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Severe side effects from HPV Gardasil - possible link to dormant Lyme/Bartonella infection

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posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 08:31 PM
I've had to conduct a lot of research about the HPV vaccine due to recent legislation in my area. After filtering through both main stream media and alternative health sites, I questioned the side effects reported globally.
I found the actual application submitted by Merck to the FDA. There were a lot of parts that seemed to be "swept under the rug". ex : clinical protocol violations, financial disclosures & compensation to the investigators of the studies, and spontaneous abortions (miscarriages) page 143
I came across this study that focused on the MS type of side effects. It concludes no association BUT it was in Sweden & Denmark. In my area we have an extremely high rate of tick transmitted infections.

So much that we have laws stating that once a patient is diagnosed with Lyme the medical insurance carriers by law have to cover the cost of treatment. Now due to this current vaccine being administered sometimes without consent there are a number of children suffering seizures and are being diagnosed with MS. MS is occasionally a misdiagnosis of Lyme. They have similar symptoms. The pediatricians are having parents sign a consent to the immunization schedule, so they can just walk in and stick them without saying anything. That's how they get around patients that question it.

Now I come across this - discussing the link between the Gardasil vaccine triggering dormant Bartonella. Bartonella is under more research due to Galaxy Labs creating tests for human strains. More strains are discovered, then comes the research. Old information on it is mostly Cat-Scratch Fever & Trench Fever, but like most other diseases there are more strains yet to be studied in depth.

So after finding that I found a couple of statements in victims accounts saying there may be a link. So now I'm concerned because every member of my family has been bit, tested, and treated. I just need others input regarding this. I have more data, studies, etc. Thank you for any input into this as this does impact my children. Sorry about the way this posted I haven't done a lot of threads. I edit but HOW DO I AVOID THE WALL OF TEXT spacing doesn't work
edit on 8/20/2015 by Tankgirl because: (no reason given)

edit on Fri Aug 21 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: attempt to space paragraphs

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 09:19 PM

"Gardasil HPV vaccine and its Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate adjuvant was notorious for initiating cascades of debilitating events by awakening dormant pathogens, including, but not limited to, those pathogens related to tick-borne illnesses, such as Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Disease), plus related co-infections such as Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, plus enteroviruses, and more. "
quote from the bottom

edit on Fri Aug 21 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: EX tags added IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 09:45 PM
There are movements to help a person be "allergic " to the HPV vaccine. Simply put, the effects far outweigh the science of this particular vaccine.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: Tankgirl
There is some evidence that this vaccine was purely used to sterilise women.

The lyme disease is a genetically modified weapon the only thing that can penetrate it is 70% alcohol, the disease uses metal to build its shell which is why it is so difficult to get rid of If you check out my amazing herbalist thread he has been suffering from lyme disease and has some interesting perspectives on how to get rid of it.
he also has heaps of info on the vaccines

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Iamthatbish being "allergic" you mean use the medical exemption? We have the option to use a religious exemption if necessary. But the problem is they may try to remove this exemption. They make it difficult to use the medical exemption as most doctors want you to get this vaccine. I wish there were more studies to see if someone already had Lyme & co infections that it would cause these reactions. I could home-school, or move from this location if I need to. The girls already effected are told from doctors that it is "all in their heads" the same thing they say to Lyme patients.

edit on 8/20/2015 by Tankgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:00 PM
a reply to: jinni73
ok not sure where you got this info. Alcohol is the last thing someone should use. The virus feeds off of sugar and alcohol converts to sugar in the body. It doesn't surround itself with metal but it does surround itself with a biofilm. I've dealt with Lyme since 1997. If you would post where you got this info, then I could look into it. I do already know about the conspiracy theory about it being developed in Mauntuck and migrating to CT through birds, the Nazi Drs associated with bioweapons etc. This info doesn't help me right now. I need legitimate info on a connection if there is one. You didn't really read my original post. I work with a very good Lyme literate doctor that incorporates alternative medicine (herbs)and western medicine. This is NOT about Lyme, this is about a trigger in the Gardasil. There are so many people here that have it & don't know it. They brush it off as old age (arthritis) and general fatigue - so they drink more coffee. I got great info from this site years ago about Samento - the worst Herx reaction I've ever had.

edit on 8/20/2015 by Tankgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: Tankgirl
talk to Tony this is his youtube and website He talks about it on one of his videos but I can't remember which one, he has lots of the science concerning all this very clued up guy and he has gone through what you are going through and he has cured it.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:19 PM
AGAIN - this isn't about LYME it's about a connection where the existing infections get triggered to surface by the GARDASIL vaccine. IF IN A FEW MONTHS YOU GUYS SEE A STRANGE HEADLINE ABOUT MY AREA it will be because they forced so many children to get this vaccine when some had dormant Lyme/Bartonella. The government is relying on the ignorant parents that don't question it. And all I see is a massive crash coming. So expect it.
edit on 8/20/2015 by Tankgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: Tankgirl

If I understand this right, the vaccine suppresses the body's immunity to Lyme and makes it easier to get? I'm not sure if I have it right. At any rate, it should be a matter of personal choice whether to get it or not. The side effects you listed make me wonder how it got approved. Pay offs?
edit on 21-8-2015 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Tankgirl

When this vaccine had only been available for a few months, my daughter was 13. Her babysitter drove her to a yearly physical. At that appointment, I find after, my daughter was given the first in the series of Gardasil shots. I never gave consent, the vaccine was too new and I had already read about negative effects.

When I called the doctor's office to complain, they acted like I was overreacting and said I was the first person to raise any concern there. I changed her primary care doctor right away.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: reldra So she's ok right. Changing doctors is what I would've done. This vaccine has effected so many people, it is astounding how the medical community and the government try to dismiss people's concerns. I'm in a group that's trying to stop this mandatory vaccine policy, it completely over steps parental rights. I hope your daughter is fine and doesn't have anymore unnecessary shots that you don't approve of. Thanks for your input.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: Tankgirl
Yes. What they do is read the ingredients of the vaccine and help you provide evidence of allergies to a main ingredient. That can't be taken away.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: Iamthatbish My son would be before my daughter in getting this. He has NKA- no known allergies. He did have the bull's eye rash. The only the establish a medical reason for not giving this to him would be if I found evidence confirming that an existing treated infection will reemerge when introduced to this vaccine. He had neurological symptoms and it also effected the muscles/tendons in his eyes. He still wears glasses but his eyes can focus now without moving all over while looking at you. We followed both medical and herbal protocols for his treatment. It's hard enough dealing with Lyme let alone a vaccine with known toxins that effect the brain. Thank you there are many concerned parents that are fighting this. Based on conversations with government officials they may remove our religious exemption if too many people use it. Then I'll have to see about using the medical exemption. My daughter would have a different reaction because I became pregnant when my infections were still active. I passed antibodies but possibly also the infections. There aren't enough research studies on these infections.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: Tankgirl

If I understand this right, the vaccine suppresses the body's immunity to Lyme and makes it easier to get? I'm not sure if I have it right. At any rate, it should be a matter of personal choice whether to get it or not. The side effects you listed make me wonder how it got approved. Pay offs?
Yes it would weaken the immune system but the links I provided say this -

"Our study revealed that virtually all girls were unaware of their exposure to Bartonella, and were asymptomatic, prior to their vaccination. After receiving Gardasil, Bartonella was commonly activated, and was confirmed by lab tests. Bartonella is a fairly common dormant pathogen in a significant number of people. Bartonella (and many enteroviruses and Vector-Borne Pathogens) may be reactivated, and may become virulent when inflammation is present for an extended period."

And this

"The Gardasil vaccine contains aluminum adjuvant nano-particle substrates, bound to HPV16-L1 protein fragments, that appear to have mutated at their binding sites, and this mutation may result in excessive inflammation by allowing this mutation to stay in the body for months or possibly years. The mutation attaches itself to the endothelial lining of blood vessels and other organs, including the brain, if the host lacks sufficient active glutathione, or similar complimentary attractant, or does not readily clear toxins. Inflammatory HPV16-L1 DNA protein particles were found in autopsy tissue samples from two different teenage girls, six months after receiving her last vaccination, in the case of one deceased girl.

Our findings indicate that if the blood brain barrier is open, commonly due to allergies or the common cold, these man-made inflammatory vaccine nano-particles may enter the brain, and cause additional damage, and possible demyelination."

So since most people aren't aware they have it, it emerges by the trigger Gardasil vaccine and is then also made worse by the vaccines ingredients.

From the link for the application submitted by MERCK to the FDA -

"The Applicant has adequately disclosed financial interests/arrangements with clinical investigators under Studies V503-001, -002, -005, -006 and -007 as recommended in the Guidance for Industry Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators. All investigators in these five studies except one investigator under Study V503-002 have provided financial disclosure information. Five investigators from 3 studies (Study V503-001, -002 and -006)received significant payments from the Applicant."
so yes bribed.

I've uncovered more financial info about MERCK paying doctors.

Thank you for your input.
edit on Fri Aug 21 2015 by DontTreadOnMe because: added EX tags, made paragraphs

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: Tankgirl

I was thinking. Would it trigger Bartonella, say if it was lying dormant? Or is it just the immune system being weakened? Or is it both?

I read something a long time ago about doctors getting money to pay off their student loans if they buy drugs and that's why they push them so much. It's just something I read. It was in a magazine so I don't have a link. I don't remember what one it was either.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:07 PM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: Tankgirl

I was thinking. Would it trigger Bartonella, say if it was lying dormant? Or is it just the immune system being weakened? Or is it both?

I read something a long time ago about doctors getting money to pay off their student loans if they buy drugs and that's why they push them so much. It's just something I read. It was in a magazine so I don't have a link. I don't remember what one it was either.

Yes that is exactly what I'm explaining. The research I've done about side effects shows doctors dismissing the symptoms as not having a causal link to the vaccine. But the information in the links in the OP explain what happens if the victim already has a dormant infection. That is where my concern is. I'm in a very Lyme endemic area. So forcing this vaccine here is a serious problem.

posted on Aug, 21 2015 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: Tankgirl

Not to be cynical but it sounds like a double win for doctors and drug companies. Not only do they push the vaccine on people but then if the recipient (victim) gets Lyme or something they can sell even more drugs to treat the symptoms.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: Tankgirl

Not to be cynical but it sounds like a double win for doctors and drug companies. Not only do they push the vaccine on people but then if the recipient (victim) gets Lyme or something they can sell even more drugs to treat the symptoms.

Yes and there in lies my prediction. Most of the studies show these side effects occurring at certain times. 1 month, 3 months, 6 months so around here what happens is someone gets bit in the summer, they're given a minimal dose of antibiotics and months later the infection flares worse around Christmas. So it being winter everyone thinks flu-like symptoms and runs to the doctor ...... but for the wrong diagnosis. They think they have the flu. So it'll look like a flu epidemic and everybody else runs for the flu vaccine. So big Pharma wins again.
Also in the OP the link says these infections don't usually occur by themselves. There are a number of different viruses you can get from a tick. I just happen to be very familiar with both Lyme & Bartonella. This explains why we have so many crazy people up here too. Some infections cross the blood brain barrier and can bring on neurological symptoms. They may experience psychosis & mania. For most of them the infection never gets treated, but they will be pumped full of anti psychotics so that others don't have to deal with them. I know this after a long work history with the mentally ill.
edit on 8/22/2015 by Tankgirl because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Tankgirl

It just keeps getting worse. Now, there are more patients (customers). Those having neurological problems are given yet another drug to treat that. It seems like an endless viscous cycle.

posted on Aug, 22 2015 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: Tankgirl

It just keeps getting worse. Now, there are more patients (customers). Those having neurological problems are given yet another drug to treat that. It seems like an endless viscous cycle.

Believe me after living through my own nightmare the last thing I want to see are mine & other people's children suffering with this. I was lucky enough to know which medications did what and settled on a particular mood stabilizer that also prevents virus growth because it's extremely acidic. The unlucky ones get stuck with medications that can actually make the infections worse .... like steroids. When my boss saw me twitching and moving like an epileptic she was worried. I told her it hit my Central Nervous System. But while the antibiotics killed it, the die off releases toxins. So in my brain these toxins made me "clinically" insane. It wasn't fun. I was a case manager then ironically I was a patient. I had to maneuver around being medication compliant while still trying to get them to realize I had an infection. I had only 1 doctor order tests on 3 different occasions. I tested positive on all, and my titers were so high they said I must have a new infection. I kept saying you think I'd be stupid enough to get bit again. But these things are so tiny I could've missed one.
This is one I had an ER doctor remove from my daughter last weekend. I wanted it documented that he removed it, in case this keeps happening. They may question people as seeking antibiotics by just walking in & saying they removed it already.

edit on 8/22/2015 by Tankgirl because: (no reason given)

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