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Israeli comments of ‘Nagasaki and Hiroshima’ as model for dealing with Iran

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posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: Mastronaut

originally posted by: dashen
Except the article doesn't say if the Jewish deeds were in fact false

Apart it would open a big can of worms and derail the thread, I don't see how this has anything to do with my sentence that you quoted earlier. Ottoman archives don't seem to be in favour of the occupants.

You bring an article skewed to say that jews forged deeds where the resolution of the matter is not presented

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: deadcalm
a reply to: TinfoilTP

A sea of glass policy would solve all middle east issues once and for all.

These are the rantings of a madman.

In letting loose a nuclear would contaminate the entire middle east and cause many hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties...maybe MILLIONS...both from the initial explosion and the radiation poisoning after.

This simply cannot be allowed to happen.

Go tell that to Russia when Putin waves them around at NATO all of the time.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:04 PM

originally posted by: dashen
You bring an article skewed to say that jews forged deeds where the resolution of the matter is not presented

No, I brought an article that states that the Ottomans records don't seem to support the current narrative of legitimacy.
With these excuses hundreds of family in the West Bank are being displaced with deeds that are possible fakes.

In this article there is a view of the context.

Q: Which Ottoman documents are of most interest to the Arabs?

A: The most interesting documents for the Arabs would be those relating to Palestine and other documents that are linked to the history of the Hijaz, Basra and the Arab national movement. There is a repetitive idea in some Arab history books that depend on Western documents for their sources that states that the Ottomans neglected Palestinian land and that the Palestinian people themselves sold their land under Ottoman rule. This claim is refuted by the historical documents that are available to us. By documents I mean the correspondences between the governors and the Ottoman sultan, all of which signified that the Ottoman state did not sell Palestinian land; in fact, it was keen to keep it and categorically refused to sell any land to the Jews and even prevented Jews living in Palestine. After having allowed Jews to embark on one or two-month visits, the Ottoman state soon banned this.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Go tell that to Russia when Putin waves them around at NATO all of the time.

Well if he ever gets on here and posts I'll be sure to give him a stern talking to....NOT.

Russia is besieged on every front by the US and NATO propaganda and outright lies, and I expect that Putin is gently reminding their enormously inflated egos that Russia is NOT a country to be trifled with.

I can't say I blame him at all.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Mastronaut

Except for this i guess.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: deadcalm
a reply to: TinfoilTP

Go tell that to Russia when Putin waves them around at NATO all of the time.

Well if he ever gets on here and posts I'll be sure to give him a stern talking to....NOT.

Russia is besieged on every front by the US and NATO propaganda and outright lies, and I expect that Putin is gently reminding their enormously inflated egos that Russia is NOT a country to be trifled with.

I can't say I blame him at all.

So Putin's sea of glass option is acceptable while Israel's sea of glass option is shame on you bad?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:32 PM

Israeli comments of ‘Nagasaki and Hiroshima’ as model for dealing with.....

Im not wanting anyone killed but do they know that's a 2 way street.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Mastronaut

Except for this i guess.

Which part exactly? And in relation to what?

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
A sea of glass policy would solve all middle east issues once and for all. So what, it is a policy option and as an option just the mere reminder that it is an option if faced with more casualties on your own side, is a powerful card to play, and it will always be played. The Russians remind the world all the time that they are a nuclear power proving the card is not out of style.

It WILL be a sea of glass, with the epicenter being Jerusalem...this has been planned for a LOOOONNGGGG time.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: Revolution9

Sweet little Palestine that uses children as human shields and propaganda fodder.


Sweet little P̶a̶l̶e̶s̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ israhell.

Palestinian Children Tortured, Used as Human Shields by Israel
edit on 12-8-2015 by mekhanics because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: hillbilly4rent

Israeli comments of ‘Nagasaki and Hiroshima’ as model for dealing with.....

Im not wanting anyone killed but do they know that's a 2 way street.

I am giving a star for what I think you mean and I hope your would be kind enough to expand on you comment more.
edit on 12-8-2015 by notmyrealname because: damn b- in typing

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: ParasuvO

SO DO IT!!!!!!!

…or shut up and let the human adults talk in peace.

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: Revolution9

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Revolution9

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Revolution9

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Revolution9
a reply to: notmyrealname

Yes, Intifada does involve terrorism:

Jewish Virtual Library - Terrorism Against Israel

This link lists a "Comprehensive Listing of Fatalities September 1993 - Present".

Intifada uses terrorism. Electronic Intifada gives these terrorists a mouthpiece. It is to a degree a mouthpiece for terrorists.

What's your definition of terrorism? Does blowing up schools count as terrorism? And what about intentionally targeting civilians during airstrikes? Because Israel did all of these and more just in their latest war against the Palestinians. Israeli officials even have a policy people call "Mowing the Grass" that you should look up.

Mowing the grass in Gaza

Mowing the Grass and Taking Out the Trash

Also, why shouldn't people be allowed to resist an illegal occupation? I don't like violence but even I'd resist if a foreign country invaded my neighborhood.

You know what terrorism means. We can discuss the meaning of terrorism in another thread. Have the courage to write a thread about that. Now back to THE SPEECH and the OP.

LOL Like I have to answer to you. You spoke of terrorism so I pointed out Israel's actual acts of terrorism. How is Israel not committing terrorism when they blow up schools with people still in them? How is that not terrorism?

As I said they launch missiles from houses and schools against Israel. Israel bombs military targets. Tell the Palestinians to stop being such cowards and fight a fair war. Tell them to stop using children as human shields. Israel do not do that. Tell me one instance where Israel has used civilians as a human shield.

Israel even fly over and drop leaflets warning the civilians in advance to get clear. They can not give a longer warning because that will give the enemy time to move their military hardware.

Schools and UN shelters are military targets? Let me get this straight, you consider schools, UN shelters, and apartment buildings legitimate military targets? If so, how's that any different than terrorism? I mean this literally. We would demonize extremist groups for attacking these exact same places with the exact same reasoning. But it's ok if a government does it?

And how can you call for a "fair" fight when Israel controls Palestinian resources & has all of the weapons? How is that "fair"? Israel withholds Palestinian resources any time they feel like, are blockading the Gaza Strip, and literally have the best weapons available to the West. The Palestinians have homemade "rockets" which look like glorified fireworks. Israel has tanks, helicopters, aircraft, submarines, and nuclear bombs. The Palestinians throw rocks & shoot homemade rockets. How is Israel fighting "fairly"?

The Palestinians resist Israel's illegal occupation in spite of this massive arms difference. I don't consider that "cowardice" at all. I think it's much more "cowardly" to pick a fight w/Iran while simultaneously begging the US to save it from the very fight it's provoking!

14,000 rockets and mortar bombs is not a few rocks and stones.

"The M-302 rocket is a Syrian-made munition that can launch a 375-pound warhead as far as 125 miles. According to Israeli media reports, the model intercepted on March 6, 2014 was an A302, which is five meters long and with a total weight of 500 kilograms. It has a range of 90 kilometers and carries a 170 kilogram warhead."

There is no illegal occupation. You are saying it is that. International Law does not think so. Get yourself a good lawyer then and fight your case if you feel that strongly about it.

Europe treated Israel like dirt quite frankly. There was no choice. Survival meant retrieving the homeland.

For everything fired at Israel there is a response. It exists. It is a full armed state with a nuclear deterrent. There is a huge diaspora across the whole world. Jews are intertwined with Western history, its institutions, etc, and plenty of what the West is in its identity came from Jewish invention and creativity.

Sorry, I will have to leave it at that. I am the only one who has bothered to challenge the OP and it is hard to do this when pelted with so many members. I think I did a reasonable job at putting an alternative view across and wanted to do justice to the Law Centre speech when I saw it being misrepresented and twisted.

Hating Jews? See how far that will get you, probably metaphorically in a bunker committing suicide.

Well, at least I see where you stand. I disagreed with pretty much everything you said so there's no point in debating you. We simply won't be able to come to terms.

posted on Aug, 13 2015 @ 06:26 PM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: notmyrealname

Victims of a Holocaust advocating a future Holocaust , how ironic.

That's the whole game: Create a mass delusion so that no one can ever accuse you of doing the same thing!

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

I'm really sick about this kind of explanations for such violence and war crimes...

FIRST - when you have a powerful and well armed enemy you will use guerrilla.. not a brave front assault..

SECOND - cowards are those who shot a nice big bomb on a place from where someone shot 1 or 2 useless primitive rockets that rarely hurt someone, and kill less... careless what there's around..

THIRD - ISRAEL IS FULL OF PEOPLE THINKING THIS IS NOT THE WAY... only fools and war lords/industry sustain indiscriminated violence..

FOURTH - yes some Palestinian can be labeled as terrorist, but it is not a reason for act this way...



c'mon!!! let's use brain, not prejudices or schemes!!!
the story is developing, not static.. today's victims can be tomorrow's butcher!
edit on 14-8-2015 by matt1893 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2015 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Revolution9

Please can I urge members here not to just take the OP's word for this. They are misrepresenting the speech.

Have you listened to Netenyahu and his cronies lately?

Let me simplify it.

"Palestine is the enemy. Iran is the enemy, we are absolved."

Netanyahu has been playing the same hand for years; 'woe is me, nobody likes Israel, boo hoo'. I have nothing against Isrealis but I believe it's time that citizens wake up and question their leader (who has been in power since the early nineties without a genuine contender.)

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