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Global warming and the real underlying problem of human nature

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posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 09:18 PM
Greed is on a steady rise I see. According to my model, it will be the end of our resources or freedom on earth, which ever eventuality occurs first.

Don't worry we can fix it with taxes. Money will eventually evolve and become alive and save us!

Winter is taking for ever to end here in Quebec! It was snowing today, mind you it was melting as it was touching the ground, but still. I don't see global warming, I see a change in the climate or should I say: climate change. Nothing has happened in the last decade to even hint to the warming of the earth, nothing...Oh! It is the models, we need adjustments, it is dormant, the earth is .05 degrees hotter than 100 years ago..ahhhhhhhhhhh! Look at the real problem stop beating around the bush scientists.

If the world does heat up because of our doing, I don't feel the least bit guilty. I don't own any factories, power plants, I can't choose where I get my power, I take it or leave it. I don't have any influence that could make an impact tomorrow, even if a million vote on it, I don't have tanks and planes to fight off the might is right attitude owned by big corps. I was raised with big engines, cheap gas and plastic. Oh! Wait! We must be responsible and buy what is good for the earth, it is our faults! Of course! Give your dollars to those who care about you. Sure! Every person is looking out for their own wallet and buying the cheapest they can find, that's why China was hired. Our kids are complaining they want Nike or an Ipad or a robot companion and they don't want normal foods they need tasty sugars, MSG, GMO boosted unnatural treats and the marketeers are there studying the brain of man to f^ck it harder and deeper. Repetition makes perfect, perfect consumers that is. Good boy! Now sit!

They didn't mass produce hemp to make plastics or fuel or fibers and eventually lower the cost of production? No! That is a part of history we don't want to repeat, that would just be good for nature and bad for finance! Preposterous! Because you can grow it for almost nothing in comparison to oil, and the clothes last too long, what would we say to our share holders?

Oil which is much harder to access, in fact so hard that they don't care about the risk anymore since they have so much money we are spilling it in many places, in some cases we are sinking it to bottom of the ocean on live television so nobody will see it. It ain't there if you can't see it. HAHAHAHA, I sleep like a baby at night! And you need lots of money to get it, isolate it make it rare so that only a few can be exclusive to this resource, then they run ads about "we really care about earth!" Destroy your competition "We go to war for democracy!" "Because God told me so!" "Terrorism, terrorists, terror, terror, terror, terrorsts, terists, mushroom cloud, chemical weapons." Pretend it will run out soon, then lower the price over night because you want to prove a point to your competitors.

Now that all is smoggy, polluted, China needs to look at the sun on a giant TV, we will have to foot the bill either way, since we have to pay for the cleaning service for a mess that we supposedly chose to make. We are just not responsible, we had allllllllll the choices presented to us in a clear and concise way, and we listened to everyone's opinion on the matter, like a true democracy.Ahem! Ahem!

As if they didn't see this coming. Again, greed, hunger for power and control is the real root underlying causes, if you can't fix that you are just patching the problem and the wheels on the bus go round and round....round and round...The world is driven by absolute psychopaths, selfish, lying psychopaths who have no interest in our future, they shepard not the weak through the valley of darkness. THEY ARE THE VALLEY OF DARKNESS!

If you can't tell, I don't buy this phoney call for carbon credits disguised under a false concern for the environment. Al Gore can go cool off in Antarctica if he finds it too hot.

Science is the new religion and as much as I respect it, it can be used to make mans trade flaws light up like a mushroom cloud just like the older religions can too.

Address the root causes and not patch the problem. Thank you!
edit on 23-4-2015 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-4-2015 by bitsforbytes because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 09:48 PM
I don't like pollution one bit, but I agree that it has become a giant money grab and political issue. I don't see carbon dioxide as a pollutant or a problem (plants seem to like it), but we can agree on many other things like reducing the use of plastic and recycling (where it makes sense).

posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: bitsforbytes

I was just saying something along those lines to my buddy earlier. It said on the news that it's going to snow.

posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: bitsforbytes

Global hunger must be a hoax too since you went outside and people were eating around you and can tomorrow.

It's always that it is all about the money for climate change.

Don't you see that denying it and saying how we are currently doing things doesn't keep the money is some fat cats?

I mean it's not like there is that much money in oil these days.

posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 11:21 PM
a reply to: bitsforbytes

I am on the east coast and although it didn't snow today I went and sparked up the lawn mower to put some of that co2 burnt fossil fuel into the atmosphere to warm it up a tad . AGW ...what a farce eh . I have seen it plenty times in my short historic stay on your planet of 62 years .

posted on Apr, 23 2015 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

ell I sure hope that those poor dying people are not freezing to death .Chances are that they are from a African nation without the benefits to the wealth that comes from fossil fuels . Chances are that a rich western nation has stolen all the profits from the natural resources to line their own pockets though .

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: Sremmos80

I am sorry, but I can't understand what you are trying to say.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: bitsforbytes

Ya not sure what happened there, was on my phone and was thinking faster then my fingers were moving.

Was saying there is just as much money to be made if not more in keeping things the way they are right now.

People always want to say it is just personal agendas for money pushing climate change, you think oil and coal want to see us move away from them?

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

I went and sparked up the lawn mower to put some of that co2 burnt fossil fuel into the atmosphere

Good. Plants need CO2, they produce more oxygen for us.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Ya they can't regulate it all, just like you can't take in an unlimited amount if food with out harmful affects.

There is a natural order or c02 production we can't just keep adding more and more just cause plants are around. Especially when we keep clearing forest and building every where we can.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

Googd point the natural filtration system is getting cut diwn faster than we can replace it.

Plus a lot of trees are getting replanted which are GMO, i think it was because they use less water. However, GMO equals patent.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 05:52 PM
Sorry if i don't tend too much to my thread i am very busy with work, the house, two dogs and a baby.

posted on Apr, 24 2015 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

I would think a balance of all forms of energy possible should be employed. That honest answers can be put forth. That texhnologies dobt surpressed or take for ever to emerge especially when they were very present in the past.

Again this all hangs on human choices: honesty, integrety, fairness. Like i said the real underlying problem is human nature and how it is formed and manipulated with education.

The current leaders are not dancing to the same song they sing.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Here is another thread which gives us something to help the CO2 problem without implementing a tax:

CO2 problem - dirt cheap solution

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