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Between good and evil

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posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 10:56 PM
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you"

Friedrich Nietzsche

This thread is simply a warning to those of you who wish to fight against what is called demons.

Recently I have decided to aid someone with getting rid of their demons.

That's when the activity began..a cross on my wall thrown to the floor, my legs being grabbed at night, the disembodied voice of a woman crying out in pain.

The other night I came home from work, I saw a shadowy figure standing at the far end of the living room.

As I walked in the living room it quickly disappeared, but I know what I saw and it became clear as day.

As I write this, I'm being bombarded with negative energy and this demon is trying it's best to make my life hell (I've had an abnormal amount of bad luck lately too).

Even if you have the best of intentions, be careful what you bring on to yourself.

ETA: my roommate has also been complaining of constant nightmares, this isn't only affecting me.

edit on 28-7-2015 by threeeyesopen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 11:37 PM
Wow, sorry to hear this. If it resonates with you, shout "in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST I command you to leave."

a reply to: threeeyesopen

posted on Jul, 28 2015 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: threeeyesopen

Believe in your freewill. There is nothing that can take your freewill. Freewill is only something you can give away.

Your freewill is stronger than anything that you believe you are encountering.

edit on 28-7-2015 by Isurrender73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 12:21 AM
Thank you for your replies, I am strong enough to not let myself be taken down by this.

In fact this is not my first time having these things happen.

I'm more or less looking to warn people that these things can be quite has been for me for many years now.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 05:31 AM
a reply to: threeeyesopen

Thanks for sharing.

First of all, could you tell more details about the person you tried to help? Before you had problems.

Please tell how did the paranormal things manifested to the person you tried to help and if you know, what caused it.

Seriously, I may be able to help you out - if my spirit guide wants me to, else, it will try to stop me. But frankly, right now, it seems trying to stop me, I don't know why.
edit on 29-7-2015 by johndeere2020 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: threeeyesopen

They are definitely very tricky and difficult to understand, or in other words, to me, they tempt peoples minds with their emotion and they are total experts each and every one of them, of getting people to do ruinous things to themselves and others, but if you are seeing or hearing them, which has happened to me at times, it usually is because God is allowing it in order for you know the truth concerning them. And using your faith and love for God during these times of serious persecution by evil ones is how God always wins the day, and he does it with all of us, for those of us who seek to understand.
He wins because you, during this time, will know he has not abandoned you and he won't, even though you are subjected to the enemy, and you will say your personal words of faith and love for God all because of this, and you can rebuke the enemy just as strongly as your good words for the Lord have been, and because of your stance against the enemy but more importantly your stance FOR the Lord, even in the face of the enemy will be fulfilling what God's will is, and that is for his people to learn through these trials by not abandoning faith, but mustering much more of it to destroy the Enemy and send them away. Your words are strong in faith to God, so your words against the falsehoods of the devil cause him to flee away and look elsewhere.

That doesn't mean it can't happen again, but just meet it head on and don't be afraid. I remember seeing huge crowds of demons and realized when it first happened that it was because I wasn't obeying God. And then I felt so bad that I showed such lack of care for what I was supposed to be doing as a Christian disciple of Christ. But I kept enough faith to acknowledge that if I was to be judged into hell, that it is justified. God is fair, and trusting that, I would have to stand up and agree that it would be right, at the same time asking for mercy.

I am still fighting these battles, and it seems like evil has more influence, but I know that is only what is being fed into my mind and other deceptions. Forgetting what I have learned and discussed with God, and falling asleep spiritually again so the enemy can come back and attack me again, so you can see it is my fault, and it takes more effort and strength to win the total war than everything else in life. Everything else is what we all naturally want instead of what God wants for us. So the enemy uses "everything else" the world has, to tear us away from doing God's will.

Saying this is like I just learned how it all works, even though I already learned it a few times, and let myself forget so I could go after material rather than spiritual.

I don't know if any of this pertains to you, but wanted to tell you in case it is helpful.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 06:57 AM
The negative energy can be hard to handle and I am at times also struggling a bit. Sending you some good vibes/energy if that is ok? It is not my speciality but I can push a little thru.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: threeeyesopen
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you"

Friedrich Nietzsche

This thread is simply a warning to those of you who wish to fight against what is called demons.

Recently I have decided to aid someone with getting rid of their demons.

That's when the activity began..a cross on my wall thrown to the floor, my legs being grabbed at night, the disembodied voice of a woman crying out in pain.

The other night I came home from work, I saw a shadowy figure standing at the far end of the living room.

As I walked in the living room it quickly disappeared, but I know what I saw and it became clear as day.

As I write this, I'm being bombarded with negative energy and this demon is trying it's best to make my life hell (I've had an abnormal amount of bad luck lately too).

Even if you have the best of intentions, be careful what you bring on to yourself.

ETA: my roommate has also been complaining of constant nightmares, this isn't only affecting me.

Its like diving into muddy waters..... you do not know how deep it is.

The manifestation has begun.......Screaming at it will not help. Screaming in the name of Jesus Christ will also not help. Demons can grab blessed crosses and crucifixes and throw them to the ground meanwhile "the wannabe" thinks his command in the name of Jesus Christ will make the demon run for the hills. More often than not this will only make them angrier, especially when it realizes you have no support from heaven. What does that mean? It means preparations are required before going on the hunt.

I have written a thread about this subject and it appears many consider this subject a joke until it happens to them and out of fear they attempt to rationalize it as a mental condition when actually it is a spiritual condition.

When going on a hunt for a wild animal and not being prepared can get you killed. You need various supplies, gun, ammo, knife, flashlight, food, water ....etc... Well the same goes for hunting a demon but you need different supplies. Simply walking into the room and screaming at it will only piss it off. Often this makes it attack you. There is a reason why a priest must become involved in the battle.

You have exposed yourself to the dark side by helping this friend and you have been "tagged" by this spirit. No matter where you go it will always find you and the longer you take to fix the problem the more strength "it" gets and more support from other evil spirits better known as legion. When speaking of "legion" in spiritual terms ...... means more and more spirits being called to join the fight against you and your loved ones.

I recommend that you stay out of other peoples homes because this "thing" is always following you. It is attached to you AND it could be more than one demon and maybe one of these demons are shopping for a new host and here you are entering someone's home under the faith of you coming in peace when actually you bring hell to them! You could be responsible for getting others hurt and maybe killed (in extreme cases).

You might think you are a holy person or a pious individual and if you were you could make those demons submit to you..... otherwise you are just wasting your time.... so find a priest with experience in blessings and exorcisms to help you and your friend.

This "thing" will NEVER leave on its own. It must be forced out.... in a calm respectful tone while the Holy Spirit and other angels stand next to the priest with his team of pious people as they recite scripture and prayers.

Why don't you buy ten or twenty well known books on the subject and then read through them two or three times and then you might get the idea of what you are facing. There is NOT enough free information on the internet that goes into specifics on what to do. The information you do find on the internet about this subject is just enough to get you into trouble or get you killed.

PM me if you need any help in finding a qualified priest.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: threeeyesopen

I agree with the previous post. Contact a Catholic priest. If everything you said is truly occurring, he will lead you to the correct priest for that diocese to help you.

You do not need to be a Catholic to seek out the assistance of The Catholic Church. Don't think for a moment that you can handle this on your own. What others have said above is foolish.

Satan is powerless against the full might and power of Jesus' church, The Catholic Church.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Demons operate as a network, and when one of them knows something, they all know instantly. They don't realize if someone doesn't support good or evil, they already know it as a fact long before it even becomes relevant to them.

And commanding them in the name of Jesus does work if you actually Know him as your Lord beforehand. I am not fit to crawl beside him, but my faith in him still made negative things leave the home I was in at the time. They were GONE like the words I used scared them real real bad. They were gone like a wind.

Perhaps you have to know that Christ IS God's son, not just believe in it like a maybe thing. I know it for a fact. It only begins with faith, but he reveals himself later on because I am in his family now. Anyone can be if they choose to.

Non believers always think it is all 100% faith based until death, but that is total BS fabricated by those who want to go their own route solo believing whatever makes sense to their personal value system.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 08:54 AM
wow thats sounds creepy. I'm definately not an expert in this but my first thought would be cleansing rituals like the use of gum libanum or white sage.
Maybe you could ask the angels to help and guide you.
Also a friend of mine can see spirits and if they are negative energies he commands them to leave, but still in a nice way though. Not with screaming and also not using the word 'please'. Just saying 'leave this house' in a neutral way.
From what I've read in the reactions tot your post, this might not be enough or maybe it would make this 'enitity' go away. But maybe it's worth trying or in some way helpful.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

I cannot tell you all any more details about the person as they value their privacy I'm sure and I'm doing it as a favor to them.

If they come along and read this and decide to input then I guess you will know but until then I won't tell.

Your spirit guide is right to keep you away, not from me but from the negativity around me that will follow you back.

Thank you for your input.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:16 AM
If you focus on darkness it grows as it is a closed entropic system.
Higher meditation should help, focusing on the positive and light.
But one bit of advice I always thought wise was that when intervene with a dark force, make sure it is not stronger than you are.

First. Ask yourself before hand what the outcome will be and try and feel the response.

Confucius says advance good by one foot, evil rises by 9 feet.

Also, when it's that strong admit you may need some help.
Go to a strong righteous community and ask, or strong individual.
I had to ask once, so I know there are situations that require intervention.
a reply to: threeeyesopen

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

Thank you for your post, and it is helpful.

What you mentioned pertains more so to the younger me, before I accepted God into my life.

These demons certainly didn't appear out of nowhere..a lot of them were brought on by my own actions over the years but this time I find myself fighting someone else's (demons) to try and help them see the light.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

Thank you I appreciate that.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:25 AM
It's all fun and games until you run into something real.

The most effective way to fend off dark forces is happiness.
Get happy, have a good time, enjoy life every chance possible.
Stop dwelling on negativity,
or it is attracted to you like a magnet.

If you are religious, go see a minister, but bottom line is you open yourself up to negativity when you are negative yourself, even just a little opens the doorways if you are a sensitive person.

Make some changes, so when you do run into something like this, you can laugh at it and watch it fade away and go bother somebody else.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

Thank you, I will PM you if I feel things are beyond my control.

This isn't my first time doing this, and since I have been having this occur I have indeed stopped my healing towards that person out of necessity.

I know that I can bring unwanted "guests" into other peoples homes as I have been a practitioner of the occult since I was a child.

I've also been followed since I was a child (there is much speculation between a friend and I that my old house I grew up in contained a portal to the other side).

I say that because those who know me well, even those who were skeptics become believers because the power is so strong sometimes that it's undeniable.

I've even had instances where people who are intoxicated around me have become possessed and talk non-sense..last year it happened and the demon kept telling me I only have one more year to live.

In any case thank you again, I do have the blessings of God on my side and I have my methods of not allowing myself to become possessed.

It's other people around me I'm more so concerned about.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: Azrielle

Thank you for your post, and I do have some spells,rituals etc..that I can use in case of emergency.

Often times when I feel the presence close to me I create my energy shield and begin my incantations.

I find asking the archangel Michael to be extremely useful at times but he is sometimes late to arrive or won't come at all.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Darkblade71

You are correct, and I haven't been the only one feeling the pressure of the negativity.

It's been causing my roommate and I to be very miserable as of late but we are doing our best to stay positive.

posted on Jul, 29 2015 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: starswift

Thank you for your post, and as of late it has somewhat calmed down.

I know that it's not gone however and it will come back in full force so I'm prepared for that eventuality.

As I mentioned to another member, if I do feel overwhelmed I will seek outside help but I don't like to bring these things onto other people (even though those in close proximity to me are kind of getting the short end of the stick).

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