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Norse Cyber Tracking and the Mysterious Bouvet Island. Question?

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posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 12:11 PM
Im really not quite sure where to drop this one, so I will the admins decide.

I stumbled across something today and Im bringing it here because it piqued my curiosity and also because, in the past I have seen the Norse site used when referencing cyber attacks on here.

I am going to post a couple paragraphs from the article just so you can see what made me interested in it.


Far away from humanity in the south Atlantic Ocean between South America, South Africa and Antarctica, you could draw a circle with a 1000 mile radius around Bouvet Island that would contain no other land whatsoever. Ruled by Norway since 1930, it has been statused as a nature preserve, an area with no human inhabitants, yet the top-level internet domain code remains a mystery.


Norse IP Viking live attacks website which track live internet attacks as they happen across the world. Norse has even given this Mil/Gov 'country' a special symbol, a hexagon, and in watching internet 'attacks' unfold, we've found this location to be one of the most active attackers, often far more active than Russia and China combined.

The whole article can be FOUND HERE

While there are also some videos along with the article, I'd rather let you watch them if you choose to do so. I myself found them a bit cheesy. That is not to say that the intent to put out some information wasn't there, was just more the presentation was a bit lacking.

Now with all this said, this island was also possibly involved in this below:

The area surrounding Bouvet Island was also a home to a 1979 still unsolved mystery that has since been heavily censored called the Vela Incident, what was believed to be a nuclear explosion that heavily panicked the Jimmy Carter administration and was picked up by the US's Vela 6911 satellite as shared more in the 2nd video below.

So, I guess what Im getting at is, those of you that follow the Norse cyber tracking site, have you noticed this activity? Do you find it odd that a supposed deserted island is actually doing all this? If so, and it is a Us government area, why would a Us government spot be attacking itself so hard?

There is quite a bit in the article, don't let my opinion about the presentation throw you off. Judge for yourself. I mean it was good enough to get my attention and bring it here, so there is some substance too it. I would just like to understand it more.

Again you can find the LINK TO ARTICLE HERE

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: onehuman

I too had come across this watching viking,I started investigating and as soon as I tried to get info on it,it came up as CIA. So good luck trying to get any more info on it. It may be that it is being attacked a lot because it is really intercepting attacks from other places. St.Louis is another place that does that. If you watch it,St.Louis is always being attacked. Its because we have a company here that its their job to intercept attacks. It makes them harmless. Though the CIA is probably doing also to find out who the sender is and if their government is in on it and why.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:28 PM
Lots of locations are simply place holders for non specific attacks. That is why you find odd spots that seem to be in the middle of the ocean or in areas that have almost no population. People take the information on that site a little to literaly in partucular since that company makes a living creating fake sites called honey pots to get hackers to attack to study what they have and how they do it.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: MrSpad
Lots of locations are simply place holders for non specific attacks. That is why you find odd spots that seem to be in the middle of the ocean or in areas that have almost no population. People take the information on that site a little to literaly in partucular since that company makes a living creating fake sites called honey pots to get hackers to attack to study what they have and how they do it.

I resent your accusations and demand you either provide proof or retract your statement.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:36 PM
i ogled IPViking from time to time, it's a neat thing to watch. It's worth keeping in mind that what you're seeing is attacks on their honeypots, though, think of them as one of the bug zappers of the internet. You can see a portion of what's going on, and get an idea of the rest not caught by the honeypots.

However, Bouvet isn't indicative of anything coming from or going there at all. If I recall from my viewing, the general area itself simply signifies general unknown attacks (by or to) Watch the scrolling locations and see what coincides with Bouvet, it's quite easy to discern.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 02:13 PM

originally posted by: nonspecific

originally posted by: MrSpad
Lots of locations are simply place holders for non specific attacks. That is why you find odd spots that seem to be in the middle of the ocean or in areas that have almost no population. People take the information on that site a little to literaly in partucular since that company makes a living creating fake sites called honey pots to get hackers to attack to study what they have and how they do it.

I resent your accusations and demand you either provide proof or retract your statement.

You can read about the company and what they do either from the company itself or dozens of other sources about it. Not like any of this is a secret.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: MrSpad

originally posted by: nonspecific

originally posted by: MrSpad
Lots of locations are simply place holders for non specific attacks. That is why you find odd spots that seem to be in the middle of the ocean or in areas that have almost no population. People take the information on that site a little to literaly in partucular since that company makes a living creating fake sites called honey pots to get hackers to attack to study what they have and how they do it.

I resent your accusations and demand you either provide proof or retract your statement.

You can read about the company and what they do either from the company itself or dozens of other sources about it. Not like any of this is a secret.

Sorry , it was a take on my username.

I think your answer is correct but could not help myself.

My bad.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 06:01 PM
Thank you for the replies. Just one more question. If this island was the site of a nuclear detonation in 79, how can it be possible to be a wild life preserve? Does that radiation really deteriorate after a mere 30plus years? Seems like a nice cover or at least convenient one

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 11:52 PM
Surely cyber attacks aren't originating from an island 1,000 miles from any other land mass. It has zero connectivity and no infrastructure. The IP's are assigned to Uninett and any attacks originating from their IP block would likely traceroute back to conventional servers located virtually anywhere. You would never assume that a cyber attack coming from a specific IP block actually comes from the address used to create a TLD those IP ranges were assigned to.

I don't see much suspicious about the .BV TLD, even if it represents an uninhabited Bouvet Island. You have to recall that in the 90's, anything and everything was being used to register a TLD, as they were highly coveted. There's quite a few remote islands used as the basis for a TLD.

The article at DiscloseTV is a copy from another site, and honestly, it looks like a poorly written attempt at NWO hysterics, trying to allege this island is the secret evil lair of the NWO. Sorry, doesn't pass the smell test.

posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 02:34 PM
It was publically revealed in1998 that Norway supplied Israel with Heavy Water since the late 50s or early 60s for use with Israeli nuclear power. Norway has always been very friendly to Israel and one theory is that the Vela incident was an Israeli nuclear bomb tests at the Bouvet Islands that was secrectly blessed by the Norwegian Government at that time but kept secret from the general public to this very day.


edit on 16-3-2015 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)


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