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Atum, The Macrocosmic Avatar "space suit" and the first born over creation.

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posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: Wifibrains
a reply to: anonentity

The subterainium chamber and grotto are interesting features and surely must have been essential to the function of the pyramids... Is their any indication on weather this substructure is older than the "Tomb" water was also seen as a spiritual doorway and supernatural activity was said to be more prevalent around ancient water sources such as springs and wells. Maybe the area was chosen for the pyramids for this reason... Wondering is water from these places are charged with elemental energies?

Yes agreed its probably a key to the function, the shaft leading to nowhere ,most probably storage for the herbs . The air shafts , and the main door for controlling the amount of air,thus venting the fumes, but the thrust of the structure, being one of preserving the human body during the astral excursions. Its been shown that biological decay is minimal in the structure, in fact mummification is the norm. At the time of Khafre I think they were well past the point in time where they had missed the whole point of the exercise. As shown by the lengths they were going to, to preserve the body, believing that would be the key to the afterlife , the Spells being dressed up Mnemonics' and the theatre with which we are all cognitive of. Where the reason for the structure, being Earths Star gate, everything about it being a signature, of Terrestrial mathematics. and proportional, dimensions representing the Earth, wrapped up in a Platonic solid. They had come a long way from chanting round a fire and ingesting, the Redcaps.

edit on 30-4-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-4-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Wifibrains

Hi Wilf, The Pyramid , lacks its capstone, the moment it is removed the electrical activity, is partially decommissioned. So at some time this was a reasoned action to neuter its activity. The Telluric currents, or Earth electricity run along lines around the globe. Electricity or rather the free electrons migrate up the sides of mountains, with regards to the GP they migrate up its exterior facings. They would if the apex was there, congregate around the tip as they do on the negative pole of an ordinary battery. That's why mountainous regions, especially fault lines produces a lot of orbs. I surmise that if the conditions were right a glowing ball of plasma would form there, at the top , an orb in fact .The all "Seeing eye" A bit like a plasma ball of St Elmo's fire. Hence the literal translation of "Pyramid" meaning "Fire in the middle" Meaning the middle of the Earth, "It was Middle Earth lol" The depression in the mid line of the Pyramid, makes it eight sided, when a circle is connected to its sides, intersecting the apex of the mid line . It is the same circumference as the Earth. Hence the contention that it was Earths signature among other things. Its looking like the Orb carried the consciousness of the Astral travellers, much like the space angels in Dune. Your own personal UFO.

One can see, that the Telluric currents can vary with, various astral configurations, but primarily be stronger a few hours before dawn, closeness to the sun with regards to the orbit of the earth, phases of the moon etc. Perhaps that why Astronomy had a problem with Astrology, which is again the pure theatre. The Antikitheryra mechanism, seems ideal for plotting the configurations that would be best . The Astral body is loosely tied to the physical , and separation Occurs in Sleep ,death, Coma,Trauma ingestion of drugs, Anaesthetics, or just spontaneously, in fact in ways too numerous to mention. Including induction . I've been trying to find an article where some Australian firemen fighting bush fires, were overcome with the fumes, and found themselves walking around in their astral bodies talking to each other, and when revived they remembered it all clearly, but it seems to have disappeared from the net. But ATS longest running thread is about OOBES so its pointless hammering the point, in this thread.
edit on 30-4-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 09:56 PM
a reply to: anonentity

I'm not into research but read a very good book by a researcher and the research and evidence was quite conclusive, enough to go beyond speculation and make it to the charts past possibility into strong probability. But I just threw it out there as religion and myth are much the same, and freeing ones minds from all traps, so keeping uninvested in details because everything you read pales in comparison to, helping those around you and seeking to step up to the plate or discover if you can. Just be a force of good. Then the stories don't matter because the heart of the best of them is working on people within.

So, tend to see a strong probability in that, and its more likely than other versions, but not vested enough in the past or the myths or the religions, save but for Christ Consciousness and my own personal relationship with Higher Self, Source, Intercessor, Family and Goodness, and hope to grow up myself, want to be like my Family one day, hope to not let them down, though don't know how long it will take. That is inner knowledge, inner spirit and inner direction and inner conscience speaking, so the words of the ancient stuff pales in comparison to me, for Spirit is within.

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Unity_99
a reply to: anonentity

I'm not into research but read a very good book by a researcher and the research and evidence was quite conclusive, enough to go beyond speculation and make it to the charts past possibility into strong probability. But I just threw it out there as religion and myth are much the same, and freeing ones minds from all traps, so keeping uninvested in details because everything you read pales in comparison to, helping those around you and seeking to step up to the plate or discover if you can. Just be a force of good. Then the stories don't matter because the heart of the best of them is working on people within.

So, tend to see a strong probability in that, and its more likely than other versions, but not vested enough in the past or the myths or the religions, save but for Christ Consciousness and my own personal relationship with Higher Self, Source, Intercessor, Family and Goodness, and hope to grow up myself, want to be like my Family one day, hope to not let them down, though don't know how long it will take. That is inner knowledge, inner spirit and inner direction and inner conscience speaking, so the words of the ancient stuff pales in comparison to me, for Spirit is within.

The discussion seems interesting on many levels, but whatever we assume their is always an electrical component, mix in an astronomical component, and then define the human body, as an elctro. biological machine, operated by consciousness. Because without the Consciousness, and the electro bit. Being able to animate common elements would be impossible. The consciousness interacts with the electro bit, its the interface between consciousness and assumed physical reality. When the Physical body, isn't used, you still have consciousness plus the electrical field . Some of the Ancients knew this , as all the Ancient structures, sit on areas of high natural electrical current. This was to enhance the electrical field , of the human energy body, which is basically simplified as your immune system .Thus many sites have unexplained healings taken place. If this field alone is used in Astral travelling ,tiredness , and even sickness, might ensure if its overdone , as it takes time to charge up.

Consciousness, and the Energy body can take any shape, usually its an Orb. Consciousness can enter an empty Orb, the Earth is producing them all the time, as the Brahmin said to Arthur C. whilst they were both observing one, "Life on Earth would be impossible without them they are balls of gas" We all have one, it is the Energy body. If an Orb gets close and you want, your consciousness can enter it, it can also enter it if you don't want,but its best not to play around until you know the score. Thus among other things ancient structures were the refinement, of natural observations ,so they were structures that set the right conditions up to produce them. This happened during the Spring equinox in the Tomb of Ramses.

Many space flights have observed them as they can exit Earth space. They are not subject to the physical laws , and can travel the Universe, in my opinion for what it is, that's how the Ancients opened up and used the Star gate. Once we weren't swinging in trees, and basic knowledge for civilisation was obtained, they had passed their use by date, and the knowledge could become mischievous . Not many people are interested, in the subject , and are content to live a materialistic life. This Paradigm, would preclude intelligent use of them, (Orbs that is) As most people who have encountered an anomaly caused by them are deeply touched, and don't have the requisite to handle them. Most will dismiss it as B&^%$#.Or ignore the subject altogether.
edit on 1-5-2015 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2015 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: anonentity

originally posted by: Wifibrains
a reply to: anonentity

The subterainium chamber and grotto are interesting features and surely must have been essential to the function of the pyramids... Is their any indication on weather this substructure is older than the "Tomb" water was also seen as a spiritual doorway and supernatural activity was said to be more prevalent around ancient water sources such as springs and wells. Maybe the area was chosen for the pyramids for this reason... Wondering is water from these places are charged with elemental energies?

Yes agreed its probably a key to the function, the shaft leading to nowhere ,most probably storage for the herbs . The air shafts , and the main door for controlling the amount of air,thus venting the fumes, but the thrust of the structure, being one of preserving the human body during the astral excursions. Its been shown that biological decay is minimal in the structure, in fact mummification is the norm. At the time of Khafre I think they were well past the point in time where they had missed the whole point of the exercise. As shown by the lengths they were going to, to preserve the body, believing that would be the key to the afterlife , the Spells being dressed up Mnemonics' and the theatre with which we are all cognitive of. Where the reason for the structure, being Earths Star gate, everything about it being a signature, of Terrestrial mathematics. and proportional, dimensions representing the Earth, wrapped up in a Platonic solid. They had come a long way from chanting round a fire and ingesting, the Redcaps.

Here we have a few of the sacred herbs, that were used in Egypt by those in the know, incidentally because their knowledge was gained from a previous , all world culture , it comes as no surprise that they were used in the Americas as well.

posted on May, 2 2015 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: Wifibrains
a reply to: Psykotik

Maybe you should elaborate on your whole post?

Just dropping into a thread and telling someone to buy a book because you like the theory better and saying the thread content is way off the mark does not say anything for the topic at hand and just advertises the book.

Are you Dr J Farrel by any chance? Lol

How about some quotes and links?

I'm not Dr. Farrell... But I am of the firm belief that Egypt, Sumeria, Central America are all 'legacy' civilizations of the once great golbal/solar system-wide superhuman civilization that was not 12,000 years ago, but more like 500,000 to a million years ago (see Michael Cremo's work and analysis on youtube).

Also, this is HUGELY important, I believe that ancient mythological texts, the Vedic texts, Sumerian texts, etc. are all remnants of a paleo-physics' technological data that was handed down through generations and languages that did not have the proper syntax, vocab, and grammar to be able to fully carry the core information. See Ezekiel's chariot for a classic example of this.
This may even be a sign of an existence of a (lost/hidden) 'language 2.0', a synesthetic, multidimensional language based on light frequencies and hyper-dimensional geometry, that could not possibly be translated down into a language of sonic frequencies, and manage to keep its multiple layers of meaning.
edit on 2-5-2015 by Psykotik because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Psykotik

Sounds good.

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Hence the literal translation of "Pyramid" meaning "Fire in the middle" Meaning the middle of the Earth, "It was Middle Earth lol" The depression in the mid line of the Pyramid, makes it eight sided, when a circle is connected to its sides, intersecting the apex of the mid line . It is the same circumference as the Earth. Hence the contention that it was Earths signature among other things. Its looking like the Orb carried the consciousness of the Astral travellers, much like the space angels in Dune. Your own personal UFO.

I like that idea... An "orb port" for oobe...

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: pthena

Also. What are your thoughts on the Corpus Hermeticum itself.

I had to do a little reading up to answer this as I was not familiar with the works as a whole...

While happening across much of the hermetic literature from time to time, in bits and pieces, here and there, as a whole it seems to be a collection of different writings regarding experiences and method pertaining to ye olde mysteries...

Any part in particular I should take looking at?

Perhaps they might all be recordings of experiences from the natural oral traditions that carried through generations of people who lived outside of, and free from the mainstream of the time seeing a need to and seeking a way of preserving their knowledge?

Ancient societies that foresaw the fading of the oral practices of multidimensionality due a period of forgetfulness, or even forced amnesia through teachings that had alchemical effects closing/opening certain neurological pathways and thus the altering ability of people to understand our ancient selves...

edit on 3-5-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: Wifibrains
a reply to: anonentity

Hence the literal translation of "Pyramid" meaning "Fire in the middle" Meaning the middle of the Earth, "It was Middle Earth lol" The depression in the mid line of the Pyramid, makes it eight sided, when a circle is connected to its sides, intersecting the apex of the mid line . It is the same circumference as the Earth. Hence the contention that it was Earths signature among other things. Its looking like the Orb carried the consciousness of the Astral travellers, much like the space angels in Dune. Your own personal UFO.

I like that idea... An "orb port" for oobe...

It fits with all reported UFO sightings and reported experiences. Orbs are the nearest thing to "Life force" Like the cytoplasm of a cell without its, nucleus. But as the purely electromagnetic component. The personal consciousness can inhabit them, as they already do in animating your body. Once consciousness is in them you can then think your way around the information structure, which is reality. Your theory of noble gasses , would tend to suggest just like neon signs, different ones emit different colours, when the energy is ramped up. Because to interact with physical reality it would have to have more than a purely electromagnetic component. The Noble gasses all exist in the atmosphere.

Consciousness exists without them , but what we understand as animated matter being life, in a body , needs this component to animate the physical elements of your animated body. More or less of, as in Youth or Old age, sickness and health etc. Therefore being defined as the immune system. Also by the light in the eyes, or the energy body, which makes life possible. That's why consciousness can manifest as a ghost , and have a physical effect.

Neolithic man plants a big phallic looking stone in a field, special stone of course, thinks because its a phallic shape, its psychically/mentally seeding the field, and its fertility is guaranteed. Obviously the earth is a great vagina, producing abundance. Then one night he notes little lights, being attracted to the risen stone. Somehow these little lights, have read the information , on why the stone is there, because that's what they are for , a conduit from universal information via personal consciousness, to reality, So they comply to the limit of their energy to make the reason the stone exists a reality. From then on a fully Neolithic technology advances . All held together by the knowledge in the hands of the Original shaman, which must have lasted millennia. To the point of freak out, in the GP.


posted on May, 3 2015 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: anonentity

It fits with all reported UFO sightings and reported experiences. Orbs are the nearest thing to "Life force" Like the cytoplasm of a cell without its, nucleus. But as the purely electromagnetic component. The personal consciousness can inhabit them, as they already do in animating your body. Once consciousness is in them you can then think your way around the information structure, which is reality. Your theory of noble gasses , would tend to suggest just like neon signs, different ones emit different colours, when the energy is ramped up. Because to interact with physical reality it would have to have more than a purely electromagnetic component. The Noble gasses all exist in the atmosphere.

Had to chuckle at that as orbs and ufo's are often dismissed as swamp gas. Lol.

edit on 3-5-2015 by Wifibrains because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2015 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: Wifibrains

As an addendum, check out all the Pics. of ancient Egyptians holding orbs. They are floating around all over the place. Anyone who is anyone. Seems to be depicted with one in close proximity. They are the thing that makes a human body, other than a elemental sculpture. Take Sharks they have the ability to search for a living thing ,in the depths because they have sensors that detect this electrical field. They are deeply ingrained in our psych, the Queen holds an Orb and sceptre. But now days no one has a clue what they were for, and considered mumbo jumbo symbolism.

If consciousness, or awareness, defined as all that you can observe, then conversely your personal consciousness is all that you cannot observe. The body can be observed, ergo then the body cannot be your personal consciousness. But it is a vehicle for carrying your consciousness . The only reason it can is because, the Orb in it is the go between, consciousness and the matter, the Orb is doing the carrying. Whatever else they are they are definitely something between matter and consciousness.

They are obviously something the Earth produces in abundance. Discreet and electrical in nature. Popping out of volcanoes and geological fracture lines, then migrating along Telluric currents. Collecting around ancient monuments thus purposely placed for the harvest. The really good ones, can take the likes of Travis Walton on a good trip, or seemingly do a time slip. They can probably hold multiple personal consciousness, thus seemingly split from one larger orb into many small ones and then reform, as if ejected then , reunited with the mother ship. They have been observed to have two lovers holding hands inside, gazing into each others eyes, until noticed by observers. Who then wave and smile oblivious to the impossible situation,.The consciousness, that's using them probably doesn't have to be human. Some of them seem to come when called and exhibit, more of a puppy dog response . They have a definite physical presence and show up on radar . But can move at impossible speeds if required. Thus are outside the physical laws of matter . They create a magnetic electrical response with regards to ghost hunters and their paranormal equipment.

In fact usable technology , for doing what all terrestrial and extra-terrestrial vehicles do, "carry consciousness", at the impossible speeds, required for deep space travel, where the human body dare not go.

posted on May, 8 2015 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: Wifibrains
a reply to: pthena

Also. What are your thoughts on the Corpus Hermeticum itself.

I had to do a little reading up to answer this as I was not familiar with the works as a whole...

While happening across much of the hermetic literature from time to time, in bits and pieces, here and there, as a whole it seems to be a collection of different writings regarding experiences and method pertaining to ye olde mysteries...

Any part in particular I should take looking at?

Perhaps they might all be recordings of experiences from the natural oral traditions that carried through generations of people who lived outside of, and free from the mainstream of the time seeing a need to and seeking a way of preserving their knowledge?

Ancient societies that foresaw the fading of the oral practices of multidimensionality due a period of forgetfulness, or even forced amnesia through teachings that had alchemical effects closing/opening certain neurological pathways and thus the altering ability of people to understand our ancient selves...

It would appear that we as we are now, are the decedents of a lesser race. The actual bosses those who were in the know, seem to be the race with the larger elongated skulls without the central suture. They were some sort of human hybrid, with a very large cranial cavity. Or possibly a different species of Homo sapiens. As these skulls have been found and have been rumoured to be found all over the Earth. Undoubtedly they could breed with us, fallen angels that found the daughter of man fair? Then we have, our species practicing skull elongation, evident by the now observable suture. Then Kings of Egypt with elongated skulls claiming to be decedents of the Gods. Judging by the Type of buildings on the Island of Malta . These Men might be the ones that used the Neolithic race as a labour, and we, got the reward, of Civilisation and domestication. I doubt it that modern humans worked out the star maps and the , Tibetan and Egyptian book of the Dead. But adopted them, much as the GP was refurbished and adopted.

posted on May, 12 2015 @ 01:25 PM
hey 1W4

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: Wifibrains

A question I ask myself is where did Pyramid builders knowledge go, it seems to of been dissolved and lost in the stream of time. Although in contemporary times we see constructions which seem to resemble the exploits of the builders. Persons single handed shaping and moving into place heavy pieces of Granite, so mabey it wasn't exactly lost it just went underground.

A couple of these contemporary constructions which come to mind are the Ballandean Pyramid and Coral Castle both built single handed by individuals.

Coral Castle Latitude 25.5003 North, Longitude -80.4450 West

Ballandean Pyramid

Latitude -28.814668 South and Longitude 151.851276 East

Compare these with the coordinates of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
29.9792° N, 31.1344° E

Lets see if we can find a starting point for linking these constructions with the Ancient constructions. Below is a picture of Giza. Lets designate the 1417.5 a measure of the earths longitude presented by 180 arc degrees West and 180 arc degrees East. Total arc degrees in circumference of course is 360 degrees.

Coral Castles longitudinal coordinate is -80.4450 West. The displacement Delta along the Longitude between the Great Pyramid and Coral Castle is 80.4450 + 31.1344 = 111.5794 degrees.

(111.5794/ 360) x 1417.5 = 439.3438875

Below is the Giza plan view. This result is interesting for two reasons, firstly its very close to the value 440 of the side baselength of the Pyramid. Secondly the builder of Coral Castle said he knew the secrets of how the Pyramids were built, so should we even be surprised since his claims infer he is working with knowledge passed down to him.

posted on May, 15 2015 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: AthlonSavage

I don't think the knowledge went anywhere , it was originally only in the hands of the few in the first place . That's not saying it was exclusive, just take today how many in the population actually want to put themselves out and learn something. Not that many could be stuffed. So you would inevitably get a few, at the library talking and sharing things and the rest working on getting happy being entertained.

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