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Magical Mayan Mercury from dragons blood.

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posted on May, 4 2015 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: Wifibrains

Hey, Wifi

This is paranormal forum. So here's my thought.

You linked to bloodletting as a means of reducing oxygen to the brain and releasing endorphins. There is also in this thread, the mention of mercury as a mirror surface, and the vision serpent as perhaps a mediator.

Back in 1970 a 14 year old kid reported an incident involving inhaling starting fluid ( Diethyl ether, with a small amount of oil, a trace amount of a stabilizer and a hydrocarbon propellant, historically used to help start internal combustion engines ) while standing in front of a mirror. I'm pretty sure that either the ether or the hydrocarbon propellant reduces blood oxygen by attaching to blood cell mimicking the oxygen bond. The effect would be similar to blood letting.

What he reported is that he saw in the mirror, an old man with long grey/white hair and long grey/white beard holding something in his right(mirror image) hand in such a way that very long fingernails were visible. ( nowadays we have pictures of movie characters like Gandalf, Saruman, or even Dumbledore for comparison )

As the old man spoke, some visible distortion was coming out of his mouth with the word, like the words were visible.

The image in the mirror changed to a scene of Danish or Norse raiders returning to a village from a raiding mission. The focus of the scene zoomed in to one particular character disembarking from a long boat, the reporting youth then described subjectively becoming that character for some time, experiencing an incident first-hand. He later speculated that the character may have been an ancestor.

Subsequent attempts to recreate the experiment were unsuccessful.

- - -
I wonder what the survival rate was for the people getting bled. Is it possible that the bloodletting was performed on a one per customer event? Perhaps the victim was to utter some oracle that would benefit the community? Surviving was optional?

posted on May, 5 2015 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: pthena

Hi pthena,

While your thoughts steer back towards the modern mainstream theory of bloodletting and sacrifice, the premiss here involves powdered cinnabar being used symbolically as blood substitute in the ritual. But I will entertain that thought certainly (not that I'm fully subscribed lol)

I'm kind of looking at the whole thing from another angle assuming archeology has mistakenly made one small assumption in thinking that the kings actually ruled over the people as the later kings and elite still do today. A slight shift in perception comes when taking sacrificial kingship into account and supposing the elite rulers were held accountable by the public and the political social/religious position required the leaders to prove their allegiance and willingness to suffer (be sacrificed) for the people should they be required to, as the archeology suggests proving/earning their right to be in such a position, hence the bloodletting open air shows. Only the brave need apply.

Although a sacred king need not necessarily rule through his religious authority; rather, the temporal position itself has a religious significance.

The notion has prehistoric roots and is found worldwide, on Java as in sub-Saharan Africa, with shaman-kings credited with rainmaking and assuring fertility and good fortune.

On the other hand, the king might also be designated to suffer and atone for his people, meaning that the sacral king could be the pre-ordained victim of a human sacrifice, either regularly killed at the end of his term in the position, or sacrificed in times of crisis.

The king is styled as a shepherd from earliest times, e.g., the term was applied to Sumerian princes such as Lugalbanda in the 3rd millennium BEC. The image of the shepherd combines the themes of leadership and the responsibility to supply food and protection as well as superiority.

As the mediator between the people and the divine, the sacral king was credited with special wisdom or vision.

If done symbolically the king(character) could be sacrificed and resurrected while in reality the there was a role swap and another person would assume the position.

My theory is that there was a coop and someone/group made it into the position and aiming to keep it, turning the sacrifice onto the people claiming it was by order of the gods and backed by the god fearing.

The original system would ensure the human playing the role of king would do his best by the way of the people or risk being put on the chopping block, if they was unable to make it rain, ensure fertility etc... All part of the job description. Lol.

Further speculating, I feel something changed in the collective consciousness installing greed and/or fear of death and causing spiritual/material adjustments in society giving us the systems and interpretations of royalty that we know today. How different would the elite leaders act if it was sacrificial to be in such positions today?hehe.

That sounded like a cool experience that kid had with the mirror, it must have been to try recreate it again. I'm not sure how reflective mercury is in its liquid form, I would think that water might give a better reflective image, Im not sure tho. It would require a lot of mercury just to get the surface area no?

My assumption is they collected the mercury vapours that came from burning cinnabar is how the acquired the liquid mercury and the vapour was the medium in which the ancestor would appear.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

How many of these ridiculous mercury threads are we gonna have this week?

Oh look its "next week" already. Why are you stalking these related threads. Bored?

Thanks Wifibrains.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: Wifibrains

So they're communications with the gods was hallucinations while they were tripping? I can believe that.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Wifibrains

I have read somewhere that mercury powered the Vimanas - ancient flying saucers that resembled giant bells.

The Nazis during WW2 were rumored to experiment with a special form of mercury for anti-gravity / warp drive / time travel / remote viewing / nuclear weapons research. One of their contraptions also looked like a bell / Vimana.

I am also doing a scientific research not related to antigravity on the use of mercury to violate 2nd law of thermodynamics to extract ambient heat as energy on a large scale. My independently discovered concept is actually persistent in many ancient societies around the world.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

I am also doing a scientific research not related to antigravity on the use of mercury to violate 2nd law of thermodynamics to extract ambient heat as energy on a large scale.

Be careful with your "research". Internet searches do not really constitute research and there is a wide body of evidence which shows that exposure to mercury is bad for humans.

edit on 5/10/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:22 AM
So I guess we need a volunteer to determine this once and for all... anyone up for a little mercury vapor experiment?

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: Wifibrains
Hi, I was not assuming it was used as a hallucinogen

Well then your OP certainly could have used some clarification.

This "holographic medium" presence, though, is even more silly and ludicrous than the hallucinogen idea. I'm not even going to waste my time on it. Have fun, kiddies.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:41 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Wifibrains
Maybe they used a breathing apparatus?

"Breathing apparatus" or no, if they were directly and intentionally inhaling mercury vapor, they damn sure weren't doing it long, given the incredibly detrimental effects it has on one's health, and the fact that it accumulates in the body.

How many thread you gonna put down this week?

That depends how many ill-informed or totally asinine threads are made this week, and that catch my eye.

Hey! why dont you just go hang around in the rant forum...

Should I feel the need to rant about something, perhaps I will. Calling out ignorance and misinformation where I see it is not ranting.

Metal mercury isn't that toxic, its when its in organic form it gets dicey. Old time miners used the stuff all the time and boiled it off for the gold that sticks to it.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Metal mercury isn't that toxic, its when its in organic form it gets dicey.

Say what?
Define organic.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: anonentity

Metal mercury isn't that toxic, its when its in organic form it gets dicey.

Say what?
Define organic.

When ingested via fish. As in molecularly attached to protein . Back around nineteen hundred mercury ,was supposed to cure everything, the Docs handed it out like lollies the only thing used for Syphilis. The trouble was it turned your teeth a very funny shade of grey. Oscar Wilde was a great partaker of the stuff . It was also used for yellow fever.

The medical form was called Calomel IE. Mercuric Chloride, If you took to much your hair and teeth fell out. But it took a long time to kill you. In China they thought it was something to do with living forever.
edit on 10-5-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: anonentity

If you took to much your hair and teeth fell out. But it took a long time to kill you. In China they thought it was something to do with living forever.
So, how did that work out for the Chinese? Differently than European hatters?
edit on 5/10/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: Wifibrains
Hi, I was not assuming it was used as a hallucinogen

Well then your OP certainly could have used some clarification.

"Was the use of mercury vapour used by the mayans as holographic medium"

Maybe you should have stuck to the premis of the thread instead of letting your mind run wild?I never suggested once that it should be inhaled or ingested..

This "holographic medium" presence, though, is even more silly and ludicrous than the hallucinogen idea.

No. Suggesting it as a hallucinogen would have been silly... And that was your ludicrous idea.. Remember?

I'm not even going to waste my time on it. Have fun, kiddies.


edit on 10-5-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: Wifibrains

Maybe you should have stuck to the premis of the thread instead of letting your mind run wild?I never suggested once that it should be inhaled or ingested..

You never did provide any mechanism whereby mercury vapor could be used as a holographic medium.
Do you know, at the most basic level, what holography is? I don't really see how a vapor (of anything) could apply.

edit on 5/10/2015 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: johndeere2020
I am also doing a scientific research not related to antigravity on the use of mercury to violate 2nd law of thermodynamics to extract ambient heat as energy on a large scale.

Isn't that a heat pump? No violation of anything going on there....

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Phage

The spirit appearing in the vapour would be the major component providing the energy to manipulate, shape and charge the vapour.
It probably falls apart for you right here. Lol

You don't see how any vapour is able to be collected and shaped in mid air to create semi solid forms enough to be visible to a observer?


Please phage you are not silly, this can be done on a flat plane with a heavier medium than a vapour using sound. Water vapour forms clouds in the sky does it not? These shapes can be altered by air pressure and temperature...

If you want to help prove how a spirit might be able to use the mercury vapour you might want to help in finding out how the vapour can be arranged in a lattice structure by the ancients.

But that's not why you joined this thread, is it?

This would allow for the sharing of electrons between atoms creating a ambient medium. A spirit moving into the lattice mist could bend the lattice into contours making the desired form.

Apparition appears by the brightening and dimming of the compressing and separating of lattice structure that create the distinguisable contours.

edit on 10-5-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: johndeere2020
I am also doing a scientific research not related to antigravity on the use of mercury to violate 2nd law of thermodynamics to extract ambient heat as energy on a large scale.

Isn't that a heat pump? No violation of anything going on there....

No, the concept I'm talking about is a recent discovery by scientists only few years ago.

I was actually ahead of the publicized discovery by a few years.

This is actually one of the tragedies in my life. When I first tried to come out with my findings, I got laughed out (figuratively-speaking) by scientists and proffs in USA working in reputable scientific institutions.

Few years later, someone who actually work in one of these reputable institutions comes out with the same discovery I did and their work got published in mainstream science outlets.

They ignored me because I'm just a computer programmer at that time with absolutely zero time working for a scientific institution. I have no way to prove my early concept at that time due to the expensive requirement of nanotechnology.

The scientists whos same discovery went public do have access to nanotechnology which proved the concept to violate a famous law in thermodynamics.

It was quite painful but I never gave up on it. I already have several concepts to dispensing the need for nanotechnology to dramatically reduce costs. I'm still waiting for an opportunity for me to build it myself.

The goal is to use this thing as the premiere source of energy, replacing ALL sources of energy we use today due to its robustness, zero pollution, and power densities comparable to internal combustion engines. It only requires ambient heat so this will practically provide energy as long as the Earth does not dip to 0 Kelvin in temperature.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Wifibrains

Maybe you should have stuck to the premis of the thread instead of letting your mind run wild?I never suggested once that it should be inhaled or ingested..

You never did provide any mechanism whereby mercury vapor could be used as a holographic medium.
Do you know, at the most basic level, what holography is? I don't really see how a vapor (of anything) could apply.

If you want to help prove how a spirit might be able to use the mercury vapour you might want to help in finding out how the vapour can be arranged in a lattice structure by the ancients.

Question. hypothetically? mercury vapour being forced through a gap creating pressure...

what would be required for the atoms to form a ordrely lattice and become entangled moving through this area of compression?

Atoms coming out of the lattice should in theory remain entangled with atoms still within the lattice.

In modern physics, many of the most challenging yet interesting phenomena are found in quantum many-body systems. When extended systems are considered, the high number of interacting degrees of freedom demonstrate strong quantum collective behaviour. This leads to a range of exotic phenomena, such as various low-temperature condensates and complex long-range entanglement structures.
edit on 10-5-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: johndeere2020

Yeah, a heat pump. That extracts ambient heat from an environment and uses it to generate energy. How is what your describing any different?

Not quite sure what you think you've discovered here.

posted on May, 10 2015 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: stumason
a reply to: johndeere2020

Yeah, a heat pump. That extracts ambient heat from an environment and uses it to generate energy.

What I'm talking about was only discovered last year (2014). The first heat pump was built last 1855.

Here is article:

Nanotechnology researchers discover temporary violation of Second Law of Thermodynamics

Indeed, there are many processes in nature that can never be reversed. The physical law that captures this behavior is the celebrated second law of thermodynamics, which posits that the entropy of a system – a measure for the disorder of a system – never decreases spontaneously, thus favoring disorder (high entropy) over order (low entropy).

However, when we zoom into the microscopic world of atoms and molecules, this law softens up and looses its absolute strictness. Indeed, at the nanoscale the second law can be fleetingly violated. On rare occasions, one may observe events that never happen on the macroscopic scale such as, for example heat transfer from cold to hot which is unheard of in our daily lives.

The article however, does not discuss the application of the principle to be tomorrow's premiere source of energy.

I discovered this concept purely theoretically through simulations last 2009, earlier than this publicized discovery by 5 years. I made an attempt also in 2009 to harness the effect on a macroscopic scale using air and a specially designed manifold similar to an automobile intake manifold. But ordinary air proved problematic due to its aerodynamic properties so I envisioned a plan to use mercury vapor instead at low pressure.

Fast track to present day, I have revised my concept and went back to air. I have devised a way to go around the unwanted aerodynamic property of air so ordinary air can be used.

I am ahead of the discovering team by 5 years and have advanced the concept to a practical and relatively cheap application to be the premiere energy source of tomorrow to power everything from houses to cars, up to large commercial aircraft. Any vehicle run by this thing will have unlimited range and will keep running even in complete darkness!!

The engine itself doesn't use fuel. The fuel is simply the ambient heat from the air or water on ground/soil. In aircraft applications, it will make air travel immensely cheaper, safer and crashes far more survivable with zero-probability of a post-crash fire which is a huge cause of death in aircraft crashes.

But it will take the next 2 or three years for me to build the actual first prototype since I'm doing this all by myself and I have no place of my own at the moment. I need to get a better job so I could finally afford to rent my own flat and continue with my personal scientific research and try to solve the world's energy problems!

edit on 10-5-2015 by johndeere2020 because: (no reason given)

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