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Aliens, lousy pilots

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posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 07:09 AM
Wow...we can fly to the moon, yet we still manage to crash our cars now and then just getting across town....go figure? The idea that just because aliens can travel interstellar, that they are somehow immune to things going wrong, is ludicrous in the extreme....

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by Cade

Originally posted by Peronemlin

Originally posted by Cade
If I buy 3 bottles of beer and loose 1 I have lost a lot. If I buy a truck full of beers and loose 1 it's insignificant. Are you forgetting about math? Do we know how many crafts have come here?

I think that no matters how many there are around, one or two crashes, I could understand, maybe three. But I don�t think possible that they crash all the time, it would be too much for a civilization with an almost all mighty technology!

Or as I said, they could be lousy pilots...

According to this logic, statistics have no bearing. Meaning that in the case of 100 crashes out of 100 flights the pilots would be as good as in the case off 100 crashes out of 1 million flights. Interesting postulate.

They are supposed to remain hidden to people, but they seem to crash all the time. I�m not talking about UFO safety statistics, I don�t care if only one of a million crash, what I mean is that there are to many UFO wreckages around for them to stay undercover.

I don�t know if I�m clear. It�s not too easy for express myself in English

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 08:38 AM

They are supposed to remain hidden to people, but they seem to crash all the time. I�m not talking about UFO safety statistics, I don�t care if only one of a million crash, what I mean is that there are to many UFO wreckages around for them to stay undercover.

When was the last time you heard of a RECENT crash?

Most such crashes were during the early days of the modern UFO flaps (i.e. 1947 and beyond) and near powerful radar arrays. The crashes seemed to cease pretty much at a certain point, and we haven't heard of them occurring since....

How many times did we suffer mishaps in going to the moon? Can you say Apollo 13?

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 12:27 PM
I really don't think there are crashing all the time. I think that there are a few instances, maybe only one REAL event. I think that the EBEs have possibly adapted to our world's interest in shooting down everything that we do not understand. Maybe they are more cautious or can evade our tech advances. Either way, we ain't getting our hands on anymore of their stuff.

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
I have read about a story that the South African Airforce used an experimental laser cannon to take down a UFO.

Thats sounds pretty cool, where did you hear about that? Got any links for me to check out about this weapon or story? Thanks.

Originally posted by GoldEagle
A laser is the only thing that has a chance in taking out a alien space craft that can out run and dodge and missile or projectile we can throw at it. Lasers have no travel time and are accurate to the millimeter at long range. Also' over the years they have gotten extremly powerful. Laser energy may penetrate any electromagnetic feilds around craft that projectiles cannot.

You really think our lasers could take them down? It would be nice to know that we can defend ourselves if we had too. My last Does the US have the "laser cannon" weapon? I'm sure we do if the South African Air Force has one...

[edit on 29-12-2004 by metalfan87]

posted on Dec, 29 2004 @ 09:35 PM

Does the US have the "laser cannon" weapon? I'm sure we do if the South African Air Force has one...

Can't answer on South Africa, but yes, we've got it. It's commonly called HEL (High Energy Laser). There was even a great special about it on one of the educational channels, and this was a couple years ago. Oddly enough, there really was no effort to keep it "secret", so given the old rule that anything the military SHOWS the public, is about 25-30 years behind what they ACTUALLY have...that's pretty impressive...!!!

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
When was the last time you heard of a RECENT crash?

That�s true, not recent crashes that we know. Maybe now they are picking up themselves. It was about time they bring a rescue team

[edit on 30-12-2004 by Peronemlin]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 08:02 AM

That�s true, not recent crashes that we know. Maybe now they are picking up themselves. It was about time they bring a rescue team

A lot of evidence supports the suspiscion that perhaps early powerful radar installations disrupted the drive mechanism of their craft. Such radar stations were not very widespread in the day, and the majority of such crashes occurred near them. Even the government suspects this, in a few different documents, during these early crashes.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Peronemlin

Originally posted by Cade

Originally posted by Peronemlin

Originally posted by Cade
If I buy 3 bottles of beer and loose 1 I have lost a lot. If I buy a truck full of beers and loose 1 it's insignificant. Are you forgetting about math? Do we know how many crafts have come here?

I think that no matters how many there are around, one or two crashes, I could understand, maybe three. But I don�t think possible that they crash all the time, it would be too much for a civilization with an almost all mighty technology!

Or as I said, they could be lousy pilots...

According to this logic, statistics have no bearing. Meaning that in the case of 100 crashes out of 100 flights the pilots would be as good as in the case off 100 crashes out of 1 million flights. Interesting postulate.

They are supposed to remain hidden to people, but they seem to crash all the time. I�m not talking about UFO safety statistics, I don�t care if only one of a million crash, what I mean is that there are to many UFO wreckages around for them to stay undercover.

I don�t know if I�m clear. It�s not too easy for express myself in English

To say that they are "supposed to remain hidden to people" might be jumping into conclusions, how can we know that?
The evidence I've seen suggests that they are showing themselves little by little so we get used to them and do not become frightened. They are not 100% trying to hide themselves. One line of thought actually theorizes that they might crash so that we can see that they are real in a situation where they appear fragile and we appear superior...

The fact that they "seem to crash all the time" is again relative to how many UFO's that are here. No matter how you choose to express it, you still can't get around the statistics, no matter what, it's simple logic, no way around it. The may indeed "appear" to crash all the time, but again, if 1 million UFO's are hovering around our earth right now, it's only something they "appear" to do.

If we shut out logic, how can this thread progress in an intelligent manner?

Are they trying to hide themselves when they fly right below the spaceshuttle?
Are they trying to hide themselves when they fly in large numbers right next to the Mexican drug patrol flights and get recorded on camera?(this was verified by the Mexican Military when they held A PRESSCONFERENCE May 11 2004 !

There are plenty of evidence suggesting that they are in fact trying to reveal their existence.

I hope this will give you new things to reflect upon in your further study on our "visitors". They are clearly here in peace and it's time we wake up to the cosmic reality and "grow up" as a race. Therefor I'm glad that people like yourself are here, asking the questions many otheres don't even dare to ask.



[edit on 30-12-2004 by Cade]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:02 AM

I hope this will give you new things to reflect upon in your further study on our "visitors". They are clearly here in peace and it's time we wake up to the cosmic reality and "grow up" as a race. Therefor I'm glad that people like yourself are here, asking the questions many otheres don't even dare to ask.

I wish I could agree with you.

I can't.

The evidence points to them WANTING to keep the secret.

1. If they didn't want it to be a secret, they can, at anytime, reveal themselves fully to the public.

2. There is evidence they abduct humans, and subject them to experiments, without their permission. Surely, if the purpose for this was benign, it'd be rather easy to convince a human to comply. Hell, I'd probably trade an anal probe for a spin around the galaxy in a UFO...and I don't swing that way!

3. Such sightings are rare, and it isn't like they are "posing" for the camera. Once discovered that they are being observed, they are outta there.

4. I doubt they'd kill themselves in crashes just to make us feel better.

5. They routinely target defense installations for their surveillance.

Face it, the evidence leads STRONGLY towards a less than benign purpose. I don't know what that purpose is, but I'm pretty sure we won't like the answers if they ever come to light.....

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:41 AM
Well I must say I view this in a much less pessimistic manner.

The Mexican drug patrol filmed "them" for several minutes (more than 10 of them). They were calmly flying along side the Mexican jet. Is this a quick getaway? Is this rare? I'm sure you'll agree that we can only know if this is rare or not if the military around the world are all going public each time this happens.

To reveal themselves or not.
I'm sure you have read the "Why am I so affraid?" thread. If you wanted to approach let's say a group of animals in nature who is not used to your presence. Would you "reveal yourself �publicly� all at once" or would you slowly approach them giving them ample time to get used to you?
Should we expect other behavior from our visitors than we ourselves conduct?
Is it not in fact a very non aggresive approach?
If you have a hard time trusting their motives, how would you feel if they landed, made a statement and flew off? Would you then trust them? Or would you start to speculate why they would lie etc.



posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Cade
They are clearly here in peace and it's time we wake up to the cosmic reality and "grow up" as a race. Therefor I'm glad that people like yourself are here, asking the questions many otheres don't even dare to ask.

Clearly here in peace? What makes you say that?
I don�t think they are here to prepare us to join the galactic community... with all the abductios and experiments on people, they seem more to be treating us like lab rats.
I don�t know and don�t even imagine what�s their goal, but surely is for their own benefit.

And about crashing on purpose, I disagree. Is it worth to get them killed to make us feel superior? Besides, I don�t think they would like us to feel superior to us in any way.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Peronemlin

Originally posted by Cade
They are clearly here in peace and it's time we wake up to the cosmic reality and "grow up" as a race. Therefor I'm glad that people like yourself are here, asking the questions many otheres don't even dare to ask.

Clearly here in peace? What makes you say that?

The evidence suggesting they have observed us for at least 50 years, and perhaps for thousands of years. If it's an invasion, it's a slow one.

I don�t think they are here to prepare us to join the galactic community... with all the abductios and experiments on people, they seem more to be treating us like lab rats.

We shoot tranquilizers at animals, examine them. Do we have an evil plan to exterminate them? If we don't, why should it be inconceivable that they do not either? Isn't it a kind of slow invasion if they are so advanced they can fly across the universe?

I don�t know and don�t even imagine what�s their goal, but surely is for their own benefit.

Perhaps, and perhaps not. It's speculation and a dangerous one to be mistaken about taking into account that these are higly advanced civilisations. To imagine that all of them has orchestrated an evil plan of our doom, and then studying us first for more than 50 years would seem to put aside all military logic. Ofcause nothing can be ruled out, but untill these superior "guys" has fired their first shot, wouldn't we all be more than ready to give them the benefit of the doubt? Would we want to engage in a fight with them or should we approach them with peace in mind? Have they been aggressive? The US military has performed dreadfull LDS experiments on their own troops etc. If the US military so far has treated "earthlings" worse than our visitors then who should our hostility be aimed at? The visitors simply because they are "alien" to us? Have we still not learned anything from history... ?

And about crashing on purpose, I disagree. Is it worth to get them killed to make us feel superior?

Well I don't know if I myself agree with this theory. It was just to show that at this point we should not jump to conclusions. How can you be sure that they only have their own good in mind? Is it because we ourselves always only have our own good in mind? "A theif thinks everyman steals".

Besides, I don�t think they would like us to feel superior to us in any way.

Again, perhaps and perhaps not. Speculation. Let me ask you something, if you had the choice, would you want to be friends with them or enemies? If you hesitate choosing friends given a situation where you had the choice, would it be because your opinions are really based on the "fear of the unknown" ?

I have seen no first blood if this is going to be a war. At least not on the behalfs of the aliens. NASA videos has shown on the other hand UFO's apparently being shot at from earth. Ofcause the debate is endless on wether or not they are real. In my opinion they are real, and many testify that we have been and are being hostile towards them.

Those who want to promote fearful thoughts at this point in the game, may be creating the wrong attitude for peaceful intergration between our fellow "space inhabitors" and ourselves. should we have hard evidence of their hostility before we become hostile in our thinking?

I'm sure that all of us are ready to work for the best outcome of this forthcomming integration.



posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 02:44 PM
I doubt an all out invasion, but a long term study, yes. They have shown themselves as cold and distant as to the treatment and usage of humans. I think that if they were truly good hearted then the supposed abductions wouldn't come off as being so brutal. We do seem to be more lab rat than future space brother at this point.

[edit on 30-12-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Der Kapitan
I doubt an all out invasion, but a long term study, yes. They have shown themselves as cold and distant as to the treatment and usage of humans. I think that if they were truly good hearted then the supposed abductions wouldn't come off as being so brutal. We do seem to be more lab rat than future space brother at this point.

[edit on 30-12-2004 by Der Kapitan]

How do we know they are distant, cold, brutal? Who has told us this? Should we trust the source of this information? Abductees have both reported on friendly and warm meetings as well as unpleasent experiences. Perhaps they are as diverse as we are? Who can name a country who is all warm? Who can name a country who is all cold? Is this not beginning to sound like the Hungarian tourist who comes home to Hungary to tell the whole willage how all americans are evil because the flight attendant was rude on the plane? How clever are we in our assumption of these visitors? And if we are quick to judge them, how could we blame them for using extreme caution in showing themselves?

Does it make sense to on one hand be quick to jump the gun and on the other hand be skeptical on why they are using extreme caution in the revelation of their presence?

Try to sit at the other side of the table on this, just for a minute.



posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 03:06 PM
Well, I see what you mean, really. But after reading the various accounts you would think that they are at least indifferent or maybe "professionaly detatched" when it comes to us humans. I think it is really possible that they could go either way on this- either "good" or "bad." The snatching up of people who are terrorised by this act hardly seems friendly, but as you said there are those who've had plesant encounters. So I guess I'm still on the fence.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 03:16 PM

We shoot tranquilizers at animals, examine them. Do we have an evil plan to exterminate them? If we don't, why should it be inconceivable that they do not either? Isn't it a kind of slow invasion if they are so advanced they can fly across the universe

Unlike animals, WE can actually give PERMISSION. Even a cursory glance out the porthole while descending to Earth will tell them we're a sentient species (crops don't grow naturally in squares). I'm sorry if I feel that secrecy and abduction indicate a less than benign motive...maybe I'm just silly that way?

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 05:11 PM
If they had good intentions they would have said alright guys you caught us in the 40's. They negotiate with governments for the right to experiment on people in secret, that's generally not a good sign.
Like our moderator friend said if they were here in good faith they'd at least ask if you'd like to take part in an experiment, for the love of god there are people that make livings participating in medical experiments. That and alot gets brought up about sperm and ova being taken, sperm banks and stuff are never short on donors. Besides a good portion of people would be ok with giving samples or whatever if we got asked first, and got cool stuff for it.
As far as bad pilotting and interstellar war, I don't know, there really haven't been that many crashes. I mean if you include small craft in aviation safety records there is plane crashes everyday on every continent. Besides noone has ever proven that alot of the craft that forget to land wheels side down seem to be human made or pilotted.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 05:18 PM
How many planes have crashed in the history of aviation?

Most are probably faked anyway or disinfo.

But they are cool sites.

posted on Dec, 30 2004 @ 05:23 PM
Just a thought.

I wonder if "Star Wars" and "HAARP" have anything to do with the crashes.

You think?

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