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Questions/Curiosities of non-physical natures? I'm here to try and Answer them for You

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posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 12:51 PM
Your arrogant post will not receive any truth off Mine. Do you need a god to take knowledge from? Or someone with a master degree? Because humanity has went really far and harmonic with those things...

I'm just a man, who has been inside and outside, creating, venturing, experincing, developing and expanding all to self discovery.

A student of the universe (external worlds) and the innerverse (internal worlds).

That's who I am, take care, stranger

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: BlueMule

Light is what we ARE made of. It's what is before big bangs of infinite darkness. It's what illuminates your dreams to be able to be visually receptive to the minds eye.

This Light, is then splintered, like a rainbow, and thus our hue-man spectrum is birthed into a prism of matter (the body is the prism).

The different colors are different avenues per say, of ourselves. The spectrum represents the diversity of Soul itself, and the reason there 7 billion people who all vary from one another.

The white light I belive to be of higher mind. Like an information stream, it acts like a bridge to immediate information of ourselves/experiences/memories etc.

But I could be off

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

Sounds like the crown chakra.


posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

It is arrogant to ask for credentials of someone posting an AMA thread?

To me it is arrogant to post an AMA thread and then be offended that someone dares to ask why I should consider what you have to say.

From the lack of answers I have to conclude that hubris and narcissism, rather than education and research are the source of your answers.

Enjoy your perceived reality stranger

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: stosh64

And then there are some of us who check out these kind of threads to see if the topic is interesting and if the poster is wise, because we learn from each other. But those who walk around with ego's pinpointing the sliver in someone's eye, while ignoring the log in his own, are wearing repellent to ward off humanity. The question was very rude to begin with.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Unity_99

Thanks Unity, the diversity of our experiences and knowledge is what edges us closer to truth.

Not credentials or status of who we think we are. That's pretty pathetic mentality and one never gets far in life/after

If the poster above had the will to read one of my original responses, he would know this isn't an AMA, and I was being openly silly as admitted in said post.

posted on Mar, 9 2015 @ 08:01 PM
What is the state of consciousness beyond waking, beyond dreaming, and beyond deep dreamless sleep? What does it mean to exist there in a body of stars?

And what does it have to do with the winter solstice lunar eclipse of 2010?


edit on 087MondayuAmerica/ChicagoMaruMondayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 12:52 AM
Elementalist, I was wondering if you follow any particular diet or have noticed any effects of certain foods when it comes working with these perceptions.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 09:51 AM
Still find this thread has merit to perhaps keep a discussion going on.

When traveling, astrally, or lucid dream projections, do you have connections or associations with what I would call hero's (that was the actual words used when attempting to reverse a recording I made about my contact and experiences). So its as good as any. Up until then was calling them Rangers. Maybe some of them are on our dimensional level, but don't think so. I guess referring to both corporal positive family cosmic citizens, and also Guides.

While reading your posts, noticed that you wrote about exploring, but didn't get into the kind of company, you were with. Perhaps with another fellow traveler, your partner?

For much of my experiences its as if, naturally, when my spirit is freed a bit more, I plug into their community or my family and tend to receive communications naturally at times, quite easily. My spirit in this plane, when freed a bit more, feels lonely, not that I need to seek companionship, for actually prefer solitude with my 5 boys and family. Feel very much that those here count and strive to seek, meditate, problem solve for solutions to problems that we encounter, want everyone happy, progressing in a safe way, and moving off and out of here. But, my spirit is aware of the loss of my community, and very grateful for the contact I've had.

Are your experiences solitary, do you have contact during them? Do you sense sides in the cosmos, those who are more hero's and work with our soul families, and those who seem to be controlling factions more interested in power?
Could you share a little of this.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 10:13 AM

originally posted by: dffrntkndfnml
Elementalist, I was wondering if you follow any particular diet or have noticed any effects of certain foods when it comes working with these perceptions.

Hi friend, thanks for stopping by and posing a great question

I have been a meat eater, vegan, vegetarian, and currently my diet fits under Pescetarianism. Which is to eat only sea food, no other animal flesh or meat, combined with fruits , veggies, nuts, grains..

So; the diet lifestyle I lived, and had the most internal energy and experiences was hands down veganism.

The first week of, I became so sensitive in the dream body, so real. After 3 weeks, sometimes it was hard to tell which state was the awake one! The interactions, the sensations, manifestations, feelings, experiences... so Real.

Astral was much easier, so was using imagination and visualizations. Didn't take as much concentration to use the minds eye.

The stranger part is; I was stronger physically and tougher (Tough as in could handle pain with ease). I was working mason and roofing work during veganism, and lifting concrete was never lighter lol.

When I awoke my kundalini energy and activated heart chakra .. I was straight up meat eater. Being Canadian, BBQ is in our nature

I ate lots of meat, and was grilling 3-4 sometimes 5 times a week.

Vegetarian I didn't experience much internal energies, and became disconnected from my dream self again. .

Now currently Pescetarianism, feels just like vegetarian.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Elementalist

Also, ETA on my own question. Do you see one star or two on the post of yours above. When I star anything, and refresh the page, the star is gone. I don't know if its something on the site, or if for some reason my own computer isn't allowing me to see that there is really a star there, and first just would love an answer to that as don't want to bother the mods if there is two stars there, and its working but just can't see it for some reason. I'm sorry of its off topic, but it really bothers me to go back into a thread and restar posts. LOL.

edit on 10-3-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Elementalist

Yeah, I'm practicing Pescetarianism too. More or less. It makes ayahuasca and peyote ingestion much easier, imo.

Anyway, hope you didn't overlook my last question.


edit on 753TuesdayuAmerica/ChicagoMaruTuesdayAmerica/Chicago by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: Elementalist

Yeah, I'm practicing Pescetarianism too. More or less. It makes ayahuasca and peyote ingestion much easier, imo.

Anyway, hope you didn't overlook my last question.


I didn't mean to leave out that part! Was rambling about food and energy .. then got caught up with responsibilities here..I forgot!

The winter solstice is an important time in terms of energy internally and external. I haven't fully understood why yet..

These energies get amplified by the planetary, solar and lunar energies that govern our little lives.

I have much to learn, experience and master when it comes to these energies and how to use then for maximum benefit.. though, I know there are factions on Earth who understand these heavenly (external) energies, and their dates, and take full advantage. How convienant Jesus had an event on winter solstice..

When I awakened kundalini energy and simultaneously activated heart chakra energy - it was June 21st 2012. The summer solstice.

I had all kinds of incredible experiences on this date, was a chain of events so to speak. This was young in my spiritual transition/experiences too, so bet your butt I was an overwhelmed rookie hehe..

Something about the solstice and equinoxes I have yet to understand, but I have experienced the energy they manifest on their dates. Which again, I believe to be amplification of; planetary, solar, lunar.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: Unity_99
Still find this thread has merit to perhaps keep a discussion going on.

When traveling, astrally, or lucid dream projections, do you have connections or associations with what I would call hero's (that was the actual words used when attempting to reverse a recording I made about my contact and experiences). So its as good as any. Up until then was calling them Rangers. Maybe some of them are on our dimensional level, but don't think so. I guess referring to both corporal positive family cosmic citizens, and also Guides.

While reading your posts, noticed that you wrote about exploring, but didn't get into the kind of company, you were with. Perhaps with another fellow traveler, your partner?

For much of my experiences its as if, naturally, when my spirit is freed a bit more, I plug into their community or my family and tend to receive communications naturally at times, quite easily. My spirit in this plane, when freed a bit more, feels lonely, not that I need to seek companionship, for actually prefer solitude with my 5 boys and family. Feel very much that those here count and strive to seek, meditate, problem solve for solutions to problems that we encounter, want everyone happy, progressing in a safe way, and moving off and out of here. But, my spirit is aware of the loss of my community, and very grateful for the contact I've had.

Are your experiences solitary, do you have contact during them? Do you sense sides in the cosmos, those who are more hero's and work with our soul families, and those who seem to be controlling factions more interested in power?
Could you share a little of this.

Yes my partner is one I Astral traveled with. Mingled with unfamiliar people too, as well as none human consciousness.

The only solitary I experienced was living in the country side, which is when these experiences/energies/natures spiraled out of control.

Being alone brings out the best of us in terms of diciplinic and internal intunment. We are free of influences, energetic chains so to speak, and the denial and ignorance if others.

Internal connection is much easier and clear for the individual. I haven't been solitary in a few years now.. though my soul is screaming through my mind "spiritual retreat, leave society for Months".. and yes contact was made many times alone.

It's overwhelming but I have to stay in society longer and make them bucks , for external balance...

As for your last question; I'm not too sure what your meaning. I know friends and self have noticed what we call Astral plane, seems to be c a sort of geometric prism the Astral body is "trapped in".

As if there is a seal acting as a perimeter over this open space inside, where the Astral being experiences.

I'll relate in next post, this is a run off..

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

To me, it seems like this, and I will eventually make a thread when more clarity comes to be..

We have this body, that is a 3D geometry of the pentagram template. This body is INSIDE of a womb called universe, hence it's darkness 4hings are cultivating to ripen.

There is internal energy, and consciousness/self awareness within this pentagram being. This internal energy csn feel, think thoughts, visualize, imagine, reason, and leave it's current vessel.

When it leaves the pentagram body, it moves into a light body for lack of better word. This body is not confined to laws of physics as the pentagram body knows of.

This Light/Astral body can feel, think thoughts, visualize, reason, love, hate and go back into the pentagram.
It csn also manifest anything it wants in such a state with the correct will, intent, energy. It csn go where it wants, can shapeshift, mirror, grow, shrink, and do all the super hero stuff Marvel.made billions from.

This Light body is limited still. It's still INSIDE of something, that something being the open space it experiences in. As flying/travelling through such space seems infinite but I and others have found containment. ..

I wonder the structure/geometry of the universe, as all as the astralverse (new word). It's another something I haven't figured out yet..

Sorry if I can't answer your question Unity

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 01:48 PM

originally posted by: Elementalist

When I awakened kundalini energy and simultaneously activated heart chakra energy - it was June 21st 2012. The summer solstice.

Yeah. I think that makes us a kind of sibling. I awakened on the winter solstice 2010. When I came back into my body, it was as if I was in a cosmic womb. It's hard to describe. I was in a mystical state of consciousness 24/7. It took me weeks to get grounded. My life hasn't been the same since.


posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

I'm not sure if i worded this right, but even though as an introspective person, value very much my time alone and thoughts, seeking, my own way and experiences. When the floodgates open on layers of my soul, and start to remember other people am also aware that here we're very separated and we're not separated that way Home, we're interconnected, telepathic, we plug into each other, and have wonderful relationships with others. Thats something that hits me in waves over and over again, while spiritual moments occur and the veil lifts. Here its more concrete, being a layer of self, in a box, attending to a simple task (lol, simple???? sometimes the simple things are very hard to master, not having ego flare when under verbal assault, in fact finding the way to solve problems that are difficult, things here may seem simple but they're a tad more challenging), but we' have things put in boxes more or less. Its its made that way on purpose.

But we have a wonderful Family, and lots of help.

All the methods and tools and toys that some people delve into and are very interesting, still pale in comparison with family values or trying to help situations improve with others. Relationships to me are the jackpot, on every plane in existence. Not into lone wolf ascension or growth, not even interested. Alot of mystery school adepts tend to do the every man for himself competition and lone wolf style and its the opposite of home or anything I'd ever want.

And if this big giant god like being tried to come down and make I'd arrest his backside for being a renegade. Not interested in what will be in the end, due to control trips over others, and boot camp type learning for humans, a amoeba's opinions, even if he thinks he or she thinks they're a god down here or a tough mean draco type or whatever is doing this.

Thats my 2 cents. Usually because my pineal works for communications I get them. And always so grateful, happy that we come in with that bungee cord, Family watching over.

Going to keep up with the frequencies I've been using for healing and hope to gain more energy, so that lucid dreaming and even attempts at astral may have more success. I think finding some of the groups up there and asking loads of questions would be the most important task, if possible.

Don't want to become vegan, but in a sense its akin to the rainbow food diet, colorful nature foods that contain more sunlight perhaps. Perhaps half the week vegan might be a boost in energy.

edit on 10-3-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: Elementalist

Eh thanks Elementalist,

My curiosity about that stems from wanting to hear a personal account.Usually the literature around metaphysical circles tends to favour eating lower down the food chain, and vegetarian kind of diet.

Offline, most of my friends who share their spirituality with me aren't who most would expect.Most of them tend to favour a see food(lol) diet with few restrictions, though their perceptions of the microcosm aren't always hd!

I know individuals interested in metaphysics come in all varieties, and it takes practicing discipline to advance.Diet has been a challenge, the first thing out the window when I become distracted.

Fruits, veggies nuts and grains work good for me too when I'm on top of my game.Sprouts, especially.I could eat like that during the week, and on the weekends I would indulge more liberally.(meats, and denser stuff)

What you noticed about veganism, intrigues me too.I remember the contrast written of in human's life span in Genesis before and after the flood.Diet is usually a side topic in the research I've done, your feedback has encouraged me to take a closer look at that.


posted on Apr, 28 2015 @ 11:10 PM
First of all slow clap for you sir

Now the more horrifying thing is what humanity would realize who they are when you remove the senses. After finding out who they were killing this whole time - Would that not be the biggest eye opener my good friend

Would that not make humanity finally put their differences a side

It's odd is it not how the senses make up who you are here and define what you do, how you react or what you think/say.

So... What are you really when you remove all of those

Thusly back to my original point - Would that not be the biggest eye opener my good friend,brother,me

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