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Neil Armstrong: On the Moon we were ordered by ALIENS to 'move away'!

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posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Ddrneville
Why is it we don't have a decent rover (like Curiosity) roaming the moon you think

Or it could be that there is FAR more science to be done on the surface of Mars than on the dead, rocky surface of the moon?

But hey...make belive is SO much more fun eh?

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: OrionHunterX

Really what about 12,14,15,16 & Apollo 17

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 03:13 PM
Lots of new members swarming round NASA ALIEN threads not the first time this has happened.

posted on Aug, 3 2015 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: Gemwolf
All we have of that "interview" is sketchy references about an interview at "a NASA Symposium by a professor who wishes to remain anonymous"...?

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: yeahright

originally posted by: Gemwolf
All we have of that "interview" is sketchy references about an interview at "a NASA Symposium by a professor who wishes to remain anonymous"...?

Jerry Lewis
What a Buffoon.... American Norman Wisdom.... MR GRIMSDALE!!!!!
edit on 4-8-2015 by Korg Trinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 07:57 AM
I hope the links at this site provide insights to these stories --

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: JimOberg
I was hoping you would weigh in on this. I thought I remembered all this being debunked, (again and again). But naturally, I also try to imagine it might be true. Sometimes I wonder why I'm so drawn to the idea of foreign creatures occupying our space, when I seem deep within me to know the only thing there is silence.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 08:19 AM
then there is one other major question....the water tower four miles behind the backpack of apollo12 or 14 astronaut on the pic when he is climbing down the ladder..
and tv shows it a get about two seconds to see it on tv advertisements for space documentaries.
it's just over the horizon...blaring white and shiny and right there behind the backpack in full view.

bigger than Dallas
edit on 4-8-2015 by GBP/JPY because: our new King.....He comes right after a nicely done fake one

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: GBP/JPY
then there is one other major question....the water tower four miles behind the backpack of apollo12 or 14 astronaut on the pic when he is climbing down the ladder..
and tv shows it a get about two seconds to see it on tv advertisements for space documentaries.
it's just over the horizon...blaring white and shiny and right there behind the backpack in full view.

bigger than Dallas

Water tower? Are you joking?

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: Ddrneville
Why is it we don't have a decent rover (like Curiosity) roaming the moon you think

This is extremely good question and almost a smoking gun. It would be really cheap to put Curiosity on our moon. In fact with the Sun and Solar power so abundant on the moon, you could put spirit and opportunity on there even cheaper and with no wind on the moon they might last for ever. Don't forget the dust wipers for the solar panels this time though, just in case some dust manages to get up there.
edit on 4-8-2015 by Xeven because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: Xeven

originally posted by: Ddrneville
Why is it we don't have a decent rover (like Curiosity) roaming the moon you think

This is extremely good question and almost a smoking gun. It would be really cheap to put Curiosity on our moon. In fact with the Sun and Solar power so abundant on the moon, you could put spirit and opportunity on there even cheaper and with no wind on the moon they might last for ever. Don't forget the dust wipers for the solar panels this time though, just in case some dust manages to get up there.

No, it is NOT almost smoking gun. A smoking gun would be pics of alien bases, the film set where the landings were faked, pics of aliens or one of the apollo astronauts saying it was all faked. This isnt anything close to those.

This just YOUR interpretation of what is obvious and not.

"Hey...why dont we have a curiosoty on the moon..thats fishy!!"
"Yeaaaaaahhhhh....your right"

No. Maybe its because yes, its cheap (relatively) to put it there, but it still needs to be operated and the images sifted through and relesed to the public. Its a lot of money to RUN. That and i cant imagine there is as much science to do on the dead moon as there is on Mars.

Are you aware of how tiny NASA's budgets are these days?

THINK. Use your flying spaghetti monster given brain...

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: OrionHunterX

Why wouldn't they directly quote the proper English instead of translating into Russian then back into bad English?
I'm thinking this was made up in Russian.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Ddrneville

I have to agree with you on this one. The importance of the moon can not be underestimated. It's the closest celestial body to Earth. We should be using it to advance our space technologies. There is a lot yet to explore on the moon and we need rovers and boots on the ground. We need to be exploring the lava tubes for future base sites to further our exploration into deep space. Verifying water deposits, etc. It is hard to believe that scientists seem to be shrugging the moon as not important enough????

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: Xeven
This is extremely good question and almost a smoking gun. It would be really cheap to put Curiosity on our moon. In fact with the Sun and Solar power so abundant on the moon, you could put spirit and opportunity on there even cheaper and with no wind on the moon they might last for ever. Don't forget the dust wipers for the solar panels this time though, just in case some dust manages to get up there.

Not even a hint of a smell of smoke I'm afraid. There isn't really that much difference getting an unmanned versus manned vehicle to the surface apart from the whole not needing to keep a crew alive thing (which admittedly does allow for cheaper launch trajectories). You still have to design the vehicle, assemble it, launch it, land it and operate it. There is only solar power for two weeks out of four and when the sun goes down it gets cold enough to damage the electronics, which means you have to have some sort of power system (usually nuclear) to keep things warm. You also have to hope nothing hits it.

China has a lander there, and India is trying to get one there using a Russian rocket. China's baby was damaged almost from the start, India's is still struggling to get off the ground. Look how long it's taking the x-prize to get sorted.

When it comes down to the science, we know a lot about the moon thanks to the work we've already done, but given that the costs and problems pf getting to somewhere we know a lot about are roughly the same as getting a probe to somewhere we know relatively little about then someone with a limited budget is going to opt for the latter.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Xeven
It would be really cheap to put Curiosity on our moon.

Then have you contacted NASA and offered to fully fund it?

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 12:16 AM
There could be interesting stuff enough on the moon, other world technology that may have crashed there.
And about the funds, yeah right...

Nowing the US governement, they would fund it gladly to get hi res video or images of the Apollo landing sites...
To pound on their chest for their biggest achievement in the space race.

First talking a bout bases and such, and now not even a decent rover on the moon more then 40 years later.
Nothing to see there, keep telling yourself that

There's something fishy up there i tell you.
edit on 5-8-2015 by Ddrneville because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: JimOberg
I hope the links at this site provide insights to these stories --

Two specific reports related to stories referred to above:
REVEALED: The "Suspicious Small White Object" on the Crater Rim
What Followed Apollo-11 On Its Way to the Moon?

posted on Aug, 5 2015 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: Ddrneville
There could be interesting stuff enough on the moon, other world technology that may have crashed there.
And about the funds, yeah right...

So, you want to spend billions to go explore the moon in case there are crashed aliens ships and tech there? NASA and the government are not run by excitable 15 year olds (not saying you are that)

Nowing the US governement, they would fund it gladly to get hi res video or images of the Apollo landing sites...
To pound on their chest for their biggest achievement in the space race.

Says you..but clearly they are not. Since they have not done that.

First talking a bout bases and such, and now not even a decent rover on the moon more then 40 years later.
Nothing to see there, keep telling yourself that

There's something fishy up there i tell you.

Keep repeating it if it makes you happy. But doing that plus making out like we are blind sheep doesn't make your crazy theories any more true. Sadly, as the ONLY thing i want to happen before i die is either first contact (unlikely) or we find definite proof of other life. I just live in the real world.

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: hmmmbeer

I do agree with you about the possibility we never actually went because surely, strategically, the moon would make a very good base, especially for launching our space missions, rather than gravity challenged earth.

? and how do we get everything that we need to launch with to this base?

posted on Aug, 6 2015 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: Ddrneville
Nowing the US governement, they would fund it gladly to get hi res video or images of the Apollo landing sites...
To pound on their chest for their biggest achievement in the space race.


They have high res images of the landing sites and now have most of the Moon surface imaged at 50 cm /pixel some parts even at 25 cm/ pixel by the LRO.

Link HERE find out how to use it and look for yourself.

Also to pre-empt these are not as good as Google Earth, Google Earth satellite images are also at 50cm/pixel when you look at closer views of your house etc that's from aircraft and of course streetview is from street level cameras on cars/bikes and now people.

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