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Can I get an EVP with my smartphone?

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posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 09:24 PM
Hey guys, this might be a stupid question but I don't know about any of this stuff, so bare with me

I was wondering if a smartphone (in particular a samsung galaxy) has the recording sensitivity/capability to catch an EVP or if people need high quality tape recorders to catch anything..?

If a smartphone is enough, is there a certain app that records sounds that I should download that is good?


posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 09:44 PM
NO! If EVP was even real it would be the #1 app of all time. Who wouldn't want to talk to the dead or hear them talk?

edit on 6/24/15 by proob4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 09:59 PM
The wider the frequency range the device is capable of recording the better. I myself have found it hit or miss with any device while trying to record evp. Nothing that can be explained either way.

Side note:

I have catapulted some stunning images back in my teens. I had an image in a grave yard from the 1800s and there was a foggy shrouded man in button up colonial garb with sword and scabbard on his side.

I hope i can find the 35mm negs still, ill scan them in.

posted on Jun, 24 2015 @ 11:42 PM
I believe I have heard of an EVP app of some sorts. If I were you i would simply do a Google search or a search in the app store

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: TheIceQueen


There is an app for just that.

But it wont work )-:

*hint* I tried.

posted on Jun, 25 2015 @ 01:14 AM
In theory any form of audio sound recorder using an acoustic microphone should be capable of recording EVP.

If the phenomenon is real I have trouble believing that only old type magnetic tape could record it, get any sound recorder, hit record. play it back later see what it picked up.

You don't need some stupid app to do that. Anyone telling you otherwise is scamming you.

EVP, whatever it is can come through a number of things. I heard firsthand through a vintage telephone in the uk from the late 1950's other phone conversations and dial tones as well as music as did everyone in my family. This thing had no internal battery or capicitors and was not wired into the wall or any phone network in any way. I remember a lot of the things I would hear would be very strange. Eventually it stopped doing this and would also only do it in a certain area of the house. I remember dismantling this thing years later and figuring out that this had been a civil defence issue phone my dad had got from the Police substation he worked at in the outskirts of Aberdeen, Scotland when they upgraded the phone system in the mid 70's. As far as I could tell it had some kind of radioactive battery in the handset that might cause it to emit audio through the speaker. Seemed to act like the luminosity on an old watch dial but more like the fading in and out of old nighttime AM broadcasts. I probably got into electronics because of this thing puzzling the # out of me. Audio signals caused by an internal radioactive source I can almost buy, maybe even dial tones. Voices and chanting incoherent weirdness not so much.

If I hadn't heard this happen firsthand, and being a radio guy I would have put this kind of thing down to atmospheric DX'ing and related type RF noise stuff. However I'm 100% sure some of it is something else.

Trust me, I hate having to admit there might be something to this. I have outside and inside mics in our security system and it picks up weird # sometimes. Almost like the old numbers stations.

So, anything that amplifies sound electronically is going to pick this stuff up. You just need to record it.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 07:03 AM
I read somewhere that you need to go the other way; less smart phone and high quality microphone and more old analog tape with really old microphone. The more modern and sophisticated the recording equipment, the more likely the sounds you're looking for will get filtered out. Only after you get the recordings do you break out the fancy equipment and start processing the sounds to see what pops out.

The closest I ever came to EVP was a stereo that would sometimes talk to us in the middle of the night, even when it was turned off. This was in the 1970's when the CB craze was in full swing. Civilian CB radio is limited to 5 watts, but with modifications and boosters you can get the transmitting power so high that anything remotely like a receiver circuit can pick it up, amplify it, and play it out the speakers. My girlfriend says her brother had a CB in his truck powerful enough to be picked up by PA systems and intercoms in buildings nearby. He'd sit in line at the bank drive-through and taunt the tellers.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 07:06 AM
Sorry but about as likely as catching Slimer with and Ecto-plasma Ray.

posted on Jul, 25 2015 @ 12:32 PM
I just checkt my phone and it seems it can only listen up to 12.3khz.
after that it can not tell me the frequency.
its a sony Xperia.

but I would recomend that you use old type tape and mic.
like he said.
or beter yet. use both!
please tell us how you get on.

posted on Jul, 26 2015 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: TheIceQueen
Hey guys, this might be a stupid question but I don't know about any of this stuff, so bare with me

I was wondering if a smartphone (in particular a samsung galaxy) has the recording sensitivity/capability to catch an EVP or if people need high quality tape recorders to catch anything..?

If a smartphone is enough, is there a certain app that records sounds that I should download that is good?


Probably not possible since you need wide range of frequencies and radio-equipped smartphones can only tune in to FM, not AM frequencies.

Although a few times, while talking to my parents in Skype, I heard a long animal-like shriek and growl - similar to the "radio interference" in the horror film Apollo 18, it was scary as hell! I asked my parents if they heard anything and they didn't hear anything but a strong static like I was cutting out.

But having a radio-equipped smartphone near you may actually enhance your own paranormal abilities....Usually a smartphone that's been used for a long time. I have an old Samsung S2 and Nokia N73 that seems to help me out and when they do, they run out of juice really fast even on standby!

posted on Jul, 27 2015 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: TheIceQueen

Yes you can use a smart phone with just a voice memo recorder app, i know as i have done this in the past as well as using my digital recorder. Had mixed results with the phone (believe it was a samsung galaxy ace!!) but more modern smartphones should have higher quality microphones built in. So short answer yes, but better to use a dictaphone or old school tape recorder. Hope that helps

let us know if you have any success and if so which method you decided to go with.
edit on 27-7-2015 by tubbytick because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2019 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: TheIceQueen

I just found this online and yes it is possible as I have a galaxy Note 9 and I'm starting up a group called Paranormal Hunting and I was randomly doing a live stream talking to people in the group and after review of the live stream you clearly hear something say 'What' go check it out for yourself.

posted on Aug, 27 2019 @ 04:39 PM
The problem will always be contamination. Unless you put the phone in a Faraday cage, you'll get noise that might sound like people talking from stray radio transmissions, cell phone crosstalk, passing cars, stray animals, and even your own grumbly tummy.


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