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posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: w810i

Why dabble in such things. Are you just trying to get something you want quickly ?
Well, I do not believe this is the right way for you to achieve it.

We all have the magic inside of us. How we utilize it is the key. No one said it would be easy.

Having said that the symbolism used in building sigils is intriguing to look at and read up on. I am deeply fascinated with magic and love learning new things about it.

The term sigil derives from the Latin sigillum, meaning "seal", though it may also be related to the Hebrew סגולה (segula meaning "word, action, or item of spiritual effect, talisman"). The current use of the term is derived from Renaissance magic, which was in turn inspired by the magical traditions of antiquity.

OP, have you read or looked into the Keys of Solomon ?

Can someone bring a sigil to the table here in this thread and explain how you made it and what each part represents.

I've always wondered, if you successfully summon an entity, be it angels or demons, and they do your bidding toward another person, how does this impact the person you have bid against ? What kind of impact does it have on you and them in the long term ? The person you have bid against doesn't even know you have done it, so I wonder...


posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 08:03 AM

originally posted by: ExternalForces
a reply to: Gothmog

Do you mind sharing when this happened ?

I do not mind sharing. Way back in the 80s . It was something I had forgotten until I read the OP. I wonder if it had any bearing on my life afterwards. Who knows ?

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: Tristran

originally posted by: w810i
Has anyone ever done this? If so how did you go about doing it?

If you manage to successfully replicate a sigil how will you know that the entity is :-
1) not a phony playing games with you
2) good or bad

Answer: you will not.

Secondly, many entities go via aliases so the sigil is not of their true name anyway. So if you summon one, you are already screwed.
Example: the lead watcher Shemyhaza is just a Hebrew word for Name Of Power (Shem - y - haza).

You are incorrect on a couple of points.

You have confused sigil magick with magical evocation. Sigil magick is the one where you create a sigil representing some magickal aim, charge it with your personal power and whatever power you draw from whatever other sources, then burn the sigil to release its power into the cosmos and start working for you. It does not involve the evocation of any entity. Evocation is a complex ritual process by which an occult operator summons an entity of some sort to go out and cause something to happen for the operator. Sometimes these rituals involve sigils belonging to the entity the operator wishes to evoke.

Discernment between types, temperaments, and identities of entities is basically one of the first things you learn when you start down any occult path in which one works with entities, and it takes at least a year of study in most traditions to even get to the point where you're allowed to summon an effing fart. So, technically speaking, someone who as acquired the requisite knowledge and skills to actually summon something will know whether they've called on the right dude.

Stick with Jesus Christ because with CERN opening up a portal to hell (before the end of this year)

I've been out of the conspiracy loop for a few years. That's a really good one.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: leolady
I know I said I wouldn't, but I can provide a quickie example of a sigil done in the way the OP mentions.

1. Write out your intention, very specifically. For example:

"My bills will be paid on time this month."

2. Remove any vowels or repeated letters. That leaves us with:


3. Include every letter in some form in the sigil. What I came up with in two minutes looks like this:

Ideally you would spend more time developing the sigil and making it resonate with your vibes and all that hippie ish. You should have a final copy that you like, prepared with material that makes sense to you. Destroy (preferably burn) all other versions of the sigil except your final one.

4. Charge your sigil. There are about as many ways to do this as there are people. I recommend looking it up yourself, as there are some NSFW methods that work really well.

5. Burn your sigil and put it out of your mind completely.

The ways this goes wrong, even though it is dead simple on the surface: a poor grasp of language. One must be very specific about what they want, when they want it, and often how they want it to happen, because... well, the universe has a very dry sense of humor. I'll leave it at that.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: Phototropic
It's spelled "sigil", not "sigal". I would not highly recommend dabbling if you can't spell it correctly.

Sigil magick is... easy. But also immensely dangerous if you don't know what you're doing or misuse it. If you hear about a magickal working and immediately want to have a go at it, you should probably not involve yourself in the occult. Enthusiasm is great, but restraint and not killing yourself are more important attributes in an occultist.

Surely someone will tell you how to do it or provide a quick link off of google, but my karma's effed enough, mate.

Thanks, lemme guess you've never been in a hurry and spelled something wrong?
edit on 2-7-2015 by w810i because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-7-2015 by w810i because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Cuervo


That is funny. I have a video of the Canaanite Goddess Worshipers:

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: w810i
Ive been doing some surfing and listening to various podcasts that talked about chaos magic and the power of sigals. I was thinking maybe making some of my own. Has anyone ever done this? If so how did you go about doing it? Ive read different things about putting it in the moonlight etc, etc.

The universe understands things literally.

If you want someone to "fall from power" don't make a sigal that they'll fall, example: "It is my desire that my Jane shall fall!"


They're probably going to slip and fall, not fall from grace or power. Trust me on this. When you start hacking reality it's quite literal -- there isn't any room for interpretation. Your intention gets sent out and the universe goes, "OK!" and does it.

It can take time though, so it's best just to forget about it and move on.

Sounds like you've been watching the Grant Morrison video from DisinfoCon

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: leolady
a reply to: w810i

Why dabble in such things. Are you just trying to get something you want quickly ?
Well, I do not believe this is the right way for you to achieve it.

We all have the magic inside of us. How we utilize it is the key. No one said it would be easy.

Having said that the symbolism used in building sigils is intriguing to look at and read up on. I am deeply fascinated with magic and love learning new things about it.

The term sigil derives from the Latin sigillum, meaning "seal", though it may also be related to the Hebrew סגולה (segula meaning "word, action, or item of spiritual effect, talisman"). The current use of the term is derived from Renaissance magic, which was in turn inspired by the magical traditions of antiquity.

OP, have you read or looked into the Keys of Solomon ?

Can someone bring a sigil to the table here in this thread and explain how you made it and what each part represents.

I've always wondered, if you successfully summon an entity, be it angels or demons, and they do your bidding toward another person, how does this impact the person you have bid against ? What kind of impact does it have on you and them in the long term ? The person you have bid against doesn't even know you have done it, so I wonder...


I've read a few LOA things that deal with Solomon. The way ive read it is that sigil is NOT summoning an entity good or bad, it's using the natural forces of nature to your benefit.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:17 PM
Just remember everyone:

Rituals, spells, objects...all of that stuff is just a way to hack yourself into believing in your own power. Some people need all of that stuff to lower their guard and allow themselves to manipulate their reality.

If we wanted to make something happen, we could -- but we don't 100% believe in ourselves. On any given day most of us have probably 10% belief in ourselves. This is enough for placebo effect with medicines, but not enough to make full-blown miracles happen.

Rituals and all the specific little details just trick your subconscious into getting around your conscious mind.

So, you can really make up your own magic spells, rituals, objects -- whatever feels magical to you. Everything is magic, and magic is everywhere. We just choose not to recognize it. I got a nice parking spot today and hit a lot of green lights -- I think I'm becoming more magical all the time!

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: w810i

"Hurry" and "Magic(k)" don't mix well, dude.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Phototropic
a reply to: w810i

"Hurry" and "Magic(k)" don't mix well, dude.

If you're going to be a douche, go find a different thread to post in.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom

originally posted by: w810i
Ive been doing some surfing and listening to various podcasts that talked about chaos magic and the power of sigals. I was thinking maybe making some of my own. Has anyone ever done this? If so how did you go about doing it? Ive read different things about putting it in the moonlight etc, etc.

The universe understands things literally.

If you want someone to "fall from power" don't make a sigal that they'll fall, example: "It is my desire that my Jane shall fall!"


They're probably going to slip and fall, not fall from grace or power. Trust me on this. When you start hacking reality it's quite literal -- there isn't any room for interpretation. Your intention gets sent out and the universe goes, "OK!" and does it.

It can take time though, so it's best just to forget about it and move on.

Sounds like you've been watching the Grant Morrison video from DisinfoCon

No idea who Grant Morrison is mate.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom

originally posted by: w810i
Ive been doing some surfing and listening to various podcasts that talked about chaos magic and the power of sigals. I was thinking maybe making some of my own. Has anyone ever done this? If so how did you go about doing it? Ive read different things about putting it in the moonlight etc, etc.

The universe understands things literally.

If you want someone to "fall from power" don't make a sigal that they'll fall, example: "It is my desire that my Jane shall fall!"


They're probably going to slip and fall, not fall from grace or power. Trust me on this. When you start hacking reality it's quite literal -- there isn't any room for interpretation. Your intention gets sent out and the universe goes, "OK!" and does it.

It can take time though, so it's best just to forget about it and move on.

Sounds like you've been watching the Grant Morrison video from DisinfoCon

This made me giggle.

On another note. My enthusiasm remains true. Yet, I'll remain safe and sound by not meddling with things I have yet to Master.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: w810i

Google is a powerful tool my friend.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: w810i

That could be a tragic mistake.

posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: Phototropic

I have never seen a sigil made. You have described it well. Thx.

It looks easy to do. But I still don't think I would attempt to do one.


posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: w810i

Ok. So it is a bit different than summoning an entity. It sounds safer I suppose but I still don't think I would ever try it.

Interesting thread though.


posted on Jul, 2 2015 @ 07:03 PM
And guys -- you may think you know what you want, but really put some thought into the implications. "Play the tape forward" -- in other words try and imagine the possible outcomes if what you want to happen comes true, the good AND bad.

Making a sigil saying that you're a shaman might sound neat, fun and exciting....

Actually living as one may not be what you really want. It's not a life for everyone, and it can include a lot of isolation.

The universe is made of language, and what sigils seem to do is hack that language based operating system. Sometimes they work quickly, other times they work slow. I think a key component is to make them uncomplicated yet specific at the same time.

Also, being in a state of recievership is important. Don't constantly dwell on them and feel a sense of "wanting" or "not having yet". You are only going to attract more "not having" if you focus on wanting what you don't have.

This is probably why some advanced people tell you to totally forget/destroy them after you've created and charged them.

I had this idea where I'd make a new sigil every week for a year. I'd put them all in a box. At the end of a year I'd start with the very first one I made a year ago and charge it. This way I would have no idea what they are. I'd be in for a year of surprises! The trick though, is to make sure none of them conflict or that they truly are things I would want to see/change/have happen.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 12:44 AM
a reply to: w810i

The one and only sigil I ever created I fortified with emotion. I firmly believe there certain chemical and definitely molecular properties in us that lend themselves to things deemed magical or mystical. And human emotion is one of the strongest seals/bonds ever. Think of "sealing something with a kiss", or when we slam a door in the midst of a heated discussion.

As you draw your sigil, think of the feeling you are invoking. Trying to focus on a deity or egregor can be taxing if you're not the most imaginative person, or spiritual sensitive enough to get a sense of what force you want to aid in giving your sigil strength, so to speak. But every emotion invokes some kind of force/deity/entity. When your sigil is done, not only have you imprinted it with your unique spiritual signature as it's creator, but you can seal by focusing all your intent on what it means to you.

As I said, I only made one, and it was so powerful, even in putting it away out of sight, it does it's purpose that I intended. And now that I've grown since making it, I sometimes wish I could undo it lol pursuing different goals and outcomes for my life than I was those many years ago.

posted on Jul, 3 2015 @ 01:11 AM
Knowing my luck I'd make a sigil asking for global equality and harmony and an asteroid would hit.

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