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Wal-Mart, Jade Helm, Tunnels and a 2008 ATS Thread.

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+15 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 04:24 PM
I have recently been having a look at some videos and reading up on this business of Wal-Mart closing due to plumbing issues and came across some interesting material. Firstly there was this video which showed that there is a whole load of tunnels connecting all over the US, some of which also just so happens to go through the Bundy Ranch land and the latest stand-off zone in Oregon. The chap in the video points out lots of other things which all seem very coincidental and interesting.

I also came across this website (though I do not know what reputation it has) and it talks about a tunneling system connecting Wal-Mart buildings and deaths

Mysterious Deaths Surround Jade Helm State Wal-Mart's 'Hotel California' Tunnel System Project

Link to Mysterious Deaths article

the first section of the article states

An entire slew of mysterious deaths surround Jade Helm 15 state Wal-Marts where at least 4 decomposing bodies have been found within a month's period of time in Texas and Oklahoma in at least 5 different incidents. The latest case getting mainstream media attention from this Daily Mail story shares of a Colorado father of five who 'disappeared' after spending $300 at a southern California Wal-Mart. With so many mysterious deaths surrounding Jade Helm 15 states Wal-Marts in only the last month, we're offered a 'conspiratorial' look into a mysterious Wal-Mart tunnel system detailed below that lead us to ask if these tunnel systems will soon be used to 'quickly make people disappear out of public eye', to never be seen again, giving 'black sites' a whole new meaning as the 'red list' is taken underground? 'If they check you in, can you ever leave?' This quote from a former US Navy SEAL gives us even more to go by.: "The tunnels are already in place. They are using the 6 months, which brings us into September, to clear the places out and configure them for supply depots, communication hubs and pre-processing centers".

and the first video on the article page is all about the tunnels (and the chap leaves some links below his video too)

Another article making some of these connections (and again I have no idea of the validity of this website, and I do apologise in advance if it is an untrustworthy one).
Jade Helm Walmart Conspiracy

The abrupt Walmart closures announcement has reportedly left employees confused and Americans pondering the existence of Walmart underground tunnels and Operation Jade Helm conspiracy theories. One of the widely circulating rumors associated with the Jade Helm Walmart story on the internet speculates that the military will use the underground tunnels to move undetected around certain states with the stores being used as either a communications hub or FEMA camps. “In order to further protect the homeland and ensure the safety of it’s citizens in case of nuclear, biological, or chemical attack, a join venture of the NSA, DOD, MiB, DHS, CICs, DFCS, and BK has been created in order to create an expansive tunnel system throughout the south. These tunnels will also serve as conduits for national defense to rapidly move troops, supplies, and armor throughout the nation between strategic topographical locations. A map of the believed military and government installations affected and connected by this tunnel system,” the Jade Helm Walmart rumor circulating online reveals. Read more at

Some footage and a report showing a closed Wal-Mart which is open for prescription collection only and the fact that it is guarded by police and make-shift barriers using empty shelving units have been put up to stop anyone getting into the store or seeing into the store properly.

So could this plumbing problem and closure be an excuse to test out Fema camps or the ability to move military personel and equipment undetected around the country? Is this the first test before the moving of citizens?

Finally I was searching the ATS search engine for threads on Wal-Mart to see what everyone else was saying about it and I came across a thread from 2008 with a very very interesting theory.


Is the government and Wal-mart working together to build detention centers?

Link to 2008 ATS thread

some of what 1AngryLightBulb had put together

CNN Money back on May 24, 2004 had an article about a watchdog group reporting Wal-Mart had received about 1 Billion dollars in government subsidies to expand their business, building stores, buying property and such. Wal-Mart shopping for subsidies? That is a decent amount of money that Wal-Mart is getting to increase the number of stores across the country. Wal-Mart also has a habit of closing down stores and then building new stores in other cities and towns. They still own these closed stores and usually put them up for lease or sale but very few actually get leased or sold because they are too big and cost too much for most businesses to use. On average as of March 2005 Wal-Mart had about 350 empty stores across the U.S with a combined total area of about 26.7 million sq ft. That is a large number of empty massive buildings built with the help of government money. Now the average jail cell is 8ft x 12ft. but lets say 10ft x 14ft to include wall thickness as well. That would give you 190,714 cells if you used every inch for cells only. This doesn't work because you need corridors, guard rooms and such so lets drop that number to a conservative 175,000 jail cells. Multiply that by 2 people per cell and you have 350,000 people.

Some of the replies were basically saying 'you are paranoid' and 'it will never happen' etc, but 7 years later and a lot of reports of deep underground rumblings that sound mechanical and regular, a large military operation coming up and suddenly Wal-Mart stores closing perhaps 1AngryLightBulb had hit the nail on the head all those years ago.

What do you think? Am I just getting paranoid myself now?

It is now past my bedtime but I will check back tomorrow to see what your opinion is and if you have found anything else to bring to the table for discussion.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 04:30 PM
Research the top 5 stores within the company exhibiting union activity that also had associate demonstration/opposition to Black Friday policies and you might be amazed. Cheaper to shut em down then let the tentacle grab hold.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: CthulhuMythos

Nice start of a probable theory. I'm looking forward to where this goes. So many things are seeming too coincidental at the moment b

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 04:41 PM
Christ, there are no "tunnels" underneath Wal-Mart. The entire notion is absolutely absurd. As far as using stacks of pallets and empty shelves to block things off, that's standard procedure at Wal-Mart when any sort of major renovation work is being done. It's not to prevent people from seeing anything (which it would be terribly ineffective at), it's to prevent people from wandering into an area that could be dangerous (cords running across the floor, that sort of thing), and then suing the company.
edit on 4/21/2015 by AdmireTheDistance because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:00 PM
The most glaring problem I see. Is that if the country is going to be put under martial law. It sure seems like they would be conducting exercises in every state. Why give all the citizens of the other states a heads up to prepare?

+13 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

You have a verifiable source in your claim of no tunnels under Wal-Mart's?

The OP did a better job of proving his theory, so where is your sources?

The government gave Wal-Mart appx. $1BILLION ...for what?

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: CthulhuMythos

I don't think a walmart to walmart conspiracy makes any sense. What would be the purpose? Cheap junk from china available by tunnels? Tptb can print all the money they need and stock all the things they require in this scenario. Why introduce a tunnel system to a breach, and at a walmart none the less. It makes no sense.

It is more likely a symptom of the recession, or a business move to help minimize the effects.
This scenario helps them do mass layoff and skirt some laws put in place to protect workers from it.
Thinking about their bottom dollar and lawyering out the cheapest way possible.
Here is a response from me on this same topic a few days pertains to skirting layoff laws...

Here is some interesting reading regarding walmarts and legal moves for dissolving businesses.

Sounds like they may be trying to layoff workers quickly and possibly even claim it as a loss.
Something fishy going on. Another site mentioned the possibility of them downsizing because they just have too many built too close and they are their own competition now. The six month claimed time catches my interest.


(b) Reduction of notification period
(1) An employer may order the shutdown of a single site of employment before the conclusion of the 60-day period if as of the time that notice would have been required the employer was actively seeking capital or business which, if obtained, would have enabled the employer to avoid or postpone the shutdown and the employer reasonably and in good faith believed that giving the notice required would have precluded the employer from obtaining the needed capital or business.
(A) An employer may order a plant closing or mass layoff before the conclusion of the 60-day period if the closing or mass layoff is caused by business circumstances that were not reasonably foreseeable as of the time that notice would have been required.
(B) No notice under this chapter shall be required if the plant closing or mass layoff is due to any form of natural disaster, such as a flood, earthquake, or the drought currently ravaging the farmlands of the United States.
(3) An employer relying on this subsection shall give as much notice as is practicable and at that time shall give a brief statement of the basis for reducing the notification period.

(c) Extension of layoff period
A layoff of more than 6 months which, at its outset, was announced to be a layoff of 6 months or less, shall be treated as an employment loss under this chapter unless—
(1) the extension beyond 6 months is caused by business circumstances (including unforeseeable changes in price or cost) not reasonably foreseeable at the time of the initial layoff; and
(2) notice is given at the time it becomes reasonably foreseeable that the extension beyond 6 months will be required.
(d) Determinations with respect to employment loss
For purposes of this section, in determining whether a plant closing or mass layoff has occurred or will occur, employment losses for 2 or more groups at a single site of employment, each of which is less than the minimum number of employees specified in section 2101 (a)(2) or (3) of this title but which in the aggregate exceed that minimum number, and which occur within any 90-day period shall be considered to be a plant closing or mass layoff unless the employer demonstrates that the employment losses are the result of separate and distinct actions and causes and are not an attempt by the employer to evade the requirements of this chapter.

edit on 4 by Mandroid7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Greathouse

Because Jade Helm is all paranoid BS. The Navy and others did the same thing years ago off the east coast simulating aggressive coastal landings and Florida was declared hostile on op maps for the exercise. People grasp at anything. I suppose the military needs to start sending out programs detailing everything so our enemies can stay current on our tactics.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: CthulhuMythos

Excellent post! Will be watching this thread.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: In4ormant

Stick your head in the sand much?

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:09 PM

originally posted by: In4ormant
a reply to: Greathouse

Because Jade Helm is all paranoid BS. The Navy and others did the same thing years ago off the east coast simulating aggressive coastal landings and Florida was declared hostile on op maps for the exercise. People grasp at anything. I suppose the military needs to start sending out programs detailing everything so our enemies can stay current on our tactics.

Believe me I am well aware that all of this is paranoid BS. But since many people choose to live in fantasy. I've taken the new tactic of just punching holes in it.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: Ultralight
a reply to: In4ormant

Stick your head in the sand much?

Believe extreme claims with zero supporting evidence much?

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:25 PM
Just like most conspiracies the Jade Helm operation and the closing of walmarts was interesting, but then adding tunnels seems like disinfo to destroy any credibility the original conspiracy theory might have had.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

You have a verifiable source in your claim of no tunnels under Wal-Mart's?

Well with the many I have seen built, and been there when they poured and leveled the concrete pads at Walmarts all over the south, I have yet to see any signs of what could be a tunnel, or the signs of tunnels being made.

The OP did a better job of proving his theory, so where is your sources?

How about those who work there, because trust me that whole store is known by many employees and managers, so where could they hide them without being found?

The government gave Wal-Mart appx. $1BILLION ...for what?

Here this should answer that...

Wal-Mart’s low wages have led to full-time employees seeking public assistance. These are not the 47 percent, lazy, unmotivated bums. Rather, these are people working physical, often difficult jobs. They receive $2.66 billion in government help each year (including $1 billion in healthcare assistance). That works out to about $5,815 per worker. And about $420,000 per store.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

Just so it will muffle the sound of you mindless drones all regurgitating the same unfounded drivel.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Ultralight

You have a verifiable source in your claim of no tunnels under Wal-Mart's?

Well with the many I have seen built, and been there when they poured and leveled the concrete pads at Walmarts all over the south, I have yet to see any signs of what could be a tunnel, or the signs of tunnels being made.

The OP did a better job of proving his theory, so where is your sources?

How about those who work there, because trust me that whole store is known by many employees and managers, so where could they hide them without being found?

The government gave Wal-Mart appx. $1BILLION ...for what?

Here this should answer that...

Wal-Mart’s low wages have led to full-time employees seeking public assistance. These are not the 47 percent, lazy, unmotivated bums. Rather, these are people working physical, often difficult jobs. They receive $2.66 billion in government help each year (including $1 billion in healthcare assistance). That works out to about $5,815 per worker. And about $420,000 per store.

+14 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 08:03 PM
Sure were a lot of posters quick to jump in and label bs. Makes my ears prick up a bit since the same thing happens often in 9/11 threads. Initially I had written it off but more coincidences keep popping up that I have a hard time rationalizing away.

If one were to look at the idea of tunnels under Walmarts from a military perspective it would make a great deal of sense. Large buildings easily partitioned, located damn near everywhere. It's not a conspiracy theory that underground bases have been built though it was once thought of as such so it's not a stretch to think they would connect them with tunnels. It makes sense for both an attack from outside or rebellion from within. They've certainly had the black budget to create something like this.

If there's any merit to this then as usual there will be some aspect to the story that is intentional disinformation. We still don't know for certain what Jade Helm 15 is all about or why we have National guard troops marching through California towns with M16's in hand. Something is up and given the lack of a big false flag since 9/11 I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop for some time.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 09:36 PM
I honestly just feel like this is TPTB pulling Conspiracy Theorists' legs - they just had a report about internet bloggers and conspiracy theorists being akin to terr0rists...

And I feel like something SO big and SKETCHY as the conspiracies claim it to be... are just falling prey because if it TRULY was a huge, secretive operation they would have a better cover. C'mon, you really think their plan is that easy to see? I don't think so honestly...

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 10:40 PM
Here's something fun to ponder on. The history of the WalMart logo in video format.

So in the years '92 - 08' it was changed to a font with a star that appears like a military insignia.

Then it morphed to this

Oh I know it's crazy, but such a fun little exercise.

posted on Apr, 21 2015 @ 10:54 PM
"they plan to hire 100 000 US veterans over 5 years"

Walmart to spend 50 billion products made in America

All very interesting and disturbing at the same time...

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