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Is The United States Of America Going TO Have Another Civil War? If So Over What?

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posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 01:15 AM
The reasons may be many or few but the question is will the United States Of America have another civil war? If so why do you think so? Or why dont you think its going to happen?

I personally dont think a civil war is going to happen however, I think its a possibility for many reasons. One reason is that some states may no longer wish to be part of the United States for example Texas, I think that people were signing petitions to succede from the United States a few years back. . . .

There are economic reasons people may think a civil war may come.

There are political reasons people think a civil war may come.
Its could be about a lack of freedom and individual liberty.
There are countless reasons a civil war may come. . .

What say you ATS will there ever be another civil war in the United States Of America?

There are racial reasons people think a civil war may come. Just look at the KKK saying they are preparing for a race war.
edit on 18-7-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-7-2015 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

America's next civil issue will not be a Civil War. No more wars will be fought on U.S. soil. The fighting you allude to will be about one ideal in paticular, God. Any entity associated with western religious beliefs will lose government funding, grants, subsidies, et all.

America wishes to supercede scripture and any religious belief system. We may practice religious beliefs, but we may not be able to prosper with them, as we have before. America so desperately wishes to rise above accountability of the spirit. She would rather placate her masses into a new form of subjugation, the anti divine, the pro theocracy of perceived proactive righteousness. No belief systems, everything is moment to moment, the fluid approach where anything goes, where established systems must be razed eternally, because unity is the enemy, because diversity shall not be allowed to have a meeting of the minds.

Our civil issue will be about our encouraged forfeiture of our civil thinking.

edit on 18-7-2015 by Boscov because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 01:49 AM
It won't be over race and it won't be anything political. It'll happen when the vast majority of freeloaders are forced to take drug tests to get their free income cards. Not the people that ACTUALLY need help, but the vast majority of slobs that live better off the working class's tax money than getting off their butts to go get a job.

I work at Walmart, and have for years. I see the same free eaters come in here every first and fifteenth. They'll load up their carts with 500 dollars of pure junk for their five kids, and they'll wait for the clock to strike twelve so they can checkout with their freshly loaded money card.

I've seen the same thing in multiple states. Not all but most are the nastiest people you'll ever meet and most selfish. America won't see a crisis until the lazy are forced into a rough spot.

Go into a Walmart on the 1st and you WILL see hundreds of people with nicer cars than you, and no job. They're loud, they keep their kids out late, and have no qualms giving you # over crap they don't actually pay for, and I gaurntee they'll storm the white house if their source of income is taken away.
edit on 18-7-2015 by Flesh699 because: (no reason given)

+9 more 
posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

I hope you realize how ignorant you sound. Sure, there are some people that play the system and get by as "freeloaders", and I'm sure that out of those people, some are on drugs. That is not the majority of those on government assistance, however, and saying otherwise only shows how ignorant and judgmental you are.
edit on 7/18/2015 by AdmireTheDistance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:03 AM
Look at what the Uber Civil War was about if you want insight. Racial issues and banks are the motivators.

That, or the Nazis will hook up with malevolent aliens and take over the Earth.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:03 AM
From the postings on ATS and other similar sites it seems that there WILL be another civil war, and that it will be to protect the big companies and the multi rich.

The odd thing about this is that those multi rich and the big companies will be protected by the poor people. Poor people as in poor in money and lacking in mental faculties.

The scene is being set at the moment by the people defending their constitutional rights. Major one being the second amendment right to bear arms. Before a civil war is feasable we need the populus to be armed with rifles and guns. Big rifles. Big guns.

Americans defend their beloved constitution and forget (read: willfully ignore) that the second amendment calls for a well regulated militia. This part is being thrown to the side, but perhaps it is still valid, as this new militia being created is in fact controlled by (regulated by) big business and the multi rich.

And what will this new civil war be about? MY RIGHTS. You hear people almost screaming on the internet and in the media about their right to this or that. Very rarely is there any talk about other peoples rights.

I have the right to have this big vicious dog. For no other reason than it will show you that while my self esteem is low but my agression level is high and therefore I have the implied ability to hurt you.

I have the right to buy this military grade "assault" rifle with extra large capacity. Not because I really need it other than to show my low self esteem and the will to hurt people.

In certain states it is now legal to buy recreational drugs even if it has been proven that those same drugs lower the IQ of young people permanently. It also blocks learning for a number of hours after being used. And perhaps the law is only supported by people who have suffered those two side effects. What I fail to understand is how we allow drug lords to go legitimate by still selling those drugs.

The United States is already involved in this new civil war because a large number of people are goose stepping on your rights while they scream about their rights.

I wonder when the defender of The Constitution realizes that their foundning fathers weren't that smart after all.

Surely there's a reason for all the amendments?

Reading the constitution and it's amendments and then comparing it to real life in America makes one wonder. Not sometimes, but often.

edit on 18-7-2015 by HolgerTheDane2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:08 AM
No. Their is no issue in the US where people are willing to see hundreds of thousands of people dead, millions displaced and living as refugees, mass starvation, economic collapse etc. Sure you have people rant about it but, when it comes down to slaughtering each other on a massive scale any problems we thing we have becomes pretty damn insignificant.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:14 AM
The chances of another civil war happening in the U.S. is less than 1%. Why do I say this? Look at the news, the papers, online, magazines. The US government or any US authority can do as they wish if need be and not one single person on this website or in the entire country will do anything about it. The average american is used to being forced or coerced to comply with regulations. It's ingrained to the point of no return.

Relax everything in America is fine!
Go back to watching your T.V.'s and recording those awesome shows. Don't ask too many questions or else the US govt will label you as a threat to security. Dont petition too much or rally too many people. US govt will make you look like a crazy.

Dont get stupid or start interrogating a police officer-you could just get shot. No one will care. Everyone is too concerned about whats going on the next big entertainment movie.

American citizen is like being labeled a sucker for regulations to chain you to the system of control with little escape.
edit on 18-7-2015 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-7-2015 by 4N0M4LY because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

I hate to say it, but from my personal experience what he says is very true in almost every urban environment I've been in. Now maybe they or maybe they aren't the majority of those receiving benefits, however the idea they would revolt if that free money was to run out is no question in my mind. Those types of people would take the food out of your child's mouth and to them, even in their laziness it would be justified and just fine. We live in a piss poor society...that's the truth of it!

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:21 AM
As long as you don't let too many muslims in you will be ok. Look at anywhere where they become a serious minority (like the Serbia effect) and then you will have at some point a civil war of sorts. Keep your immigration fom Christian, Hindi, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, whatever but you will be fine, just don't let radical islam get in and take hold

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

There is a line.

It's not a racial line, either.

You'll know it when you see it.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I think it is possible and I think it would be based on the Federal governments inability to represent the American people / American States. The Federal government is stuck in their own little world and treat the government more as a high school drama fest over who is more popular.

Its kind of like mixing the movie Heathers in with HeeHaw.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 03:20 AM
No. Civil wars don't happen when civil society generally works.

The US has several structural problems, such as the self-segregated society, and some crap roads, but the vast majority of the population are fine, well off and enjoying themselves.

Individuals and groups may feel that they are repressed, or that what they see is not for them, but that's the case with any advanced country where people are free to express their discontent. Just think, if the US was China then we would not be allowed to even hypothesise on this subject.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 03:33 AM
Any society such as today's America is in danger of coming apart. The first component is racial and each group seems to feel they are more entitled than anyone else. The second is economic and given the huge disparity in wealth distribution there is always a danger of violence boiling over. The 3rd is tied to the first component in some ways and it is the cultural gaps between groups. Again, everyone wants their own little thing and fails to respect the culture of the other group.

Nations used to be loosely based on something shared, be it cultural, religious or political. Our great "melting pot" seems more like oil and water sometimes and impossible of working together on anything positive. This is one reason politicians have had such an easy time of late getting over on us. They keep playing one group against the other meanwhile stuffing their greedy little pockets as fast as they can. Should the economy spiral into a true depression I think the danger of another civil war is very real. Just because the last real fight was 150 years ago doesn't mean much when cities like St Louis, Baltimore or LA are boiling over and rioting. Should that ever spread nationwide it will happen. Lets hope things never come to that.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

You honestly don't know ?

Why there will be a civil war ?

How about because

THE US GOVERNMENT WANTS A CLEANSING OF 40% and complete re-organisation of the country into a Luciferian state

How about that ?

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 04:49 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

There will never be another US civil war..period.

Unless the US military decided to ideologically split neatly down the middle, each half taking the equivalent hardware and personnel, any substantial military action ostensibly perpetrated by the US citizenry would be extremely short lived.

With the weaponry and technological wizardry being cooked up in defence labs within the USA, a 'citizen revolt' would be over before it got started...they would be obliterated in short order.

Even if bizarrely, the military split 50/50 they thing would be so damaging, so quickly, both sides would sue for peace at the earliest opportunity, since both would realise early on that to continue would result in MAD.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Is The United States Of America Going TO Have Another Civil War? If So Over What?

When the big steel trap is sprung or the people have had enough, many good men and women will give their lives in a vain attempt to regain their freedom but they will be a case of lambs to the slaughter unfortunately.

The time for a uprising with chance of success has passed.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 05:24 AM
Bullets are so passe.

Just cut the flow of funding from the cash rich "donor" states to the cash poor "taker" states, and let them eat themselves.

Race War? Please. Charlie Manson called and he wants his narrative from 50 years ago back. Wankers.

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 05:45 AM
There will be an uncivil war (damn, that's so cliche). The world is so divided amongst multiple aspects--no matter how tiny the difference. You will have racial killings, gospel raving lunatics slitting throats of agnostics that were only trying to save gun owners who shot a Muslim because he stole an apple from a tree from a lesbian couple that cut power lines down going into a marijuana wholesaler's warehouse where illegals are paid under the table to buy heroin since t...
edit on 18-7-2015 by WeowWix because: fill in the remainder

posted on Jul, 18 2015 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

Awfully high and mighty for a Walmart employee.

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