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Big explosion at a motel 6 in washington

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posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 12:49 AM
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posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 09:52 AM
There was a "domestic dispute" just prior and one person climbed out the window of a second story room and climbed down the gas pipe on the side of the building. Speculation is that this caused the leak. If it weren't for the hotel manager pulling the alarm when she smelled the leak there would have been a lot of dead bodies in that rubble. As it is, no one was killed.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 12:21 PM
Police were already on scene when the gas leak occurred? Interesting. To me this means it could have been the police that broke through the gas pipe in some violent overreaction to a person fleeing their presence.
Bremerton Police Department officers were already at the hotel, responding to a domestic violence incident, according to BPD Capt. Tom Wolfe.
One of the people contacted by police jumped out a window during their investigation. It’s unclear whether she may have hit the gas meter or line on the way down and ruptured it.
Shortly after that, the gas leak was reported....

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 12:26 PM

originally posted by: antar
a reply to: alienjuggalo

They will say it is a gas explosion/// too much shtf...

Did you actually have a tin-foil hat on while typing this?

You do know that flammable things explode when something unexpected happens more often then not.

posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: starviego

Police were already on scene when the gas leak occurred? Interesting. To me this means it could have been the police that broke through the gas pipe in some violent overreaction to a person fleeing their presence.
Bremerton Police Department officers were already at the hotel, responding to a domestic violence incident, according to BPD Capt. Tom Wolfe.
One of the people contacted by police jumped out a window during their investigation. It’s unclear whether she may have hit the gas meter or line on the way down and ruptured it.
Shortly after that, the gas leak was reported....

Interesting imagination you have there. The report indicates that a person under investigation jumped out a window and climbed down the pipe. See above. But yeah, it must have been the cops that did it intentionally. And the cops must have been there just by accident. It couldn't have been a domestic violence complaint. You know, when someone beats up their spouse and the spouse dares to complain.

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