

I really would just like to know where myself as a little girl would of picked up a demon.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: iDope

He believed in a god but did not believe in anything paranormal or demonic until he started experiencing it.
now he believes and he hates it

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: thektotheg

I think whatever it is for sure picked up on my boyfriend, I believe he is more sensitive to these things. As I said, his father was/is a pastor and beat my boyfriend and his mother. My boyfriend developed an intense hatred for his fake father and anything to do with religion. His father is still alive but he is dead to my boyfriend. But the other week josh did say he called his father out of the blue. I know it was sensitive for him so I tried not to pry very much.

We have had horrible fights. I have never fought as badly with anyone and he says the same. We have since decided that the energy has been fueling the fights and we have been alot calmer since. We refuse to give in.

I go around the house counter clockwise with sage and get every corner and under the bed,etc. Then I went clockwise with rose and lavender incense. My boyfriend seemed to like the incense and has since burned it all so I need to get more.

Things have seemed to calm down but I feel the presence every now and then

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:10 AM
a reply to: Reallyfolks
I've been trying to work on my meditation and I'll keep working on that and my heart Chakra. Good idea.

My idea of higher power is kinda strange... I believe in higher life forms and creators who are that. But the world is full of unknown and I do believe in positive forces and energy.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: Asherz189


First I like to use the term..... "unclean spirit" even though they are demonic in nature.

I am a demonologist with a deliverance ministry who help others become free from unclean spirits. This of course is only possible due to the authority Jesus Christ has given to his followers. It is not the person that exorcises a spirit or heal someone sick but the spirit of God who moves miraculously throughout the world.

I have seen many cases like need to panic. It is possible something has become attached to you since you were a small child. What you need is to be healed from your sickness and from this unclean spirit. Do you know how to do that? Simple..... now comes a little homework.... search for a holy man or woman with a track record of healing people and have them to PHYSICALLY lay hands on you and command your healing in Jesus name..... not begging or asking but demanding a healing in Jesus name.

This is faith. Faith with works...... see James 2:14-26 ..... read up on this .... this assures you that you can be healed. The Gospels are full of healings by Jesus, his Apostles and EVEN 70 followers. Praise God!

To give you an idea of what I am talking about.... check out this two short Youtube clips:

We are everywhere.

You can find these holy people in church as well as on the streets. People have forgotten or refuse to believe that healings still take place and when a healing occurs you become clean from "unclean spirits" as well as any medical condition you may have.

If you need help locating someone let me know and I will send out an SOS to my brothers and sisters and maybe I get lucky and can find one for you.

Are you ready to healed?

edit on 22-8-2015 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I will try anything as long as I don't suddenly become possessed and start speaking in tongues or something. I'm willing to experience new things and give them a shot.

If you know of anyone or can find someone that would be very helpful!

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: Asherz189

The Heart is the best thing to work on when in fear. The Love will replace the fear, guilt, shame, loneliness, or whatever negative feeling people have.

Love heals all wounds.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: Reallyfolks

It is impossible to explain the supernatural that is why we call it the supernatural.

Many have not seen this. Just because you can not see it does not mean it does not exist. I recommend using this as a guide throughout your life.

I hope you never see an unclean spirit or an spiritual attack but I believe in the days to come it will increase.

There are many reasons why they come to you.

1. Something you have done.

2. Something your family did in the past.....legalism.

3. Someone who you know did this....

Often it not the fault of someone who has a unclean spirit with them.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:28 AM

originally posted by: Asherz189
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I will try anything as long as I don't suddenly become possessed and start speaking in tongues or something. I'm willing to experience new things and give them a shot.

If you know of anyone or can find someone that would be very helpful!

You CAN NOT be possessed unless you allow it and let them inside.

So don't worry about any demon possessing you.

They feed off fear because when we get scared we give off a testosterol hormone that makes them "high" like on drugs when they inhale it or when it consumes their spirit.

Sounds crazy, huh? But there are many people who allow unclean spirits inside of them. Go figure right?

I will send you a pm shortly.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: thektotheg
a reply to: iDope

Yeah, he's clearly not intelligent because of your issue with semantics...that's always how I judge intelligence - does this guy call the same thing something other than what I call it?


All religious experiences are paranormal by definition. It means an experience that lies outside of scientific context or explaination. I'm not saying he's unintelligent, but to believe in God's or demons and not to believe in ghosts, does not make sense. Life after death is life after death, whether on our physical plane or metaphysical.

He can call what you call different, but they may be the same thing...He may call a ghost an angel and a person a demon for all I know. There is language for a reason, it allows us to name things. If he didn't believe in ghosts but saw a ghost horse running through the yard, would he question living horses?

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Asherz189
You have got a spirit of a dead person that basically doesn't realise it is dead, these spirits stick to the area they die in.

Get some sage and burn it you need to do all corners of the rooms from the ceiling down to the floor it will leave.

edit on 22-8-2015 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:56 AM

originally posted by: jinni73
a reply to: Asherz189
You have got a spirit of a dead person that basically doesn't realise it is dead, these spirits stick to the area they die in.

Get some sage and burn it you need to do all corners of the rooms from the ceiling down to the floor it will leave.

Do spirits ever leave the "four corners" and go outside or to neighbors? What is it about sage that spirits hate? Where do they go once you burn sage? Maybe into the basement?

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