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New Liberal Democrat Leader... & Gay Sex

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posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 01:16 PM

America... Threat no more...
You have no monopoly on the buffoonery in the equal/civil rights fight...

In fact let's go one further than a rabid right winger...

The new leader of our very own Liberal Democrat Party...
Has a history of going all evangelical when it was time for him to support LGBT...

He has recently been asked numerous times on news interviews if gay sex is a sin...
He has stuttered and stalled while his Liberal mind tries to control his "Christian" tongue...

"I am a Liberal and I absolutely support equality"...
He said...

But his past voting record tells a very different story.

Mr Farron abstained at the third reading of the bill to introduce same-sex marriage and voted against what became the 2010 Equality, which made discriminating against gay people in the workplace illegal.

Far be it from me to judge... Occasionally...

But Mr.Farron, you are the new leader of our countries only lefty Liberal party...
Granted, your party has faltered in the last few years, but until now, always had the history to fight back, and gain a vote again...
You sir, are a buffoon!

If it's a case of buffoonery oneupmanship (it is I demand it) between the U.K & the U.S...
We're winning!


posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I think in this day and age of political treachery, being a "pathological liar" is a requirement?

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

It's a sad day when gay sex trumps honesty, integrity, ethics in a politician, regardless of where they are along the pond.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: beezzer

Integrity is not a word I would use when discussing politics to be honest.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 02:13 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I've never heard of this guy, but after doing a little reading, why is he a buffoon, again? Not sure I understood that part. He did say he regretted abstaining from the gay marriage vote and the one he voted against was 5 years ago. From what I can tell, he seems like the perfect Liberal Democratic Leader who has a religion, but understands how important the separation is.

People's positions change, just as country's positions change.

On refusing to say whether "gay sex" is a sin, what he did say seemed fine. I'm certain he thinks it's a sin AND we are all sinners, so why pick out that one sin and talk about it? I LOVED how he handled that.

But, like I said, I don't know the guy and his history.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Imagine if Obama came out of the closet tomorrow Charlie! If he truly wanted the Democrats to KILL the Republicans for the next 100 years if we even have 1 of those years left, I would be rolling on the ground laughing my ass off!

Politics has become a tragic comedy in my eyes as of late. Nothing but prostitutes willing to sell their soul for a vote, yet pretending they are upstanding and respectable to those who they rule over.......

Hell, I'll sell my political strategy to the highest bidder! Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter! I'm just a blind squirrel looking for a nut!

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Charlie, I have an honest question for you. How do you reconcile gayness with your Muslim faith? I know some cafeteria Christians simply ignore parts of their religious doctrine that are inconvenient for them. You seem like someone that has a deep passion for whatever you do and I don't see you ignoring key aspects of your faith so easily.

Respectfully, Metallicus.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 03:15 PM
Politicians are not here to represent their Parties Political Ideologies, Politicians are here to get Elected, especially with the blurred lines between parties now, i don't think one single political Candidate has not been hypocritical

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
Politicians are not here to represent their Parties Political Ideologies, Politicians are here to get Elected, especially with the blurred lines between parties now, i don't think one single political Candidate has not been hypocritical

Your right!

I'll bet ya money if a Republican was told they will lose the election because they do not have the "Gay" vote, they would be at the most trendy gay bar in the country within 24 hours with photos being posted on the internet within minutes showing them on the dance floor or perhaps even worse, trying to prove how gay they were....

Give me a million dollars to live as a woman for a year and watch how quick I shed my maleness to gain 1 million dollars!

Don't worry, makes me shiver to think about how I would look as a female at my age, but I sure as hell wouldn't deny anyone crazy enough to see how pretty they could make me look?

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Good question Metallicus.

I have no problem with gay people, or gayness...
Love is love.

& I firmly believe God does not makes mistakes...

On the other hand, I do find certain acts to be against nature...
But, I also understand that grown up decisions are none of my business...

That is to be reconciled by the person and their creator...

This has always been my belief, when I came across the Quran, I read that sodomy is a "transgression", no sign of a punishment, & no mention of male-male or male-female, just the act itself...
Again, it aligned with my belief that some things are unnatural...
But still staunchly believe it's none of my business.

So I rarely discuss it on ATS, and am happy to kick back when the staunchly fundamental of any faith, berate or belittle others for their own choices.

I'm a grown man, I have no business telling people I think it's wrong...
Not when it doesn't affect me at all.

This would be absolutely contradictory to the stone throwers who find faith in the Hadith...
As a Quranist, I have no such dogma as those people.

I believe they'll be judged much more firmly than anyone who loves someone they fall for...
That's the circle of life imo.

Live and let live.

Sorry for such a longwinded answer, but I thought it deserved my entire belief on the subject, one that I will rarely touch upon unless asked.
edit on 19-7-2015 by CharlieSpeirs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: Metallicus

Good question Metallicus.

I have no problem with gay people, or gayness...
Love is love.

& I firmly believe God does not makes mistakes...

On the other hand, I do find certain acts to be against nature...
But, I also understand that grown up decisions are none of my business...

That is to be reconciled by the person and their creator...

This has always been my belief, when I came across the Quran, I read that sodomy is a "transgression", no sign of a punishment, & no mention of male-male or male-female, just the act itself...
Again, it aligned with my belief that some things are unnatural...
But still staunchly believe it's none of my business.

So I rarely discuss it on ATS, and am happy to kick back when the staunchly fundamental of any faith, berate or belittle others for their own choices.

I'm a grown man, I have no business telling people I think it's wrong...
Not when it doesn't affect me at all.

This would be absolutely contradictory to the stone throwers who find faith in the Hadith...
As a Quranist, I have no such dogma as those people.

I believe they'll be judged much more firmly than anyone who loves someone they fall for...
That's the circle of life imo.

Live and let live.

Sorry for such a longwinded answer, but I thought it deserved my entire belief on the subject, one that I will rarely touch upon unless asked.

Good for you Charlie!

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I think in this day and age of political treachery, being a "pathological liar" is a requirement?


It goes way beyond "we let you down on such and such, but we'll keep trying"...
It's more like "we feed you s#, you eat it, and we tell you what it tastes like"...

But we know it tastes like s#.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Why is it wrong to vote your conscience again? I know people flame the idea that someone should have one when they don't like what yours is, but heaven forbid someone actually get caught having an internal value system of some kind, even if it's one you don't agree with.

Which would you rather have: a person who stands up for what they believe in or one who stands up for whatever everyone else thinks is popular at the moment?

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 06:56 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

That wasn't my point really ketsuko...

The shock and awe of this newsbite is that the guy is now head of the only (meaningful)(ish) Liberal Party in the UK...

This is supposed to be his demographic.
A waning demographic at that.

I tried to think of a comparison in a far left U.S counterpart to help solidify the point, but my mind went blank.

posted on Jul, 19 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs
He was on the Andrew Marr program this morning. What he said about Scotland and the SNP proves he's a moron.

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 03:15 AM
Voting with personal values is one thing and is laudable.

But, an "ethical politician" is that an oxymoron, or just an out-and-out lie?

Holding personal values higher than the laws of the land is quite another when you are involved in law-making for all.

The latter is known as "forcing your religion on other people."

posted on Jul, 20 2015 @ 03:32 AM
The lib deems have become a political irrelevance, a laughing stock. No one really cares for their opinion these days, virtually wiped out in the last election. I've never liked Tim Fallon can't take him seriously

Also I would argue that homosexuality is more natural than religion. I'm not aware of religion existing in the natural world, but there are plenty of animals who practice homosexuality
edit on 20-7-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

(post by mymojo removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by mymojo removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 21 2015 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: mymojo the bible says a lot of things about a lot of stuff, but some only concentrate on the gay bit, because it supports their bigoted views, meaning you can use the bible as a weapon to use against those you don't like

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