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*Update* Game Changer OR Paradigm Shift ? – Walter Scott Shooting: Enhanced Video Shows Officer Sl

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posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:45 AM
BTW I don't think being shot in the back was justified, but I thought there was more to this story than meets the eye, not that shooting this guy in the back was necessary.

What a mess,

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:46 AM
Plus, where did he say on radio he got tased himself?

How is it that Scott is pulling the taser cartridge as he runs if Slager is the one with the barbs in him?

Like Benevolent Heretic said, I don't see that wire in other videos.

People get fooled by editing all the time - do you guys remember this?

There has been maybe one rebuke of that video in the media after it was shown in various outlets. The rest seem to think it genuine, as do a whole lot of people. It got conflated with the D.C. one that was edited for TV with what sounded like a similar sentiment.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:48 AM

at the end of this video the newscaster said we now know it was a lie that the tazer was taken away from him,

Was it a lie?
edit on 093030p://bMonday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

edit on 093030p://bMonday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

What about the leg?

What about it? I can't see any "taser darts" in that pic…

would also explain the picture of Slager being debriefed after the confrontation with his left pant leg folded up as he explains events to the documenting officer

He could have suffered an injury from struggling with the suspect, too. Leastways, a BOLO would have been better for both men than a body in the morgue and an officer in jail for murder.
edit on 13-4-2015 by intrptr because: edit to change

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: intrptr

You can see the tazer line in this video

at exactly the 20 second mark

edit on 103030p://bMonday2015 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
You can see the tazer line in this video

Thanks. Yes, I can see it there. Do you know... Has Slager said he was shot by the taser?

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:00 AM
My question is why doesn't the officer seem effected by the tazer?

unless he had a vest on.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:03 AM
My apologies for not posting sooner.
I am not even able to view page one for some reason(I emailed admin about it).

Please note, I am not saying this justified the shooting, just that I can see how the state will try and spin it.
I cant get to page one to edit the link.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

What about the leg?

What about it? I can't see any "taser darts" in that pic…

would also explain the picture of Slager being debriefed after the confrontation with his left pant leg folded up as he explains events to the documenting officer

He could have suffered an injury from struggling with the suspect, too. Leastways, a BOLO would have been better for both men than a body in the morgue and an officer in jail for murder.

He could also be faking it to bolster his lie about 'struggling for his life.' We know he lied about losing his taser in the struggle, we know he lied about Scott taking his taser, and we see him trying to bolster THAT lie, by dropping the taser on the ground near Scott's prone body. We also know he (and the police chief) lied about administering life-saving aid, THAT story changed pretty damn quick when Santana released his video. Remember, Santana waited to release his video, he gave the cops time to see how they would handle the shooting. As he states, when he saw the lies they were telling, he released his video. That was when the police quickly changed their tune.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

I don't know

Officer Michael Slager Tells Dispatch 'He Grabbed My Taser' After Killing Walter Scott (AUDIO)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:09 AM
PS, regarding the OP - their is nothing "enhanced" in this video by the "conservative activist," it is not a higher resolution nor does it have more clarity. The only thing altered is the splicing and editing, as we are led to believe, to sync with other radio/video sources timelines.

To me, that smacks of manipulation to achieve a certain goal, namely exonerate the police.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:10 AM
So his own cop supervisors charged him for no reason. Oh yeah cops do that all the time that is why we are all so up in arms about police abusing authority. Forgive me if I have no faith in the conservative activist that supports the police state.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Yeah, but that was, as you note, AFTER killing Scott. Slager, at that point I'm sure we'll agree, needed to justify his killing Scott. The standard refrain - "he went for my gun," or "I was fighting for my life," comes to mind, complete with planting of a weapon on the body of the deceased to "prove" he was indeed threatened.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Stormdancer777

Yeah, I heard that in the tape. I was just wondering... if Slager had been tazed, why haven't we heard about it?

Another black man is charging Slager for tazing him in the back, while on the ground with his hands above his head... For a traffic stop. Source
edit on 4/13/2015 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:15 AM
Are people really trying to defend the police officer?

Doesn't really matter what happened with the the time the cop pulled his gun the guy was running away and a good distance from him. I don't care how much you love cops...running away from a cop doesn't give them justification to shoot you.

Video shows cops clearly shooting a black guy in the back while he is running away...and yet people still defend the cop. Is there anyway a cop can kill a black guy that would cause these people to not defend the cop?

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: coop039

I cannot get page one either using Chrome, I was able to using Firefox.

Anyway at the moment Scott runs, before he is shot, something is thrown. There is a very quick glare of wires that are leading from the officers body.

Also the "black object" (tazer) is flying backward, towards Slager and away from Scott.

Slager however IS NOT looking upwards while the object is flying.

Looks to me that Slager was hit with the darts and fired his weapon, not knowing that Scott had thrown the tazer.

If this is the case I would have shot as well. Just because someone doesn't have a lethal weapon on them DOES NOT mean they are unarmed. All that matters is that they have an immediate ability to take your life. Be it a tazer that can enable them to take your weapon, or them trying to fight you in order to take your weapon. In parts of the US (nvm CA and NY) this goes for police as well as civilians.

I look forward to learning the truth though, these are just my observations.

edit on 13-4-2015 by doompornjunkie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic

originally posted by: Stormdancer777
You can see the tazer line in this video

Thanks. Yes, I can see it there. Do you know... Has Slager said he was shot by the taser?

If Slager was shot with the Taser.. Wouldn't he have pulled the barb out of his leg, at least after he cuffed his murder victim?
But, no, we don't see that happen.
We see him return to where he was at the beginning of the video... to get the Taser.... so he can plant it next to his murder victim.
This seems to be more hooey to try and drum up support for the murderer.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Yes, the idea that he was shot with a taser and continued to kill the man, plant evidence, walk around and NEVER mention it, is about as far-fetched as it can get.

There will always be those who, when faced with the thought of a cop killing an unarmed black man, will try desperately to find justification for the murder. I've seen it in every single case. "Maybe this, maybe that..." I don't get it, but I've come to expect it.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

Have you ever shot someone? I haven't but came close once.. the guy came at me with a knife. My adrenaline was flowing like you couldn't imagine... unless someone was coming at you with a knife.

Anyway I was numb for hours. Darts? wouldn't even feel them.. why pull them out? especially because the wires would have probably already snapped by then.

It's hard to apply a rational mindset when watching a fight-or-flight video form the security of your home. It's just not the same.

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic
The planting of the taser, in front of another cop that did nothing, will be a very tough thing to get around in court.
I will not be surprised if a jury is picked that will lead to an acquittal for Slager, but if it happens, God help us.

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