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The Real Reason Behind Americas Immigration "Problem"

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posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 07:27 PM
It was mentioned in another thread how American (if not the worlds) materialism & consumerism is almost wholly dependent upon Chinese/Japanese imports.

So what happens when trade lines break down? There are a multitude of reasons/causes for this to happen.

I know for a fact 50-99% of Americans today would rather die than work in fast food or on an assembly line (God bless the entitlement generation, but that's for another thread)

Hell, the current legal/illegal immigration is already catering to all our spoiled white collar generation XYZ brats by doing field work & farming & construction.

How happy will white america be when we suddenly stop getting imports & there's a ton of immigrants from Mexico here who will happily start producing Walmart & Targets goods in exchange for citizenship.


posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: FaceMyBook

Actually you should also consider that coming economic collapse will play a role on this too.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 07:57 PM
Why the emphasis on "white America" again?

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: FaceMyBook

Unless we do away with minimum wage, there is no threat of that happening.

We need legislation that doesn't sell out the american people. Axe the TPP.

$2.00 an hour or less will not pay rent here if we try and match wages globally.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: FaceMyBook

The immigration "problem" is not exact that, but a solution. Actually this "problem/solution" is one shadowing the Western world and other countries as the birthrate of the indigenous population falls at a less than replacement rate. In the US a couple only replaces 1.52 per cent of themselves. Economies in the West and Part of the East must have increased consumption, not decreased. A falling population means trouble all across the board as less consumers are born. The solution, allow immigrants of any and every type. Warm bodies are the only requirement. Whoever they are and whatever they do for a living is not as important as that body that must eat and have shelter.

The one major economy in the world that is not going to maintain itself with imports of bodies is Japan where they characteristically are not acceptable to huge influxes of new citizens and where their replacement birth rate is seriously down. Feeling the crunch at home, they will have to double down on exports to survive. And that is getting more and more difficult with China taking more and more pieces of the economic pie.

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
Why the emphasis on "white America" again?

Because of all the stereotypes associated with white america.

My overall implication is obviously "non-immigration America"

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 08:34 PM
A star for causing me to stop and think. Thank you for that a reply to: Aliensun

edit on 26-4-2015 by BlueJacket because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 11:14 PM
just spent about half an hour writing a long post, but decided it was too much of a rant.


yes, economic collapse is imminent.

No, you probably won't survive.

No, you can't be mad at people for moving here to have their 9 children and get free money for it. They don't know the implications, and they don't understand why people with jobs don't like them.

yes, we're all doomed because our species is too short sighted to pull together and do what's right.

end note: it's probably too late to stop us from killing ourselves, but if we tear down the mainstream media now we might have a chance to rebuild before we turn our planet into a twisted combination of "beyond thunderdome" and "waterworld"

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:20 AM

In the US a couple only replaces 1.52 per cent of themselves

Good, we have too many people in many parts of the country. With 320 million people a 1.52 birthrate will take decades to make a noticeable differernce.

Economies in the West and Part of the East must have increased consumption, not decreased

Maybe we should make our economy not dependent on impossible and unsustainable destructive "growth".

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 05:35 AM

originally posted by: CB328

In the US a couple only replaces 1.52 per cent of themselves

Good, we have too many people in many parts of the country. With 320 million people a 1.52 birthrate will take decades to make a noticeable differernce.

Economies in the West and Part of the East must have increased consumption, not decreased

Maybe we should make our economy not dependent on impossible and unsustainable destructive "growth".

Human greed is the ultimate source of our problem. That results in our automatic inclinations to be consumers/collectors of human engineered artifacts. Coupled that individual greed into corporations that create those artifacts and the media that propel those items into our consciousness, there is no escaping the insanity of it short of a total collapse. You want to do some thing for yourself, your world? Fight consumerism on a personal level

--But, oh, have you ordered your apple watch yet?

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 07:03 AM

originally posted by: lordcomac
just spent about half an hour writing a long post, but decided it was too much of a rant.


yes, economic collapse is imminent.

No, you probably won't survive.

No, you can't be mad at people for moving here to have their 9 children and get free money for it. They don't know the implications, and they don't understand why people with jobs don't like them.

yes, we're all doomed because our species is too short sighted to pull together and do what's right.

end note: it's probably too late to stop us from killing ourselves, but if we tear down the mainstream media now we might have a chance to rebuild before we turn our planet into a twisted combination of "beyond thunderdome" and "waterworld"

Brilliantly stated, I like you.

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 10:58 PM

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 12:26 AM
None of the consumption issues are actually real, only the greed of those with pseudo Monopolies is.

The Water shortage isn't real, just the ability to "profit" on Water rather than "spend" on large scale projects the energy crisis isn't real via technology anymore just the profits made by oil companies who "resist" change etc, etc et al... we have a food crisis in this world and America has never built a single vertical food tower near the Mississippi yet...

People spoke like this in London before "The New World" was "discovered" "where will we get resources" "how can a city ever support and feed 1 Million people"

The real deal is this is like a puberty, an in-between stage, a single asteroid can have 17 trillion in Platinum, pay off the US debt in a year and we WILL accomplish these things.

I'd say immigration is important for this country, particularly the new Asian wave which is very technologically oriented, no one has ever gone forward by looking backwards, fresh blood has always served us well in the long run.

There is no "immigration crisis" it's hard to bring people in at the start but it always pays off in the long run.

posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: criticalhit

Yes, very good points. I could argue all sorts of things about stealing jobs & what not in regards to some of the things I said, but I think it would be merely representing the death throes of "white america".

I fully agree with everything you wrote. I think that we either close all borders, no more import/export & force everything to be American made or we bite the bullet & figure out how to do NWO & unite all countries under a global banner

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