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I invite the ET to take responsibility on Earth

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posted on May, 1 2015 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Quantum_Squirrel

It not about evolution, no one cares about evolution on higher levels, seriously. This is like spore a game. you can run with the dark side coding or dog eat dog, survival of the fittest, or find the way back home. We don't come from lower levels, we come from progressed and fall through the gravity layers. Some are watching a movie back home metaphorically and project in for the lessons.

Compassion is the only way out.

Body is nothing, strenghts are nothing. The only group that wants to let the weak die off and foster the body of the strong, its not spirit to them, its the illusion. They run with the coding, not the student but have fully believed their roles in the lesson/game. That would be the macho, predators. Yet they can't go home, and they know it, not until they drop the big ego that they shouldn't have to retest and learn the lessons of the heart. And hence, they work very hard behind the scenes trying to prevent loving souls from evolving past the system.

I see the game/system/holgram very simple: snakes and ladders. Beast is snake and jungle mentality. But inheriting this as your next step because you embrace it, isn't a good thing. For example, a strong wolf who takes what he wants here, may be placed back in the jungle, and find out for a few lifetimes what its like to be a gazelle.

Ladder is the best choice, and its more akin to being the salmon swimming up the stream.

You're called to become superman in the system , a humble hero that would even save the bad guy if the table is turned, and would never harm, but help all, because the levels above you inherit is caretaking whole systems, and you have to be hero's and look after all creatures great and small and tend to their feelings........

Macho dog eat dog and survival of the fittest is just peters pans lost boys refusing to grow up, and they need MOM's really really badly.

I'm from places where no one would hurt a fly, where love is kind, and know what Love is. This is "past" to me. All my life known all this stuff, didn't have the vocabulary or the widening of the info stream until older of course, but contemplated things in my heart all my life. Also have had experiences with ETs all my life. And can tell you right now the difference between HERO's and those who need to turn the dial up on their love to get home.
edit on 1-5-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: anotherdaytoday

To help make the earth the paradise it was supposed to be in the first place. Together "we can do it" or so...
It is my vision, it is my dream.

There will always be speculation as to the world is just the way it was suppose to be. And in the deepest thoughts, I must agree. We have been through the prescribed hell, its time to move on.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr
It may all be true to you, but are you sure it's true to others?

I've wondered if ET's were real for a long time, as many have. But have you ever asked yourself if what you think is true is actually delusion or a mental dysfunction? How many people have seen ghosts or angels? Are you willing to entertain the idea they were hallucinating or delusional at the time?

I guess I'm asking you if you're willing to believe what you think is true actually isn't?

What if the "Carl Sagans" are right? Lots of posters in this thread seem to hate on science people, or anyone who disbelieves in the paranormal or spiritual realms or relies too much on empirical evidences. BUT what if ET's haven't visited yet? What if humans are delusional by nature? Maybe we carry a "crazy" gene and this ufo/alien/angel/etc thing is BS?

So you've seen an alien. But maybe it wasn't as real as you think.

And what if evolution is real? What if humans are just some fleshy creatures on a topaz planet buried in a cosmic mountain with no other purpose or destiny than the one we finds typically ourselves in? What if there is no higher realm? How do you know there're angels or gods or aliens? I know many people here emphatically say they KNOW there's a higher reality and we're somehow tied to it and this reality is somehow an illusion or school or temporary stay.

I give a lot more weight to science. But I don't rule out the existence of God or angels or demons or aliens or bigfoot or whatever. Yet if bigfoot IS stalking our forests somewhere and this is to become common knowledge, science will have to be a witness. How can you exclude science from these issues? Science is just a discipline to objectively observe and record. Is that unallowed in the spiritiual realms or are scientists in our fleshy existence disallowed or unable to make sense of some things?

Is this a "No science allowed beyond this point." thing?
edit on 1-5-2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Did it ever occure to you we maybe really experience a false reality, not to give credit to creationists, but if you are capable of space bending, in order to travel vast distances, you probably also can change history.

Yes, it has. We live in a matrix that is not of our doing, not publicly anyways. Our world is a fabrication, there is little doubt about that. The intelligence responsible for it have cleverly hidden the nuts and bolts, seams, conduit, that tie it all together. And it s just as true that we are here and now, living life the way it is presented, and its time to change. If, we collectively agree.

The only history we, or anyone else can change, is the future history we collectively begin writing. The only thing that has ever existed, is the now. You cant change something that does not exist.

It didn't start with Hitler, cave art attests to that

But there is always the tiny hope for the guards to come, also warning us through the same means.

They are already here.

There is always hope........

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Childhoods End Said it Best

The human race basically lost all will to live
once benevolent aliens solved all their
problems. It's a 5 star read IMHO.


posted on May, 2 2015 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: Unity_99
a reply to: Quantum_Squirrel

It not about evolution, no one cares about evolution on higher levels, seriously. This is like spore a game. you can run with the dark side coding or dog eat dog, survival of the fittest, or find the way back home. We don't come from lower levels, we come from progressed and fall through the gravity layers. Some are watching a movie back home metaphorically and project in for the lessons.

Compassion is the only way out.

Body is nothing, strenghts are nothing. The only group that wants to let the weak die off and foster the body of the strong, its not spirit to them, its the illusion. They run with the coding, not the student but have fully believed their roles in the lesson/game. That would be the macho, predators. Yet they can't go home, and they know it, not until they drop the big ego that they shouldn't have to retest and learn the lessons of the heart. And hence, they work very hard behind the scenes trying to prevent loving souls from evolving past the system.

I see the game/system/holgram very simple: snakes and ladders. Beast is snake and jungle mentality. But inheriting this as your next step because you embrace it, isn't a good thing. For example, a strong wolf who takes what he wants here, may be placed back in the jungle, and find out for a few lifetimes what its like to be a gazelle.

Ladder is the best choice, and its more akin to being the salmon swimming up the stream.

You're called to become superman in the system , a humble hero that would even save the bad guy if the table is turned, and would never harm, but help all, because the levels above you inherit is caretaking whole systems, and you have to be hero's and look after all creatures great and small and tend to their feelings........

Macho dog eat dog and survival of the fittest is just peters pans lost boys refusing to grow up, and they need MOM's really really badly.

I'm from places where no one would hurt a fly, where love is kind, and know what Love is. This is "past" to me. All my life known all this stuff, didn't have the vocabulary or the widening of the info stream until older of course, but contemplated things in my heart all my life. Also have had experiences with ETs all my life. And can tell you right now the difference between HERO's and those who need to turn the dial up on their love to get home.

All your comments are spot on , your 100% correct sitting in your Ivory tower in your comfortable society,

You wont believe me but I assure you , if you or you children where starving to death or in mortal danger you yourself will find out Exactly how evolution works very very quickly.

Fixing our own society is the only way , and the uneven wealth distribution and power mongers inhibit this, We are waking up slowly though as a planet due to the relative freedom of information.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 07:38 AM
There aren't any. Mr Lichen doesn't care. If there's others they don't care either. You're on your own. It's an awful idea, but there you go.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 11:12 AM
Has it occurred to those of you who wish that the oh, so benevolent ET to come save might have been at some point in the past been exactly where we are???

...and that they know you don't solve problems by running away, but by facing them?

We need to save us. Not ET, assuming there is anything like a benevolent ET Out There watching us.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: jonnywhite
a reply to: AnuTyr
It may all be true to you, but are you sure it's true to others?

I've wondered if ET's were real for a long time, as many have. But have you ever asked yourself if what you think is true is actually delusion or a mental dysfunction? How many people have seen ghosts or angels? Are you willing to entertain the idea they were hallucinating or delusional at the time?

I guess I'm asking you if you're willing to believe what you think is true actually isn't?

What if the "Carl Sagans" are right? Lots of posters in this thread seem to hate on science people, or anyone who disbelieves in the paranormal or spiritual realms or relies too much on empirical evidences. BUT what if ET's haven't visited yet? What if humans are delusional by nature? Maybe we carry a "crazy" gene and this ufo/alien/angel/etc thing is BS?

So you've seen an alien. But maybe it wasn't as real as you think.

And what if evolution is real? What if humans are just some fleshy creatures on a topaz planet buried in a cosmic mountain with no other purpose or destiny than the one we finds typically ourselves in? What if there is no higher realm? How do you know there're angels or gods or aliens? I know many people here emphatically say they KNOW there's a higher reality and we're somehow tied to it and this reality is somehow an illusion or school or temporary stay.

I give a lot more weight to science. But I don't rule out the existence of God or angels or demons or aliens or bigfoot or whatever. Yet if bigfoot IS stalking our forests somewhere and this is to become common knowledge, science will have to be a witness. How can you exclude science from these issues? Science is just a discipline to objectively observe and record. Is that unallowed in the spiritiual realms or are scientists in our fleshy existence disallowed or unable to make sense of some things?

Is this a "No science allowed beyond this point." thing?

Yeah i would consider the illusion thing, but i have had 2 seperate experiences and both of them were with other people who both saw what i saw.

So they are very much real. See, what i saw, was an alien abduction. After 3 straight weeks of watching the skies with these weird reappearing disappearing lights that would dim in and out and teleport inches across the across the sky with no blinding. But slow illumination and deillumination.

I am an authentic alien witness. So if you can believe anyone on the internet it can be me. I talk a lot of theories yes, but my alien experiences are not theories. And i make clear seperation between theory and fact.

They very much are real.

And after my alien experience, my eyes turned green. I'm not even lieing. I contracted some sort of pathogen or something during my experiences. My eyes used to be pure dark brown, now they are a hybrid of brown and green with a ring of brown with an outer ring of green.

I am not the same person after my experience, it altered me physically and mentally. I'v researched mythology, religion to find answers to why me. The whole why me why was i chosen to see them ect.

Im not the only person who sees aliens and has a self-religious experience. Other people were dragged into it. But they have mental issues now. The one i was with during the alien abduction is a heavy drinker. Moved to another province, and only acknoleges the alien stuff with me dosnt talk to anyone who asks him about it.

I say to him, you know it was a gift what i gave to you and you treat it like it was some demons who bothered you. You forced your family to leave just because of the planet it happened but to me it was the greatest night of my life. I saw a saucer, i saw an alien and i saw its abilities and just how unfathomably great it is to become non-physical. And the emotion felt had a total human connection.

They speak through emotional telepathic waves, which can control other beings, animals and humans alike.

I don't expect you to understand because to me, these were completely new concepts until my very first experience.
I do hope you have your own experience. I am a link to them tho, so i can possibly give you an experience tho i would need to know where you live in order to send the E.T to you.

But the experiences themselves are awesome and terrorfying in all aspects. I don't expect you to tell me where you live ect because of personal reasons. I can give you tips on how to meet them for yourself. And i give you permission to meet them if you reallly want to but should you meet them it will change your life and challenge all you believe in 100%.

I don't need to be famous, i don't need to be rich. I am who i am and I AM. That is what i am, I am. And what i am is me, and unique and different and myself. I can offer a peice of this uniqueness but you are still you. You will need to accept your uniqueness. And need to see that all matter contains the essence of life, which is energy. The more you draw upon the truth of reality the closer you are to alien contact.

Draw upon the reality. It also helps if you are desperate, From desperation comes pure wishes. And pure wishes are what it takes to reach the threshold. It would have to be the top of your list to see an alien. not wealth, not anything else in the world.

here my experience. alien abudction
Alien abduction ATS

edit on am50000003115Sat, 02 May 2015 11:45:22 -0500 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 11:44 AM
The human race is a big failure.
better the aliens take over and restore order.

their is No way the sick stealing will let good people take over.
we ARE slaves to them now!

ether give up on us and end this stupid world.
or help us!

edit on 2-5-2015 by buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: buddha

It is designed this way, If you loved the society you live in. Then accepting the new order of things would be much more difficult. Mass suicides ect.

With a crap society, comes acceptance of the this alien society. But this was planned from the begining. give humans the freedom to do what they want, and see they need guidance. It is like an ant colony without an a queen.

Or a bee hive without a queen, there is no end goal without a queen or king ruling over the masses for the betterment of society. This is why kings exist today. And why rulers exist. This was bred into the species. So that once the collective understands that the current rulers are false rulers, they will readily accept the true rulers who will grant all the wishes of humanity.

You shall have space travel, Long life, Cures to disease, Technology and knowledge beyond current understanding. You will have an outlet for war, for those who seek battle will be given positions to fight for the empire. Those who wish to study will be given the power to research. Those who wish to restore the planet to its natural beauty will give given the power and the technology to do so.

All the desires for a better world will come with this, But first. Punishment will be endowed upon the population and there will be no escaping the wrath from above. Not even the deepest pits, where the elite will hide in their underground cities will be safe. Not even space, for ther isn't a ship fast enough to escape the fleets reach. There is no escape for humanity. No weapon that can harm them, for they are non-physical and cannot die.

And those that chose to fight for them will be granted the very same power, to become like them. for that is our design. Some of them have reincarnated into humans so as to relearn the harsh lessons of mortality, to respect life.

One must respect all levels of life and act for the betterment of society and life as a whole.

But there are to many right now who would go insain once the transition has occured. They will become harmful to those around them, rolling around on the ground like madmen once they hear the voices in their heads. Everyone who fights the madness will survive. Those who don't well.... will become rolling madmen/madwoman. You must be strong to survive. You must overcome fear, Be a conquerer as your creators are conquerors.

This is the gifts that will be handed down to each and everyone of you who accepts it. Accepts your destiny as a being of higher magnitude. And those who do not will become useless, non intelligible. They will hold their heads and scream running in circles at the Terror of the creator.

Fear will strike them and they will not escape the ever expansive grasp. lol sounds biblical but it's the reason why it is repeated over and over in the bible. Because that is one of the true aspects of it at least. You who seek power, wisdom and glory will be given it.

But for now, enjoy society. Because it will swiftly be changed upon short notice, just as it has been to accommodate the new changes to come in the near future. Technology has advanced in order for us to comprehend what this change has in store.

Without it, everyone would become mad. Instead of few becoming mad. The question you must ask is are you strong enough to survive this transition? IF you want justice. Justice will be served. If you want nurture. It shall be granted. If you want knowledge, it will be yours. But your allegiance will only fall to the shifters, and no one else. There is only one God. And you will know him well.

edit on pm5u3115Sat, 02 May 2015 12:16:12 -0500 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

I have a problem with this:

And those that chose to fight for them will be granted the very same power, to become like them
Because it is easy exploitable, exactly what a not benevolent race would say: "Oh just betray the rest of your species, kill them and we fullfill all your wishes"

Also this

There is only one God. And you will know him well.
sounds very much like 1.000 bc - 1500ad. No. God is god and aliens are aliens. I share your eyes, but i see different things, apparently. "My Aliens" are servants of the same god and deeply sorry for the confusion and the opening for exploitation that occured when they first shared their spirituality with us.

edit on 2-5-2015 by Peeple because: add

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Peeple

People don't have to kill anyone.... You seem to misunderstand my statement.

I am saying anyone who does not accept it will be driven to madness. Because they must have courage to overcome terror. If you cannot overcome terror you will not survive. Man will not be required to kill each other. But the terror that will come forth if not conquered will consume those who are weak, and they will never be themselves ever again. Just rolling madman on the ground. Because the telepathic machinery will drive them to madness, the voices they will hear in their heads will cause them to panic and lose their sanity.

For now, the technology is not being used, but upon the day of invasion. It will speak to everyone. And if you cannot handle the thought of telepathic communication you will... go insain.

and as for the creator making aliens. That is only one aspect of it. You see the angels are the very same aliens, Cheribum if you call them. Shapeshifters. And he makes them from flesh and blood beings, like me and you. These would be the soldiers who are given such a form as to in shape and form for confrontation. But the form itself is very terrorfying, in fact in this new society. We all will embody the forms and spirit of Terror. We will be the most terrorfying species in this Galaxy. There will be little for other species to do to stop us. we will have unfathomable power, unfathomable knowledge, rilliance and longevity.

We will be set up for conqurering the stars and beyond, space and time. As our species has done for eternity. There is place for everyone. But during the transition not many will understand and will become mad. So it is our job, my job to prepare the masses for this transition because once it occures. Many will not realize what is going on. And it is the job of the ruling elite to prepare us for this, with their spamming of UFO information on their TV programes. They do not releave the existance of E.T directly because it would form to much self oppinion on the fact non-physical entities exist. Many will think they are demons, spirits. But that is for them to not come to conclusions. If they are driven mad, they were simply not ment to survive this incarnation. but in the future incarnations they will be born into a golden age of power, technology, abandance. No a single human alive during that time will suffer, not one.
edit on pm5u3115Sat, 02 May 2015 12:35:21 -0500 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:26 PM
Why, God's greatest creation(man, Woman, Human what ever), can't keep themselves clean to stay in the line of Godliness?

Did the, belittled, foul breath Satan, really do so much damage?

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

Okay back on the same page:

Fascinating actually, are you one of us? You sound like a part of "me".

Well besides the "everybody will fear us and there will never again anything bad happen"
That's just far fetched, wishful thinking.
edit on 2-5-2015 by Peeple because: answer to edit

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I think there is as much chance of ET enslaving us as there is of ET fixing everything.

People, ET is not coming to fix it all, ET is not coming here for ANYTHING we can offer them.

WE must deal with our world because no one is coming, no angels, no ET, nothing.

Our leaders don't enslave us either, we are already enslaved and tend to listen to people who are like overlords because we would be miserable with everyone being truly free. WE couldn't take it.....

We like our planet and ourselves just the way we are.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Temporarly i am human yes, But i am born into this lifetime to act as a medium between the creator and between humans.
I am here to help ease the transition. I encompany both light and dark, Molevolent and benevolent. I am the yin and yang. A duality of both evil and good.

So yes i am like you, as all of you are like me and i like you as all humans are made to encompy the same basic principals. But it is up to them to follow the path of the creator. To accept the fear of the creator, for there will be Terror non can escape.

And should you overcome such fear, you will be gifted with everything you desire should it be morally acceptable.

You will become your true self, the enbodyment of both benevolence and molevolence, light and dark. Death and life.

The entire spectrum of existance itself will be at your fingers, you just need to accept it. And be what you were ment to be. An eternal being, or a human researching and planting the seeds of the future upon the colonies.

There is room for everyone who wants to make a difference. For those who want to fight, and those who want to discover, for those who want to build and those who want to colonize. The goal is to control all of existance. From one end of the universe to the other. An impossible feat. Because the true goal is survival. Survival into Eternity, Into all of existance. We will build many planet, and colonize many galaxies. This is not the only colony. But this is my favorite, this is why i am here. I will be here to personally guide the human species into its future.

The entire spectrum of Evil to good will be present just as it is now. From Dark to light, there is not just one side. For to become one with the creator means to control the entire spectrum. Yes we are benevolent. But benevolence does not just encompy good. For justice, vengance follows the path of Evil. And once must preform evil in the act of Justice to be truely benevolent. For a benevolent being that does not combat for the greater good is not truely benevolent.

So you see it takes the whole spectrum, of everything. To conquer everything in all physics terms.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

Aliens didn't create us. Life did. The universe, synchronicity.
The creator is a metaphor, a very earthly human invention.
Life is God. Aliens learned to honour and respect and love life. That's what it really is about. Instead of feeling self important the question is would you say "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one", even if it is your own life at stake?
And from what you write i'd guess your answer would be no?

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Peeple

The universe is what creators us of course, We are made of the universe. Every part of us is the embodiment of the creator.

We will spread much life in the barren universe need not feat about that, the needs of the many outway the few.

I am just using human expression of terms to describe what many would understand. How about this.

The aliens i speak of are the architects, The energy, the matter already existed. they just formed it into our likeness.
So yes the universe is very much what created us as without the matter in the universe or the universe itself. Non of us would exist.

And life is more important because there isn't much life when considering distance and mass.

And what humans are doing right now is detrimental to life, which endangers the colonizing efforts. But these are life lessons that need to be learned, as souls reincarnate they gradually learn the lessons and as the environment gets destroyed they learn the lessons.

We are given total freedom to do as what we want right now, until the critical point when intervention is 100% necessary. we are given freedom because we are not being oppressed. Oppression was never the end goal. You see we were meant for greater things, but being oppressed is not one of them. In this new system, everything all of do individually contributes to the greater good. But for now, enjoy your time on earth screwing around.

But that does not mean that this system will never come, because it will. Society is being propped up for it. It will come as swiftly as a thief in the night and no one will know the day when it occurs.

I love using biblical metaphors because they are hilarious.

but yeah, humans are blessed creatures. The architect that chose this plan and formed the human species from Gods matter did so because of a greater plan in place and each every one of us plays a role in the bringing about of greater things to come.
edit on pm50000003115Sat, 02 May 2015 13:09:29 -0500 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: AnuTyr

They are like us, once primitive bacteria, but with more time to learn and evolve.
To overcame barriers we still take for granted, like the speed of light, limitations of our mind we built ourselfes and call the ones who overcame it "mad monks".
What you saw was the mental image of an energy avatar acting. But still a blood and flesh entity projecting these energies.
None of this is following a bigger plan, it happens, because life dictates it. We will be them, we are them, or can be, gardeners, is a metaphor i prefer. We will learn how to fix the mess we made and the lessons we take from it will guide us to transform lifeless planets(eggs) into gardens of Eden. Life, the universe, god, gives us these lessons so we become the sperm, the ray of light. Because the meaning of life is to live.

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