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Liquid mercury found under Mexican pyramid could lead to king's tomb

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+39 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:21 AM
Liquid mercury found under Mexican pyramid could lead to king's tomb

Researcher reports ‘large quantities’ of the substance under ruins of Teotihuacan in discovery that could shed light on city’s mysterious leaders

An archaeologist has discovered liquid mercury at the end of a tunnel beneath a Mexican pyramid, a finding that could suggest the existence of a king’s tomb or a ritual chamber far below one of the most ancient cities of the Americas.

Mexican researcher Sergio Gómez announced on Friday that he had discovered “large quantities” of liquid mercury in a chamber below the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, the third largest pyramid of Teotihuacan, the ruined city in central Mexico.

A graphic of the tunnel:

They've also found some other curious artifacts, such as 'metallic spheres' at this site. The tunnel in question is turning up a trove of mysterious objects. The “large quantities” of mercury (some sources state "a river of mercury" could pertain to the production of red pigment from cinnabar for the coloring of jade objects and to decorate the bodies of royalty.

As a side note, there were also "rivers" and "lakes" of liquid mercury found at the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, I believe a model of the world to the extent known at the time to the Chinese, using mercury in place of water. See Flowing rivers of mercury (Philip Ball investigates claims that the burial chamber of China’s first emperor contains rivers of shimmering mercury.)
edit on 25-4-2015 by Blackmarketeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Very interesting. I have been waiting for more since the pictures of the spheres and usual.

+26 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Die Glocke Wunderwaffe!!!

Liquid Mercury and Metallic spheres you say, hmmm, where have I heard this before????? Ah, yes......

The Nazi Bell liquid mercury anti-gravity theory....

Nomoli Skystones.

At 17000 years, this unusual Nomoli figure is also the oldest. A small metal ball was hidden in a hollow space inside it. An analysis showed that it is made from chrome and steel. However, the metal ball was already in the figure when it was found. How did it get there? And much more important - where did the metal come from? - The blue “Skystones” are another mystery. A legend says: The part of the sky in which the Nomoli lived turned to stone. It splintered and fell to Earth as pieces of rock. Scientists found traces of iridium in the “Skystones”.

Iridium is one of the least abundant elements in the Earth's crust, having an average mass fraction of 0.001 ppm in crustal rock; It is thought that the overall concentration of iridium on Earth is much higher than what is observed in crustal rocks, but because of the density and siderophilic ("iron-loving") character of iridium, it descended below the crust and into the Earth's core when the planet was still molten. Iridium is found in meteorites with an abundance much higher than its average abundance in the Earth's crust. For this reason the unusually high abundance of iridium in the clay layer at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary gave rise to the Alvarez hypothesis that the impact of a massive extraterrestrial object caused the extinction of dinosaurs and many other species 65 million years ago.

When searching for diamonds in West African Sierra Leone, local people made unexpected finds: They repeatedly came across 40 to 70 cm tall stone sculptures. The origin of these so-called Nomoli is uncertain. Some were discovered at depths of 50 metres. This means that they must be about 17,000 years old. A date which does not conform to today’s archaeological knowledge. Where did the Nomoli come from? Were they left by an alien culture which disappeared long ago?

Klaus Dona

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

There has also of course been Mica layers found in connection with those Pyramids;

A few kilometers northeast of Mexico City stands the ancient site of Teotihuacan. The most striking structure of Teotihuacan is the towering Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to 30 cm

There surely has to be a Pseudo-scientific explanation...

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

There has also of course been Mica layers found in connection with those Pyramids;

A few kilometers northeast of Mexico City stands the ancient site of Teotihuacan. The most striking structure of Teotihuacan is the towering Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to 30 cm

There surely has to be a Pseudo-scientific explanation...

Of course. Is there any other kind?

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 04:26 AM
The tomb of the first china emperor was said to have a map of the empire where all the water was mercury, would it be fun if the mercury in this tomb resembles china?

Oh and its said to be under a pyramid too

Maybe the empire was a lill bigger that we though and that's why the tomb has not been found yet

I just wake up and dint read the op

edit on 25-4-2015 by Indigent because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 04:32 AM
Liquid Mercury?! I'm aghast at the ramifications. If I had liquid Mercury, I'd build a ship and name her ALIICE.

Could you imagine what the Nomoli must of thought about their ancestors? Probably assumes they were amoebas.

Nice find.

+2 more 
posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Good to see that main stream archeologists are finally discovering and revealing what some of us *who are slightly fringe in our beliefs of the possibly more accurate historical timeline in prehistory that are now seemingly coming full circle.

The Spheres *which are now horribly deteriorated and the chamber they were once housed, were imho, an ancient representation of the heavens. The larger the spheres the brighter the stars they once represented etc. The site once also contained large amounts of Mica

Following the discovery of mica in the Pyramid of the Sun, two more sheets, approx' 90 ft square, and laid directly on top of one another, were discovered beneath the stone paved floor of the Mica temple. Trace element testing showed it to originate 2000 miles away in Brazil. (21) Similar finds of Mica have been found at some Mayan sites.

Which by the way has very interesting properties...

Mica Properies

Mica is invaluable in the electrical industry because of its unique combination of physical, chemical and thermal properties, low power loss factor, dielectric constant and dielectric strength. Dieletric strength is the ability to withstand high voltage without puncturing.

Common specifications are 1000 volts and even 1500 volts per millimetre of thickness without puncturing, and mica provides a high factor of safety at these figures. Dielectric constant may be defined as the capacity for momentarily storing electrostatic energy. The properties like low power loss factor and dielectric constant make mica ideal for use in condensers, the basic function of which is to store electrostatic energy in the dielectric field momentarily perhaps one-millionth part of a second and then to re-deliver it with the minimum possible loss.

No other natural substance has been found to possess the properties equal to those of mica. Muscovite mica can be split into flexible and transparent films as thin as 0.00025 inch, which gives added advantage in making built-up mica, tapes and films that can be used in any shape and size and punched films that can be used in any shape and size and punched instruments and appliances.

As always...

Stay tuned.

edit on 25-4-2015 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 05:45 AM
Very interesting...

I'll stay tuned.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

I feel agitaded.. sick and tired of hearing about liquid mercury found from tombs.. why i can not find one single photo? please someone post a picture of said mercury rivers, until then, i wont believe a word. it would be awesome, but until then...

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

I want to play with the liquid mercury O.O

Because I heard that it's really really fun. lol I would so have to control my urge to touch it if I were an archaeologist there. Like, the struggle would be real.

I might seriously pull a Leeeeeeroyyy Jenkinsss. xD and then suffer from the aftereffects later, ofc.

haha I hope that they find it! that would be totally epic. I really have to go visit some of these ruins next time I go to Mexico. I can't believe I've never gone before.
edit on 25-4-2015 by rukia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

There has also of course been Mica layers found in connection with those Pyramids;

A few kilometers northeast of Mexico City stands the ancient site of Teotihuacan. The most striking structure of Teotihuacan is the towering Pyramid of the Sun. The pyramid contained considerable amounts of mica in layers up to 30 cm

There surely has to be a Pseudo-scientific explanation...

I remember learning about this. It is verified. The strange thing is, even mainstream archaeologists confirm that said mica is sourced from South America, Brazil or Columbia if I'm remembering correctly.

Why would those of Teotihuacan arbitrarily source mica from so far away?

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: Indigent
The tomb of the first china emperor was said to have a map of the empire where all the water was mercury, would it be fun if the mercury in this tomb resembles china?

Oh and its said to be under a pyramid too

Maybe the empire was a lill bigger that we though and that's why the tomb has not been found yet

I just wake up and dint read the op

Lol, the tomb IS under a pyramid... The same pyramid mound that the terracotta warriors are right next to. So.. the tomb has been discovered a while back. What is in question is what actually is in the still sealed main tomb chamber, and whether there are "rivers of mercury." They haven't opened the main chamber.

I've been to the terracotta warriors and at the base of the pyramid mound.
edit on 25-4-2015 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 08:31 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

no emperor, no tomb yet

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Indigent

I don't know about all that...

but just reading the title in the RECENT scroll of threads led me to do the ancient China burial tomb of CHIN which had rivers & lakes of mercury

related movie:;_ylt=A2KLqIC8oDtVbUIAUZz7w8QF;_ylu=X3o'___'Ewc3JjYm5lBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVklEMDMEZ3BvcwMx?p=Mercury+ Pool+Found+In+Ancient+China+Tomb+of+the+Chin&vid=4b8c7681a45fac7457e40169ae763136&l=1%3A42%3A27& WVkkHCBN18oJag7Kg%26pid%3D15.1& cjqq5h&sigi=11v30lq5v&age=1361119598&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=yfp-t-330-s&tt=b

I recollect that the long ago empires of the China region were great explorers...perhaps they influenced the Maya, Olemecs or other ancient civilizations in the new-world and mercury in subterranean tombs was a practice followed for some obscure reason


in the first few minutes of the video I linked.... the questionable 'rivers' & 'lakes' of liquid mercury are based on 'Legend' and 'Folklore/Stories'
... the must be some kernel of truth to the rivers-of-mercury Myths or Fables...imho

edit on th30142997234025322015 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: Indigent
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

no emperor, no tomb yet

They know that it is under the mound, as the mound is explicitly his burial mound.... They simply haven't explored the main chamber yet. The pyramid isn't a mystery. It's right next to the warriors.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

What I'd like to know is, where did these ancient civilizations obtain liquid mercury? It is not found in liquid state. It's also a relatively rare metal comparative to other elemental metals and the ore generally occurs where there is tectonic or volcanic action, but it still must be mined and then extracted from the ore, of which the most common is cinnabar.

So for "rivers" and "pools" of mercury to exist, they had to have mined many tons of the ore. How did they know that they could extract mercury from this ore and exactly how did they do that? Extreme heat would be required to separate the mercury, which is less than 3% by mass, from the base rock it is deposited in. Where are the foundries to smelt the ore? I guess the same goes for other ores of metals we're told they utilized. Did these people look at what is just a rock and say' "Let's melt that to see what we can get from it."? There seems to be a disconnect between the information we're told and the information needed to explain what we're told.

edit on 65036Saturdayk22 by Bilk22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

I suppose the obvious answer is that was the closest known source having been discovered through long distance trade connections, Mica is interesting in that it readily crumbles to flakes and powder and would be great for covering the body in some impressive ritual, sort of like a silver version of El Dorado representing lunar or stellar aspects, though of course it was in layered sheet form as used in the pyramids.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Bilk22

It is found as Cinnabar, a mercury sulfate ore, it was prized for its color and liquid mercury was extracted from it by heating it in a furnace and condensing the fumes. It's also crucial for how ancient (and even modern) people mine for gold and gilding objects.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Kantzveldt
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

I suppose the obvious answer is that was the closest known source having been discovered through long distance trade connections, Mica is interesting in that it readily crumbles to flakes and powder and would be great for covering the body in some impressive ritual, sort of like a silver version of El Dorado representing lunar or stellar aspects, though of course it was in layered sheet form as used in the pyramids.

I get your first point. And the mica sourcing shows the extant of pre-Columbian trade especially and most notably 2000 years ago.

However, given that layered sheets were used apparently below the floor (?), that demonstrates there was another goal as well, at least presumably.

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