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NRA gets in on US Govt act - tells Aussies what to do.....

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posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: neo96

They don't like the NRA too much even though they created it in the first place with gun control.

Like usual totally wrong. The NRA has been around since 1871 and never even mentioned anything about any gun bills until 1934.
National Rifle Association

And to think there wouldn't even be an NRA had the anti gun crowd left guns alone.

You really should do some research before making crazy claims.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: neo96

"This is the gun-control regime that our president applauds for its decisive resolve. It robbed Australians of their right to self-defence and empowered criminals, all without delivering the promised reduction in violent crime," it says.

Remember the recent Sydney shootings. I say that is pretty much on the money.

Self defense today means dialing 9-11 and wait for the po po to come 'save' you.

Funny how no one pays attention to FACTS like this^

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: buster2010

Like usual totally wrong. The NRA has been around since 1871 and never even mentioned anything about any gun bills until 1934.

Wrong ?


I wonder what happened in 1934.

Oh yeah thats when the 'liberals' decided to ban machine guns.

You really should do some research before making crazy claims.

Someone surely does.

For over 80 years the anti gunners created the NFA.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

No one is telling Aussies what to do from what I can see. I think bringing them into the discussion is still stupid though.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Gun 'buy' backs are idiotic.

First that money comes from TAXES.

Second guns cost hundreds of dollars and are sold back for usually less than 50 bucks.

Easy to see why people are poor.

Actually they would come out ahead instead of paying for all the accidental shootings. That is, if Australian are as incompetent at owning a weapon as many Americans are. It cost the US billions every year treating shootings I am sure it cost them as well.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

First off the US is not a democracy ......


didn't say it is - just said that it is what America is telling everyone else to be - and now the NRA is saying it can't be a real one without lotsaguins.

Yes there's plenty to roll your eyes at in all that - that is the point!!

The US installs Oligarchies controlled by the central power structure. The US is just the face of this much bigger oligarchy that controls much of the world including Australia. The only thing holding TPTB back is the US constitution and the rise of the internet and mass free speech.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: rexsblues

originally posted by: neo96

"This is the gun-control regime that our president applauds for its decisive resolve. It robbed Australians of their right to self-defence and empowered criminals, all without delivering the promised reduction in violent crime," it says.

Remember the recent Sydney shootings. I say that is pretty much on the money.

Self defense today means dialing 9-11 and wait for the po po to come 'save' you.

Funny how no one pays attention to FACTS like this^

3 people killed - including he gunman - fortunately the gunman was armed with "only" a sawn-off shotgun and only killed 1 person.

I suspect he could have killed many more with a decent short automatic rifle such as an AK-47 or M-16 - the M4's used by Sydney police did a lot of damage with their bullets and fragments - killing one of the 2 dead hostages as well as the gunman from 22 shots fired.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

A News21 investigation of child and youth deaths in America between 2002 and
2012 found that at least 28,000 children and teens 19-years-old and younger
were killed with guns. Teenagersbetween the ages of 15 and 19 made up over
two-thirds of all youth gun deaths in America.

“There is too much access. It’s easier for a child to buy a firearm in Baltimore
than it is to buy a pack of cigarettes,” Cohen said. “The less guns that are
available, the less gun deaths we are going to have, but that doesn’t solve the

“If we don’t get to the heart of the question of gun violence, we’re doomed,”
said Rauhouse,

People won’t turn to drugs and violence if they have respect and equality in
their lives and in their relationships,” Chevalier said.


...needs to face the facts , your broader community cannot be trusted with WMD's
YOU should be compensating innocent victims, so grow a pair ,
and maybe become the Christian nation that you should be ?

edit on 12-7-2015 by radarloveguy because: bare arms get sunburnt

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: radarloveguy

Do you live in America?

If so, please take a teenager to the gun store and see how easy it is for him or her to purchase a handgun.


If you are talking about buying an illegal firearm like you would buy illegal drugs there are already laws against that.

Criminals do not follow the law

We border a narco state in which Tons of Illegal drugs, weapons, and people flow into the US unchallenged. You cannot stop the flow of illegal drugs, weapons, or people unless you lock that border down and from what I am seeing, that is not going to happen.

We have had a 30 year "war on drugs". Guess what, more drugs now then when they started. How is that going to work for illegal guns genius?

BTW, most of those "teenagers" are in Gangland. A good % of them are doing the shooting at each other with 100% illegal for them to own firearms.

edit on 12-7-2015 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: infolurker

You don't border a narco state - you are one!

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

I won't argue that.

When I have to fill out and sign for some damned allergy pills because people make meth out of it you know it is bad.

The moral decay in the US has been steadily declining since the late 60's, Early 70's.

I think some people would smoke a dog turd if it would get them high.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: radarloveguy

"YOU should be compensating innocent victims, so grow a pair ,
and maybe become the Christian nation that you should be ?"

Somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of all teen victims of gun violence are a direct result of gang activity and criminal enterprise. Don't feel the need to reward thug behaviour of miscreants, IMO. (

"WMD's" ? I have reads the same descriptors for firearms in the comments sections of HufPO. By the same emotional ranters.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: ventian

I'd say a good 40 hours, 10 hrs in a class teaching safety in multiple weapon formats, 10 hrs in shop doing breakdown/cleaning, 10 hrs at range handling hand guns and 10 hours field handling rifles, shotguns and handguns. 40 hrs is a real investment. I trained twice per week in the range and field, plus the initial base training.

Psychological testing.... People will always slip through the cracks but there are standardized tests that target psychopaths and other unstable personality types.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 7/12.2015 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 11:04 PM
I dont know of 1 Aussie who actually wants a gun.
We all know crims have them, we all know cops have them but as far as the average citizen is concerned they can keep them.

Its not an exaggeration say that most Aussies would view anyone who had a serious interest in guns or any desire to own one as being a sandwich short of a picnic and someone to avoid.
I appreciate that will be hard for the average American to understand but thats just the way it is out here.

Gun ownership will never be a big issue in Australia as to put it simply we just dont want them

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: neo96
You do understand that 1871 comes before 1934 don't you? Also did you miss that I posted they started mentioning gun bills in 1934? Man up and admit you were totally wrong in saying that gun bills caused the creation of the NRA.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

A good list, similar in coverage I employ to maintain a valid CWP, and a bit more. Knowing RCWs are a must, as is shooting scenarios(over-travel, defensive if the goal is to carry concealed). Psychological testing and communicating possible disclaimers against ownership: the former is subjective unless a commonality could be found among MHP and rights groups, the later is considered a verboten topic with the ACLU, if memory serves me correctly.

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: buster2010

You do understand that 1871 comes before 1934 don't you?

Sure does.

Man up and admit you were totally wrong in saying that gun bills caused the creation of the NRA.

Why would I ?

Not wrong.

According to your own 'source'.

he National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is an American nonprofit organization which advocates for gun rights.[3][4][5] Founded in 1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related bills since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against legislation since 1975.[6]

From 1871 to 1934 the NRA wasn't doing much of anything.

Wasn't until later if became politically active.

The NFA in 1934.

Then really started in 1975.

After 1977, the organization expanded its membership by focusing heavily on political issues and forming coalitions with conservative politicians, most of them Republicans.[27] With a goal to weaken the GCA

Until the middle 1970s, the NRA mainly focused on sportsmen, hunters and target shooters, and downplayed gun control issues. However, passage of the GCA galvanized a growing number of NRA gun rights activists

The GCA.

That would be Johnsons Gun Control Act of 1968

So yeah the anti gunners created the NFA there weren't very political until they said enough is enough.

How about actually read sources next time eh?

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 11:24 PM
American gun owners want to live in fear of their own shadow...great but keep your gun culture away from those countries that are doing great without guns all over the place.

Australia is one and so is Canada.

Don't use the tired old false argument that if we don't have guns than our government will do this and that to us. You guys have guns and it sure as hell does not stop the government from screwing you over time and time again. Nor do guns deter crime, if so, you country should be in the small digits when it comes to crimes but it is one of the top crime countries and you are supposed to be a civilized country

posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul#

Tell the to f**k off, Australia is a British colony nothing to do with the is big enough and strong enough to stand on its own two feet.

posted on Jul, 13 2015 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: neo96
I'm not really allowed to talk about Australia as they are letting me stay here but if they don't like what I write they will just block it, so the Sydney siege looked like a false flag for two reasons one tony abbott was looking like he was going to get booted out of his job, and secondly they are bringing terrorism laws in left right and centre and it fitted into the general play of removing peoples freedom I won't go into all the other evidence I have got LOL, I will say one thing about the Port Arthur shootings or at least repeat what a military guy went on record as saying and that was Martin Bryant's accuracy would of been better than any marksman in the Aussie military ever he had a 68 IQ also a very popular new labour MP was killed in the shootings.

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