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Everything is a conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:13 PM
Like the title says.

EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. Or is it?

I have seen some weird stuff on ATS and other alternative media sites over the years. The holocaust didnt happen, the shootings in the US were staged, this or that is a false flag, of coarse the whole 9/11 story.

I understand that we have little to no reason to believe our governments. They have almost lost all credibility......BUT does that mean that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy? That every shooting is a false flag? that every terror attack is fake? That anything ever said by the government is a lie?

No. I dont think so. Some? Sure, probably. But all of it? No. Just no.

The latest is the terror attacks in france. People are saying that its all fake, and staged with actors. Ok, besides the video evidence which many will say is not enough there are countless witnesses, evidence, and other aspects putting this all together and to rest in my mind.

So where is the confusion or distrust? I think it lies in the want to be ready for the next false flag. That this time you will call it before its revealed.

Its a defence mechanism. Its fear.

IMO, it makes conspiracy theorists lose credibility, it makes genuine discussion ripe with disinfo that WE inject, and it just makes the whole truth movement seem a little retarded, and in some cases outright offensive to the very real people who die in these events.

I will not say if I agree or disagree with any particular theory. Thats my problem. I will say that I have learned to just silence EVERYONE out.

The MSM and conspiracy theorists alike. I honestly think both are full of crap. I can read, I can see, and I can talk to people. I dont need manufactured thought product. Thought product that is sold by either side, whether it be MSM vying for ratings and public opinion, or conspiracy theorists vying for youtube hits or "sticking it to the man".

I dont really care anymore. You can stick it to the man all you want. Or kiss his ass. I dont think either are healthy.

You can be rational and stay in the middle. That would be nice. But hey, its boring. Nothing is as interesting when you cant play "clue" to see who did it. Or its not as righteous when a clear enemy is not laid out in front of you.

What is not entertaining or vindicating is being insensitive to the loss of life. It really is insulting to the victims families when you say they are actors. It is insulting to a whole people when you say that they are idiots for parroting an official story after they just lost swaths of their people to extremists.

Its just disgusting. So be skeptical all you want. But dont think we should substitute cool aid for off brand cool aid.

Everything is not a conspiracy. Some things are and some things arent. Some official stories are lies, and some are not.

If you cant see that, then I dont know what to tell you. Flame on and think the world is ripe with enemies for you to find vindication fighting. We in the middle will be living our lives and moving on. We have plenty of company here in the middle and dont miss loons that just make everything into a conspiracy. It kind of ruins one of our favorite subjects, conspiracy theories.

I guess it was bound to happen. As soon as conspiracy theories left the fringe and were embraced by the masses it became a breeding ground for fools that followed the trends they were used to into this territory. Those of you who have been conspiracy minded for a long time must notice this. New conspiracy theorists treating this like the other fads they went through. Extremism making camps that we must fall into. Leaders of these camps screaming the loudest and professing memorized formulaic responses to everything. Its processed thought product made to eliminate the last bastion of critical thought. You cant even be weird anymore without being part of a click.

ancient aliens on the history channel, radio shows that scream at you about the illuminati, youtube partners making videos about this or that nonsense.

Its like "choose your brand and plug in".

edit on 4 10 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:18 PM
I think it's wise to be skeptical in today's information-saturated world. Everyone has an "angle" or an agenda they are trying to push.

That said, there's a point when it becomes a bit to much. I have a saying that works well in the conspiracy world:

"Paranoia will destroy ya"

At some point you have to put a modicum of trust in something in order to hold onto some sense of sanity.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: tadaman

To your first point of is everything a conspiracy? that leads to a question I have been wanting to ask on here for a while.

If everything is not a conspiracy what percentage of news stories and events that happen are conspiracy??

To try and answer the question for myself for me I would say no not everything is a conspiracy were humans and even thought he controllers like to controll a smuch as possible they can;t and some thigns just happen. I would say that a little over half we hear is a conspiracy. so 60-40 saying that the 60% is a conspriacy or an out and out lie.

(look at the respected and dignified Brian williams and what he did!)
edit on 10-4-2015 by American-philosopher because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Yes, some suppositions ought to be suppositories.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: tadaman


Conspiracy or conspirator may refer to:
Types of conspiracies

Conspiracy_(civil), an agreement between persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to gain an unfair advantage
Conspiracy_(criminal), an agreement between persons to break the law in the future, in some cases having committed an act to further that agreement
Conspiracy (political), an agreement between persons with the goal of gaining political power or meeting a political objective

if more than one person plans something in secret it's a CONSPIRACY


posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: tadaman

So where is the confusion or distrust?

You have to earn trust before it's given.

There are too many false flags in history and within our own lifetimes for people NOT to doubt.

Perhaps that's the plan?

If we say that most everything is a lie because of all the actual false flags we know of and get labelled as crazy in doing so, what happens when the next truly evident and transparent false flag comes along? We're still branded as nuts right?

Good plan.


posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: tadaman
Tada.. fine post

I don't know about people who lived long ago. I hold this idea though that for most of our "known" history people lived out their lives in generally one area. And living out their lives in one area, most if not all of them all lived within one cultural system with it's set of beliefs and memes. I am supposing that 99 % of humanity through the ages have never been presented with ideas or possibilities OUTSIDE of the prevailing "frame" of their culture, their society. Say, 98% maybe, or even 90%. I have no way of knowing. I am just surmising.

But generally here I am thinking that almost everyone is born, inculcated with the familial, tribal, socially accepted norms as an infant, then raised within that tribe or whatever, lived and then died, all with in basically the whole schmeer as all the people around them. And for the most say, a child of mid-evil Europe or an adult of whatever roving band of Ugmets from whenever, were never exposed to thoughts or practices from other cultures and when they were those other things were all labeled evil and hence needed to be protected against. Can you see what I am thinking here?

Now, however we have people, the world over who are no longer completely imprisoned by the mores and belief systems of their specific localities and tribes. People from vastly different cultures are interacting and reading books from other times and places, watching that flow of information flash on by in amounts that might have been totally incomprehensible to most everyone who ever lived up until just recently.

If this perspective, and I hold it only as a perspective and not as something I can prove then it is no wonder that so many people are scattered all over the philosophical and political landscape. We are dealing with an unprecedented species wide transformation. Toss into this mix the infant meme of the 'cult of individuality" and how that might be different from a more tribal consciousness displayed in so many ancient and isolated cultures, it is no wonder so many of us seem so confused.

Now Tada, damn. All I had wanted to do was make a quick comment on how much I liked your post and out all of that came spilling. All of that for what it is worth that is.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Everything is a conspiracy, when it matters to westerners.

Mass shooting in France, it's a false flag.

Mass shooting in Kenya, silence.

It's rather telling..

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 08:20 PM
What can you do except let everyone believe what they want to believe. When people become involved in "correcting" another persons thoughts, they better have their facts straight. Teach a man how to learn and he'll find his own path. Teach him what to learn and he'll follow yours.

Freedom to think, feel and act under love can let anyone entertain an idea no matter how opposite it is to your own. If it ends there, no harm done. What I have a problem with is people who need to disrupt or physically harm another person or their property to make their point.

edit on 10-4-2015 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: tadaman

Conspiracies are all a conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 09:49 PM
I agree, not everything is a conspiracy but I think everything needs to be closely examined. The problem with that is there's very few researchers during real research. Its almost always speculation and theories being presented with nothing more than distrust in mind.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: tadaman

I do agree with you though, and I think what happened when conspiracy theories and theorists became more mainstream (with some loudmouth crazies at the forefront) was make people not know what to believe due to a constant stream of two opposing things, which makes the truth that much harder to decipher.....the result of which is that people then say to themselves okay, crazy is crazy, therefore they shut out all conspiracy theory.. some of which is fact.

Therefore, they got their dream after all, at least in the minds of the people, because the truth is obfuscated.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 10:18 PM
For those who have not seen the evidence, it is really hard to believe.

What is happening now is weirder than any movie writer can ever imagine.

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 10:24 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

For example? I'm being serious I have bought into a conspiracy for years but I still enjoy hearing them

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 10:27 PM
If everything they told us was the whole truth, there would be no conspiracies. The problem is there is so much deceit in our society that most people can't tell if anything is real for sure. Now there is a way around this, all you have to do is believe everything those on top say, then if you are challenged and found out to be wrong, just state that you are not to smart, believing things that are not real or do what everyone else does. Blame someone else.

There are no conspiracies, this is just the way things are, we are fed crap and kept in the dark like a mushroom and if we comply, we are considered normal as our reward. Don't rock the boat too much, you could get seasick.

And remember, you can't fight city hall, they usually keep the police department in the same building.

edit on 10-4-2015 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2015 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: tadaman

"All government is a conspiracy against the superior man, its permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man who is superior in law against the man who is superior in fact; if it be democratic, then it seeks to protect the man who is inferior in every way against both."

-H. L. Mencken

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 03:14 AM
a reply to: AdamuBureido

Conspiracy or conspirator may refer to: Types of conspiracies Conspiracy_(civil), an agreement between persons to deceive, mislead, or defraud others of their legal rights, or to gain an unfair advantage Conspiracy_(criminal), an agreement between persons to break the law in the future, in some cases having committed an act to further that agreement Conspiracy (political), an agreement between persons with the goal of gaining political power or meeting a political objective

all of these above end up mingling and the sharp lines between them are lost. Sometimes with no design or planned force behind them. But there are those who know that and thus part of their plan is to let that happen! At the end of the day I call it manipulation with the intent to profit.

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
Like the title says.

EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. Or is it?

I will not say if I agree or disagree with any particular theory. Thats my problem. I will say that I have learned to just silence EVERYONE out.

There comes a time in all our lives when we have to decide what we hold to be true and what we hold to be untrue. Only we can make that decision in relation to any given matter and any given event.

Knowing we are not always going to be right is part of the agony of making a decision whether to believe something or not.

burying your head in the sand when confronted with a choice to believe or not believe something is a manifestation of inability to make a decision and it will not help you.

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: Azureblue

Yeah, I never said to bury your head in the sand. I said not to lower your head into the hole people have stuck their head in where they are screaming about the truth they have found down there. the rabbit hole is an expression referring to the journey. It doesnt mean stick to your guns and say EVERYTHING is a conspiracy even when you know you are probably wrong as hell.

I have been conspiracy minded my whole life. Even as a kid, I had good adults around me. This whole mass awakening is about as legitimate as the mass sleep people were in before. It looks the same to me.

Real truth lies in balance and honest pursuit. Being obtuse and cynical to a point of general distrust for all things doesnt make you more aware. Its like putting "C" for all answers and thinking you will at least get a quarter of them right.

A real student reads the question, THINKS, and finds his answer AFTER STUDY, and then puts the answer he feels is correct. It can be everything from "A" to "D". He also doesnt copy the guy next to him because he is a smart kid. Freaking celebrity conspiracy theorists...the pop idols of our world.

The test will be failed if not. I see many fail in their "awakening".

Question everything sure, but FIND YOUR ANSWERS. A hunch or gut feeling is not exactly the final step or anything to linger on. You need to do your homework and be HONEST in your pursuit. Sometimes, you will be wrong and things are as plain as day. You keep moving and growing though. If not its all pointless. We arent trying to change the world, overthrow the government or a banking cabal or much anything else people lose their minds with out of fear /defence mechanisms or arrogance /stubbornness.

We are trying to change ourselves, not even others. Well that is what I mean about HONEST pursuits. You cant tell me you know better than others and as such must profess the truth to them that they are too blind to see. If they are too blind, then guess what, they need to grow first and learn other things first. Also, you may be wrong. You MUST be wrong from time to time in order to grow. If not, fly up to the next level of existence. Still here? Yeah, you too must keep growing. Not there yet.

You change you, and thats it. GROW, move on, see bigger pictures and effect greater change IN YOUR SELF.

Its part of the process.

edit on 4 11 2015 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2015 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: tadaman

I don't think its about changing self necessarily, its about knowing the truth or being able to derive what the actual truth is.

Without truth, we cannot make any good decision as citizens of our respective nations, and humans in our world.

Its not about changing who we are perse, its about knowing enough of the truth to be able to do the right thing. It is about action in the end with truth as the engine, but the action must be appropriate. By which I mean, a vote, a call to a congressman, a letter, a protest and spreading actual truth, so that more people can also act upon what the truth is.

If we could only keep the money grubbing nutjobs out of it, and keep it to the truth....

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