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We are living in the Era of the Offended

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posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: sarra1833
a reply to: vethumanbeing

It's just all around sad. A shame. Heartbreaking. The very things which make us uniquely human are things humans want to stifle.
Stifle enough and carbon copies we become.

We are already carbon based so this will be easy.

SHHHHH. Dont say carbon....scary word.

OKAY: (silicon) instead or Polyester (got it).

We wouldnt want anyone to know we are made up of that nasty , dirty stuff that pollutes the atmosphere . Someone may be offended.

edit on 5-7-2015 by Gothmog because: To stay on-topic

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: enlightenedservant

I rest my case.

You sure? In court, you would lose because you haven't presented any evidence of "your case" and didn't prove anything I said was wrong. Or are you simply conceding?

Just to help you out a bit, most of those 37 States just started making laws against bestiality from 1999 and 2012. Here's a wiki page on it. That means that our society is actually becoming less tolerant of bestiality than they were in the past. So I'm asking you again, why did you link the gains in equal rights for women & ethnic minorities with an increase in bestiality?

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:01 PM
originally posted by: [post=19535637]Gothmog[/pooriginally posted by: vethumanbeing]originally posted by: Gothmog

Gothmog: It's just all around sad. A shame. Heartbreaking. The very things which make us uniquely human are things humans want to stifle.

Gothmog: Stifle enough and carbon copies we become.

veteranhumanbeing: We are already carbon based so this will be easy.

Gothmog: SHHHHH. Dont say carbon....scary word.

vhb: OKAY: (silicon) instead or Polyester (got it).

sarra1833: We wouldnt want anyone to know we are made up of that nasty , dirty stuff that pollutes the atmosphere . Someone may be offended.

I don't think it within REASON legally biodegrades by itself, we may have to burn it and turn it into a carbon based something or other the earth can turn into a fossil fuel.

edit on 5-7-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
a reply to: enlightenedservant

50 years from now people will be in polyamorous relationships with flocks of geese and no one will be able to say that it's f# weird because we'll all be too afraid of being "tolerance-shamed" by an angry mob.

Hopefully this ridiculous culture won't last that long, though.

To address this post, which appears to be ignoring the bigger picture raised by the OP, in what world do you envisage this occurring? Honestly?

It is that thinking that causes so much grief. Two consenting adults able to choose how they live their life, is in no way the same as some goober with a flock of geese, and it will never be so.

Honestly, it's a complete lack of understanding of the real world that gives rise to this mind set.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: sarra1833

This is a time where individualism is waning in America (and the west), being supplanted by collectivism.

Being "offended" is typically the individual exercising a right to free speech that the collectivist finds repugnant, and feels is an affront to the collective. To insult 1 is to insult all.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:20 PM

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: [post=19535637]Gothmog[/pooriginally posted by: vethumanbeing]originally posted by: Gothmog

Gothmog: It's just all around sad. A shame. Heartbreaking. The very things which make us uniquely human are things humans want to stifle.

Gothmog: Stifle enough and carbon copies we become.

veteranhumanbeing: We are already carbon based so this will be easy.

Gothmog: SHHHHH. Dont say carbon....scary word.

vhb: OKAY: (silicon) instead or Polyester (got it).

sarra1833: We wouldnt want anyone to know we are made up of that nasty , dirty stuff that pollutes the atmosphere . Someone may be offended.

I don't think it within REASON legally biodegrades by itself, we may have to burn it and turn it into a carbon based something or other the earth can turn into a fossil fuel.

Ummm Yes it does....And man probably produces more CO2 breathing out than anything else . Now ,if we can talk 1/2 the population to quit breathing , problem on the way to resolution .

All we have to say is , hey , look , it is MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING....

But that may even offend someone

Outta here....Peace
edit on 5-7-2015 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: Phototropic
I found myself questioning the other day why I stayed involved with social justice, when there are so many fools within the movements. Then I experienced some good ol' fashioned anti-queer street harassment by a (presumably cis-hetero) white man in a truck with a Jesus Fish on it, and I remembered why. Because I don't deserve to have obscenities yelled at me because you can't tell what sex or sexual orientation I am. Neither does anyone else who happens to fall outside of the cis-hetero white protestant Christian category. It's psychologically harmful, and psychological health is nearly as important as physical health.

No, see, what you did right there is excuse your "Side" because it has in your opinion not reached the level of ridiculousness the other side presents
But it does exist, oh yes, it most certainly does.
This is relevant:

"at least we aren't burning churches" isn't an excuse to dismiss the absolutely appalling behavior by the "social justice warriors". as a person who is quite supportive of social activism, perception equality, and letting everyone follow their own dreams and desires with respect and dignity, I find the new millenial generation of intolerant jerkwads to be so out of line on the opposite scale of where youth tends to be that it is just only relatable to puritanical ferver near cultish behavior mixed with the exact same levels of bigotry they pretend to be fighting against.
But unlike the guy in the pickup truck with the jesus fish, it is seen as something encouraging..its not, its bigotry..its hate, and its using actual honorable efforts in equality as a shield to bring forth the most vile parts of humanity as the norm.

Watch this it to your antedotal homophobe mentality and tell me the difference

(sidenote: yes, I know, its PP..but to counter the absurd yet real offshoot you point out, I am simply showing both sides of the horseshoe is equally "retarded"

I find bigotry to be offensive. I think it should be offensive.

Absolutely..however, I want you to go read the actual definition of bigotry...then look at the social justice stooges..they are practicing bigotry.

[big-uh t]
Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.[/url]

Same intolerant mindset for anyone questioning the narrative. I put the GG stuff there because in gaming it is at a critical mass. a sort of testbed for a greater narrative going on hitting the gaming community hard through ultra-PC in media and demanding anyone who wants game devs to continue creating for their audience is somehow a terrible human being...of course its a common tactic used to link up hate with whatever mindset you are opposing. "anyone who likes meat loves murdering innocent animals due to them being barbarians" style arguments of nonsense.

Body shaming should be offensive.

I sorta disagree here on principle. although not in all cases, most cases of fat people is by choice...and being fat should be considered something to be avoided for multiple reasons, mostly due to it being a very early death sentence for the person in question, but also because it create mass waste, huge environmental impact with more and more fat people as the norm (they dont get fat from sunshine) and a multitude of other reasons. I am not saying actively shame fat people, just dont accept being overweight is a perfectly fine and reasonable lifestyle choice that effects nobody..its bad, its as bad as someone chainsmoking for years on end, you dont glorify that, you try to get that person help.

Treating women, homosexuals, trans-people, non-Christians, and people of color like they are lesser, the natural butt of the joke, should be offensive.
Disagree, all people, all lifestyles, all abilities, disabilities, and everything should be the butt of jokes. the moment we can't laugh at ourselves is when we can only cry about our issues..
I, like everyone else on earth, have issues personal to me through both past choices and simple biological situations...and the best way to overcome these is to first off, laugh at them. as a guy, I can both laugh at dumb stuff inherent as guy, but that doesn't make me suddenly not want to be a guy, I appreciate the biological and societal sillyness of being a guy in its humor, but also enjoy being who I am. I know plenty of women who make some of the best women jokes, yet they love being a woman, etc. everything can be seen as a disadvantage if you find it is protected from humor
basically...grow a thicker skin and some witty comebacks, but more importantly, to laugh at yourself. Even if you find yourself in the hospital riddled with cancer, come up with some fun cancer jokes, ask your friend to make fun of your bald head, etc..its healthy to make fun of differences and minimizes their importance.

As much as I hate to admit it, the -chan culture has it right..if you call everyone a f-g, then suddenly the term loses its power.

I wish all the racists, homophobes, and other bigots would go all in and just join the Klan. That way, we could excise them from polite society like the cancer they are.

Hating the haters is still hate. The people hating believe they are fully in the right for their hate, they see who they hate as subhuman.
you are on the opposite side. hate the idea, educate the person, and accept that they may not see things the same as you.


TL;dr = social justice = bigotry with flare
edit on 5-7-2015 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
lead to bestiality?

but bestiality is only illegal in 37 US States. And it's completely legal in many other countries. Personally, I think it's disgusting. Therefore, I don't engage in it. But I really don't care what other people do in their bedrooms. As long as it's not rape, I don't even want to know, much less legislate something about it. So why does it matter so much to you?

between two consenting adults.

a walrus is not consenting..unless you can speak walrus

Just felt the need to correct a rather insane...defense (?) of beastiality from regulations...

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: sn0rch

It's a basic fear-mongering tactic called "the slippery slope". If we allow Controversial Topic #1, then Controversial Topics #7, 8, 9, 10, & 11 will be next!!! It doesn't have a basis in reality or facts, just in stereotypes, rumors, and good old fashioned fear.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: sarra1833

This is a time where individualism is waning in America (and the west), being supplanted by collectivism.

Being "offended" is typically the individual exercising a right to free speech that the collectivist finds repugnant, and feels is an affront to the collective. To insult 1 is to insult all.

That doesn't even make sense. How can "individualism be waning in America" when America was built on forced assimilation? In fact, individualism was shunned by the Puritans; Africans were forced to exchange our unique cultures & languages to assimilate; and Native Americans were forced to move or exchange their unique cultures by assimilating. And women, LGBTs, and other minorities were forced to reject our individualism to fit in with the collective.

Modern America is the exact opposite of that. For the first time in history, American citizens now have the right to be true individuals. We can live where we want (no more forced segregation), date who we want, pursue an education in anything we want, pursue any job we want, engage in virtually any hobby we want, watch any sport we want, wear almost any clothing we want, listen to any music we want, etc. There has literally never been a point in American history where we've had this much individual freedom. How's that collectivism?

Even racists, extremists, misogynists, and bigots have websites & gangs/groups they can join if they choose to. So everything you said is the exact opposite of being true.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:42 PM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
lead to bestiality?

but bestiality is only illegal in 37 US States. And it's completely legal in many other countries. Personally, I think it's disgusting. Therefore, I don't engage in it. But I really don't care what other people do in their bedrooms. As long as it's not rape, I don't even want to know, much less legislate something about it. So why does it matter so much to you?

between two consenting adults.

a walrus is not consenting..unless you can speak walrus

Just felt the need to correct a rather insane...defense (?) of beastiality from regulations...

I'm not defending it. I even said I found it disgusting. But that doesn't change the fact that it's only illegal in 37 States. There are actually legal cases over it which go into "consent" from the animal's perspective, whether or not it causes harm to the animal, etc. I won't link those because like I said, I think it's disgusting. Plus, I don't want to know too much about it. However, I'm just pointing out the facts.

EDIT: And for the record, it's generally us animal rights activists who are helping to pass anti-bestiality laws. But opinion, law, and personal morals aren't the same. There are plenty of people who fight in court to maintain their "right" to bestiality, which is why it isn't illegal everywhere (yet).
edit on 5-7-2015 by enlightenedservant because: added insight to clarify the intentions of my previous post to allow for a more pleasant reading experience

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

So, to be clear, your position is that minorities defending themselves against a systematically oppressive majority is the same thing as the majority systematically oppressing the minorities?

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
lead to bestiality?

but bestiality is only illegal in 37 US States. And it's completely legal in many other countries. Personally, I think it's disgusting. Therefore, I don't engage in it. But I really don't care what other people do in their bedrooms. As long as it's not rape, I don't even want to know, much less legislate something about it. So why does it matter so much to you?

between two consenting adults.

a walrus is not consenting..unless you can speak walrus

Just felt the need to correct a rather insane...defense (?) of beastiality from regulations...

I'm not defending it. I even said I found it disgusting. But that doesn't change the fact that it's only illegal in 37 States. There are actually legal cases over it which go into "consent" from the animal's perspective, whether or not it causes harm to the animal, etc. I won't link those because like I said, I think it's disgusting. Plus, I don't want to know too much about it. However, I'm just pointing out the facts.

EDIT: And for the record, it's generally us animal rights activists who are helping to pass anti-bestiality laws. But opinion, law, and personal morals aren't the same. There are plenty of people who fight in court to maintain their "right" to bestiality, which is why it isn't illegal everywhere (yet).

Pretty simple really, a blanket requirement for life to be consenting and adult..and until there is some sort of dolphin to human perfect translator, then its a no-go.
however, I wonder what happens if/when aliens come and we are unable to speak their language..or figure out if they are even adult by their standards.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: Phototropic
a reply to: SaturnFX

So, to be clear, your position is that minorities defending themselves against a systematically oppressive majority is the same thing as the majority systematically oppressing the minorities?

so to be clear, for me to answer that, I must first accept the pretense that the system is actually oppressive based on skintone in 2015?

What I see is that the system is oppressive towards poor, the system is oppressive towards uneducated.

I dont associate skintone with poor or uneducated. I do associate cultural pushes for it to remain that way.
are you part of the culture that reinforces stereotypes or dismisses them? consider it.

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:54 PM
originally posted by: vethumanbeing
originally posted by: [post=19535637]Gothmog[/pooriginally posted by: vethumanbeing]originally posted by: Gothmog

Gothmog: It's just all around sad. A shame. Heartbreaking. The very things which make us uniquely human are things humans want to stifle.

vhb:I don't think it within REASON legally biodegrades by itself, we may have to burn it and turn it into a carbon based something or other the earth can turn into a fossil fuel.

Gothmog: Ummm Yes it does....And man probably produces more CO2 breathing out than anything else . Now ,if we can talk 1/2 the population to quit breathing , problem on the way to resolution .

All we have to say is , hey , look , it is MAN MADE GLOBAL WARMING....

But that may even offend someone
Outta here....Peace

I am a 'light breather'; I am cognizant of others needing the oxygen so I conserve for others consumption (what is wrong with that). Most people just need to stop breathing and solve a world population problem? (that was a PC problem) as expressed; I am sure to be arressted for it (now I am on the run). Oh BTW; the earth is a natural generator of oil and vaporous gas (the fossil fuel thingy is a lie) there will never be any shortage.
edit on 6-7-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2015 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Our nation was founded as a republic to protect individual rights, and prevent mob rule. When you watch our advertisig, it has always appealed to the individual. The strong Marlboro Man as an example. Watch Japanese marketing and it appeals to the collective. The individual is replaced by a group of 5 or more people, to appeal to the desire to conform to the collective.

What do you mean "that doesn't make sense"? American individualism is, from the outside, seen as American greed. Now, its even from the inside that it looks like that. Because individualism is waning. And, between you and i (and the rest of the internet), this is likely to be the cause of the next major clash in America. City vs urban, political rivalry, etc. It all boils down to this major social rift of individualism vs collectivism.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 12:00 AM
i should add: we did this to ourselves. Collectivism is taught in schools as the defacto American way. "if you didn't bring enough for the whole class, you can't have any either."

How about the green ribbons given out to the kids? Winning no longer matters. Because in a collective, if one wins, we all win. Its about participating. Being part of the collective, doing and conforming to collective whims. Make sure you buy your Nikes, get that latest iPhone, and scoff at the poor fools who don't do whatever it is that you and everyone else does.

The individual will stand to defend himself. The pawn of the collective will lay down and die just because that is what everyone else does.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 12:02 AM

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: SaturnFX

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
lead to bestiality?

but bestiality is only illegal in 37 US States. And it's completely legal in many other countries. Personally, I think it's disgusting. Therefore, I don't engage in it. But I really don't care what other people do in their bedrooms. As long as it's not rape, I don't even want to know, much less legislate something about it. So why does it matter so much to you?

between two consenting adults.

a walrus is not consenting..unless you can speak walrus

Just felt the need to correct a rather insane...defense (?) of beastiality from regulations...

I'm not defending it. I even said I found it disgusting. But that doesn't change the fact that it's only illegal in 37 States. There are actually legal cases over it which go into "consent" from the animal's perspective, whether or not it causes harm to the animal, etc. I won't link those because like I said, I think it's disgusting. Plus, I don't want to know too much about it. However, I'm just pointing out the facts.

EDIT: And for the record, it's generally us animal rights activists who are helping to pass anti-bestiality laws. But opinion, law, and personal morals aren't the same. There are plenty of people who fight in court to maintain their "right" to bestiality, which is why it isn't illegal everywhere (yet).

Pretty simple really, a blanket requirement for life to be consenting and adult..and until there is some sort of dolphin to human perfect translator, then its a no-go.
however, I wonder what happens if/when aliens come and we are unable to speak their language..or figure out if they are even adult by their standards.

I agree, but it's not that simple in court. Like I said, there are actual legal cases on this. Opinions, laws, and personal morals are not the same. If there isn't a law specifically against it, some people will do it. And if a law is reinterpreted to be against it, some people fight this reinterpretation in court. And many times, they win (you're probably aware of the argument against "judicial overreach", right?).

As for aliens, come on now. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the reactions some people had to the females in the movie Avatar lol. If there aren't new laws specifically against it, some people will do it. And let's not assume the people making & enforcing the laws would all be against it (just as we shouldn't assume they're all against bestiality).

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: bigfatfurrytexan
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Our nation was founded as a republic to protect individual rights, and prevent mob rule. When you watch our advertisig, it has always appealed to the individual. The strong Marlboro Man as an example. Watch Japanese marketing and it appeals to the collective. The individual is replaced by a group of 5 or more people, to appeal to the desire to conform to the collective.

What do you mean "that doesn't make sense"? American individualism is, from the outside, seen as American greed. Now, its even from the inside that it looks like that. Because individualism is waning. And, between you and i (and the rest of the internet), this is likely to be the cause of the next major clash in America. City vs urban, political rivalry, etc. It all boils down to this major social rift of individualism vs collectivism.

How does this response prove my points wrong? You speak of America being founded as a republic to protect individual rights. But then you ignore the fact that this same republic is granting more individual rights now than at any time in its history? Even our Constitution guarantees more rights than it originally did, which means we're gaining rights, not losing them.

Then you used the Marlboro Man as an example of individualism. But the funny part about that is it was first used in 1954, during the American Civil Rights Movement! LOL So this symbol of individualism you pointed to was first used during the time period when America was giving more rights to more Americans. How does that prove that we're losing individualism? As an example, the Hernandez v Texas case also happened in 1954. This was the Supreme Court case that decided that Mexican Americans and all other racial groups in the United States had equal protection under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

And I notice you ignored America's history of forced assimilation for Africans, Native Americans, and other ethnic minorities. Forced assimilation is the exact opposite of promoting individualism. You also ignored America's history of forcing women to live under close minded rules & social expectations, which is the exact opposite of promoting individualism for women. And you also ignored America's history of oppressing LGBTs, the social pressures to get them to hide their true selves, and the pressures to force them to convert to a specific "traditional" heterosexual lifestyle. How is that promoting individualism?

Like I said before, individualism in America is at an all time high right now.

posted on Jul, 6 2015 @ 12:24 AM
You also have to remember the schadenfreude types, trolls and so on, jumping on a bandwagon because these e-outrages have real world consequences.

People are fired from their jobs, ridiculed and so on, death threats etc. All these things are real world consequences from thoughts, ppl have the power to influence from a keyboard. When an unhinged person eventually acts on this manufactured outrage it's partly because they think many many people are like-minded and their target is a justified green light since they have so many "backers". The same concept for someone being fired from their jobs, if the employer assumed millions/thousands are outraged and it will look bad on them and affect income somehow.

Trolls know this and so they add fuel to the fire with cynicism, faux outrage and manufactured anger. Whatever the issue/topic is, these people don't genuinly care for it, just as long as someone is negatively affected is what's improtant to them.

Am I right or amirite?

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