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Center for Medical Progress

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posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:38 AM
Ok. I'm tired of talking about Planned Parenthood. Let's talk about the people making all the accusations against them. Center for Medical Progress. Let's talk about a young man named David Daleiden. Who back in 2007 joined an organization called Live Action where he met Lila Rose. Lila Rose is a big time pro-life advocate who likes to create sting videos against Planned Parenthood. Let's look at how she goes about doing that:
Sting Videos Part Of Longtime Campaign Against Planned Parenthood

Starting in 2007, Rose has gone into Planned Parenthood clinics posing as a pregnant teenager, sometimes saying she wanted to abort the baby if it was a girl, other times saying she was underage and her boyfriend was 31. Her highly-edited videos on YouTube have accused Planned Parenthood officials of condoning sex-selective abortion, covering up for sex-traffickers, and turning a blind eye to child sexual abuse, among other things.

Hmmm... Activities like that look AWFUL familiar...

Planned Parenthood accuses group of editing out fetal tissue denials

Planned Parenthood Federation of America on Monday accused an activist group of editing out, in an undercover video, an executive’s repeated assertions that the group does not sell fetal tissue and makes no money off of tissue donations.
“Ten times during the conversation, Dr. Nucatola said Planned Parenthood would not sell tissue or profit from tissue donations, and all ten instances were cut out of the video, misleading the public into thinking she said something she didn’t,” Planned Parenthood said in a letter to House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton Monday.

Oh yea, Center for Medical Progress does the same thing. Who leads CMP? Oh yea, David Daleiden. Man if I didn't know better, I'd say my conspiracy senses are tingling.

From the first article:

Abortion rights groups have suggested that Daleiden needed a new company to issue his videos, since the work of Live Action has been discredited. He appears to have created a sham business called Biomax Procurement Services as a cover, so he and colleagues (and occasionally paid actors) could pose as buyers of fetal tissue, secretly recording the Planned Parenthood officials during meetings. The Center for Medical Progress was created in 2013, and its only focus seems to be the recent videos.

Despite massive media coverage and a rush by Republicans to investigate, Daleiden's videos so far contain no evidence that Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal. A 1993 law says clinics can't profit when women donate fetal tissue, and in the first video Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola says repeatedly that the group does not. It is, however, standard practice for clinics to be compensated for staff time, resources, and transportation involved in providing tissue, which is what Planned Parenthood says Nucatola is seen discussing. Experts say such donations are crucial for medical research.

So how about it ATS, are you willing to decouple your emotions from this issue for a few minutes and investigate the people making all the accusations against PP? Because to me, it looks like there is PLENTY to investigate.
edit on 12-8-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:42 AM
A baby is a baby no matter where it is. The 25 week old in a hospital NICU is human, so is the same 25 week old in her mother's womb.

Can you ask her if she wants to donate her tissue? No. Is it ethical to terminate her in specific ways to donate her tissue? Also no.

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with the Center for Medical Progress?

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:47 AM
So basically you are tired of losing arguments about corruption at planned parenthood and decided to attack the opposition itself. Sweeping inconvenient facts under the rug doesn't fix the problem of our society killing babies and selling their body parts like they are human garbage.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

Sure if you want to paint that narrative so that you stay on topic, I don't care, but the shady practices of CMP MUST come to light.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Plenty as the videos exposed that this is exactly what they do - terminate babies in certain ways to satisfy their donation requirements.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:50 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Plenty as the videos exposed that this is exactly what they do - terminate babies in certain ways to satisfy their donation requirements.

Nope. That has nothing to do with the topic that I have presented in the OP. You are just presenting a red herring and appeal to emotion fallacy. This thread was created to discuss CMP's shady actions they undertook to create those videos, NOT the content of them. We already have plenty of those threads.
edit on 12-8-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Well done.

Unfortunately on this, and other issues of the day, many people truly believe the Machivellian maxim of "the ends justify the means".

To paraphase Martin L King and others on this point. The means inform and predict the ends.

Your investigation into the stragety and tactics used to 'produce' these shock pieces should tell people all they need to know but those who 'support' this kind of underhanded manipulation of facts and people in support of forcing others to conform to their agenda will not see it in that light.

Thank you for keeping the discussion focused on facts and character rather then emotional reaction.

edit on 12-8-2015 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

LOL "Center for Medical Progress" is an oxymoron. it should be called "Center for the Propagation of Medical Lies".

Daleiden's organization posed as a fake biomedical research company, called Biomax Procurement Services. Under this guise, they posed as potential buyers of aborted fetal tissue, and secretly recorded Planned Parenthood officials during meetings.
The edited videos are promoted as showing Planned Parenthood officials "price haggling over ‘baby parts'", however, a article notes that the full, unedited video "shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research."According to the lawyer for Planned Parenthood, Roger K. Evans, Biomax proposed “sham procurement contracts,” offering US$1,600 for liver and thymus fetal tissues.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

its a sad day when people are more interested in how a video was obtained, more than the disgusting content in the video

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Yea, this is already on display. As soon as the pro-life crowd showed up in the thread, they started trying to distract the topic back to PP. Shows an unwillingness to explore all angles of an issue, and many call that closed minded.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: kellyjay
a reply to: Krazysh0t

its a sad day when people are more interested in how a video was obtained, more than the disgusting content in the video

So you think that the ends should always justify the means then? Have you considered that if it can be shown that the company producing these videos used shady practices to do it, that MAYBE the message they are trying to get across isn't as accurate as they are claiming? Nah... That would require denying ignorance.
edit on 12-8-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: kellyjay article notes that the full, unedited video "shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research.

The videos were edited to promote lies, not truths. Pro-lifers are legendary when it comes to promoting lies and pseudo science.

edit on 12-8-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: kellyjay
a reply to: Krazysh0t

its a sad day when people are more interested in how a video was obtained, more than the disgusting content in the video

So you think that the ends should always justify the means then? Have you considered that if it can be shown that the company producing these videos used shady practices to do it, that MAYBE the message they are trying to get across isn't as accurate as they are claiming? Nah... That would require denying ignorance.

if it exposed a serious problem i really wouldnt care how they got it if im honest, as long as nobody was harmed in the process of getting them

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: windword

And killing babies is never right there is no agreement on this issue there is no common ground. We might as well not even discuss it because frankly no one is going to agree. So as far as I'm concerned you all who wish to kill babies can go on about your business. I on the other hand won't participate and won't be with a woman who would. Life however small,or insignificant has value.
edit on 12-8-2015 by TechniXcality because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:09 AM
Ya know, I believe that the anti-abortion crowd would have a much better leg to stand on if they didn't use propaganda from people like the CMP to push their agenda.

Your beliefs are only as strong as your ability to defend it, and if you have to lie to defend it......well, just saying'.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:09 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

So, your problem is abortion, not Planned Parenthood, not the Center for Medical Progress, not Roe V Wade. You just can't stand it that abortions exist and have been employed since the dawn of man.

Got your number, thanks! # = 0

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: kellyjay

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: kellyjay
a reply to: Krazysh0t

its a sad day when people are more interested in how a video was obtained, more than the disgusting content in the video

So you think that the ends should always justify the means then? Have you considered that if it can be shown that the company producing these videos used shady practices to do it, that MAYBE the message they are trying to get across isn't as accurate as they are claiming? Nah... That would require denying ignorance.

if it exposed a serious problem i really wouldnt care how they got it if im honest, as long as nobody was harmed in the process of getting them

So when laws are broken to obtain videos that say things that didn't happen, that's ok with you, but you are willing to punish an organization based on that very same evidence that you've been shown is likely lying to you? That just tells me that you have no desire to actually be intellectually honest about the situation and just want to judge based off of bandwagon appeal fallacies because you've been duped by the appeal to emotion fallacy pushed by CMP.

You told me in another thread that you are pro-choice. I don't believe you anymore. I think you are just really pro-life. Either that or you are extremely guilible.
edit on 12-8-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: kellyjay article notes that the full, unedited video "shows a Planned Parenthood executive repeatedly saying its clinics want to cover their costs, not make money, when donating fetal tissue from abortions for scientific research.

The videos were edited to promote lies, not truths. Pro-lifers are legendary when it comes to promoting lies and pseudo science.

Are you suggesting the PP people in the videos were actors?

Or were they paid to say what they said?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: kellyjay

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: kellyjay
a reply to: Krazysh0t

its a sad day when people are more interested in how a video was obtained, more than the disgusting content in the video

So you think that the ends should always justify the means then? Have you considered that if it can be shown that the company producing these videos used shady practices to do it, that MAYBE the message they are trying to get across isn't as accurate as they are claiming? Nah... That would require denying ignorance.

if it exposed a serious problem i really wouldnt care how they got it if im honest, as long as nobody was harmed in the process of getting them

So when laws are broken to obtain videos that say things that didn't happen, that's ok with you, but you are willing to punish an organization based on that very same evidence that you've been shown is likely lying to you? That just tells me that you have no desire to actually be intellectually honest about the situation and just want to judge based off of bandwagon appeal fallacies because you've been duped by the appeal to emotion fallacy pushed by CMP.

You told me in another thread that you are pro-choice. I don't believe you anymore. I think you are just really pro-life. Either that or you are extremely guilible.

i think ive made it abundantly clear that im all for an investigation.....what more can i say?

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