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Washington WILL start a war, AIIB system is coming online in September

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posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: bullcat

since you edited and added a question, I edited my previous post to answer you.. read my post again.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: bullcat

What everyone forgets is that the United States is large enough and fertile enough in resource to close borders and exist quite happily - which was US policy for a very long time..

We did it once, and I think it would be a benefit to Americans to do it again.. any step toward that end is a yes vote in my book...

I like this idea, but the reality is, America is in serious debt. Once Russia and China combine forces to usurp the Petrodollar with BRICS, all America will have left is its natural resourses to sell over seas. If we dont, they'll take what we owe by force. This will raise costs for Americans and make the BRICS nations richer.

When you play Satan's game, he always winds up winning. At this point, only divine intervention can save America.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

We would go through another depression era type event until we equalized.. we never should have entered the global community the way we did.. ever.. and we had great advice not to by the best and the brightest.. but we did it anyway..

we will pay the price for that and then go on, better and stronger than before... we need to face it, it is something we HAVE to do in order to get out of this hole some decisions have placed us in...

there is only putting it off a little longer, but no avoiding it. eventually it will happen.. just a matter of when. But it is necessary to our survival to do so..

it is not necessary to continue this idiotic path we are on.. that would be detrimental for our people.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: MensaIT3

There is a third option for the US.

Dump the dying Dollar and embrace the Yuan...basically, i find it extremely ironic that the US has been beaten at it's own game.

The Chinese have kept their heads down for decades, quietly preparing to destroy the US, not by force and not using a military option which would have resulted in MAD or at best, would leave the Earth uninhabitable for a very long time, perhaps for dozens of generations...effectively destroying our biosphere for good.

They have played the long and patient game of carefully planning a victory based on financial superiority with the military as a fallback if the US and Co. decided not to play nicely.

Russia has done a similar thing since the 90's...they gave up the cold war, as they reluctantly realised they could not win a direct and continuous arms escalation race. They knew by the early 80's things couldn't go on the way they had been would have completely bankrupted the entire Soviet Union.

So what else could Russia do?

The US wanted to convince the world a capitalist system is the the point of going to war, even close to nuclear war over it's preferred Russia will give them a capitalist Russia to reckon with..and beat them at their own game.

Russia and China have both out-capitalised the warhorse's would be comical if it wasn't so serious for the average American people.

I suppose the moral careful what you wish for America, and be even more careful what you force on others, sometimes it will bite you on the arse...hard.

edit on 12-4-2015 by MysterX because: typo

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 12:11 PM
If we buy bullion from the treasury department, that is good for the country right?? Silver and gold bullion from the mint is not a paper IOU issued by the Federal Reserve, so it is of mutual benefit to exchange our privately issued debt for government produced coinage. Lets all get on board and get eagles and buffaloes and ask our representatives to issue fractional denominations as well. Goodbye VISA and MASTERCARD!

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 12:38 PM
Never will figure out why people seem to think the US MUST fight wars and nukes are the worst weapons out there.
We spend HUGE amont of money on black projects that the window dressing in DARPA only develops in a HIGHLY limted way. NEW stuff is 80% US creations,then everyone else put's THEIR spin on it
If YOU like China as a world patron I hope you aren't against the state as a horrble free may cost you organs you might need.
The US HAS tech to offset the Chinese copycat manufacturing ,quite easily. Let's see THEM make their OWN design for a high efficency jet enging and produce it in quality numbers.
Once the overlord corporate structure starts to be rejected overseas with too great an influence they will STOP the blocking of our farmers and suppresion of new new tech to dazzle the world like we always have.
The GMO thing is irritating to Americans too. I'M GLAD the world is rightfully rejecting the B##LS##T that they are pushing.
THEY don't reflect us nor does the current system.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: OpinionatedB

I agree. The most ominous warning was against the solidification of the military-industrial complex. Globalism has never been the answer, so we reap what we sow. However, America, like (Rome during the Apostolic Age) is a blessed nation. We have been tested with prosperity, which no nation has ever passed. Our prosperity age is coming to an end...with it will be the withdrawal of God's blessings, IMO. Every gospel-nation fails the prosperity test, just look at King Solomon as an example. I think AIIB and BRICS will be the end of the American Age.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: bullcat

What everyone forgets is that the United States is large enough and fertile enough in resource to close borders and exist quite happily - which was US policy for a very long time..

We did it once, and I think it would be a benefit to Americans to do it again.. any step toward that end is a yes vote in my book...

I like this idea, but the reality is, America is in serious debt. Once Russia and China combine forces to usurp the Petrodollar with BRICS, all America will have left is its natural resourses to sell over seas. If we dont, they'll take what we owe by force. This will raise costs for Americans and make the BRICS nations richer.

When you play Satan's game, he always winds up winning. At this point, only divine intervention can save America.

Yeah MAKE the U S pay you huh? If were gonna play that game figure up all the times the US army/navy/air force have doen things for other countries. Account for inflation and interest an d multiply by day to day operating cost in said interventions. Then minus that from our worldwide debt. And really TRY to MAKE THE US PAY YOU BACK by FORCE PLEASE. Attacking a country that owes you nullifies the debt remember?

It wont make the BRICS nations richer it will just make everyone deader who tries to come at the US. Yall wanna see world domination? Be careful what you wish for.(also CAPS was emphasis only so do not go there)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 01:25 PM
for reasons that SHOULD be obvious - who joins the AIIB is utterly irrelevant

its who withdraws from the IMF , WB and BIS that matters

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: yuppa
You mean all those times that the U.S.S.A. Have been doing things TO other countries. The U.S.S.A. War machine assists bankers, the MIC, oligarchs and drug cartels. It does not assist other countries except tangentially as a consequence of their true mission.

China does not need to force the USSA to pay its debt. They are already collecting. Have you noticed that gold is flowing East in large quantities? Have you also noticed that real estate and businesses are being increasingly bought by China? What is not discussed in the media is that China has taken much of its $1.3T in Treasuries and deposited it with large U.S. Banks. They have taken out loans against this collateral and are buying up the USSA. When this Treasury collateral is finally rejected by the rest of the world the banks will be stuck with worthless paper and China will have a large ownership of the USSA.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: Klipothian
a reply to: yuppa
You mean all those times that the U.S.S.A. Have been doing things TO other countries. The U.S.S.A. War machine assists bankers, the MIC, oligarchs and drug cartels. It does not assist other countries except tangentially as a consequence of their true mission.

China does not need to force the USSA to pay its debt. They are already collecting. Have you noticed that gold is flowing East in large quantities? Have you also noticed that real estate and businesses are being increasingly bought by China? What is not discussed in the media is that China has taken much of its $1.3T in Treasuries and deposited it with large U.S. Banks. They have taken out loans against this collateral and are buying up the USSA. When this Treasury collateral is finally rejected by the rest of the world the banks will be stuck with worthless paper and China will have a large ownership of the USSA.

Ok when is 1.3 trillion the entire debt? china owns a small peice of the total debt. the rest has been bought by the IMF/fed. ALso "treasureis" can be nullified if the dollar collapses. During the 2008 bail outs they became worthless. We would force China to attack and nullify their debt over night. ALso the "ownership" always reverts back to the US with Imminent domain. We wont do that unless the dollar collapses. So once again try to make the US pay and they wont.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: yuppa
The Chinese know that the dollar and treasuries are worthless. That is why they are buying 2,000 tons of gold every year. As the OP stated the USSA has refused to ratify the IMF reorg which would grant the BRICs a greater role. So China created the AIIB and a new SWIFT system for the BRICs. The end game will be when they reject dollars for trade settlement. The USSA will have to create a new currency backed by natural resources. Having Mr. Yellen hit Cntrl-P at the FED will no longer work then. As for war, the world is tired of the USSA waging regional proxy wars to sell weapons to both side, steal gold and resources and control the drug trade.

Of course at the end of the day we delude ourselves that country designations really matter. There are those who pull the levers of power for their own twisted purposes and then there is the other 99.99%. We are just pawns to be used and discarded. China has a seat at the BIS. When WW2 was being fought the central bankers from both sides continued to meet at the BIS. We have sanctions on Russia today and yet the Rockefellers continue in partnership with Russia and have even increased their investment. What is mostly reported is all smoke and mirrors. Follow the money because it tells a different story.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
for reasons that SHOULD be obvious - who joins the AIIB is utterly irrelevant

its who withdraws from the IMF , WB and BIS that matters

Yup, then again the BIS is a collective of private individuals who run the central banks. It is the central bank of central banks ABOVE all authority and NO accountability.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: yuppa

If we lose the reserve currency to BRICS (which is a real possibility with AIIB), you'll see how quickly America will crumble. We can fight wars that we cant fund, and our military is nothing without all that expensive equipment.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:42 PM
Actually The BIS is a Private Corporation organized under Swiss Law, Truth Be Known
Arjunanda. a reply to: bullcat

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: arjunanda
Actually The BIS is a Private Corporation organized under Swiss Law, Truth Be Known
Arjunanda. a reply to: bullcat

That's what I said, it's a private endeavour. However a recent thread on here states they are also unaccountable in Switzerland.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: yuppa

If we lose the reserve currency to BRICS (which is a real possibility with AIIB), you'll see how quickly America will crumble. We can fight wars that we cant fund, and our military is nothing without all that expensive equipment.

Uh huh. Suuuure. ANd yeah you can fight with no money its called survival. If it comes down to the US being put in a corner we can do it. Alot of people are just lazy right now. A good collapse can be just what is needed.teh US has its own oil,refinieries and can manufacture its own weapons. theres a reason they called the US fortress america.

Never count a country out until its changing its name to another one.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 05:59 PM

originally posted by: Klipothian
a reply to: yuppa
The Chinese know that the dollar and treasuries are worthless. That is why they are buying 2,000 tons of gold every year. As the OP stated the USSA has refused to ratify the IMF reorg which would grant the BRICs a greater role. So China created the AIIB and a new SWIFT system for the BRICs. The end game will be when they reject dollars for trade settlement. The USSA will have to create a new currency backed by natural resources. Having Mr. Yellen hit Cntrl-P at the FED will no longer work then. As for war, the world is tired of the USSA waging regional proxy wars to sell weapons to both side, steal gold and resources and control the drug trade.

Of course at the end of the day we delude ourselves that country designations really matter. There are those who pull the levers of power for their own twisted purposes and then there is the other 99.99%. We are just pawns to be used and discarded. China has a seat at the BIS. When WW2 was being fought the central bankers from both sides continued to meet at the BIS. We have sanctions on Russia today and yet the Rockefellers continue in partnership with Russia and have even increased their investment. What is mostly reported is all smoke and mirrors. Follow the money because it tells a different story.

Currently the YUAN itself is crap too with its artificially inflated value.We dont use Gold anymore to back the currency. We could go to another metal. COPPER OR WHEAT. Since the rest of the world gets ALOT of crops from the US. WE could also leverage the saudis by denying them water and imports to them and also destroying their ability to produce oil by reclaiming all the wells and drilling equipment lent to those companies.

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Should things go badly... I vote for you in charge of the budget..

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 06:03 PM
I only comment due to an article I read from a Chinese strategic planner who basically said a few things of interest (to me).

(1) The expansion of NATO into Ukraine is presently halted by Russia and American allies can do nothing but throw money and arms at the situation. China took big notice of this to include the thought that America is becoming a paper tiger. It was further stated that Russia has no choice but to hold Crimea at all cost.

(2) Taiwan and reunification are all part of the South China sea expansion

(#) though not stated in the article Russia and China are all over S.E. Asia making deals to include closer ties and cooperation with defense matters.

Zhang continues to be a prolific writer. A lengthy essay of his appeared in a late 2014 issue of the prestigious Chinese academic journal International Politics [国际政治]. The essay was being republished, suggesting its importance. Its title is “The Meaning of the Ukraine Events for the World and also their Warning to China.”

He went on to say, "American leaders such as President George W. Bush or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton only know empty rhetoric and have no strategic sense.”

Strategic sense... I agree with... but not the empty rhetoric.. If pushed hard enough the U.S. will finally push back harder IMO. Sometimes blindly not figuring the consequences but push they will.

Warning his countrymen against appeasement, he says that if China does not stand up to the West, then the West will inevitably “得寸进尺” [given an inch, seek for a mile]. As for Washington, Zhang quotes Mao Zedong saying that “...the United States...may appear to be a huge monster, but is actually a paper tiger….”

It really does not matter where truth lies it is what a country believes that can cause a wrong decision with disastrous results..

Zhang is what in the west we would call a Hawk's Hawk... But as the old saying goes, "the longest journey begins with the first step".

America IMO has voted in people to run things that never had any business sitting in the Captain's chair of the ship of state. It was the people's will and only hindsight will see if the course that has been set will avoid the reefs.

America might have been better off joining this new enterprise at least they would have a better handle on what is transpiring..

Again, just a personal opinion, but I doubt any thing drastic is going to happen before a 2020 or 2025 time frame.. Other than new defense agreements in S.E. Asia and construction projects with China and Russia.. The China and Russia part is already happening in a big way so that was an easy prediction. All the pieces of this game are just being arranged at this stage..

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