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Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.

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posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 03:29 AM
We need to promote a change from within. People must wake up, must open up their eyes. We need to affect people around us, give examples. We need to live happy, generous, and especially, humble. People need to be reminded that true riches are not within money and material posessions, but within life itself.

When you possess many things (properties, cars, apartments, etc) you are a slave of those thing. You become enslaved of your duty payments, your salary, your lousy corporate job, your halogen-lit desk. You become brainwashed to be a slave. You can't enjoy the true happiness in life: friends, hanging out, making plans, designing/building stuff, enjoying your kids, your wife/husband, and collecting memories, travelling to anywhere near or far that has the intrinsec beauty of nature. If you don't learn to enjoy all these things, and start believing in the bull# that more money means more joy, then you're losing yourself, and your most precious asset: lifetime.

We must set examples, start producing a change, in our descendants and coterraneous, with examples of a plentiful life. That will start producing free people. Truly free. People who will not need money to be happy, but just enough to live with their loved ones and accomplish their little hobbies or projects. I mean, you can't even take your wealth with you when you die. If enough people become truly free and happy, they'll propagate that, cascaded effect, network like. Then those in charge of ruining society will only have money, all of it. But money will be meaningless. Fortunes will be innecesary for the rest, so they'll be left empty-handed, with worthless fortunes. That's a long-term plan. We can begin that in our lives, and also try something more short-term oriented. The beauty of this all, is that they won't see it coming. They won't believe it's possible. To them, it's not plausible that somebody would just not desire money. And that's their flaw, their Achilles heel. They consider us all greedy.

Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.

I've always found this to be an interesting saying, what are your takes on it?

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

Happiness doesn't pay for plane tickets to see the world nor does love pay the bills, until there's a substitute for money or an entire new exchange system tptb will remain in control.

Until JC arrives and smites them!

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 03:45 AM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

You are familiar with Aleister Crowley.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: Tindalos2013
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

You are familiar with Aleister Crowley.

Who was familiar with Nietzsche...

Who quoted Hassan i Sabbah, founder and ruler of the Hashishim.

A thought provoking sentence that often gets misunderstood as a nihilistic one while it's closer to this principle from the Kybalion:

"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." — The Kybalion.

All Truths are but half truths. Nothing is True. Things are only relatively true.

I wonder why you would use such a quote in your OP since it basically reduces everything you posted before as meaningless relative truths.

It's strange you would do that to your own arguments

In one sentence you claim we have to change, and in the next, you quote something saying we don't necessarily have to change and that all your ramblings might be nothing but projections

Then those in charge of ruining society

Everybody is responsible for ruining society by silently consenting to injustice.

I doubt you produce 0 waste and do not contribute to worldwide pollution.

I doubt you don't benefit from cheap electronics built by slaves to type your posts.

I doubt you freely share your wealth with everyone you meet.

It's easy to criticize, it's much harder to lead by example...
edit on 1-4-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

And who in the blue hell are you to presume to tell other people how they should live?

That's one of the problems with this world, far too many people think they have all the answers and that their opinion is the right one.
edit on 1-4-2015 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

I don't consider myself better anyone. Sorry if it hit home, was only trying to convey how I felt.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: Develo

Everybody is responsible for ruining society by silently consenting to injustice.

I doubt you produce 0 waste and do not contribute to worldwide pollution.

I doubt you don't benefit from cheap electronics built by slaves to type your posts.

I doubt you freely share your wealth with everyone you meet.

It's easy to criticize, it's much harder to lead by example...


Don't get me started

No I don't produce zero waste, but I'm equally not responsible for big industry BUYING EMISSION RIGHTS so they can pollute more than they're allowed to in the name of poor African countries

Yes I benefit from "cheap electronics", but why? Because the market has been flooded and oversaturated with garbage products that are designed to have a lifespan shorter than a goddamn fly

No, I don't freely share my wealth with everyone, since I also don't have billions sitting on an off-shore bank account somewhere making me money while I bathe my @ss in the Dubai sun

It's easy to criticise, just like you're doing.

If there's anything that contributes as much to this world's problems as the corrupt politicians and banksters running this place, is the sickening apologists that come to a place like ATS to convince people that's it's actually them who are to blame

No. This scheme has been in place for HUNDREDS OF YEARS, these bloodlines have a collective experience and knowledge greater than anyone on this board can dare dream of, so I refuse to accept that at 27 years of age I am responsible for something that is AT LEAST 100 years old, going back to the creation of the FED etc etc etc

Get the f out of here with your pathetic attempts at putting the blame on everyday normal people who have ZERO blame in this, except TRYING TO SURVIVE JUST LIKE YOU

The only difference is, some people understand what needs to be done, while others prefer keeping their heads in the sand.

I speak out against EVERYTHING you're accusing OP of, and society gives me SH*T for it, just like you, telling me "well you still use these services blablablablablaaaaaaa"

A bunch of hypocrites, that's what you and your kind are, because what are YOU doing? Or are you simply also not complaining, is that your solution? Because whatever it is, it's less than what the OP does, so good on you for being the change you wish to see in this world: By accepting that everyone is to blame, and we live in a society that does not want to hear it. So you just give up then? Pathetic.

A word of advice; The big boys you are protecting will drop you faster than you can say "oops" when your fantasy comes tumbling down
edit on 1-4-2015 by Strawberry88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:42 AM
I really enjoyed your post MrMaybeNot, it is true that the most enjoyable pieces of happiness in life cannot ever be bought.

I am not at the level of über rich, not even close, but comfortable. However even I have noticed that people gravitate towards you, (sadly more often than not), on the basis of "what you have"...which is why I do not understand why anyone in their right mind would be desire to be so elite, so above others in regards to their wealth - especially in the extremes we see today.

The higher up the ladder you are, you would rarely know a true friendship without a hidden agenda, or the joys of being with people whom want to be in your company for no other reason, than the fact that they appreciate the uniqueness of YOU. To me this is worth far more than the acquisition of anything in this lifetime. Truly priceless.

For a time, you can convince yourself that everything is fine; in surrounding yourself with people "at your level". However will those people still be there, if you one day have nothing? If ever you should need their help, will they be there for you?

Believe that you are indeed blessed, when you are loved solely for being yourself. I do feel pity for those who will never know this, only because they chose greed instead. The saddest part is that they probably don't even know that something is forever missing...and forever out of the grasp of even the highest bank account.

Also, this is relevant here I think:

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
a reply to: watchitburn

I don't consider myself better anyone. Sorry if it hit home, was only trying to convey how I felt.

Just look at his name

Some people love watching the world burn, and of course it's never nice to then hear people tell you you might be part of the problem

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: Strawberry88
A word of advice; The big boys you are protecting will drop you faster than you can say "oops" when your fantasy comes tumbling down

Lol. You funny crazy guy.

I'm sorry if my words riled you up so much.

I never "protected" anyone here. I'm simply stating the obvious: everyone wants a better, more just society. Yet no one does anything about it.

Actually in the US the corporate/industrial sectors are even protected by the voters themselves! How many times I have read here "too much regulation! they want us to become a communist country!"

Yeah, that's what corporate CEOs wants you to think. The less regulations, the more freedom they have.

Sorry but it is true; Americans played a huge rule in the current worldwide situation, by acknowledging the current ultra-liberal model as the best one, when it's obvious it's not. You can be mad at my words, but the truth is Americans are probably even more protecting these guys than me by being American voters always voting for the status quo.

Yes I benefit from "cheap electronics", but why? Because the market has been flooded and oversaturated with garbage products that are designed to have a lifespan shorter than a goddamn fly

Poor little boy who can't even make an informed buy and is literally forced to purchase useless junk. I have the same phone for 10 years now and no one ever forced me to buy a new one. Your argument is a way to flee your responsibility.
edit on 1-4-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 05:06 AM
double post
edit on 1-4-2015 by MrMaybeNot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 05:08 AM

originally posted by: Develo

Yes I benefit from "cheap electronics", but why? Because the market has been flooded and oversaturated with garbage products that are designed to have a lifespan shorter than a goddamn fly

Poor little boy who can't even make an informed buy and is literally forced to purchase useless junk. I have the same phone for 10 years now and no one ever forced me to buy a new one. Your argument is a way to flee your responsibility.

His argument is valid... The fact that you had the same phone for 10 years doesn't change anything. Nothing to do with "informed buy". Everything to do with planned obsolesence...

Planned obsolescence or built-in obsolescence[1] in industrial design is a policy of planning or designing a product with an artificially limited useful life, so it will become obsolete, that is, unfashionable or no longer functional after a certain period of time.[2] The rationale behind the strategy is to generate long-term sales volume by reducing the time between repeat purchases (referred to as "shortening the replacement cycle").
Firms that pursue this strategy believe that the additional sales revenue it creates more than offsets the additional costs of research and development and opportunity costs of existing product line cannibalization. The rewards are by no means certain: in a competitive industry, this can be a risky strategy because consumers may decide to buy from competitors.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: MrMaybeNot

If you think you NEED the latest smartphone, I have nothing to tell you.

There are plenty of cheap and sturdy phones available that are devoid of planned obsolescence. Not all companies have the same strategies and, believe it or not, some aim for quality.

Up to you to inform yourself and not become a consumer whore lusting for the last iPhone or Samsung like everyone else.

from your own quote:

The rewards are by no means certain: in a competitive industry, this can be a risky strategy because consumers may decide to buy from competitors.

Use your decision power like a conscious individual. Don't become a slave to marketing.
edit on 1-4-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 05:13 AM
Heck OP, you are the one who claimed "those in charge of ruining society" become powerless if you stop giving them your money or attention.

Just walk the talk and stop living like you need everything they present you then...

Your words, your OP. Not mine.

All I said is "nice words OP, now when are you walking the talk?".
edit on 1-4-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: Develo

As a matter of fact I have a iPhone 4 and the glass on the back is all shattered. I don't follow trends.

Now regarding planned obsolescence, how do you proceed to find a company that doesn't partake in it? Its not exactly something they like to advertise... Its a consequence of a system where the only thing valued is money and growth.

Other than that I agree with what you said, sorry if I was arrogant

While planned obsolescence is appealing to producers, it can also do significant harm to the society in the form of negative externalities. Continuously replacing, rather than repairing, products creates more waste and pollution, uses more natural resources, and results in more consumer spending.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
As a matter of fact I have a iPhone 4

I don't follow trends.


having an iPhone IS a trend

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
Now regarding planned obsolescence, how do you proceed to find a company that doesn't partake in it?

Like you do for each informed decision: you inform yourself.

We are lucky to have the net, just read tons of reviews to get the general trends.

Each time I make a big purchase I spend a few days informing myself on the topic. It's never good to rush a purchase.

No need to apologize, my posts were indeed criticizing but it was mostly directed at the OP to show the irony of this original post.

You even said yourself "nothing is true". So it's not true that there are people who spend their life actively trying to destroy this world

It's mostly unwanted consequences...
edit on 1-4-2015 by Develo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 10:33 AM
Sounds good, and you'll get a lot of stars, probably. Too bad it's a pipedream, huh?

I should make Youtube videos with this sort of rhetoric. Would make a lot of money off the New Agers. Pictures of nature, wonderful sayings about what we should do, pictures of smiling babies, sunshine, beautiful inspirational music... I can see the comments already "Your video made my cry.", "Why can't more see the world this way..."...etc.

Feel good > reality for many. It's all about that emotional state!

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 10:39 AM

originally posted by: Calalini
Sounds good, and you'll get a lot of stars, probably. Too bad it's a pipedream, huh?

I should make Youtube videos with this sort of rhetoric. Would make a lot of money off the New Agers. Pictures of nature, wonderful sayings about what we should do, pictures of smiling babies, sunshine, beautiful inspirational music... I can see the comments already "Your video made my cry.", "Why can't more see the world this way..."...etc.

Feel good > reality for many. It's all about that emotional state!

LOL, one can dream right?

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: MrMaybeNot
Nothing is true; Everything is permitted.

This is both truth and a warning. Just don't go diving off tall buildings now.

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