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Mystery of the 'alien' signals solved. Sorta

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posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 12:03 AM
The current on-line issue of the Daily has a article headlined: “Mystery of the 'alien' signals solved: Baffled astronomers traced the source of noise to the observatory's kitchen microwave.” While that is true to a certain extent, it is misleading unless the full article is read to completion.

In an effort to trace down any local cause for the Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) that have puzzled space scientist around the world for several years, the scientists at the Parkes Observatory in Australian claim to have solved their own puzzle of the signals—or some of them. Accordingly, they report that their nearby lunchroom’s microwave oven produces the short mysterious signal when the microwave has the cycle interrupted by the door being opened.

The results are published in the by Emily Petroff, et al. They call those particular short-lived emission “perytons.” However, while the MD’s headline seems to want to explain all FRBs as microwave perytons, that gives the wrong impression. As the article finishes up, it takes a different turn, providing details about the verified FRBs causing the stir.

While researchers may have solved the mystery of perytons,as they call the signals. But hey still have no idea what is causing fast radio bursts. In January, astronomers at the facility were able to see a 'fast radio burst' tearing through space. The discovery brought scientists a step closer to understanding the strange 'alien' phenomenon, which astronomers worldwide are vying to explain.

Lasting only milliseconds, the first such radio burst was discovered in 2007 by astronomers combing the Parkes telescope data archive for unrelated objects. Six more bursts, apparently from outside our galaxy, have now been found with the Parkes telescope and a seventh with the Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico. And this time, scientists say they have ruled out all kitchen appliances.

Now that the peryton source has been identified, we furthermore demonstrate that the microwaves on site could not have caused FRB 010724. This and other distinct observational differences show that FRBs are excellent candidates for genuine extragalactic transients.

This fumbled reporting of perytons and FRBs brings back memories of how the discover of pulsars and then quasars were delayed several months, and I believe for two years with quasars because authorities deemed them possible alien signals of a higher Kardashevian Level than we were wont to accept. But rest assured, we have been told that those mysterious phenomena are not that mysterious any longer, quite natural in their own way, and we should not trouble ourselves about an intrinsic meaning they contain for us. Very similar to the way they guide us away from realizations about UFOs.

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edit on Tue Apr 14 2015 by Jbird because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
This fumbled reporting of perytons and FRBs brings back memories of how the discover of pulsars and then quasars were delayed several months, and I believe for two years with quasars because authorities deemed them possible alien signals of a higher Kardashevian Level than we were wont to accept. But rest assured, we have been told that those mysterious phenomena are not that mysterious any longer, quite natural in their own way, and we should not trouble ourselves about an intrinsic meaning they contain for us. Very similar to the way they guide us away from realizations about UFOs.

Pulsars (once called LGM for little green men by their discovers), Quasars (once hypothesized to be ET technology travelling faster than the speed of light in the case of one called 3C 273) and Gamma Ray Bursts (once hypothesized as being produced by anti-matter reactor technology on a massive scale) all turned out to have natural causes.

The first place we go in science when faced with a mystery is not OMG!!! ALIENS!!! it's to nature.

FRBs are most likely natural in origin. Nothing about them seems the product of artificial transmitting technology as they tend to be wider than 1hz. Nature produces lots of radio noise (which is what these bursts are) wider than 1hz.

This is why SETI looks for signals narrower than 1hz. Nothing we know of in nature can produce a signal that narrow.

FRB's are not that narrow therefore FRBs are probably natural.
edit on 14-4-2015 by JadeStar because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

No...this is the exact same excuse for the origin of a signal that was picked up years ago, can't remember the specifics right now (maybe someone else can?) but i do remember the microwave in an adjacent room being blamed for it.

But all of the big brains in these outfits, baffled by abnormal radio signals emanating whenever the lab canteen microwave is fired up?

I didn't buy that excuse the first time, and my view remains the same this time.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 04:37 AM
"People of around the world, today we've picked up what may seem to be Alien Signals from the universe"...

"But today we think it may of been the kitchen microwave"

"Sorry about the inconvenience, go as you were"

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 04:53 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
This fumbled reporting of perytons and FRBs brings back memories of how the discover of pulsars and then quasars were delayed several months, and I believe for two years with quasars because authorities deemed them possible alien signals of a higher Kardashevian Level than we were wont to accept. But rest assured, we have been told that those mysterious phenomena are not that mysterious any longer, quite natural in their own way, and we should not trouble ourselves about an intrinsic meaning they contain for us. Very similar to the way they guide us away from realizations about UFOs.

How exactly was the reporting "fumbled"? No claims were ever made (apart from those by the fringe), except that signals with an unknown source had been detected. Now they've identified that source, and are openly saying so. What was "fumbled"?

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 08:06 AM
Well, since the article is from the Daily Mail, the science, fact and common sense quotient is highly suspect. Almost nonexistent, one might say. As for the microwave, I'm tired of the poor dears being blamed for everything. hence, i am now forming the MADL - Microwave Anti Defamation League. Apply today!

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Ironhawke
Well, since the article is from the Daily Mail, the science, fact and common sense quotient is highly suspect. Almost nonexistent, one might say. As for the microwave, I'm tired of the poor dears being blamed for everything. hence, i am now forming the MADL - Microwave Anti Defamation League. Apply today!

I would think your "poor dears" would take this
opportunity to pour out there hearts, and talk.

Serious, I for one would like to know that they
have to say.... if I were a microwave person
I would mess with scientist a little.... you know,
make them think they have contacted some
alien intelligence off world.

Wait, that is exactly what they did.

BRAVO little fella!

edit on 14-4-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 10:58 AM
Surely any scientists worth their salt would have ruled out local radiation /microwaves etc.

Also I would like to add, that the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life is statistically very likely, as such the media backlash against those that are aware of these possibilities is propaganda, plain and simple, all the name calling ''OMG ALIENS'' and movies like 'ET' are all part of the keeping the public dumb plan and those falling for it, more fool them.

You would think on a conspiracy site being able to talk about the possibilities of interactions from beyond the known 3d Earth sphere, would be welcomed or at least tolerated but every thread, every time, some trolls are sure to appear throwing accusations and straw man arguments against those even using the most coherent, scientific terms, research and logic to consider such possibilities as idiots living in a fantasy world. Whilst some might believe any old garbage on youtube whilst looking for answers, it has to be said, that it is those denying such possibilities that are unaware of reality, and foolishly dismissing the idea because it doesn't fit their little bubble of reality.

posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 01:24 PM
My god!!! I've just warmed up a peice of apple pie in my micro and deciphered I've declarted war on any passing alien war ship. Sorry guys, if there is any nearby you'll have about 2 days left to live.

posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: theabsolutetruth
Surely any scientists worth their salt would have ruled out local radiation /microwaves etc.

I imagine they did. the signal was caused by opening the door while the microwave was still going. In the testing they probably let it run until it timed out.

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