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What is coming our way ?

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posted on May, 16 2015 @ 12:16 PM
If the government planned on enacting Martial Law, there would be nothing anyone could do. By the time anyone knew what was happening it would be too late. At that point, Resistance movements would develop, you could join or hide in your attic like Anne Frank. With the technology the government holds (i.e. drones and satellites), there is not places one could hide. So, all that can be done is to speculate and hope for the best, if it happens, it happens, we go from there. I highly doubt Martial Law would be implemented, there would be no point unless, for some reason, the whole of the U.S> was to be in danger. At that point, it might be good for Martial Law for the safety of citizens. If a Civil War was on the verge of erupting, which I highly doubt, then that might be different. The government has absolutely no reason to want to 'Take Over' through Martial Law, as they have already taken over. We the people have allowed 'them' the power of which our Founding Fathers warned us of, 'Tyranny'.
My belief of how the present state of the country was to be at this point in history was that of truly being 'FREE'. Free from money, free from health care,free from government, free from the millions of laws of which we are subjugated, and just plain FREE, but we are not. We are quite the opposite, we are 'SLAVES' and many do not realize this. Not slaves in the sense of servitude, but slaves in the fact that our live are controlled by 'MONEY'. Whether one is Rich or Poor, we are bound by money. There is no escape, ever from money. Maybe this is what they are preparing for, the fall of money, an economic collapse. There are so many reasons why, if, and because, how, who, and where, maybe it is a factor of all the conspiracies rolled into one.
Sorry for the rant, just believe the U.S. has so much potential and we are not living up to the standards our Forefathers had set for us.
More than likely, it is Aliens...

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