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My Recent Psychic Experience

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posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 07:36 AM
Hi guys.

From time to time throughout my life I have experienced psychic-type experiences and for years have considered making efforts to develop this ability, but I never did.

Last week, Friday 24th July, 1.40pm, my beloved pet dog had to be euthanized. He was 12 and half years old Bullmastiff, my sole companion and I worshipped the ground he walked on. He died with me hugging him soaking his beautiful big face with tears. I live alone and the sense of loss is overwhelming and I've been utterly inconsolable all week, barely eating, barely sleeping, barely able to function. Until yesterday.

I got up yesterday morning and once again immediately remembered my big gentle boy is gone, no morning hugs on my bed, my heart ached so bad and the awful sadness and pain welled up inside me and the lump in my throat grew so big I couldn't help but sob loudly.

I sat in my lounge and mopped up my tears. I closed my eyes and prayed for Him to please please help me live through this pain. I began to be aware of a strange sensation/feeling in my solar plexus area, it felt really powerful and felt like it was growing bigger. I looked down at my body and saw a sparkling ball of light where the feeling was, I watched it expand bigger and bigger and the 'feeling' intensified as it grew bigger, It looked liked those hand-held fireworks called 'Sparklers' (UK).

Then I looked to my side and saw my dog sat in front of me, big happy face, tongue hanging out, he had a collar on with a pendant and I remember thinking it looked as if he had it too high up on his neck. I instantly heard what sounded like a youngish male voice that popped into my head like a 'thought', "I'm here, I"ll always be here". I smiled and he moved to my side and I put my arms around him and kissed him and told him how much I love him. At that same moment, the big white 'sparkler' ball grew bigger and filled my body and the amazing feeling it created inside is something I have never experienced in my life. It increased and exploded feelings of pure love. I felt our souls had just touched.

Afterwards, whilst discussing this experience with my daughter, I remembered the collar my dog was wearing when he 'appeared' to me. I said it was strange because on this side of life he never wore a collar. Not ever. I always walked him on a neck-chain and leash all his life, and I said I thought it strange he would 'appear' to me with one on. Then I remembered the pendant hanging on the collar. It was a long smoothish blue crystal type thing. Not a sparkly 'jewel' type of crystal with sharp parts and edges, it looked smooth and elliptical, about 2 inches long.

I'm sat here remembering the experience, and trying to understand why my dog would 'appear' to me wearing a collar with a blue crystal on it. Does this have a meaning? Is he giving me a message?

I am getting the 'feeling' that I should I get myself a blue crystal like the one he had. So I'm going to trust that feeling and go ahead and get one, but I would very much appreciate any member's input that might know anything about blue crystals, or maybe the psychics on here could kindly help me understand if what I 'felt' and 'saw' was real or am I going crazy. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

(R.I.P. Dood my big beautiful gentle boy - Momentarily in my life, forever in my heart. I miss you so much mate xxxxx)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 07:56 AM
Well first off it sure is hard trying to type with tears running down my face and fogging up my glasses.

I am so sorry about your big 'ole boy. I've had and lost so many wonderful dogs over the years and it never gets any easier and you never ever forget them. It's devastating.

I would most certainly get myself a blue crystal like he was wearing when you "saw" him.

I know recently deceased humans can let you know they are around and everything is Ok, so why not our most trusted, devoted and greatly loved dogs.

I'd say follow your heart and you can't go wrong.

I looked up blue crystals, for starters Blue Crystals bring you trust, faith, patience, and respect. Sounds like the foundation stone of a wonderful dog human relationship.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

I 'felt' and 'saw' was real or am I going crazy. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Absolutely. You're not alone, pet people are the best people. Pets have souls, too. You have been witness…

Ins't love wonderful?

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:28 AM
I am terribly sorry to hear about your buddy. I recently lost a close friend [ A cat named Professor ] I had for a little over 15 years. I still find myself almost calling his name as I walk through the house......and then memory kicks in.
While I do not believe in all those who claim to be psychic and can tell the future, I do think we have "flashes" from time to time, especially under stress. Did the blue crystal look anything like this? There's a reason I ask.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:29 AM
Its common when we lose some one we love for the brain to find some way of easing the pain, things like this are almost normal. Having said that about 17 years ago the night before a very large tec exam one of my instructors came to me in my dreams, told me what to expect how to handle the stress and that I would pass. The next day i went to the exam and it was very much what he had told me in my dream. Only when I got back to the collage did I hear that the instructor that had been in my dream had died that night. There was noway I could of known it and I have no contact with the other students before the exam. Thats some thing I cant explane

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:32 AM

It was a wonderful experience.

Also believe that our pets are child like spirits, though sometimes they're family or hero's watching over us.
edit on 30-7-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: Unity_99

I was thinking Iolite.

"Within the throat chakra, this stone will activate psychic visions and visionary creative areas, so it is highly advantageous for psychic artists."

But your's may fit better.

"Kyanite is a stone of channeling, altered states, vivid dreams, dream recall, and visualizations."
edit on 30-7-2015 by DAVID64 because: another typo. all thumbs today

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
I am terribly sorry to hear about your buddy. I recently lost a close friend [ A cat named Professor ] I had for a little over 15 years. I still find myself almost calling his name as I walk through the house......and then memory kicks in.
While I do not believe in all those who claim to be psychic and can tell the future, I do think we have "flashes" from time to time, especially under stress. Did the blue crystal look anything like this? There's a reason I ask.

Yes. It was that sort of shape too, like an elongated rugby ball shape, about 2 inches long. And light blue in colour.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 08:44 AM
We put our girl to sleep 2 weeks ago. Hugs Dooby, It is such a sad time!

I'm not sure about the collar meaning other than some way out there thoughts. The throat is the communication shakra and is represented by the color blue. Your beautiful boy was communicating with you with a blue chrystal on the throat shakra that may have some meaning?

Just a wild guess.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:18 AM
That was a wonderful OP thanks for sharing! I lost my dog rather suddenly 7 years ago as well, not much that can be said to make you feel better I imagine? Just hold onto to them good thoughts, that helps me at times.

It's reassuring to hear that they have souls and has made me feel a lot better since reading that. I suppose if that is the case? Then there is a chance of meeting up on the other side?..sounds ok to Me!

As the other Guys have said, this could be a sign in order to encourage you to obtain a blue gem stone kind of thing? Maybe this will help enhance your ability? From what I know i would say that would most likely happen if you did.

Do you feel this ability increasing in potency? I have also had a handful of ESP moments..these days I have become quite intuitional,but at times in the past I have read minds and had visions also having seen the veil fall. I might have to dig out the gems actually and prescribe myself one of the many in the box. Try moon stone and amethyst they may help you on your quest?

All the best

S n F

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
We put our girl to sleep 2 weeks ago. Hugs Dooby, It is such a sad time!

I'm not sure about the collar meaning other than some way out there thoughts. The throat is the communication shakra and is represented by the color blue. Your beautiful boy was communicating with you with a blue chrystal on the throat shakra that may have some meaning?

Just a wild guess.

Thanks for that Zazza. Much sympathies to you too my friend. xxx

I don't know anything about chakras and crystals/stones and stuff, but I do know I have psychic ability, I've had them for years but never really sought to develop it. I'm feeling 'drawn' to the blue crystal thing. I know we have many psychics here on ATS and probably a few others who may be knowledgeable on crystals and their purpose and meanings. I'm hoping maybe someone has had any experience with these blue stone things.

I intuitively 'know' there is some significance regarding the blue crystal stone, and I am going to get myself one and find out what the 'pull' for me is all about.

Meanwhile, I'd be grateful if anyone could share a little bit of their knowledge.

Just a quick add to this post, I'm just told by a friend the blue crystal/stone is Blue Apatite? I've never heard of it. I'll look it up.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

That's an Iolite vm

Kyanite, as Unity suggested, can look very much alike. ch&q=kyanite+cabochon

Also, the color blue is supposed to be soothing and have a calming effect. Maybe he was trying to tell you he's fine and in a good place, so you shouldn't be so sad.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

The way we appear in the afterlife I believe is beyond our control.

We each have a soul that is typically different in looks from how our physical appearance is, which explains the collar etc..what I do find intriguing however is the crystal.

The fact that crystals can store energy would make them great for exhibiting the experience you had.

What I mean is that the crystal could be charged with energy and then tapped into which would allow a soul to break through from the spiritual to the physical plane of existence.

often times paranormal activity increases in areas that exhibit high amounts of energy, likewise a crystal would be a method to contain such energy for portable use.

Either ways wether I'm right or wrong, your story is very interesting and I am very sorry for your loss .

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Blue gemstones are also often good for opening the third eye chakra and psychic types of abilities .

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

I believe you may be talking about Angelite, it is light blue and often in the egg shape or tear drop shape.

It is associated often with communications from angels and the spirit world.
edit on 30-7-2015 by threeeyesopen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: doobydoll

I'm sorry for your loss. I know that we who share our lives with wonderful animal companions can have mental/psychic bonds with them. I would like to believe that these bonds are stronger than the bonds of life.

posted on Jul, 30 2015 @ 03:19 PM
Lol must be my hormones but I also had a little cry. We lost our old lady a few weeks ago. She was a beautiful grey and white cat and lived a very long and happy life (18 years.) We had to have her put down and it was awful. I still think I see her around the house, out of the corner of my eye.

Sounds like a truly amazing experience that came at the right time for you.


posted on Aug, 8 2015 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

Maybe after crying for your lost dog you fell asleep accidentally. I mean, you were not fully awake. All you could see was what happened in your dream.....but the dream was given to you by the heavens, maybe the spirit of your dog was really right there next to you like in old times. And I am really sorry for your loss but your dog was telling you that it is OK and that it loves you.

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