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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Liz Kendall Pathetically Insists "I AM Left Wing"

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posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 12:14 PM
Oh my, the lady doth protest far too bloody much!

Upon being asked why she does not favour left wing policies, having been shown that the centrist nonsense of the last twenty years of Labour Party politics is not popular in the north, or indeed with those who hold genuine Labour values, she mewled like a newborn kitten, "I AM left wing!" in the most utterly transparent display of crap acting I have ever seen in a news interview.

With damp rags like Kendall, Burnham and Cooper, trying to play at Labour leader, without actually espousing or embodying real Labour values, it is little wonder that many are rallying to Corbyn. To be frank, I have heard few good arguments against him, and many good arguments for, and many of the most effective arguments which lead one to think that Corbyn would be the better choice, are coming right from the mouths of the three, soulless, vapid, empty, hypocritical non-entities who oppose him in this race!

I think the time has come where we can be absolutely certain of at least one thing. There can be no doubt any more, if there ever was, that the upper echelons of the Labour Party at the moment, are disconnected entirely from what those they represent, want to see from them.

Will Corbyn win out and at least be the opposition leader that the grass roots want? Will his "unelectable" status be too much for some to see past? Who knows? At this stage though, it is pretty much a certainty that there is only one candidate in the British Labour Party leadership race, who is a genuine Labour politician, and it is NOT Liz Kendall.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

I watched it , she gave a great example of why people are supporting Jeremy Corbyn , how many questions did she actually answer ?
Looking forward to Wednesday , Corbyn's turn.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 12:24 PM
Kendall is an unashamed Blairite, that's all we need to know about her in order to make a character judgment and how we could expect a Labour Government to be led by this woman,

It will be interesting if Corbyn wins the leadership election, I hope he does to be honest, because thanks to Blair and Brown (and a lot of credit should go to John Smith), what is the difference between Labour and Conservative?

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: gortex

She didn't answer any questions directly. She just waffled about how much she loves her party, and how important it is to be "credible", one presumes in a euphemistic fashion, the word being interchangeable for other words and phrases like "two faced", "right wing in practice, left wing in pontification" or "business as usual".

Screw all that, and every horse it all rode in on!

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 12:35 PM
I find it fascinating that the Blairites are hysterically announcing that Corbyn will DESTROY THE PARTY, and then in their very next breaths they say that if Corbyn wins they will openly revolt and DESTROY THE PARTY THEMSELVES!

Truly the lunatics are running the asylum.

The Labour party has precisely one chance to survive. Without Scotland, they will never win another election, and they will lose their core supporters in the north of England too. Corbyn is really the only chance they have.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 12:40 PM
Inscrutable wench.

Hope her run comes to an swift and unceremonious end.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 01:01 PM
It's a disgrace the the way Corbyn has been treated by the party. People want a purge of anyone connected to the blairites. The blairites were the reason labour failed in the last election. Over 600 thousand new members have signed up for this leadership election. Anyone who sniffs at those figures is probably not a fan of democracy anyway. Ed miliband was a disaster, he couldn't even eat a bacon sandwich without looking like a fool. I think most people recognise labour won't win the next election so want Corbyn, because he represents a true alternative to the Tory consensus. It is good for democracy that there will now be genuine opposition and not just the Tory lite option that was on the cards. Corbyn will face enough opposition from the right wing press, members of his own party who no one likes should just butt out and realise they have no appeal. I would have voted labour at the last election, but went for a alternative, because labour weren't offering anything that the Tories weren't already doing.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: woodwardjnr

he couldn't even eat a bacon sandwich without looking like a fool.

I defy anyone look normal mid-bite of a brown sauce smothered meal in a still photograph.

He was the man for the job.
Anyone who's character assassinated as much as that man is always the answer...

What it depends on is whether the public understand the question.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: woodwardjnr

I could not agree more.

I would say one thing however. Corbyn has been well received by the party as a wider entity, it's just the actual politicians in the party who seem to be having the trouble.

Did you hear Gordon Browns speech on the matter of the leadership election? That was a classic slash piece, from a man who has no business opening his mouth in public again as long as he lives!

I intensely dislike the things I have heard from the right hand side of the Labour Party, toward Mr Corbyn, but I am not at all surprised by them. Blairs bastard progeny know their days are numbered I think. These outbursts are just a death dance.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit I heard Brown mention something about financial responsibility. This coming from a man who sold Britain's gold reserves at record low prices and was at the helm during the 2008 financial crisis. Not saying it was all his fault, but dishing out warnings of financial responsibility seemed a bit rich.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnrThe blairites were the reason labour failed in the last election.

To be fair on the Blairites, it was the Brownites that completely screwed it all and caused the loss of elections and failure.

Corbyn or not, the fact is that Labour needs to find itself again. If Labour really wants to become increasingly left wing then it will become increasingly side-lined and unelectable. I see the Lib Dems benefitting from this either way.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

As much as i agree with most of what Corbyn sells to the public, i cannot see him ever being elected PM.

The reasons mainly are .........Who Votes?

Working Class are less likely to vote. Labours traditional support.

Middle and Lower Middle Class are more likely to vote. Conservative traditional support. They probably hold the majority of voters.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

To that I say, are you aware that the reason that working class persons have been less likely to vote, has to do with how little representation they have expected from the politicians running for office?

I am fairly certain, that given a candidate who actually respects and is intent on fighting for their rights, most working class persons would indeed vote, and in great numbers. Simply put, the left has had no representation worth a damn for thirty years, so if your assumptions are based on voter data from that period, then it might be wise to adjust for tilt.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Labours last true Left Wing Leader was Michael Foot.

32 years ago he suffered Labours heaviest electoral defeat since 1918. And the defeat of Foot happened at the time of Thatcher 's attacks on Trade Unions which lead to The Miners Strike of 1984.

Corbyn will have a re-run if elected leader.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Given the state of things today, and the pulse of things in the street, I think you are off base.

People who haven't voted since they were legally allowed to do so, are now paying attention. People who have not voted for fifteen years or more, are taking notice. There are things happening within the population in response to this, certainly many staunch disbelievers in our system that I know personally, are seriously fired up about Corbyn, because they see him as not being part of the problem, but part of a potential solution.

I would not hold your breath for a total collapse of the Labour Party if Corbyn is elected to the leadership of the party.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: alldaylong

I would not hold your breath for a total collapse of the Labour Party if Corbyn is elected to the leadership of the party.

Labour would not collapse with Corbyn as leader. It may be revitalised, but they won't win very much. You can make all the fanciful policies you like, but there is no appetite for left wing politics of high spending and high tax. The Labour "loony Left" were eradicated by New Labour and a revival won't happen.

Corbyn is not progressive. He's regressive. He's harking back to a past that never was, unless you actually thought British Rail was any good, or that the destruction of British industry was a worthy outcome of the "working class" struggle.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Given the state of things today,

Only three short months ago the British electorate had a chance to throw out The Tories. Instead they where re-elected with a small overall majority.

May 2015 should have been the chance to vote " anyone but The Tories " The result shows The Centre and Centre Right hold the majority.

Corbyn will only ever hold a minority support.

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 03:50 PM
Breaking News ....
David Miliband backs Kendall for leadership.

Former Foreign Secretary David Miliband has said he is backing Liz Kendall in the Labour leadership race.

edit on 17-8-2015 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: gortex

David Milliband is backing Kendall? Well I never.

Blairite supports Blairite.

To be fair, it really doesn't matter who wins, if they're not a Bilderberger, they will never be Prime Minister.
edit on 17/8/15 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2015 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Only about a quarter of eligible voters voted for the Tories last time around.

Reason they were not summarily slapped across the Houses of Parliament? There was no actual alternative being offered worth a crap. If a clown had been offering ANYTHING other than a variation on the theme of austerity and nonsensical treatment of the working poor, and throwing pies around for larks, they would have had a shot last time around.

As it was, we had bastards (Tory), red Tories (Labour) and a set of backstabbing bastards who lied to us the previous time around (Bloody Liberal Democrats), either that or the rabid bloody hate mongers off to the right of those options. Screw every part of that. The choice we were offered last time, is basically akin to deciding what method of execution should be used on yourself. I have no time for that, and I am far from the only one!

However, genuine opposition to the Conservatives, lead by a person with not a right wing bone in his body, would enliven and alter the political landscape in this country, and I believe it will change for the better. Even if he is defeated in an actual parliamentary election, I do not see that being a crushing blow for the party. As long as the Labour Party have a real socialist heart, like they always bloody well should have had, then the country cannot fail to get better out of its politics, than it has had over the last couple of decades.

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