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Google: Project Tango (the future of tracking humans)

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posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:16 PM
(Mods please move to appropriate forum)

Hey ATS,

As I'm sure many of you did, I watched Google I/O keynote with a vested interest. One of their project that caught my attention is Project Tango from their ATAP division. So basically, Google found a way to miniaturize a full RADAR so small that it now fits into a smartphone. This chip, called Project Soli, in conjunction with an array of sensors already present on our phones allow them to map everything happening that is within 5 meters of the phone. It detects every small movement, every wall, every moving objects with incredible accuracy.

Miniaturization of the RADAR: In a period of 10 months, Google successfully miniaturized the RADAR from the size of a console, to the size of a small chip that fits in any small electronic device.

For scale:

Project Soli

This development, according to Google, is to develop new ways to navigate 3d space by self driving cars or indoor tracking / navigation (for the conspiracy minded, remember that "navigation" basically means the same as "tracking".)

Remember the scene in Batman : The Dark Knight where they use every cellphone to get a 3d mesh of everything happening around them?

Well, this is no more science fiction.

Meet Project Tango

This is the future and its happening as we speak. We will soon be in a world where everything is mapped, every human movement, the speed people around you are walking. It is so precise and sensitive it can detect people breathing around you. If everyone had a phone with this technology right now, we could basically create a 3d map of everything happening in the world in real time and navigate it in 3d.

So ATS, how do you think this will be used in the future?

edit on 4-6-2015 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-6-2015 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:27 PM

So ATS, how do you think this will be used in the future?

You can find some of their opinions in this existing thread about it

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: Indigent

So ATS, how do you think this will be used in the future?

You can find some of their opinions in this existing thread about it

Two different forums.
edit on 4-6-2015 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Indigent

This thread you linked focuses on the tracking of simple hand gestures. This technology with the help of cameras and other sensors make Project Tango which is, I think, on a whole other level.
edit on 4-6-2015 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

Hey you are right its not the same project, sorry about that

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
a reply to: Indigent

This thread you linked focuses on the tracking of simple hand gestures. This technology with the help of cameras and other sensors make Project Tango which is, I think, on a whole another level.

The new age of holographics is upon us and you're right to be concerned. The chip maybe "new" to us but I'll bet its already in use en-masse by...some folks....who might not need previous spying programmes and recently lost their mandates....or their military buddies...

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:48 PM
I would be more concern about this being the vision of the terminators Google is making more than tracking our movements, I'm pretty sure they can do that with facial recognition software and regular cameras, some cities are completely covered by cameras.

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Indigent
I would be more concern about this being the vision of the terminators Google is making more than tracking our movements, I'm pretty sure they can do that with facial recognition software and regular cameras, some cities are completely covered by cameras.

I agree, and they also admit that this will be used by all kinds of robots to give them vision "awareness". Scary!

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 08:01 PM
You guys didn't hear? This is mandatory for ObamaCare members.....Just kidding and i hope ALWAYS KIDDING.



posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: Indigent
I would be more concern about this being the vision of the terminators Google is making more than tracking our movements, I'm pretty sure they can do that with facial recognition software and regular cameras, some cities are completely covered by cameras.

Edit: please remove

edit on 4-6-2015 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 09:08 PM
Didn't they show this kind of technology in the batman movie the dark knight rises?

Where Morgan Freeman gave up his phone at the desk and they put it in a drawer but it was able to map out the entire building?

This is some next level spying #

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: eXia7

I did include the batman scene in my original post. But yeah, its basically the same! Funny how Alfred warns Batman how this technology is dangerous and unethical.
edit on 4-6-2015 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 09:16 PM
You know what? I find this technology handsomely magnificent. I'm ready to advance. This type of technology will propel us to a new future. Can you imagine this kind of technology inside of cars that can drive themselves? Less car accidents at higher speeds and less gas usage. What are some other things this could be used for? If this technology advances enough, maybe we can have police officers have head gear that'll tell weather a person has a weapon and won't have to fire 9 rounds into their back because of suspicion. Good things can come of this just as bad things will come of it. Thing is, we can't stop advancing this technology because of fears. Instead, let's use this technology to our advantage.

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Mizzijr

It is amazing. Everyone will buy into it for its cool features. You'll now be able to use Google Maps to find the bathrooms inside any building.

Do we really need this?

Google was partially funded by military and they recently acquired Boston Dynamics, the main DARPA robot manufacturer. They're not stupid, if you want a technology to get mass adoption, you need to sell new amazing features that will change your life. It doesn't mean that its purpose is improving your life.

Does anyone notice that the more we use Social Media we spend less time at real human interactions? Was it really worth it? Were we better off it? You tell me.

Maybe they will program your car to get into an accident for being a member of ATS. You could be a terrorist in the making with all these conspiracy theories... I'd rather stay in control, thanks.
edit on 4-6-2015 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

You're right. But I feel like this can be magnified on a larger scale to commute. I'm thinking huge, I'm thinking the benefits this has for space travel, oceanic exploration, archaeology, etc.

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Mizzijr

It will be used for the best and for the worst, like everything.

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
a reply to: eXia7

I did include the batman scene in my original post. But yeah, its basically the same! Funny how Alfred warns Batman how this technology is dangerous and unethical.

Yeah oops, guess i missed it. or maybe i'm guilty of not reading the entire post

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

Both these projects are incredible. I've never heard of either.

The technology for Project Soli could potentially be used to help people that have limited range of motion, or have difficulty with movement. Maybe the "chip" or whatever it is, could learn the movement for what you want it to do? Meaning the movement used for the command, would be unique to the user, enabling them to control what they need with movements that they can make. (Why am I thinking of the Clapper Light right now? Kind the same thing, maybe, just with the Clapper, it uses sound, and I guess with Project Soli it would use movement? idk, leave that to smarter minds than mine lol) It could take the place of a lot of things, and could be tweaked to be a very useful tool for many things.

Project Tango is both fascinating and scary. In the video it showed them using it for search and rescue. That would be an incredible tool. However, if its going to be put in phones, and has a 5 meter radius, what's to keep someone from standing outside a bathroom/locker-room and spying using this technology. Live in an apartment, spy on the person above or below you, they would never know. That's scary. You'd know the entire layout of their place without even stepping foot in there, not to mention, again, showers and bathroom, intimate moments.

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 10:48 PM
theres a lot of money to be made on google glasses if they ever approve the 'xray vision' option of seeing through walls and such
not the same as getting a google 'implant' or other types of stimulation devices intelligence boosters they might get into

posted on Jun, 4 2015 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

Well, what I think about all this is pretty simple. Privacy is dead. Or it will be coming very soon anyway. The entire concept or notion of privacy is going to be gone. Whether it's on the street or in your home or even in your mind, although that last one might take a tiny bit more time. Physically it's gone.

People will have to learn or be born into a world where everything you do from what you do at work, to what it looks like when you and your wife are alone in the bedroom to what you look like while showering or masturbating will be mapped by some device in real time.

Of course, much more of that time will be of you doing stuff much less interesting like sleeping or watching TV or whatever. But for those of us who still remember what it's like to be alone, we'll just have to adapt to the fact that we'll be mapped out every second of every day in the near future. These little chips will be in everything and will become part of the internet of things.

Somewhere will be a massive digital mind that will see, hear and know everything we know and do at all times. It will predict our movements and even our thoughts. It will predict the future with amazing accuracy and engineer the present to help better control that future.

It will be interesting to say the least.

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