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Schwarzenegger suggests U.S. Republicans move leftward

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posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 06:55 PM
link ire=&urlID=12645159&fb=Y&

MAbye he is suggesting this move because he himself is a very modarate Republican, i think that he would make a great presidnet.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 08:18 PM
I think Arnold is on to something. A lot of people would believe that 51 percent of the American electorate voted for a conservative, right-wing agenda, when it's not necessarily so. So did because they disliked John Kerry, some because they preferred what Bush said on their local issues to what Kerry said on them. On the short-term, the right wing of the party can still maintain itself in power with that kind of diverse voting motivations.

Indeed, a really bad bet for the right-wingers to make would be to believe that this election was a referendum on an ultra-conservative agenda, and that 51 percent of the American electorate is for that kind of program.

Besides, if the right-wingers make that kind of bet, some moderate Republican congressmen and Senators may become uncomfortable with the direction the party is taking - and worried about their chances for re-election if they remain associated with that agenda. Unless the right wing of the party decides to take moderate Republicans out of positions of power (as was threatened about Arlen Specter). Any of those two ways, it could split the party in two.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 08:51 PM
Arnold is wrong. The Republicans are doing fine and are on the "right" track. The Democrats are scratching their heads right now, and are even contemplating their stand on baby killing (also known as abortion). You don't change if your'e winning. Democrats won't change because they don't have a clue.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 10:16 PM
Just keep on telling yourself that while America burns down around you because of these short sighted "Republican" policies. Keep on calling your selves winners while you alienate more and more of your party and the American public while selling America out to the religious right and corporate interests. Its all a party now but believe me your going to wake up with a hell of a hangover in four years.

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